Project Summary/Abstract This is a 4th competitive renewal request for our NIGMS supported training program. The goal of this program is to train the next generation of physician scientists to conduct research in the area of burn and trauma. The program is based in the Burn and Shock Trauma Research Institute (BSTRI) at the Health Sciences Campus of Loyola University Chicago. BSTRI is one of the premier institutes of its kind in the nation and presents a unique and highly collaborative research program in the field of trauma. There are 16 faculty associated with our training program including twelve well-funded principal investigators (termed the Scientific Faculty of the training program) and six clinical specialists with strong interests and expertise in trauma, burn and other clinically related areas (termed the Clinical Faculty). The faculty interests are varied yet highly complementary. The interdisciplinary nature of our faculty offers an ideal environment for the next generation of physician scientists to study the pathobiology of trauma. Richard P. Gonzalez, MD, Professor and Chief of Trauma in the Department of Surgery and Mashkoor A. Choudhry, PhD, Professor in the Department of Surgery, will serve as dual Principal Investigators/Co-Directors of this program. Both Drs. Gonzalez and Choudhry are also the co-directors of BSTRI and have extensive experience in burn and trauma. Together, they will lead the T32 executive committee consisting of a subset of the T32 faculty who will oversee the recruitment and monitor the progress of trainees. An External Advisory Committee, composed of senior outside faculty will critically evaluate the training program and the research of the trainees. An Internal Advisory Committee will also provide annual evaluation of our program. The program accepts applications from resident physicians in surgery and other related disciplines who wish to pursue a two-year period of intensive research training in trauma, burn and critical care. A detailed comprehensive plan for the recruitment of underrepresented minorities is also provided. The training plan emphasizes a close working relationship between the trainee and their mentor. Individual Training and Development Plans are generated to facilitate the trainee?s career development and training opportunities. The training plan includes intensive laboratory research, seminars, journal clubs, grant writing, and didactic coursework in both statistics and research bioethics. Written research proposals, formal research presentations, and semi-annual evaluations are required for all trainees. In addition, our training program offers a unique opportunity to obtain additional graduate degrees while in training (Masters of Arts in Bioethics, Masters of Science in in Clinical Research Methods and Epidemiology, Masters of Public Health), which will further enhance scientific career development. Our long-term goal is to provide an effective environment for training the next generation of physician-scientists in burn and trauma to improve patient care.