Conference Record from International Conference on Communications, Gadre, “Comparison of multiple access protocols for packet switching in satellite-switched multi-beamsystems,” Jun. 18-20, 1980, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.; 8 pp. |
Conference literatue from IEEE Infocom '86, Pavey et al., “A Performance Evaluation of the PDAMA Satellite Access Protocol” Apr. 8-10, 1986, E-Systems, Inc., ECI Division, St. Petersburg, FL; 12 pp. |
Literature from IEEE International Conference on Communications '88, Wong et a;., “The Controlled-SRMA Protocol for Packet Satellite Communication”, Jun. 12-15, 1988, Department of Electronics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, 9 pp. |
Literature, Chitre, “Capacity Allocation Scheme for Transmission of Packerts Over Satelitte Links”, 1983, Communications Satellite Corporation 1983, 20 pp. |
Literature, Benelli et al., “Integration of Random Access and Time Division Techniques in Satellite Communications” Universita Di Firenze, Italie; 5 pp. |
Article, Ilyas et al., “Effects of Message Segmentation in Tadem-Mode Computer Networks” 1987, Computer Engineering, florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL; 5 pp. |
Literature, Limb et al., “Improved scheduling of traffic for a high-speedslooted ring,” Electronics Letters Jul. 16, 1987, vol. 23, No. 15, 3 pp. |
Literature, Kobayashi et al., “Satellite Packet Communication Architeture” C&C Systems Research Labs, NEC Corporation, 5 pp. |
Literature, Flak et al., “A Multiprocessor Channel Scheduler for the Wideband Packet Satellite Network” 1983, Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Cambridge, MA, 8 pp. |
Literature, Tasaka et al., “Performance Analysis of the SRUC Protocol with a Go-Back-N ARZ Scheme for Satellite Broadcast Channels” 1984, Department of Information Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, 6 pp. |
Literature, Takizuka et al., “Design and Evaluation of Satellite Packet Communication Protocols for Integrated Services Networks” 1983, KDD, Research and Development Laboratories, 6 pp. |
Article, Li, “Multiple Access Communications Networks” IEEE Communications Magazine, Jun. 1987, vol. 25, No. 6, 8 pp. |
Literature, Bolus, Fallour et al., “Computer Protocols and Applications Using Satellite Networks: THE NADIR Project” Computer Science Press, Inc., 18 pp. |
Literature, Chlamtac et al., “Performance of Multibeam Packet Satellite System with Conflict Free Scheduling” 1986, Department of Computer Sceince, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 8 pp. |
Literature, Koubias et al., “A New Mulitple Access Protocol and its Simulated Performance” Applied Electronic Laboratory, School of Engineering, University of Patras, Greece, 7 pp. |
Literature, Lam, “Protocols for Satellite Packet Switching” Department of Computer Sciences, The Unievrstiy of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, 6 pp. |
Literature, Jacobs et al., “Packet Satellite Network Design Issues” 1979, LINKABIT Corporation, San Diego, CA, 12 pp. |
Literature, Mukherjee et al., “Multichannel Dynamic Satellite Packet Networkd for Computer Databanks” 1983, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 3 pp. |