The application will be a mechanism to assist with the current violence involving law-enforcement and citizens. From my understanding and research there's nothing like this out there.
The service being offered is a legal prepaid service by the means of an application that will immediately link a paid client to prepaid law firm up to 24/7 or per service level agreement with firm. This service is offered via an application that will be created to support the services. The method of delivery could be a mobile phone, both IOS and/or Android platforms or a mounted dash cam device linked to the app either via Bluetooth, cable or installed software. The application will give the client both audio and video, as well as the ability to text if needed. The application and services will address the current issue with relationships between law enforcement and citizens during routine stops, it will be a mechanism for monitoring proper behavior of both officers and citizens. It creates awareness and accountability for all involved and transparency. Currently, there is nothing capturing real-time relationships between the authority and citizens from a legal or citizen prospective. It gives everyone transparency and calmness with a benefit of legal witnesses.
Services that can be offered are not limited to just above, use of the application can and will be expanded to other legal services deem feasible by an attorney and client.
Smart device with the ability to download applications, ability to live stream videos, supporting both audio and video. Service Level Agreements will determine the level of support and ability to provide said services.
Upon visual confirmation of request to pull over, the citizen either use a voice prompt to open the application or press the application to open it. You press the “Request Legal Counsel” button, you select your attorney and press the talk button, your call is placed on a speaker device setting. You are asked if you are being pulled over, you are directed to pull over in a safe manner and giving instructions on staying calm. Once the cop approaches your vehicle, you comply with his commands but be transparent in letting the officer know you have legal representation on a video call. The video and audio is recorded and uploaded to the attorney's site and can only be release in compliance with the legal mandates.
The application is a programmed designed to act as a live video stream between the person who purchased the application and the law firm representing the prepaid client. The application will be coded and developed as an Android and IOS Application utilizing a cross-platform development tool. The legal entity will use an on-premise software or cloud based installation to support the application and storage of videos, in accordance to their security and privacy needs.
The end product, i.e., the video conversation will be used as a service to ease burden of proof in contentious legal matter around the incident. It also gives a legal witness point of view.
Sample feel and look of the application.