Every known system of urban passengers' transportation must stop to drop or pick passengers up, imposing severe limitations to their efficiency. Many attempts have been made and several inventions have been patented to have them have continuous movement, with no results so far because of their complexity and high volume.
This invention decreases the consumption of energy, by not having losses due to acceleration or braking. Travel times could be exact, since the system would always be present and in movement.
The system is made of two transporting mechanisms. One possesses a continuous uniform movement: Covered Linear Transporting Floor Mechanism (1)
The Covered Linear Transporting Floor Mechanism includes a vertical cylinder inflatable rubber (15)
The Covered Linear Transporting Floor Mechanism is formed by a mechanism, where a surface or mobile floor with seats (5)
The Varied Speed Mechanism is like an escalator with overlapping sliding steps, which slide over each other, extending its free surface from the entrance to the area of uniform motion, where they are not overlapping, but in a full length one behind another and from this zone to the exit they overlap again and fall back on each other, cutting its free surface, until they reach the same length as in the entrance. As the length of the steps varies and must pass the same amount for a given point at the same time, the moving speed will be varied in the same proportion as the length of the steps.
If the length of the stairs is at the entrance and at the exit, 5 times lower than in the constant speed zone where they are in their full length, the speed rate will be 5 times higher than at the entrance and at the exit.
The Uniformly Varied Movement Mechanism is made of a laminar floor composed by sliding steps (10)
The sliding steps are exchanged on the top and bottom portions of the transporter by elevation (13) and descent mechanisms (14) located at the start and end of the system. These sliding steps follow a closed trajectory (
On both sides of uniformly varied speed mechanism, two rails are mounted handrail speed synchronized with their movement, built with a mechanism similar to yours at the appropriate scale to be supported with the hands. (25)
The Covered Linear Transporting Floor Mechanism, can move the floor with an electromagnetic suspension and a propulsion mechanism (20)
This system can be built on a way similar to the elevated monorail or train systems when it comes to the supporting structure and the dimensions of the access points, which opens the doors to the transformation of the existing systems. The Covered Linear Transporting Floor Mechanism would lay on these structures over the defined route, inside the transparent tunnel, with only the moving floor going at constant speed. The current stations could be used to build the access locations. For the hours of low demand, the moving floor of the Covered Linear Transporting Floor Mechanism can be stopped, folding a series of seats, to allow the movement of a selected group of seats, resembling the actual transportation systems.
This invention can be built using different types of movement systems, from mechanicals to electromagnetic, based on the specific needs and budget, without altering the principle of functioning.
This invention is applicable as an alternative or complement to the urban transportation systems in the cities; for access to airports and/or sports complexes, by helping to reduce the size of the parking lots; among others. Its capacity of transport is about five times superior to a highway of four lanes.
This invention is applicable also to industrial process; loading/unloading of moving vehicles; merchandise/luggage movement in airports and ports. The Uniformly Varied Movement Mechanism can be used independently for exercising or entertainment also.
The society as a whole can benefit from this invention, by decreasing the number of vehicles on the highways and as a consequence, the disturbing traffic clogs; it can help to decrease the pollution; time losses; fuel consumption; lack of parking spaces. It can contribute to improve the movement of merchandise at the airports and ports. It could be used for exercising and entertainment also.
This application is the continuation of a U.S. provisional application 61/403,119 filed on Sep. 11, 2010 with confirmation number 2102 dated Sep. 29, 2010