This award provides student travel support for the 2025 International Workshop on Verification of Scientific Software (VSS) to be held as a satellite workshop of ETAPS 2025 (International Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software), on Sunday, May 4, 2025, at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. <br/><br/>The VSS workshop provides an important and valuable educational opportunity for students to study foundational topics that lie at the intersection of scientific computing and verification. The significance and importance of the workshop arises because scientific software plays an increasingly important role in scientific and engineering disciplines: Weather prediction, drug discovery, the design of buildings, vehicles, and aircraft, simulations of astrophysical phenomena, and prediction of seismic activity are some of the many applications. In these contexts, verification itself must overcome new challenges posed by resilience, floating-point computations, and massive parallelism. The significance and importance of the workshop include disseminating novel ideas for implementing and reasoning about reliable scientific software; building international community and cooperation in foundational research areas; and enhancing education of US students, including underrepresented groups, by exposure to and interaction with leading-edge research and researchers. By supporting US-based students, the school will thus train the next generation of researchers and practitioners in both industry and academia.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.