A board wargame is a game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or ‘board’, according to a set of rules. Games can be based on pure strategy, chance (e.g. rolling dice) or a mixture of the two, and usually have a goal that a player aims to achieve. Early board wargames represented a battle between two armies, and most current board wargames are still based on defeating opposing players in terms of counters, winning position or accrual of points (often expressed as in-game currency).
Due to the nature of the components, a board wargame is set up on a large flat surface like a tabletop and cannot be moved for the duration of the game. The ‘Travel Block Wargame’ is a board wargame designed to be played in any environment in which it would be possible for a person to read a book.
Drawings show the sequence of usage of the Travel Block Wargame.
Components of a Standard Board Wargame (1 to 7):
(1) A storage box.
(2) A board.
(3) A rules book.
(4) One or more reference cards.
(5) A set of playing pieces with two informational faces.
(6) A deck of playing cards with one informational face.
(7) One or more dice.
These standard board wargame components are all present in the ‘Travel Block Wargame’ but in a different format.
Components of the ‘Travel Block Wargame’ (a to e):
Specifications are from a hand-made master of a particular version of the game. Component text, material, dimensions and quantities may vary depending on the version of the game. Numbers in brackets refer to the standard component equivalent as listed under ‘Standard Board Wargame Components’ above.
(a) One Storage Box (1)
(b) Two Grids
(c) Two Reference Cards (4)
(d) Ninety-six Blocks
(e) One Rules Book (3)
To protect the game parts and concept which create the compactness and transportability of the ‘Travel Block Wargame’ as compared to the area required to set-up and also the immobility of a standard board wargame.