The proposal is to seek travel support for up to 20 students to attend the 2023 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (ACM/IEEE SEC) in Wilmington, DE. This leading technical conference is the primary venue for presenting new research results in the area of "edge computing", a new paradigm in which the resources of a small data center are placed at the edge of the Internet, in close proximity to mobile devices, sensors, and end users, and the emerging Internet of Things(IoT). The conference will consist of technical paper presentations, panels, PhD forums, posters, and demonstrations. It will also feature keynote speeches from leading researchers and practitioners in the field.<br/><br/>Participation in SEC 2023 and similar conferences are valuable and important activities of the graduate school experience. It provides students with the opportunity to interact with more senior researchers, and exposes students to leading work and practical industry practices in this important area of research. This may have an important impact on career development. The goal of the funds is to support approximately 20 student participants at recognized US institutions of higher education. Funds will be dispersed with preference given to students who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference and students who are not already scheduled to present a paper, paying particular attention to diversity and relevance of the student's research interest.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.