Modeling and simulation play pivotal roles in diverse settings, from large-scale national laboratories to industrial applications. The annual conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS) is the flagship conference of the ACM's Special Interest Group on Simulation and Modeling (SIGSIM). Aligned with NSF's mission, this conference serves as a vital platform for disseminating research, fostering connections among researchers, and training the next generation of scholars.<br/> <br/>In support of national initiatives for workforce training and diversification in science, this award specifically aids graduate students in the United States attending the ACM SIGSIM PADS conference in Atlanta in June 2024, with a focus on individuals from under-represented groups. The selected students gain opportunities that enhance their career paths and provide essential tools for advancing science in both theoretical and applied research on modeling and simulation. The NSF funding significantly impacts the careers of emerging researchers in modeling and simulation, playing a pivotal role in promoting diversity within the field.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.