This project is to support student travel at the 2024 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2024). BSN is the premier conference in the areas of sensors and systems for digital health. It will bring together leaders and experts in academia, industry, healthcare, and non-profit organizations and provide a cross-disciplinary, highly selective, and single-track forum for cutting-edge research related to devices and sensors, hardware and software systems, predictive models, and data analytics in the healthcare/medical domains. Student participants will also have opportunities to receive professional support and career advice from internationally recognized experts. Travel support increases engagement with the research community and provides professionally significant opportunities to students who might otherwise not able to attend the conference.<br/><br/>This project aims to increase the accessibility of the scientific forum that is BSN 2024 such that students may explore their interests, interact and network with seasoned professionals, and identify the various career paths available within the broader community of health scientists and technologists. With this award, students who would otherwise find conference registration fees and travel expenses prohibitive can obtain these benefits. The 2024 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks will focus on cutting-edge innovations in sensor technologies, nascent applications of artificial intelligence in medical science, and issues of social responsibility that emerge as digital medicine evolves. Increasing student engagement through the reduction of expenses, this award not only makes access to a premier international scientific conference more equitable, it also constitutes an investment in the future of the medical sensor research community; a community that is critical to the next generation of healthcare.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.