The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP) will take place in Charleroi, Belgium, from October 28-31, 2024. This project supports the participation of 15-20 US-based graduate students in this conference. Participation in conferences like ICNP is essential for graduate students, allowing them to engage with leading researchers and gain exposure to the latest advancements in network protocols. This experience contributes to their education and professional development, aligning with the National Science Foundation's mission. By attending ICNP, students will have the opportunity to present their research, receive feedback, and network with professionals from around the world. This interaction fosters the exchange of ideas and innovation, advancing the field of network protocols.<br/><br/>The goals of the project are to enhance the educational experience of graduate students, promote diversity and idea exchange in the field of network protocols, and foster international collaborations. The methods include providing travel grants to students selected by the travel grant committee, organizing workshops and social networking events, and ensuring the inclusion of diverse participants. By attending ICNP, students will gain valuable insights into the latest research and developments in network protocols, contributing to their academic and professional growth. The ICNP conference has established itself as a premier international event, providing a unique opportunity for students to expand their knowledge, enhance their research skills, and gain a broader technical perspective. This experience is anticipated to significantly impact the students' academic and professional development, justifying the expenditure of federal funds to support their participation. This experience is anticipated to have a significant positive impact on the students' academic and professional development.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.