This award will support student attendance at the 2025 version of the Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) conference to be held in Cagliary, Italy. IUI is the main international conference where researchers in human computer interaction (HCI) and artificial intelligence (AI) present work on systems that use AI to help people be more effective in interacting with computers. IUI research spans a wide range of socially important topics and domains, including recommender systems, adaptive educational systems, accessibility, autonomous systems, creativity, virtual agents, privacy and security of intelligent interfaces, and many others. Providing travel funding that allows junior researchers to present their own work and be enriched by others' work will strengthen the IUI community and provide valuable benefits for the students involved.<br/><br/>The funding will support around 14 students to attend the conference. Most of these students will also attend a Doctoral Consortium at which later-stage PhD students will present and get feedback on their dissertation research from both senior researchers and other PhD students in the IUI community. The availability of travel funding will be widely announced in the relevant communities, with students being invited to submit applications describing their doctoral work. These applications will be reviewed by a program committee that gives substantive feedback for every application, whether accepted or not. Acceptance decisions will be made with an eye toward topical, institutional, and demographic diversity of participants, while also considering financial need. Chosen students will attend a day-long doctoral consortium, have additional opportunities to meet with individual mentors, and be invited to present in a poster session for the conference.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.