The USA-Africa Workshop on Communication Systems and Microwave Technologies will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, co-located with the 2024 IEEE International Microwave and Antenna Symposium (IMAS2024) during the week of October 20-25, 2024. The workshop and the conference will provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange between microwave engineering and communications engineering, encouraging interactions and collaborations in research and education among participants. This NSF grant will provide travel support for USA participants to attend the workshop and present their research work. The outcome is expected to contribute to advancing microwave and communications technologies and benefit many emerging applications including remote sensing, environmental monitoring, telehealth, smart cities, etc. <br/><br/>This workshop will bring together research scientists, educators, and students to discuss the latest technological, experimental, computational, and theoretical advancements related to the processing, characterization, multiscale modeling, and applications of communication and microwave devices. The workshop aims to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations among researchers in microwave engineering and communications engineering, especially between senior researchers and junior researchers. The following three topical areas will be covered by the workshop: (1) radars for civilian applications, (2) advanced communication systems, (3) microwave applications for developing countries. The workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to network and explore international collaborations in microwave and communications technologies to benefit the research community and the global society.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.