This utility patent delineates a treatment/diagnostic device to treat patients by inserting a treatment probe into their windpipe that bombards a viral respiratory infection by using a high frequency radio frequency energy transmission to oscillate the electrically conductive viral cells to shatter from mechanical turbulence.
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
This invention relates to medical treatment devices in general and, more particularly treatment devices to treat a particular range of infections where normally pharmaceutical preparations are commonly relied on. In fact the use of this device is so unusual that it is almost considered ridiculous in medical circles—since such a device or a treatment procedure is not studied in medical schools. Conventional medical practice dictates if something other than a pharmaceutical preparation is to be used to treat this malady—then that treatment device that claims to accomplish the same remedy is viewed as fringe treatment outside the normal range of medical consideration.
Refer to Patent No. 63/101,959. The hope for the development of a vaccine for COVID-19 filled the airways and was a highly desirous objective world-wide in 2020 & 2021. Billions of dollars were devoted to the effort. The vaccine was viewed as a critical element needed to cause the return to normal life before the COVID-19 pandemic. This invention embodies all the properties of a treatment device to kill the virus and the outcome after a series of treatments as a vaccine to stimulate the immune system like a vaccine stimulates the immune system. The invention kills or destroys a quantity of the total viral load in a patient. At every session, some of the virus is destroyed and some of the viral cells-remain. Not all the viral cells are killed in one treatment session. The remaining infection can be treated and controlled where the patients benefits by an improvement in health and reduced level of the virus remains but the patient is not threatened by the infection. The residual amount of the viral infection can be managed for the patient's own immune system to attack and destroy it. This action has the same outcome as the biological function as a vaccine.
This is an en enviable action caused as a biological response of the immune system. So any method to reduce the infectious behavior of the COVID-19 virus to restore the health of the patient soothe patient's immune system can challenge the injection cause the same outcome as a vaccine.
This has the the superior benefit of treating a patient at any stage of infection whether the symptoms are minor or sever.
Since the human immune has a known action to invading infections, when a treatment (whether biological preparation of an electromagnetic beam) lessen the presence of the infection, the immune acts the same to defeat the infection. A significant advantage of this treatment over a vaccine is NO SIDE EFFECTS and the treatments can be repeated at any interval without biological consequences.
The field of medical devices for treatment of humans and animals has experienced an enormous expansion of devices and techniques. These developments have been enabled in part by advances in technological capabilities. Decades ago, ultra high frequencies were uncommon (and were well below 1 Giga-HERTZ). These frequencies were reserved for special purposes in large bulky equipment. Now, frequencies above 10 Giga-HERTZ are used routinely in a multitude of devices. The latest cellular phones (5G) work 24 to 52 GHZ. That was unobtainable a few decades ago. With the proliferation of these technologies, medical devices can now feature designs that were unheard of a few short years ago. This range of frequencies are referred to as the “micro-millimeter” spectrum. Now, medical treatment devices that can operate at higher frequencies can also enjoy the benefit of the same higher reliability and lower cost as cellular phones.
As part of these new capabilities, there has been an increase in the capability of components and testing capabilities that necessarily are required to accompany the higher frequencies. So, the higher frequencies that can be used are possible, as well as better components and methods. So, the stage is set for the possibilities for high performance electronically controlled treatment devices.
It should be noted that in many realms of medicine, the use of treatment devices have become accepted and normal. This is especially true with ambulatory treatment devices.
An example of this is where radiation is used to destroy cancer cells. Radiation treatment offers a remedy often where no other treatment is as effective. XXX This a denature viral molecules in the human body by shattering their electrostatic viral fields by bombarding them with energy tuned at extremely high frequency electromagnetic waves
The present invention generally comprises a new approach to introducing new medical technology to medical practitioners.
This patent describes a treatment and diagnostic device that generally comprises a method and apparatus for delivering medical treatment to a patient by a device that is operated by a medical practitioner on a patient infected by the COVID-19 or a virus in the coronavirus family. A significant feature of this invention and a compelling attribute is that this device destroys the infection once the patient is infected and the treatment session can be repeated until the patient no longer present symptoms. This device is designed to be an “in vivo” medical treatment whose “intended use” is to deliver an energy beam at a tuned frequency to cause viral molecules to resonant at a turbulence to cause their destruction.
The principal action of this patent is the device functions by emitting a tuned beam of radio frequency energy from a probe that is inserted inside a patient's windpipe. The energy beam acts on the viral infection of COVID-19 (or other viral derivatives) by bombarding the outer, spherical, electrically conductive shell to cause a mechanical oscillation that shatters the outer shell causing the viral properties to be destroyed.
Stimulating the Immune System.
The outcome of the use of this device, offers features not possible with a vaccine.
First, unlike a vaccine there are no unintended side effects which are always a risk with a biological preparation.
Second, a vaccine must be administered before a patient is exposed to COVID-19, once the infection occurs, vaccines are not effective. This device can be used before or after infection occurs.
Third, this mechanism is completely different than a vaccine, it simply destroys a percentage of the viral load for each treatment session.
Fourth, treatments can be repeated at frequent intervals without adverse biological affects.
Fifth, treatment can be administrated at any stage of infection.
Each treatment reduces the viral load for the immune system to overcome.
This device destroy virus cells in an infected patient by treating the virus in the windpipe with a beam of RF energy that shatters and denatures the conductive shell of the virus by the action of vibrating/oscillating/bombarding the cell. [0008] The foundation of is invention is based on a scientific phenomenal that the shell of the viral molecule is electrically conductive and has a native “static-type” electrical charge. When this charge is excited by an external energy wave (high frequency RF) the cell is forced to react. This reaction causes the cell shell to “oscillate or resonant”. That is a mechanical reaction. If the cell can be caused to mechanically react in an velocity or turbulence to a sufficient level, the turbulence can cause the protective shell to crack/fracture or become denatured to cause the destruction of the viral molecule.
Technological Characteristics
Device emits an energy beam with sufficient electromagnetic properties to form a tuned electric circuit with the cells of a enveloped RNA coronavirus.
This is analogous to a “parallel electric resonant circuit” where the viral cell absorbs maximum power at a resonant frequency causing the cell to oscillate to a point fracture.
The energy beam has electromagnetic properties with sufficient properties to form a bioelectric “parallel resonant” circuit where the outer conductive shell of the virus is caused to oscillation by absorbing addition energy at a tuned frequency. This oscillation causes a turbulence leading to the protective shell of the enveloped RNA viruses to fracture. When fractured, the internal elements of the cell “leak out” of their encapsulated environment and the cellular mechanism of the virus cannot continue functioning, thus apoptosis or cell death occurs.
This Treatment device denatures viral molecules in the human body by shattering their electrostatic, viral field by bombarding the cell with electrical energy that is tuned at “extremely high frequency electromagnetic waves”. The electrically conductive shell adsorbs this energy causing a transfer of energy from electrical energy into mechanical energy. The cell must dissipate this additional mechanical energy and does so by vibrating. If the input electrical energy can be raised to a threshold level so intense that the mechanical motion is constrained and the cell can no longer dissipate the added energy by vibrating then the additional energy causes the cell to shatter.
Science Elements
A “viral destructive energy” is applied to the treatment probe and bombard the viral field causing mechanical oscillation to “fracture” the statically charged viral molecule. The “fracture” is the result of resonating turbulence on the statically charged corona virus molecule.
Energy Transfer Characteristics
When the transmitted signal is electrically coupled to the electrically active viral shell, the excess energy is adsorbed by the outer electrically conductive shell according to Maxwell's theorems of predicted actions. The excess energy at the viral shell must be dissipated. This energy is converted from electrical energy to mechanical energy causing the outer shell of the virus cell to oscillate at a velocity necessary to cause a fracture or shattering of the outer viral shell. The exact mathematical pattern is designed to excite the viral cell to cause mechanical oscillation. This oscillation period persists for a duration in time necessary to cause the encapsulated outer coronavirus (COVID-19 and variants) spherical conductive shell to fracture or shatter.
This energy beam delivers micro millimeter radio transmission field that has a frequency pattern that outputs a unique power level that is designed to electrically couple with the electrical properties of the electro conductive spheres of the nearby coronavirus (COVID-19 and variants).
The energy is maintained for a period of time sufficient to kill/destroy/denature these coronavirus (COVID-19 and variants) shells to cause the cell to cease functioning as a virus.
Description of the Destructive Mechanism
By bombarding virus molecules with energy tuned to cause resonant oscillation, the virus molecules oscillate into an un-sustainable turbulence and then shutters—denaturing the viral molecule (causing its death).
Such a bombardment of energy is accomplished by placing a unique treatment probe to deliver the energy only after measuring the ambient viral infection.
A unique process using a Doppler type measurement combined with a computer algorithm allows for a dosage to be established for each treatment session. The probe emits an ultra high frequency radio energy pattern that causes the conductive outer protective shell of the covid19 virus cell (which is known to be electrically conductive) to cause sympathetic surface oscillation that would CRACK the outer shell of the virus and “de-nature” the cell. The cell would be adsorbed as a harmless substance by the body.
The Treatment Probe energy output signal and the electrical properties of the viral shell act in concert together to form an electrical “tank circuit”. Where these two entities functions as a parallel combination of a capacitor and inductor (conductive outer shell of vital cell). This is the “resonant circuit”—a circuit that absorbs maximum power at a particular frequency (called the resonant frequency).
The viral cells are spherical shaped objects. The mathematical formula that describes the energy pattern necessary to oscillate the spherical cells to vibrate to destruction is a TRADE SECRET.
The source of the destructive energy beam is emitted from the Treatment Probe. The
Treatment Probe is a SI waveguide. It is moved near the target (viral cells). The biological media that the viral cells are suspended do not function is the electrical circuit and is electrically non-reactive, but the mechanical elastically of the media represents an impedance to the adsorption of the energy and have a resistance to the motion of the cells.
These properties can be presented as coefficients in a polynomial equation. The value of each equation to “solve for” shall be the frequency and energy necessary to deliver a level of energy to cause excessive mechanical vibration to fracture the spherical viral cells. A primary variable to be solved for would be—the output RF frequency (high frequency radio frequency energy) or oscillation delivered to the SI waveguide.
Power and Frequency
1) Frequency. The frequency to achieve a tuned resonant to oscillate the cell is:
Frequency=J2×oscillation velocity/suspension media
2. The Power necessary to cause the destruction necessary energy at the output of the waveguide=source to target distance×time exposed oscillating X
a) energy=source to target distance×time exposed oscillating X
b) J2=diameter of balls×wall thickness of ball/stiffness of balls
c) the suspension media adsorbs a percentage of the delivered energy
d) force necessary to cause oscillation
e) force necessary to cause ball to crack
f) distance of source to target
g) viscosity of suspension media
To fit into the patient's mouth, there is a molded disposable mouth piece with a feeder hole to accommodate the Treatment Probe.
The flexible steerable SI waveguide antenna & EM Generator is one encapsulated unit (where the length shall fit the patient as either a 9 inch or 13 inch length Treatment Probe.
Maximum Safe Power
The EM Generator presents a power at any surface that shall not exceed: 5.35 mW/cm2 (Max average Power Density) for a treatment session with a specified time interval.
Safe Radiation Properties
The energy beam shall only produce non-ioning electromagnetic radiation that shall not contain sufficient energy per quantum to ionize atoms or molecules, where an electron from an atom or molecule is not interfered or dislodged from its intended properties.
Hardware Design
The device shown in
The device is composed of the EM Generator with the attached Treatment Probe. The EM driver unit generates energy as a “tuned waveform” composed as a radio frequency and then applies/conducts this energy into the Treatment Probe.
This invention is a low cost assortment of disposable and re-usable components. (under $250) handheld device that might resemble a small VHF radio with a flexible antenna (7 mm diameter treatment probe). The EM Generator shall be controlled by an APP on smart phones and will communicates to the control driver.
Positioning treatment probe: This antenna/probe would be introduced as a steerable catheter into the mouth, down the throat or into the trachea depending on the threat. The Treatment Probe radiates this energy into the patient specified as the “Treatment mechanism”.
EM Generator Elements. The electromagnetic (RF frequency) EM Generator is composed of five subassemblies:
a) Interface circuitry—This circuitry receives a Bluetooth signal from the users smart phone and sets a series of parameters as configuration commands to the driver circuitry.
b) Frequency driver circuitry—This circuitry is composed of a FPGA/VLSI circuit board of chips that receives configuration commands and causes the driver circuitry to output the designed output power thru the antenna (Treatment Probe) to the patient. The electronic driver (FPGA/VLSI) is mated to the a bent waveguide and mechanically coupled to the SI waveguide to minimize the signal loss of the transmitted energy. The transmitted energy is outputted to the Treatment Probe as if it is a conventional radio antenna.
c) Bent waveguide—The output power from the driver is delivered to the bent waveguide. This changes the direction of the energy by 90 degrees to achieve the least propagation loss (compared to the straight loss) to conserve energy. With the direction changed, the energy is applied to the “antenna”.
d) Silicon waveguide—This is the Treatment Probe (SI waveguide). It is a circular tube about 12 MM in diameter and is flexible in a transverse direction. This probe is a single layer crystal silicon waveguide. It receives the energy from the driver (thru the bent waveguide) and radiates the energy to achieve the Treatment mechanism to the patient.
e) Power Subsystem—This circuitry receives external power to charge internal batteries to power subsystems a, b, c & d.
Diagnostic Mode
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That “echoed” energy is measured. The calculated resonance of 98.7 GHZ is detected and processed using a series of filters by a computer algorithm.
If a change in the energy from the reference to the received energy, then that difference is the response of the viral molecule to the transmitted source energy of 98.9 GHZ. This process is repeated at several variations until a stable value is established.
The measured values are filtered in an algorithm which computes the space factor in the spatial target, while the time factor defines a time limited pulse computed from the “delivered energy”. The ?TR? location corresponds to a unitary filter, ie the filter is “turned off” and thereby the treatment probe is broadcasting to the entire lung volume.
The Energy Beam is delivered to the Treatment Probe in either of two modes.
Destructive Mode. This electromagnetic field bombards the virus with a intensity set to destroy the viruses within the infected region.
The Diagnostic Mode is different than the Treatment Mode in that the bombardment level is at a non-destructive level. The lower energy has the purpose of eliciting a Doppler type reflection. In the diagnostic mode, the device bombards the virus with a non-destructive electro-magnetic energy for a designated time interval to measure the ambient level of infection. This electromagnetic field can be controlled to either excite the virus with a non-destructive field and detect an Doppler type echo to measure the quantity of the virus.
Treatment Session Description
In a treatment session, the Treat Probe is advanced to the lungs and proceeds as follows:
1) A “measurement energy” is delivered to the treatment probe to bias and tune the circuit to excite the electrostatic property of the virus. The response to this excitement is received by an electret receiver and filtered to calculate a measurement of the viral quantity or concentration. This excited response establishes the quantitative presence of the viral infection.
2) A “viral destructive energy” is applied to the treatment probe and bombard the viral field causing mechanical oscillation to “fracture” the statically charged viral molecule. The “fracture” is the result of resonating turbulence on the statically charged corona virus molecule.
The above sequence, Step 1 & Step 2 are repeated until the session is concluded
Treatment/Diagnostic Sequencing
The diagnostic sequence is a complex calculation ran by the processor of a smart phone to emit a non-destructive micro-millimeter RF emission to excite the viral colony. It does not target discrete cells. This is a Doppler type return echo to be detected by concentric charged dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarization within the Treatment probe.
This energy beam destroys/kills corona virus cells during a controlled treatment session and then switches from treatment mode to diagnostic mode. In Diagnostic Mode, the remaining viral quantity is measured. A calculation determines the residual amounts necessary to leave in the patient necessary to challenge the immune system and stimulate a natural recovery.
This diagnostic sequence occurs repeatedly to measure the field properties of the viral colony in the patient's respiratory system. This measurement indicates the quantification of the remaining infestation of a viral colony. The measurement causes the next treatment session.
To be effective, the energy must be effectively transferred without significant losses. This is achieved by inserting the Treatment Probe into the patient's Windpipe to achieve a proximity to the infection.
When the transmitted signal is electrically coupled to the electrically active viral shell, the excess energy is adsorbed by the shell and is converted from electrical to mechanical energy.
The excess electrical energy at the viral shell must be dissipated and is converted into mechanical energy according to Maxwell's theorems. This mechanical energy causes the shell to fracture. The exact mathematical pattern is designed to excite the viral cell to cause mechanical oscillation. This oscillation period persists for a duration in time necessary to cause the encapsulated outer coronavirus (COVID-19 and variants) spherical conductive shell to fracture or shatter.
Treatment session: The treatment session could be repeated as often as necessary based on the total viral load.
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The REFERENCE energy is delivered to the treatment probe and tuned to excite the electrostatic property of the virus. The response (echo) to this excitement is received by an electret receiver and filtered to calculate a measurement of the viral quantity or concentration. This excited response establishes the quantitative presence of the viral infection.
In describing the invention, the following terms that are used are defined:
Vaccine. A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.
Viral cells or viral molecules. Any reference in this patent to “cells or viral cells or molecules” applies to the definition of the outer conductive spherical envelope or shell in RNA coronavirus or the COVID-19 virus or any of the multiple variants. This outer shell is described in science to be electrically conductive with electrostatic field properties.
Properties of the Virus Outer Shell. This shell is characterized as a spherical protective shell that encapsulates the viral cell. This shell is electrically conductive and has an electrostatic field.
Fracture/Shatter/Denatured Virus Cell. This phenomena occurs when the mechanical pressure on the outer shell reaches a crescendo or peak intensity where the outer shell fractures.
Windpipe or trachea. A large cylindrical membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; the windpipe Treatment mechanism. The device transmits an energy beam with sufficient electromagnetic properties to form a tuned electric circuit with the cells of a enveloped RNA coronavirus. This energy causes the outer conductive shell to oscillate at a level of turbulence to fracture the surface of the cells. When the envelope or shell is fractured the cellular mechanism of the virus cannot continue functioning, thus apoptosis or cell death occurs.
Oscillate. A mechanical motion or vibration to oscillate or swing back and forth in a pattern.
Resonant. A prolonged synchronous vibration such as a mechanical motion especially in a hollow body tending to reinforce or prolong synchronous vibrations.
FPGA/VLSI. This is an electronic circuit production technique to achieve the necessary computer logic and driver circuits
FPGA. This term applies to “Field Programmable Gate Array”. That defines ten thousand to more than a million logic gates with programmable interconnection.
VLSI. This term applies to an electronic circuit production technique “Very large-scale integration” to create an integrated circuit (IC) by combining millions of MOS transistors onto a single chip. This enables a complex semiconductor and telecommunication technologies to be developed.
SI waveguide. This is a construction technique to use a silicone substrate as a high frequency waveguide to construct a flexible antenna.
Antenna. The antenna and the Treatment Probe are the same entity. This is a hybrid construction using silicon as a substrate to form an antenna to conduct radio frequency for transmission.
Treatment mechanism. The antenna radiates the energy from the driver and transmits it to the patient's anatomy.
Patent No. 63/101,959 describes a companion invention by the same inventor that uses this treatment device (63/101,2391) to achieve a specific outcome claimed in Patent No. 63/101,959. This treatment device is necessary to achieve the outcome that is claimed in 63/101,959. Currently the Provisional Patent No. 63/101,959 will be filed as a Utility Patent within the statuary deadline.