The present invention relates to combat games and more particularly to a tri-combat game.
The game of boxing has been an American favorite for a number of years. The rules associated with the game of boxing are generally known. Muai Thai fighting has recently been introduced to America and has gained popularity wherever it is seen.
Mixed martial arts has been popular in America for a number of years and has been accepted as a popular sport.
Each of these games is different and requires different skills in order to achieve a sufficiently high expertise.
A game method may include you will at least three different types of combat between two contestants including the steps of selecting a ring for the two contestants to execute the three different types of combat.
The first type of combat may be dirty boxing, and the second type of combat may be Muai Thai fighting. The third type of combat may be mixed martial arts.
The ring may be a octagon shape.
The ring may be a hexagon shape.
The ring may include a circular shaped fighting area.
The ring may include a oval shaped fighting area.
The winner contestant of the first type of combat may be awarded a score of 10.
The winner contestant of the second type of combat may be awarded a score of 10.
The winner contestant of the third type of combat may be awarded a score of 10.
The ring may include a multi-sided area.
The invention may be understood by reference to the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which, like reference numerals identify like elements, and in which:
The present invention may include three predetermined time periods where each time period may practice a different type of combat between for example two contestants. The contestant with the highest number of points from each of the types of combats is the winner of the tri-combat. The combatants use ring 100 which is designed in order to facilitate the combatants and the viewers of the competition. The first type of combat may be Dirty Boxing; the second type of combat may be Muai Thai fighting, and the third type of combat may be Mixed Martial Arts. Additionally, rules have been defined in order to accommodate the different types of games and to assure the safety of the combatants.
The Ring/Cage may be set up at least two hours before the contest is scheduled to begin.
The Appropriate Licensing Commission of the Ring/Cage may determine exceptions to the rules governing the ring/Cage, but the rules governing the Ring/Cage may meet the following:
The Ring/Cage 100 may be a hexagon or octagon or other appropriate shape with diameter not less than 16 feet square or more than 32 feet square inside the ropes and cage, and the outside perimeter 102 of the floor 113 shall extend at least 18 inches beyond the ropes and cage on all sides, and may be of at least ¾-inch material, adequately supported, and the outside perimeter 102 may be padded with padding 104 for example padded with ensolite or similar closed-cell foam that is at least 1-inch thick;
The padding 104 may extend over the edge of the outside perimeter 102 of the ring platform and have a top covering 106 of canvas, duck, or other appropriate material approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission;
The covering 106 may be clean and be tightly stretched and laced to the outside perimeter 102 of the platform and may not have tears, holes or overlapping seams;
The ring platform 108 may not be more than 4 feet above the floor of the venue and must have suitable steps or ramps for the use of the contestants and ring officials (not shown in
The Ring posts 111 which may be positioned near the perimeter and at intersecting sides must be made of metal, may not be more than 3 inches in diameter, extending from the floor 113 of the venue to a minimum height of 58 inches above the ring floor 113, and may thus be properly padded in a manner approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission. Ring posts 111 may be at least 18 inches away from the ring ropes 115;
The Ring/Cage angles 117 which may connect to the ring post 111 and may connect to the ring ropes 115 may be protected inside the ring with a urethane pad at least six inches wide, and may be covered with material similar to the ring floor covering, and the covering must be long enough to cover all the rope joints;
The Ring/Cage posts 111 may be made of a strong material, preferably steel, and may be at least three inches in diameter, and may be secured under the ring to prevent spreading;
There may be four ring ropes 115 positioned between adjacent ring posts 111 and at least one inch in diameter evenly spaced, one foot apart with the lower rope 115 being 18 inches above the ring floor 113;
The ropes 115 may be attached to the ring posts 111 with turnbuckles (not shown) and may be stretched taut during all contests, and the bottom rope 115 may be padded with at least 2 inches of soft material;
The ring Cage 100 may include a bell (not shown) that makes a sound loud enough to be heard by the contestants, referee, and other officials; and, the ring cage 100 may include in each contestant's corner an appropriate receptacle for spitting, a clean water bucket for the contestant's use, and at least three chairs or stools labeled “seconds” to be used by the contestant's official seconds.
There may not be any obstruction or object on the ring floor 113;
The Ring floor 113 may include Fighting Areas which may be circular, oval shaped or may be multi-sided having four or more sides that are near equal in length. A circular fighting area may have a diameter of no less than 16 feet and of no more than 32 feet in length. For a multi-sided fighting area, the shortest straight line distance between any two opposite sides may be no less than 16 feet and no more than 32 feet in length.
The floor 113 may be constructed of material at least ¾ inch thick, adequately supported, and padded with ensolite or similar closed-cell foam that is at least one inch thick.
Padding 104 may extend beyond the fighting area and over the edge of the platform, and have a top covering of canvas, duck or similar material approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission.
The covering 106 may be clean and tightly stretched and laced to the fighting area platform and may not have tears, holes or overlapping seams.
The fighting area platform 108 may not be more than 4 feet above the floor of the building and shall have suitable steps or ramps for use by the participants.
Posts 111 may be made of metal not more than 6 inches in diameter, extending from the floor of the venue to between 5 and 7 feet above the canvas of the fighting area and, if inside the fenced area, may be properly padded in a manner approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission.
The fighting area may be enclosed by a fence made of material that will not allow a contestant to fall out or break through it onto the floor or spectators; including, without limitation, chain-link fence coated with vinyl. Any metal portion of the fenced area must be covered and padded in a manner approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission and may not be abrasive to the contestants.
The fence area may have 1 gated entrance on one of the fenced areas.
There must not be any obstruction on the fence surrounding the area in which the contestants compete.
The promoter of a Tri Combat event may hang at least 2 video screens that meet the approval of the Appropriate Licensing Commission and which allow the patrons to view the action inside the enclosed fighting area or ring.
New gloves may be used for all professional main events. If gloves used in preliminary contests have been used before, they may be whole, clean, in sanitary condition, and subject to inspection by the referee and Appropriate Licensing Commission representatives. Any gloves found unfit may not be used and may be replaced with acceptable gloves. There may be extra sets of gloves on hand to be used in case gloves are broken or in any way damaged during a contest.
Contestants or players in all weight categories up to, and including 147 lbs, they use eight-ounce gloves. Female contestants or players may wear 10-ounce gloves.
Promoters of Tri Combat events may keep gloves used in an event in their possession for a minimum of seven days after the event and may make them available for inspection by the Appropriate Licensing Commission upon request.
Unless otherwise selected through the flip of the coin or other devices to determine order, the Tri Combat rounds may be as follows:
All rules stated herein apply to the combative sport of dirty boxing which may be played with two players or other number of players.
In scoring a contest the elements of offense, defense, clean hitting, ring generalship, and sportsmanship may be carefully considered by the judges. Scoring may be by the ten-point must system. The winner of the round may be marked with a score of ten and the loser may be marked with a score of nine or less. When a round is even, each contestant may receive ten points. A clean knock-down may be scored heavily in favor of the standing contestant. Judges may deduct points for fouls when directed to do so by the referee. Judges may clearly write their decision and sign them individually.
A contestant may be deemed down when:
(1) any part of the body of the contestant other than his feet is on the ring floor 113; or
(2) the contestant is hanging over the ropes or leaning against the cage in a defenseless manner.
The following tactics of the contestants may be fouls and may be forbidden. Using these tactics may result in a warning, loss of points as determined by the referee, disqualification, forfeiture, and an administrative penalty and/or sanction.
(1) Hitting another contestant below the belt of the contestant.
(2) Hitting another contestant who may be down or maybe getting up after being down.
(3) Butting with the head of one contestant to any part of another contestant.
(4) One contestant purposely going down without being hit from another contestant.
(5) One contestant deliberately striking at the area of the body around the kidneys of another contestant.
(6) Jabbing an eye (eyes) of a contestant with the thumb of a glove (or finger) of another contestant.
(7) Using abusive or profane language at any time a contestant is within the ring 100.
(8) Hitting at the back of the head or neck of the contestant by another contestant (rabbit punches).
(9) The failure of any contestant to obey the referee.
(10) Engaging in any physical action or contact other than sportsmanlike conduct, which may injure another contestant.
(11) Spitting out a mouthpiece of the contestant.
(12) Hitting a contestant after the bell has sounded ending a round.
(13) No eye gauging is allowed by any contestant.
(14) Kicking of a contestant may not allowed by another contestant.
(e) The following is allowed:
(1) Using the shoulder of the contestant is allowed.
(2) Using the knee of the contestant to strike the inner or outer thigh up another contestant is allowed.
(3) Hitting with the inside or butt of the hand, the wrist or the elbow of the contestant is allowed. Palm strike is allowed. Hammer fists to the face, body except for the kidney and groin are allowed.
(4) Hitting or “flicking” with open gloves is allowed.
(5) Wrestling, clenching and jerking the head or roughing at the ropes is allowed.
(6) Rough housing is allowed.
(f) Contests between male contestants may have no more than three-minute rounds with one-minute rest periods between rounds. Contests between female contestants may have no more than two-minute rounds with one-minute rest periods between rounds.
Dirty boxing may include using techniques that are legal in this form of boxing against an opposing contestant including: elbow/forearm strikes and holding the back of the head. Dirty boxing may generally include one fighter establish a collar tie clinch and then throwing uppercuts with their other hand. Since “standard” dirty boxing techniques are generally not illegal in MMA, clinches can continue for some time. Dirty boxing techniques also include stepping on the feet of another contestant and thigh strikes to the other contestant.
The dirty boxing combat begins in step 201 and ends in step 203.
All rules stated herein may apply to the combative sport of muay thai fighting.
Muay Thai is competition in which a contestant may include punches, elbows, and knees to strike another contestant.
It is permissible to strike an the legs, arms, body, face, and head of a contestant using the shin, knee, gloved first or elbow of another contestant.
This round may be scheduled for no more than three-minutes with a one-minute rest period.
Contestants may wear gloves weighing not less than 8 oz.
The ankles of the contestant may be taped or wrapped with approved non-metallic medical wrap.
Male contestants may wear a foul-proof groin protector. Female contestants may wear foul-proof breast protectors. Plastic breast protectors may be adequate.
Spinning back first blows are allowed, so long as contact is made only with the padded part of the glove.
Spinning back elbows are allowed.
The following actions by the contestants may be fouls and may result in disqualification or the deduction of one or more points, at the discretion of the referee;
(1) Head butts of an contestant;
(2) Striking the contestant while the contestant is down;
(3) Kicks, punches or any strikes of the contestant to the groin, kidneys, or spine of another contestant;
(4) Pricking or pressing eyes of the contestant;
(5) Spitting on another contestant or biting another contestant;
(6) Striking the throat area of another contestant;
(7) Hair pulling;
(8) Wrestling or throwing opponent to ground;
(9) Performing any illegal holding or wrestling technique not part of Muay Thai;
(10) Holding or stepping on one of the ropes while fighting, elbowing, or striking another contestant;
(11) Any un-sportsmanlike conduct of the contestant;
(12) Attacking another contestant on the break;
(13) Attacking another contestant after the bell has sounded, and
(14) Throwing in the towel during competition.
The determination of the winner of the round may be as follows:
(1) the knockout of another contestant;
(2) the technical knockout of another contestant;
(3) by obtaining the highest number of points on the score cards of the judges and;
(4) by the referee stopping a match based upon a ring physician's advice;
(5) by the referee stopping a match when one contestant is outclassing the other contestant;
(6) by a corner of the contestant stopping the bout;
(7) by the referee disqualifying a contestant for a violation of these rules.
The Muai Thai combat begins in step 205 and ends in step 207.
(All rules stated herein apply to mixed martial arts contests.
Contestants may wear fingerless gloves weighing not less than 8 ounces, which may be supplied by the promoter and approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission.
Closed first punching and frontal palm/heel strikes by the contestants are permitted.
Contestants may prevail by technical knockout, knockout, submission, (either by physical or verbal tap out,) disqualification or the decision of the judges.
Scoring Techniques.
The 10-Point Must Scoring System may be used, and judges may be required to determine a winner of a contest that ends after the scheduled round has been completed. Ten points may be awarded to the winner of each round, and 9 points or less may be awarded to the loser, except for a rare even round, which may be scored a 10-10.
Judges may evaluate mixed martial arts techniques, such as effective striking, effective grappling, fighting area control, and effective aggressiveness/defense.
Contestants may wear shorts, trunks, wrestling singlet, or traditional martial arts Gi, unless otherwise instructed by the Appropriate Licensing Commission. Knee braces without metal are permissible. Contestants may not wear shoes of any kind during competition. A male contestant may not wear a shirt during competition.
Each contestant must be clean and present a tidy appearance. The use of grease or any other foreign substance, including, without limitation, grooming creams, lotions or sprays, may not be used on the face, hair or body of a contestant. The referee or the Appropriate Licensing Commission's representative may cause any foreign substance to be removed.
Contestants may wrap hands in a manner approved by the Appropriate Licensing Commission.
A fitted mouthpiece may be worn by the contestant while competing.
A male contestant may wear a plastic foul-proof groin protector (abdominal guard). A female contestant may wear a plastic pelvic guard and may wear a breast protector.
Contestants may use the ropes once during a round. The second time a contestant grabs the ropes will be considered a submission.
Intentionally escaping by the contestant from the fighting area will result in a rope call.
If both contestants wrestle into or under the ropes and the referee believes that the ropes are causing interference with the match, the referee may stop the round, and require both contestants to take a standing position in the middle of the fighting area before continuing the match.
If both contestants are wrestling on the ground and the referee believes neither contestant will gain an advantage, the referee may stop the contest, and require both contestants to take a standing position in the middle of the fighting area before continuing the match.
Non-championship contests may not exceed a total of three rounds per contest with no overtime allowed. Championship contests may not exceed a total of five rounds of action. Rounds may be a minimum of three minutes with a one-minute rest period between each round.
If a laceration occurs to any of the contestants, the referee may stop the contest and request the ring physician to examine the laceration. Either the physician or referee can stop the contest.
The following tactics may be fouls and may result in disqualification or point deduction at the discretion of the referee.
(1) Head butts.
(2) Kicks, punches or any strikes by a contestant to the groin of another contestant.
(3) Spitting or biting of the contestant.
(4) Striking or grabbing by the contestant the throat area of another contestant.
(5) Grabbing by the contestant the trachea of another contestant.
(6) Kneeing to the head of a grounded contestant.
(7) Kicking to the head of a grounded contestant.
(8) Hair pulling by a contestant.
(9) Engaging in any unsportsmanlike conduct by a contestant that causes an injury to another contestant.
(10) Attacking a contestant on the break.
(11) Attacking a contestant after the bell has sounded.
(12) Intentionally pushing, shoving, wrestling, or throwing a contestant out of the fight area.
(13) Holding the fence or the ropes by a contestant.
(14) Using abusive language in the fighting area by a contestant.
(15) The use of any foreign substances on any hair, body or equipment of the contestant.
(16) Eye gouging by the contestant of any kind.
(17) Fish hooking by the contestant.
(18) Putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration on an opposing contestant.
(19) Small joint manipulation by the contestant.
(20) Striking to the spine or the back of the head by the contestant.
(21) Striking downward using the point of the elbow of the contestant.
(22) Clawing, pinching, or twisting the flesh of the contestant.
(23) Grabbing the clavicle of the contestant.
(24) Stomping a grounded contestant.
(25) Kicking to the kidney with the heel of the contestant.
(26) Spiking an opposing contestant to the canvas on his head or neck.
(27) Holding the shorts or gloves of an opposing contestant.
(28) Flagrantly disregarding the instructions of the referee.
(29) Attacking an opposing contestant who is under the care of the referee.
(30) Timidity, including without limitation, avoiding contact with an opposing contestant, intentionally or consistently dropping the mouthpiece or faking an injury.
(31) Throwing in the towel during competition.
(32) Interference by the participants of the corner.
The determination of the winner may be as follows:
(1) by submission of the contestant, either verbally or by tapping two or more times on the mat, ropes, ring corner or the body of the opposing contestant;
(2) by knockout of the contestant;
(3) the contestant being down on the mat for a ten count;
(4) by the referee disqualifying a contestant through a technical knockout;
(5) by the referee stopping a match based upon an advice of the ring physician;
(6) by the participants of the corner of the contestant, stopping the bout;
(7) by the referee, disqualifying a contestant for a violation of these rules; or
(8) by the judges decision, based upon technique and aggressiveness minus the number of penalties.
The Mixed Martial Arts combat begins in step 209 and ends in step 211.
Except with the approval of the Appropriate Licensing Commission, the weight classes for Tri Combat contest or exhibitions and the weight range for each class are shown in the following schedule:
(1) Flyweight—up to 125 lbs.
(2) Bantamweight—over 125 to 135 lbs.
(3) Featherweight—over 135 to 145 lbs.
(6) Middleweight—over 170 to 185 lbs.
(7) Light Heavyweight—over 185 to 205 lbs.
(8) Heavyweight—over 205 to 265 lbs.
(9) Super Heavyweight—over 265 lbs.
The number of contestants may be 2 or greater and may be confined to the ring 100 in order to execute either 1, 2 or 3 of the above combat routines described. The contestants may be supervised by a referee to determine if any of the rules have been broken and that all of the rules have been complied with. In addition, the contestants may be viewed by a judge or panel of judges in order to determine the winner of the combat routines that have been selected. The above rules are not necessarily mandatory but can be changed in order to meet the needs of the public and the controlling directors. The order of combats can be changed in order to meet the needs of the public.
While the invention is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments thereof have been shown by way of example in the drawings and are herein described in detail. It should be understood, however, that the description herein of specific embodiments is not intended to limit the invention to the particular forms disclosed.