The frame of the chair is designed to hold multiple inflatable rubber spheres set along a form fitting fabric and nylon sleeve with memory foam inserts. The frame itself is made of an aluminum alloy. The spheres sit in a form fitting fabric overlay with sewn in pockets lined with Velcro to hold them and are held in place by rubber nodes which push back against the weight dropped onto them. The overlay containing the inflates can also be thrown over any chair or car seat to serve the same function. The chair is made of aluminum, studded with rubber nodes, and the cover is made of a sturdy form fitting fabric like corduroy and has patches and strips of Velcro, nylon, and memory foam to add comfort to the user.
State of the art current ergonomic developments in today's marketplace are wide in variety. There are many chairs made for fitting a single yoga ball to address postural awareness. There are also a variety of inflatable pads designed for easy makeshift ways of creating an ideal ergonomic setting. The disclosed invention ‘Thron’ is a system that improves on the limitations of other physically localized solutions to bad posture and sedimentary lifestyle by providing a complete system for full body postural awareness and in a seated position. It is obvious today's cutting-edge ergonomic chair is a series of cooling gels, memory foams, and adjustable settings designed for comfort, but still designed for sedimentary styles of work and leisure. These chairs are also made for home or office use strictly, Thron expands on this by offering ergonomic support for travel as well.
(A) The frame work indicated by this drawing is designed to hold the balance balls in place during use. The frame is made of aluminum and is designed to re-orient users into a healthier postural awareness with continued use.
(B) Blueprints of indicated framework to be manufactured. Rubber nodes and bolts allow for a more grounded sitting environment than other chairs. Dimensions shown are for extra-large model.
(C) Glove fitted to cover and provide further comfort and support to users of this chair. The glove also contains memory foam to enhance comfort as well.
(D) A set of balance balls are placed within a smaller glove to be placed along the Velcro lined underside of the glove of the chair. The glove is outfitted with Velcro strips to adhere to another set of balance balls to create an experience of comfort unique to each user of the chair.