The present invention relates to photonic band gap structures and, in particular, to a tunable plasmonic crystal.
Photonic band gaps, strong light-matter interaction, slow light, and negative refractive index arise in photonic crystal structures due to Bragg scattering of electromagnetic waves from a repeated unit cell. See E. Yablonovitch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 2295 (1991); T. Yoshie et al., Nature 432, 200 (2004); T. Baba, Nature Photon. 2, 465 (2008); A. Berrier et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 073902 (2004); E. Yablonovitch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2059 (1987); and S. John, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2486 (1987). However, the electromagnetic properties of photonic crystals engineered from bulk semiconductors, metals, and dielectrics generally are weakly tunable, if at all. Material systems such two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) embedded in semiconductors and graphene offer a substantially more flexible electromagnetic medium. See S. J. Allen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 980 (1977); M. I. Dyakonov and M. S. Shur, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 43, 380 (1996); L. Ju et al., Nature Nano. 6, 630 (2011); H. Yan et al., Nature Nano. 7, 330 (2012); and A. N. Grigorenko et al., Nature Photon. 6, 749 (2012). These plasmonic materials can both be lithographically patterned and electronically tuned, giving rise to a variety of subwavelength plasmonic devices that may be broadly controlled via an applied DC electric field. When a periodic structure is engineered from these systems, a plasmonic band structure can be realized. See U. Mackens et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 1485 (1984); V. M. Muravev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 216801 (2008); G. C. Dyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126803 (2012); and W. F. Andress et al., Nano Lett. 12, 2272 (2012).
However, a need remains for a tunable plasmonic band structure, i.e., a tunable plasmonic crystal. The present invention provides widely tunable plasmonic band gap structures using a two-dimensional electron or hole gas in semiconductors or graphene.
The present invention is directed to a tunable plasmonic crystal, comprising a layer providing a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) or a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG); a periodic gate comprising at least two parallel finger electrodes disposed on the 2DEG or 2DHG layer; and means for applying a gate voltage to the periodic gate to modulate the electron density in the 2DEG layer or the hole density in the 2DHG layer, thereby producing a spatially periodic plasmon structure having a unit cell; wherein the spatially periodic plasmon structure produces a plasmonic band structure when interacting with incident electromagnetic radiation and wherein the applied gate voltage is preferably sufficient to produce at least one bandgap in the plasmonic band structure. The layer providing the 2DEG or the 2DHG can be formed at a semiconductor heterojunction formed between two semiconductor materials having different band gaps, such as GaAs/AlGaAs, InGaAs/InAlAs, GaN/AlGaN, or GaSb/InAs, or an atomically thin material having high electron mobility or high hole mobility, such as graphene. The unit cell of the periodic plasmon structure is preferably less than 1/10 and, more preferably, less than 1/100 the free space wavelength of the incident electromagnetic radiation. The incident electromagnetic radiation can have a frequency of between 10 GHz and 60 THz (i.e., free space wavelength of between 30 mm and 5 μm). The incident electromagnetic radiation can be coupled to the tunable plasmonic crystal by an antenna or an on-chip signal generator. The tunable plasmonic crystal can further comprise at least one finger electrode disposed on the 2DEG or 2DHG layer biased at a different voltage than the gate voltage, thereby forming a plasmonic defect in the tunable plasmonic crystal.
The detailed description will refer to the following drawings, wherein like elements are referred to by like numbers.
a) is a side-view schematic illustration of a tunable plasmonic crystal.
a) and 2(b), show exemplary integrated plasmonic crystal structures.
a) is a graph of the frequency-wavevector dispersion of the plasmonic crystal based on the unit cell in
a) is a schematic illustration of Sample B configured such that a four period PC, tuned by G1, with adjacent PD, tuned by G2, is formed between S and G3. The plasmonic detection region is indicated by dashes.
a) is a graph of the normalized photovoltage as a function of the PC characteristic frequency for a 210.0 GHz excitation. Each curve corresponds to a different detuning of the PD characteristic frequency relative to that of the PC unit cell from −100 to +100 GHz in 25 GHz steps. The calculated modes M are plotted as solid lines with band gaps shown as vertical shaded regions. The arrows highlight modes denoted M1 and M2.
a) is an image of the broadband antenna of Sample B.
a) is a graph of Q-factor of the plasmon as a function of frequency at five different normalized 2DEG densities for the GaAs/AlGaAs plasmonic material system studied.
a) is a graph of the scaled plasmonic crystal band structure based on typical GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG material parameters.
Photonic crystals and metamaterials have emerged as two classes of tailorable materials that enable precise control of light. Plasmonic crystals, which can be thought of as photonic crystals fabricated from plasmonic materials, Bragg scatter incident electromagnetic waves from a repeated unit cell. However, plasmonic crystals, like metamaterials, are composed of subwavelength unit cells. The present invention is directed to tunable plasmonic crystals of several periods in a two-dimensional electron or hole gas. This plasmonic medium is both extremely subwavelength (˜λ/100) and tunable through the application of voltages to metal electrodes. Weakly localized crystal surface states known as Tamm states are observed. By introducing an independently controlled plasmonic defect that interacts with the Tamm states, a frequency agile electromagnetically induced transparency phenomenon can be achieved. In-situ tuning of the plasmonic crystal band edges can be realized in materials such as semiconductors and graphene to actively control the plasmonic crystal dispersion in the terahertz and infrared spectral regions.
The band structure, as well as coupled surface and defect states, in exemplary tunable PC structures are described below. Both photonic crystals and strongly coupled resonators can be harnessed for slow light applications, and tunable plasmonic systems provide a useful degree of freedom for possible slow light devices. See T. Baba, Nature Photon. 2, 465 (2008); B. Luk'yanchuk et al., Nature Mater. 9, 707 (2010); and K. Totsuka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 213904 (2007). More broadly, plasmonic crystals can be integrated as voltage-tunable waveguides and filters in photonic crystals. While the exemplary plasmonic devices based upon GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures can be limited in both operating temperature (<77 K) and operating frequency (<1 THz), both GaN-based 2DEGs and graphene can be used to extend the range of the PC-based structures. For example, recent studies have shown tunable THz plasmons in GaN 2DEGs above 77 K and at room temperature in graphene, as well as mid-infrared plasmons in graphene nanostructures. See L. Ju et al., Nature Nano. 6, 630 (2011); H. Yan et al., Nature Nano. 7, 330 (2012); J. Chen et al., Nature 487, 77 (2012); and Z. Fei et al., Nature 487, 82 (2012). The manipulation of the localized PC defect and Tamm state field distributions to produce strong field enhancements can provide a new generation of ultra-sensitive direct and heterodyne THz detectors as well as THz oscillators. See A. R. Davoyan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 127401 (2012); and O. Sydoruk et al., Opt. Express 20, 19618 (2012). Finally, plasmonic crystals can have filtering and waveguiding applications for microwave and THz signals.
The 2DEG can be formed at a heterojunction between two semiconductors having different bad gaps. The heterojunction can comprise a wide-bandgap semiconductor heavily doped with an electron donor, such as n-type AlGaAs or n-type AlGaN, and an undoped narrow bandgap semiconductor, such as GaAs or GaN. For example, the heterojunction can be fabricated using molecular beam epitaxy. The heterojunction thereby forms a quantum well in the conduction band of the undoped semiconductor. Electrons from the n-type semiconductor drop into the quantum well and can move with high mobility without colliding with impurities in the undoped semiconductor. A thin layer comprising highly mobile conducting electrons with very high concentration—the 2DEG—is thereby created at the heterojunction. Other III-V heterojunctions can also be used, including but not limited to GaAs/AlGaAs, InGaAs/InAlAs, and GaN/AlGaN.
A quantum well formed in a narrow gap semiconductor placed between wide gap semiconductors with remote n-type dopants can similarly provide a suitable 2DEG. Multiple quantum wells can also be employed, as in the exemplary devices described below, to increase the total 2DEG density through summation of the densities in adjacent wells. Choice of the type of heterojunction or quantum well can impact 2DEG mobility and density as well as the depth of the well relative to the surface or the epitaxial growth. The depth of the embedded 2DEG layer ultimately determines the strength of plasmon screening due to fabricated metal terminals. Finally, type-II heterojunctions, such as those formed between InAs/GaSb, can produce either a 2DEG or a 2DHG which will differ greatly in majority carrier effective mass.
A 2DEG can also be formed in atomically thin materials having high electron mobility, such as graphene. Graphene is a one-atom thick layer of sp2-bonded carbon arranged in a regular hexagonal pattern. As such, graphene can be considered as an indefinitely large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in which electrons are free to move by virtue of the sp2 bonding. In particular, graphene has been found to have remarkably high electron mobility at room temperature due to the low defect scattering of intrinsic graphene. Additionally, a 2DHG having similar properties to the 2DEG but with positive carrier charge polarity can also be formed by chemical or electronic doping. Graphene is commonly procured by exfoliation or grown using chemical vapor deposition on a substrate, such as copper. Graphene flakes or sheets can be transferred to a substrate, such as silicon, silicon dioxide, silicon carbide, quartz, or boron nitride, allowing patterning by utilizing photo or electron lithography and chemical or plasma etching techniques.
As an example of the present invention, subwavelength plasmonic media that utilize a 2DEG formed at a GaAs/AlGaAs interface is described below. Exemplary devices were fabricated using standard contact lithography, metallization deposition, and lift-off techniques from a GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well heterostructure with total 2DEG density 4.02×1011 cm−2 at 12 K. The 2DEG was embedded a distance d=386 nm below the surface of the MBE-grown heterostructure. The periodic gates were designed to have a 4.0 μm period with 50% metallization duty cycle, but the fabricated dimension differed slightly yielding a 3.8 μm period with approximately 60% metalization duty cycle of the 10 μm wide mesa. The THz radiation was generated with a microwave frequency multiplication chain and optically coupled through z-cut quartz windows in a closed cycle cryogenic system. Photoresponse and transport measurements were performed at 75 Hz modulation rate using a lock-in amplifier to measure the voltage between source and drain terminals.
Similar to the ω-q plasmon dispersion in graphene, the 2DEG plasmon dispersion depends explicitly upon both the plasmon wavevector and the AC conductivity of the medium. An effective methodology to describe plasma excitations in a 2DEG is that of an ‘LC’ plasmonic resonator. See P. J. Burke et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 745 (2000). Here L is the field effect tunable kinetic inductance of the 2DEG. The 2DEG capacitance can be introduced as
C=2∈effq (1)
where ∈eff is the effective permittivity of the embedded 2DEG and q is the plasmon wavevector. See G. C. Dyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126803 (2012); F. Rana, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnoloqy 7, 91 (2008); M. Staffaroni et al., Photonics and Nanostructures—Fundamentals and Applications 10, 166 (2012); and G. R. Aizin and G. C. Dyer, Phys. Rev. B 86, 235316 (2012), which are incorporated herein by reference. In high mobility 2DEG materials at microwave and THz frequencies, underdamped ‘LC’ plasma resonances are supported, allowing for propagation lengths on the order of tens of micrometers or plasmon wavelengths.
The introduction of spatial periodicity to a 2DEG produces a plasmonic crystal (PC) where the 2DEG is a coherent plasmonic medium. Though a PC is physically more similar to a photonic crystal than a metamaterial, the unit cell of a 2DEG PC is deeply subwavelength. These tunable plasmonic materials are conceptually related to certain periodic plasmonic nanostructures, resonant microwave metalenses, and acoustic metamaterials. See G. Shvets and Y. A. Urzhumov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 243902 (2004); F. Lemoult et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 203901 (2010); and F. Lemoult et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 064301 (2011). In such systems, band structure results from incident waves interacting with spatially periodic subwavelength resonant scatterers. See Z. Liu et al., Science 289, 1734 (2000); M. Davanco et al., Opt. Express 15, 9681 (2007); and F. Lemoult et al., Nature Phys. 9, 55 (2013).
As described below, there is a complex interplay between surface states known as Tamm states, plasmonic defect (PD) modes, and the PC band structure in tunable THz plasmonic band gap devices engineered from a GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG. See I. E. Tamm, Phys. Z. Sowietunion 1, 733 (1932). The two exemplary PC devices, Samples A and B, are shown in
It is convenient to treat the PC unit cell using this equivalent circuit approach.
Tuning of the gate voltages G1 and G2 controls the 2DEG inductance and resistance, Lj, Rj∝1/γj. Here j defines the normalized 2DEG density in terms of the threshold voltage Vth (where n20→0) and the applied gate voltages VGj such that γj≡(Vth−VGj)/Vth. In terms of the PC unit cell diagrammed in
A purely electronic approach was employed to probe the plasmonic band gap structures. Depletion of the 2DEG (n2D→30) below a gate allowed for a conversion of plasma waves into a measurable photoresponse that can have both photoconductive and photovoltaic contributions. See M. I. Dyakonov and M. S. Shur, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices 43, 380 (1996); E. A. Shaner et al., IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 18, 1925 (2006); G. C. Dyer et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 083506 (2012); and V. M. Muravev and I. V. Kukushkin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 082102 (2012). The distributed THz excitation of the device terminals produces a plasmonic homodyne mixing response measured between the drain (D) and source (S) contacts as illustrated for Sample A in
The bulk plasmonic band structure in a PC having an infinite number of periods is first considered. The crystal dispersion of the infinite PC, plotted in
See G. R. Aizin and G. C. Dyer, Phys. Rev. B 86, 235316 (2012). Here kB is the Bloch wavevector, qj and Zj are the plasmon wavevector and characteristic impedance, respectively, of the two elements forming the unit cell, and a is the length of the jth section of 2DEG, as described below in the section titled Plasmonic Homodyne Mixing Photoresponse. With γ1=0.8, minigaps begin to emerge in the 2DEG plasmon dispersion relation that is folded into the first Brillouin zone. As γ1 further decreases, full plasmonic bandgaps are evident and the entire band structure shifts downward in frequency.
Threshold voltage Vth of the exemplary devices was found using standard lock-in techniques to measure transistor channel conductivity. A fit of the conductivity near threshold was extrapolated to determine Vth=−2.67 V for Sample A and Vth=−2.73 V for Sample B. Photoresponse measurements were performed with VG2=−2.80 V for Sample A and VG3=−2.80 V for Sample B. Samples A and B were characterized independently and aligned to the THz source using a raster scan to locate the maximum photovoltage signal at a given excitation frequency. All measurements were performed at T=8 K.
A four-period PC between S and G2 can be induced in Sample A, shown in δVDS
(see section below titled Plasmonic Homodyne Mixing Photoresponse). By tuning VG, and frequency ν as plotted in
Each unit cell of the four-period structure would have an identical resonant frequency in isolation. However, the coherence of the plasma wave across the PC lifts this four-fold degeneracy, resulting in the formation of four state bands. Alternately, this can be considered a Fano-type system where interference between a continuum, the allowed bands of the PC, and the discrete modes of the cavity formed between S and G2 produces groups of four asymmetric resonances. See M. Davanco et al., Opt. Express 15, 9681 (2007). These bands of states are demonstrated in
The first three experimentally observed resonances M1, M2, and M3 in
To confirm the presence of Tamm states in this system, Sample B, pictured in
An understanding of the relationship between the PC and PD states emerges when considering
A Tamm state localized at the Ohmic contact is the only viable candidate to cross with a PD mode along the line VG1=VG2.
There are several additional distinctions between crossings of the PD modes with purely real-valued Bloch wavevector PC states and with complex Bloch wavevector Tamm states. Modes in the allowed bands are completely delocalized and therefore are widely separated as they come into resonance with a PD mode. In
As the energy of a PD mode approaches that of the Tamm state by tuning VG2-VG1, both modes may be interpreted as Tamm states. The observed splitting results from the interaction of states bound to opposing ends of the PC. One Tamm state is weakly localized at the Ohmic contact. When the PD state energy matches that of the Tamm state, a second Tamm state forms adjacent to the detection element. A phenomenon analogous to electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) develops under these conditions because of the mutual coupling and asymmetric excitation of these two weakly localized modes. See N. Liu et al., Nature Mater. 8, 758 (2009); P. Tassin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 053901 (2009); R. D. Kekatpure et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 243902 (2010); and B. Luk'yanchuk et al., Nature Mater. 9, 707 (2010).
Several conditions must be satisfied for the coupling of the PD to the Tamm state at the Ohmic contact to be considered an EIT phenomenon. See P. Tassin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 187401 (2012). The description of EIT in classical systems is that of two coupled oscillators, one of which is ‘bright’ and the other ‘dark’ with respect to incident radiation. In this picture, the PD and Tamm states then must be coherently coupled and resonate at the same frequency, conditions that are satisfied empirically in this plasmonic system. More importantly, there must be an asymmetry in both the external coupling and the damping rates of the coupled plasmonic oscillators. The ‘dark’ resonance must be weakly externally coupled and have a higher quality factor than the ‘bright’ resonance. In high quality 2DEG plasmonic systems, weak coupling to an external excitation implies a higher ‘Q’ resonance because radiative damping is the dominant dissipation mechanism of the plasmon (see section below titled Plasmon Damping and Experimental Coherence Limits).
This plasmonic EIT-like effect can be studied through analysis of the PC-PD modes in and near the first band gap. While it is common to sweep frequency in order to map the interaction of strongly coupled resonators, an approach of tuning resonators in-situ with fixed excitation frequency yields the same information. See B. Luk'yanchuk et al., Nature Mater. 9, 707 (2010).
are defined for the PC unit cell (j=1) and PD (j=2) using the fundamental wavevector βC=π/a of the plasmon mode confined below an a=2 μm wide gate finger. In fact, the characteristic frequencies νCj are the fundamental plasma frequencies of the isolated PC unit cell and PD. The detuning of the PD characteristic frequency from that of the PC unit cell is given by δνC=νC2−νC1. These definitions of νCj parameterize the strong coupling behavior of the PC-PD system.
For positive detunings δνC>50 GHz, an asymmetric resonance associated with the PD is observed at the edge of the band gap (shown as a vertical shaded region in
The plasmonic spatial distributions in
Induced transparency can take on multiple connotations in this context. In a literal sense, the PD-Tamm state coupling allows for the plasmon mode trapped near the Ohmic contact to couple to the opposing edge of the PC. The Tamm state in the opaque band gap then is observable by the integrated detector. However, the more rigorous definition of EIT is also satisfied due to the coherent coupling of PD and Tamm states and the inherent asymmetries of the PC-PD structure.
The following sections describe the computational approach and the theory of plasmonic crystals formed from a 2DEG, how a DC response results from a homodyne mixing mechanism by comparison of photoresponse and transport data, calculations of the plasmon Q factor and propagation length and comparison of these results to measurements of the plasmonic spectrum in four and eight period plasmonic crystal samples, and the scalability of the plasmonic crystal through the predicted band structure of GaAs/AlGaAs and GaN/AlGaN devices.
A generalized transmission line (TL) theory was used to describe the plasmonic states in a periodically modulated 2DEG. In this approach, an electron plasma wave propagating in the 2D channel is described in terms of the equivalent TL with distributed R, L, and C circuit elements as shown in
C=∈q(1+cothqd), (4)
where d is the gate-channel separation and s is the permittivity of GaAs. See G. C. Dyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126803 (2012). This is an explicit expression equivalent to Eq. (1) specific to a screened 2DEG system. With these definitions of the distributed circuit elements, the plasmon dispersion relation can be expressed through the standard TL formulas. See C. Paul, Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines (2007). In the high mobility 2DEG samples with large quality factor, Q≅ωL/R>>1, plasmon damping can be neglected, and the plasmon dispersion law written in terms of the TL model is
The last equation is equivalent to the well-known plasmon dispersion formula
See T. Ando et al., Rev. of Mod. Phys. 54, 437 (1982). To complete the TL description of the 2DEG, its characteristic impedance can be introduced as
where w=10 μm is the width of the 2D channel, and the form-factor ξ(ω,d) is defined as
See G. C. Dyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126803 (2012). In Eqs. (6) and (7) the wave vector q at given frequency ω is determined by the dispersion equation, Eq. (5). Definition of the characteristic impedance in Eq. (6) differs from the standard TL definition by an additional form-factor ξ(ω,d). See C. Paul, Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines (2007). This form-factor accounts for the contribution of the longitudinal component of the plasmon electric field into the electric power carried by the plasma wave. See F. Rana, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology 7, 91 (2008). With characteristic impedance defined in Eq. (6) an average electric power P carried by the plasmon propagating in the x-direction in the 2D channel positioned at z=0 is determined as
Here V(x) is an electric potential in the 2D channel, and I(x)=V(x)/Z is an effective plasmonic current in the 2D channel which includes both conduction current and displacement current induced by the longitudinal electric field of the plasmon. See G. C. Dyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126803 (2012); and G. R. Aizin and G. C. Dyer, Phys. Rev. B 86, 235316 (2012). Eqs. (4) to (8) provide a foundation for treating plasmon propagation in the 2DEG as a TL problem described by the standard transfer matrix formalism for a two-port network. See C. Paul, Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines (2007).
The 2D electron channel in the periodically gated samples A and B can be considered as a segmented TL with individual segments corresponding to the gated or ungated 2DEG regions. The transfer matrix for the jth plasmonic TL segment of length a is given by
and connects electric potentials and effective currents on the left and the right edges of the jth TL segment. See G. R. Aizin and G. C. Dyer, Phys. Rev. B 86, 235316 (2012). To find plasmon frequencies for the samples, a composite transfer matrix for the periodically gated 2DEG can be calculated by multiplying sequentially the matrices tj. For Sample A, the TL consists of alternating four gated (j=1) and five ungated (j=0) segments. It is terminated by the source S on one side and by the pinched off gate G2 on the other side as illustrated in
The composite 2×2 transfer matrix
can be used to find the plasmon eigenfrequencies of the segmented plasmonic TL system if appropriate boundary conditions are imposed at the termination points. The Ohmic source contact is assumed to function as an RF short. The measured photovoltage resonances correspond to the minima of the input TL impedance at the mixer side termination. In a model with negligible plasmon damping, this corresponds to the short circuit boundary condition. With short circuit boundary conditions at both ends of the TL the frequencies of the plasmon eigenmodes are determined by the equation
T12(ω)=0. (11)
See G. R. Aizin and G. C. Dyer, Phys. Rev. B 86, 235316 (2012). Numerical solutions of this equation for Samples A and B are plotted in
The transfer matrix formalism was also used to find the plasmonic band spectrum of the infinite PC with lattice constant 2a and a bipartite unit cell consisting of the ungated (j=0) and gated (j=1) segments of equal length. This PC is described by the standard 1D Kronig-Penney model with dispersion determined by the equation
where kB∈[−π/2a,π/2a] is the Bloch wave vector. See V. Y. Kachorovskii and M. S. Shur, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232108 (2012); and G. R. Aizin and G. C. Dyer, Phys. Rev. B 86, 235316 (2012). The plasmonic band gaps found numerically from this equation at different density modulations were used to plot the PC dispersion and identify potential plasmonic Tamm states in
For the numerical results shown, the approximation that both ungated and gated 2DEG regions were screened identically by the gate metallization d=400 nm above the 2DEG was used. Thus, the step-like spatial modulation of the system was primarily imposed by the differences in the carrier density. No assumptions were made with regards to how the distributed excitation is coupled to the PC-defect system. The calculations were performed using a code as follows. First, Eq. (5) was solved numerically at each value of the density modulation and frequency ω to find the wave vector q. Then these results were used to find numerical solutions of Eq. (11) and to find the plasmonic band gaps from Eq. (12). By using the equivalent TL transfer matrix method rather than a full FDTD approach, dense mappings of the phase space can be computed rapidly on a standard laptop computer. The trade-off is a lack of precise knowledge of the field distribution surrounding the device at the antenna vertex.
The plasmonic crystal structure can be characterized using a detector-like geometry. The antenna-PC structure shown in
The measured homodyne mixing photovoltage tracks the transport as
where the time dependent quantities are the LO and signal voltages illustrated
is found from DC transport measurements sweeping G2. See S. Preu et al., J. Appl. Phys. 111, 024502 (2012). Implicit in Eq. (13), which describes a small-signal mixing response, is a differential signal input from source and drain-side plasmonic waveguides. The mixing response then is proportional to the in-phase component of the differential signal δVD(t)−δVS(t). The quadrature component of the differential signal δVD(t)−δVS(t) cannot be measured due to the 90 degree phase difference between the LO voltage δVLO(t) and the out-of-phase components of δVS(t) and δVD(t). Qualitatively, the 2DEG below gate G2 at its threshold voltage is driven at THz frequencies from conductive to highly resistive as a THz voltage is simultaneously applied laterally across this region. See A. Lisauskas, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 114511 (2009). This produces a rectified signal as a result of plasmonic homodyne mixing.
Study of the photovoltage by sweeping-gates G1, G2 and G3 of Sample B (see
The polarity of the signal reverses when G1 and G3 are exchanged as the gates are held at threshold bias. See V. M. Muravev and I. V. Kukushkin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 082102 (2012). This demonstrates the differential nature of the mixing signal because source and drain side waveguides have their roles exchanged. With G1 biased to its threshold voltage, the 2DEG below G2 and G3 is excited and produces a net positive photovoltage since δVD(t)>δVS(t). With G3 biased to its threshold voltage, the 2DEG below G1 and G2 is excited and produces a net negative photovoltage since δVD(t)<δVS(t). Due to either a built-in device asymmetry or a misalignment of the incident THz beam, there is a non-zero photovoltage produced with G2 at threshold and G1 and G3 at ground.
The relative maxima of the negative polarity photovoltage VDS(VG,ν)
can be interpreted as resonances. Because the PC structure is formed on the source-side of the mixer in both Samples A and Sample B, the contribution δVS(t) to the measured photovoltage is negative in polarity. From the perspective of a multi-port network, the absolute minima in response then correspond to maxima in the real part of the input impedance of the PC structure as seen from the port adjacent to the plasmonic mixer. Conversely, relative maxima in
then are minima in the real part of the input impedance as seen from the plasmonic mixer.
Because the radiation resistance of the antenna is approximately 72 Ohms, for these exemplary device geometries minima in their input impedance produce optimal impedance matching and thus optimal power coupling to the plasmonic circuit. The resonances as defined should thus be viewed as peaks in power coupling or transmission across the structure. This is also consistent with the interpretation of the observed defect-Tamm state splitting as electromagnetically induced transparency. It follows that the self-normalization of the response at fixed measurement frequencies ν=νmeas is given by
The TL model described above can be adapted to include plasmon damping by accounting for dissipation in the definitions of the transmission line characteristic impedance and dispersion. For calculating the plasmon Q-factor and propagation lengths, it is sufficient to define the dispersion law as
where R accounts for the damping of the plasma wave. This resistance includes not only the scattering rate found from the Drude conductivity of the 2DEG, but also a radiative damping contribution. For high mobility 2DEGs (μmob>100,000 cm2/Vs), this radiation resistance is a more significant damping mechanism than the intrinsic 2DEG resistance. See S. A. Mikhailov, Phys. Rev. B 54, 10335 (1996). The total resistance can be defined in terms of the mobility and radiative scattering rates as,
Using only fundamental constants and known or measured quantities (2DEG density, mobility, GaAs permittivity, carrier effective mass), the resistance in Eq. (16) can be calculated explicitly to estimate the effects of dissipation upon the plasma wave.
To determine the plasmon Q-factor and propagation length from Eq. (15), it is convenient to rewrite the dispersion law as
q≡β+iα. (19)
Then the Q-factor can be defined as,
with the propagation length of the damped plasmon subsequently given by,
Both the Q-factor and propagation length relate to power dissipation of the plasmon. For examining coherent coupling effects, it is the coherence length that provides the more salient figure of merit. The coherence length is twice the propagation length,
A clear indication of coherent excitation across the full length of an n-period plasmonic lattice is the observation of n modes in each crystal band. Accordingly, four and five modes per band are observed for four and five period PCs, respectively. Two modes in each incipient plasmonic crystal band were also recently demonstrated in a two period plasmonic lattice. See G. C. Dyer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 126803 (2012). Because the coherence lengths in
With 210 GHz excitation, there are three distinct peaks for both samples. Though there are suggestions of a peak slightly past VG1=0 and a splitting of the peak near VG1=−1.5, coherence across the entire eight periods of Sample C would require six distinct peaks over the measured range. The plasmonic excitation has not lost its coherence given that there are still distinct modes observed in the expected PC bands. But the coherence is not sufficient to couple all PC unit cells in the device. There is one additional resonance evident in Sample C's spectrum in comparison to Sample A's in the range 0>VG1>−−1.75 for 270 and 330 GHz excitations. These added features in the photoresponse confirm that adding four additional periods has altered the PC spectrum, but fall short of demonstrating the long-range coherence required for an eight-period PC. For all excitation frequencies shown, the decreased coherence length at reduced 2DEG density (VG1<−1.5) evidently precludes the observation of the additional modes in each band expected for the doubling of the number of lattice periods. This null result supports limiting the analysis to four and five period structures due to the constraints imposed by the plasmon coherence length in this material system.
The typical plasmonic band structure of two materials, a GaAs/AlGaAs and a GaN/AlGaN 2DEG, were calculated to illustrate the scalability in frequency of plasmonic crystals. The plasmonic crystal dispersion is found from Eq. (12) using the PC unit cell illustrated in
To calculate the scaled band structure for a GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG, a gate-channel separation of d=100 nm, a region of gate-tuned 2DEG a=250 nm wide, a region of untuned 2DEG a=250 nm wide, and an intrinsic 2DEG density of n=4.0×1011 cm−2 were assumed. In comparison to the exemplary devices described above, this corresponds to a scaling downward in metallization feature size by a factor of 8, which can be realized using available electron beam lithography techniques, and a reduction in the setback of the 2DEG from the gate. All other parameters such as GaAs permittivity and electron effective mass are unchanged.
The band structure of a GaN/AlGaN plasmonic crystal was calculated using the parameters for a GaN/AlGaN 2DEG defined by Muravjov et al: m*=0.2 me, n=7.5×1012 cm−2, ∈=9.5 ∈0, and d=28 nm. See A. V. Muravjov et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 042105 (2010). A bipartite gated-ungated PC unit cell was also assumed with each element having width a=250 nm. Not only is the length scale of the crystal reduced relative to the exemplary devices, but the 2DEG density is also an order of magnitude larger. Both of these attributes serve to shift the band structure higher in frequency.
The choice of a GaN/AlGaN 2DEG material system in
Graphene can also be used for plasmonic crystal structures. Although the plasmon dispersion is not identical to that of semiconductor 2DEGs, conceptually identical PC systems can be realized in graphene-based plasmonic structures. Recent efforts have demonstrated infrared plasmons in graphene. See J. Chen et al., Nature 487, 77 (2012); and Z. Fei et al., Nature 487, 82 (2012). If metal structures are scaled appropriately to the graphene plasmon wavelength at a given operating frequency band, graphene infrared plasmonic crystals operating at room temperature can be provided.
The present invention has been described as a tunable plasmonic crystal. It will be understood that the above description is merely illustrative of the applications of the principles of the present invention, the scope of which is to be determined by the claims viewed in light of the specification. Other variants and modifications of the invention will be apparent to those of skill in the art.
This invention was made with Government support under contract no. DE-AC04-94AL85000 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy to Sandia Corporation. The Government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
7376403 | Wanke et al. | May 2008 | B1 |
7915641 | Otsuji et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
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