Tunnel thruster and water lubricated rotor duct assembly

A tunnel thruster which is compact, quiet and can withstand the higher depth pressure encountered by a UUV. The UUV is usually a cylindrically shaped vessel and has a propulsor with control surfaces at one end. At two positions along the length of the body there are two cylindrical ports which pass through the body of the UUV. At each position one port is in the vertical plane while the other port is in the horizontal plane. These ports are four tunnel thrusters, which enable the maneuvering of the UUV. The tunnel thruster can be mounted in the ports of the UUV. The main components of the tunnel thruster includes a tunnel, motor assembly mounted in the tunnel, rotors on each end of the motor assembly and inlet ducts on each end of the tunnel. The tunnel thruster attempts to address the short comings of the commercial thrusters. The tunnel thruster is an all electrically powered thruster with all mechanical components contained within the tunnel. The rotors operate independently and are counter-rotating. Each rotor is directly driven by its own electric motor. The rotors are held in position by water lubricated fluid film journal and thrust bearings. The rotor duct assembly includes the rotor, inlet duct, bearing and seals, which can be used in other applications.


In the past decade there has been a growing need for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs). This type of vehicle is typically used for scientific, photographic, and reconnaissance work. The UUV is typically a cylindrical shaped vessel with a rotor driven propulsor mounted at one end. The propulsor propels the vehicle to and from its work site. Airfoil-shaped control surfaces are used to direct the movement of the vehicle by deflection of the relative water flow across the contours of the control surfaces. These control surfaces are effective as long as the vehicle's velocity is approximately two nautical miles per hour and faster. However, a UUV is often required to maneuver at speeds less than two nautical miles per hour. The vehicle may also be required to hover in position while being exposed to cross currents. Therefore, there are times the UUV's control surfaces are ineffective and an alternate method of control must be sought.

One alternate is a tunnel thruster, which is a tunnel that houses a rotor or set of rotors. The rotor or rotors blow jets of water through the tunnel in the direction opposite to which the UUV is desired to be maneuvered. Most commercially available tunnel thrusters are used on yachts and other water craft. The tunnel thruster is mounted in a ship hull and used for short durations of time. The tunnel thruster is used for the purpose of maneuvering the water craft into position for docking. Thrust from the tunnel thruster is generated by one or two rotors mounted on a single shaft inside of the tunnel. Typically, power is provided by a hydraulic motor mounted outside the tunnel with torque being transmitted to the drive shaft by a set of bevel gears. The gears are housed in a strut which also supports the rotor shaft assembly. In some situations, a single rotor may be driven by a hydraulic motor which is mounted inside the tunnel on the same axis as the rotor. Hydraulic power to this motor is provided by hydraulic lines which are housed by a strut which supports the rotor/motor assembly. The strut is attached to the tunnel wall. These tunnel thrusters are sufficient for the applications which they are intended.

However, UUV operation usually requires a propulsion unit to be quiet, to be capable of sustained operation a high pressure due to the operating depth of a UUV. The following is true for most commercially available tunnel thrusters. The use of ball bearings and gears generates a great deal of mechanical noise, which is radiated by the structure surrounding it. The struts which support the drive shaft rotor assemblies or house the gears and hydraulic components create large wakes in the flow of water through the tunnels. These wakes are a noise source as the rotor blades tend to chop through them. The size of the struts also creates a large blockage in the flow area of the tunnel which lowers the efficiency of the assembly. The use of a single rotor or the use of two rotors turning in the same direction (both mounted at opposite ends of the same shaft) causes the flow of water leaving the tunnel to leave in a swirling motion. The seals used to seal the drive shafts and other components are not sufficient for the depth pressures required. In addition, the blade contours, surfaces finishes, and overall quality of the components would result in hydrodynamic noise and inefficiencies. In addition, because these systems employ the use of hydraulic motors, these assemblies also require the use of a pump, valves, reservoirs, and other hardware mounted outside of the tunnel. Current size of available tunnel thrusters do not provide for a very compact system for a vehicle which has limited space available. For these reasons listed above, commercially available tunnel thrusters are not a viable alternative for use in a UUV.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a tunnel thruster which is highly efficient, compact, and quiet.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a tunnel thruster which can operate at a depth pressure of at least 600 psi.


A tunnel thruster for a water craft which includes the following. A tunnel which fits into the water craft. A water tight motor housing having two ends, whereby the motor housing mounted in the tunnel. At least one strut attached between the tunnel and the motor housing to mount and secured the motor housing in the tunnel, where the at least one strut including a pathway for electric and instrumentation lines. Two electric motors each including a drive shaft extending from an end of the motor, the motors mounted in an inline position along a centerline of the tunnel inside the motor housing, such that the drive shafts of the motors extend from each end of the motor housing along the centerline. A water lubricated rotor duct assembly mounted on each end of the motor housing. The rotor duct assembly includes the following. A rotor attached to the drive shaft and about the motor housing, where the rotor having a main body which includes a front and a rear, and the front having a face. At least two blades extending from the main body of the rotor between the front and the rear of the main body of the rotor. A stabilizer shaft extending away from the motor housing, the stabilizer shaft extending from a center of the face of the front of the main body of the rotor, where the stabilizer shaft having a nose at an end of the stabilizer shaft which is forward of the face. A cavity milled in the rear of the main body of the rotor to receive the drive shaft, at least part of the motor drive housing, bearings and seals, such that the main body of the rotor is mounted over the motor housing and internally connected to the nose of the drive shaft. A rear seal assembly applying a seal against the drive shaft and against the cavity of the main body of the rotor. A rear journal bearing providing a bearing surface between the cavity of the main body of the rotor and the motor drive housing, where the rear journal positioned near the rear of the main body of the rotor, the rear journal bearing lubricated by water surrounding the rotor duct assembly. An inlet duct for attachment to the water craft to support the rotor duct assembly, where the inlet duct including an outer rim and a center hub centered in the outer rim, the outer rim for attachment to the water craft and for supporting the center hub, where the center hub for supporting the stabilizer shaft of the rotor, and where the center hub having a front and a rear, the rear of the center hub including a cavity milled to receive bearings. A forward bearing assembly in the cavity of the center hub, where the forward bearing assembly lubricated by water surrounding the rotor duct assembly. A thrust shoulder attached to the nose of the stabilizer shaft at the front of the center hub, the thrust shoulder having a front and a rear, where the rear of the thrust shoulder milled to receive the nose of the stabilizer shaft, where the thrust shoulder having a nose at the front of the thrust shoulder, and where the thrust shoulder aiding in retaining the forward bearing assembly in place. A forward seal assembly to receive the nose of the thrust shoulder. A duct cover which attaches to the front of the center hub and over the thrust shoulder, where the duct cover having a front and a rear, and where the rear of the duct cover including a cavity milled to receive the forward seal assembly and the thrust shoulder.


FIG. 1

is a perspective view of a UUV including tunnel thrusters according to the present invention;

FIG. 2

is a cut-away view of the tunnel thruster in the UUV according to the present invention;

FIG. 3

is a cross-sectional view of the tunnel thruster in the UUV according to the present invention;

FIG. 4

is a cross-sectional view of the tunnel thruster in the UUV according to the present invention;

FIG. 5

is a cross-sectional view of the tunnel thruster in the UUV according to the present invention;

FIG. 6

is a cross-sectional view of the tunnel thruster in the UUV according to the present invention;

FIG. 7

is an exploded view of a motor assembly and rotor duct assembly according to the present invention;

FIG. 8

is an exploded view of the rotor duct assembly according to the present invention;

FIG. 9

is an exploded view of a forward bearing assembly according to the present invention;

FIG. 10

is an exploded view of a forward seal assembly and a duct cover according to the present invention;

FIG. 11

is an exploded view of a rear seal assembly and a rotor according to the present invention; and

FIG. 12

is an exploded view of a rotor assembly according to the present invention.


The present invention is a tunnel thruster which is compact, quiet and can withstand the higher depth pressure encountered by a UUV.

FIG. 1

is a representation of a UUV


. The UUV


is usually a cylindrically shaped vessel and has a propulsor


with control surfaces at one end. At two positions along the length of the body there are two cylindrical ports


which pass through the body of the UUV


. At each position one port


is in the vertical plane while the other port


is in the horizontal plane. These ports


are four tunnel thrusters, which enable the maneuvering of the UUV



FIG. 2

is a representation of the tunnel thruster


according to the present invention, which can be mounted in the ports


of the UUV



FIG. 2

shows the main components of the tunnel thruster


, which includes a tunnel


, motor assembly


mounted in the tunnel


, rotors


on each end of the motor assembly


and inlet ducts


on each end of the tunnel


. The tunnel thruster


attempts to address the short comings of the commercial thrusters. The tunnel thruster


is an all electrically powered thruster with all mechanical components contained within the tunnel


. The rotors


operate independently and are counter-rotating. Each rotor


is directly driven by its own electric motor


. The rotors


are held in position by water lubricated fluid film journal and thrust bearings. The rotor duct assembly includes the rotor


, inlet duct


, bearing and seals, which can be used in other applications.

FIGS. 3-6

show a cross-sectional views of the tunnel thruster


, which show motors


, bearing assemblies, seal assemblies and mounting of the main components in a port


of a UUV



FIGS. 3-6

also show all fasteners used to secured all the parts of the tunnel thruster



FIGS. 7-12

show exploded views of the internal parts of the tunnel thruster



FIGS. 3-6

should be reviewed in relation to

FIGS. 7-12

, while reading the following disclosure. All of the parts of the tunnel thruster


are usually aluminum, unless mentioned otherwise. The fasteners employed including screws, bolts and pins are usually stainless steel.

FIG. 7

shows the motor assembly


, one of the rotors


and one of the inlet ducts


. Each rotor


and inlet duct


, along with associated bearing and seal assemblies, makes up the rotor duct assembly. The rotor duct assembly is the same on either end of the motor assembly


. The motor assembly


includes a cylindrical shaped water tight motor housing


, in which the two electric motors


are mounted. The motors


are mounted in an inline position along the centerline of the tunnel


, such that a drive shaft


extends from each motor


at the ends


of the motor housing


. Each drive shaft


includes a splined end


. The motor housing


is mounted within the tunnel


by two thin aerodynamically shaped aluminum struts


on the centerline of the tunnel


. Each strut


includes bolt holes


to receive bolts


that extend from the wall of the tunnel


. The bolts


engage threaded holes


in the motor housing


. Each strut


also includes an opening


machined through the center of the strut


for electrical power and instrumentation wires to pass through to the motors


from outside the tunnel


. Each rotor


includes three skewed blades


to reduce noise due to wake interaction. Each rotor


mounts onto one of the drives shafts


at the ends


of the motor housing


and includes an internal female spline


to engage the splined end


of the drive shaft


of the motor



FIG. 7

shows a rear journal bearing


used to prevent direct contact of a main body


of the rotor


with the motor housing


. The rear journal bearing


fits inside the rear of the rotor


and is ring shaped. The rear journal bearing


is lubricated by the water surrounding the rotor


. Each rotor


includes a stabilizer shaft


extending forward of the blades


to provide lateral stability along the centerline of the tunnel



FIG. 7

also shows the inlet duct


which mounts to the tunnel


and a duct cover


which mounts to the inlet duct


. The duct cover


provides a smooth surface for the water to past as the water enters or leaves the tunnel


. The inlet duct


includes a center hub


, five stator vanes


, and an outer rim


. The stator vanes


are elliptically shaped and designed to absorb the thrust generated by each rotating motor


. In addition to supporting the center hub


, which aids in supporting the rotor


, the stator vanes


will have a tendency to remove any residual water swirl created by the counter-rotating rotors


. The number of stator vanes


was chosen based on the number of rotor blades


, as five is a prime number and not a multiple of three. The outer rim


of the inlet duct


positions and supports the tunnel


, struts


, and motor assembly


in the vehicle shell. The inlet ducts


are removable and replaceable with other sized ducts, so that the same tunnel


, strut


and motor housing


may be used with vehicles of other shapes or sizes.

FIGS. 8-10

show the rotor


and a forward bearing assembly. The forward bearing assembly provides bearing surfaces between the rotor


, stabilizer shaft


and the center hub



FIG. 8

shows the rotor


and the stabilizer shaft


. On a forward face


of the rotor


are two rotor pins


. The rotor pins


engage pin cavities


in a rear stainless steel thrust runner


. The rear thrust runner


is disc shaped and includes a center opening


to pass over the stabilizer shaft


. The rear thrust runner


acts as a wear surface and turns with the rotor


. The stabilizer shaft


includes two slots


to act as key ways. A forward bearing retainer


is secured to the rear of the center hub


of the inlet duct


with fasteners. The forward bearing retainer


aids in retaining the forward bearing assembly in place. A main part of the forward bearing assembly is a tilting pad thrust bearing


. The tilting pad thrust bearing


is made up of a stainless steel thrust bearing


with tilting pads


mounted on both sides of the thrust bearing


. The thrust bearing


is a ring having center opening


and two sides


defined by an outside circumference of the ring and the center opening


. The tilting pads


are movable and each pad


includes a polymer cap that acts as a bearing surface. The tilting pad thrust bearing


mounts between the stabilizer shaft


and a milled out cavity


inside the rear of the center hub


of the inlet duct


. Mounted inside the center opening


of the thrust bearing


is a stainless steel journal runner


, which acts as a wear surface. The journal runner


is a ring shaped bearing surface which includes a center opening


. The journal runner


includes two key ways


on an inside diameter, which receive two keys


. The two keys


also fit the key way slots


of the stabilizer shaft


, therefore locking the journal runner


to the stabilizer shaft


. Forward of the center hub


of the inlet duct


is a thrust shoulder


which mounts to a nose


of the stabilizer shaft


. The thrust shoulder


is mounted using a fastener


and a stainless steel washer


. The thrust shoulder


aids in holding the front bearing assembly in the center hub


of the inlet duct



FIG. 8

also shows a duct liner


which acts an interface between the inlet duct


and the tunnel


. The duct liner


acts as a seal between the inlet duct


and the tunnel


to prevent infiltration of water into the UUV


, as the inlet duct


is a casting that is porous.

FIGS. 3-6



shows grooves


in the duct liner


and tunnel


, which accept o-rings



FIG. 9

shows a rear perspective view of the interaction of the tilting pad thrust bearing


and the rear of the thrust shoulder


. Shown in

FIG. 9

is the stainless steel journal runner


, the tilting pad thrust bearing


, a stainless steel forward thrust runner


and the thrust shoulder


. The thrust shoulder


includes two pins


and ring shaped shoulder


on the rear of the thrust shoulder


. The forward thrust runner


fits over the ring shaped shoulder


and includes two pin cavities


to receive the pins


. The forward thrust runner


is the same as the rear thrust runner


and also acts as a wear surface. The thrust shoulder


includes a groove


in the inside diameter of the thrust shoulder


to receive an o-ring


. The o-ring


prevents water from entering the forward end of the thrust shoulder



FIG. 10

shows a rear view of the duct cover


and internal forward seal assembly of the duct cover


. The forward seal assembly of the duct cover


interacts with a nose


of the thrust shoulder


, when the duct cover


is mounted to the center hub


of the inlet duct


. The duct cover


includes fastener holes


and is mounted using fasteners to the center hub


of the inlet duct


. The fastener holes


are covered with a wax material to provide a smooth surface on the outside of the duct cover


. The duct cover


includes a milled out cavity


in the rear of the duct cover


to receive the nose


of the thrust shoulder


and a forward seal assembly. The forward seal assembly of the duct cover


includes a flange lip seal


, garter spring


, o-ring


and forward seal retainer


. The flange lip seal


fits into an area of the rear cavity


of the duct cover


. The flange lip seal


is usually made of a hard polymer material. The flange lip seal


includes a flange


and a main body


. The main body


includes a groove


in one end, the flange


on the other end and an center opening


. The groove


is for receiving the garter spring


. The nose


of the thrust shoulder


fits into the center opening


of the flange lip seal


. The forward seal retainer


includes a flange


, main body


and a center opening


in the main body


. The center opening


of the forward seal retainer


is large enough to fit over the main body


of the flange lip seal


and allows the entrance of the nose


of the thrust shoulder


. The forward seal retainer


includes a groove


about the main body


to receive an o-ring


. The forward seal retainer


is fastened to the rear of the duct cover


using fasteners. When assembled, the main body


of the forward seal retainer


is seated against the flange


of the flange lip seal


to hold the flange lip seal


in place. The garter spring


forces the inside diameter of the main body


of the flange lip seal


against the nose


of the thrust shoulder


to form a seal. The garter spring


forces the outside diameter of the main body


of the flange lip seal


against center opening


of the forward seal retainer


to form a seal. The o-ring


of the forward seal retainer


prevents water from getting behind the flange lip seal


. The forward seal assembly in the duct cover


prevents water and prevents pressure from the water from being applied against the nose


of the thrust shoulder


and hence the centerline of the rotor



FIG. 11

shows a rear view of the rotor


and a rear seal assembly in a cavity


in the rear of the main body


of the rotor


. The rear seal assembly used in the rotor


is the same as the forward seal assembly used in the duct cover


. The rear seal assembly in the rotor


includes a flange lip seal


, garter spring


, o-ring


and rear seal retainer


. The rear seal assembly in the rotor


is assembled into the inside rear of the rotor


in a similar fashion as the duct cover


. A cavity


inside the main body


of the rotor


is milled to receive the rear seal assembly. Also shown are the journal bearing


, the rear thrust runner


, key way slots


on the stabilizer shaft


and the keys



FIG. 12

shows the rotor


made up into a two piece assembly to ease manufacture of the rotor


. Shown in

FIG. 12

is a main body


of the rotor


and a stabilizer shaft unit


. The stabilizer shaft unit


includes a flange


with the stabilizer shaft


extending outward from the flange


. The main body


of the rotor


includes a recessed cavity


to receive the flange


of the stabilizer shaft unit


. The stabilizer shaft unit


is fastened to the main body


of the rotor


using fasteners. The main body


of the rotor


also includes pins


which engage pin cavities (not shown) in the rear of the stabilizer shaft unit



The tunnel thruster


has distinct operational advantages desired over the commercially available thrusters. The use of the electric motors


eliminates the need for a bulky hydraulic system. The mounting of the electric motors


on the same axis as the rotors


eliminates the need for a right angle gear drive, which has gears and roller bearings as a potential noise sources. The mounting of the bearings in the center hub


of the inlet duct


enables the use of fluid film bearings, which use sea water as a lubricant. The fluid film bearings are mechanically much quieter than conventional ball or roller bearings. A special feature which makes it possible to use small motor bearings and small water lubricated rotor bearings is the use of identical forward and rear seal assemblies at each rotor duct assembly. The rear seal assembly inside the main body


of each rotor


isolates each drive shaft


from the effects of vehicle depth pressure. The forward seal assembly in the duct cover


equalizes the normal surface area at each end of the rotor duct assembly. This equates the axial force created by depth pressure at each end of the rotor duct assembly. Therefore, the tilting pad thrust bearing


must support only the thrust generated by the rotor


. The axial force operated by depth pressure is absorbed by the stator vanes


of the inlet duct


. This feature enabled the minimization in size of all bearings and made possible the use of non-lubricated polymer bearings in the motor. This eliminated the need for rolling element bearings. These mechanical features make the tunnel thruster


a more desirable unit than commercially available thrusters.

The blades


shown are much more sophisticated and hydrodynamically acceptable for this application than has been used on previous thrusters. Each rotor


has been designed so that they may operate in a counter-rotating fashion, i.e., the rotors


will always be turning in the opposite rotational directions. This makes the tunnel thruster


more efficient because the rotational velocity or swirling induced into the water as it passes the rotor


on the inlet side of the tunnel


will be removed by the counter-rotating rotor


on the exit end. This is also true when the direction of both motors


is reversed and the vehicle moves in the opposite direction. This attempt at eliminating this circular swirling results in the water jet to be axial and more effective in maneuvering the vehicle, as well as avoiding efficiency losses associated with discharging a jet with rotational velocity. As mentioned previously, the struts


that support the motor housing


were designed as thin and as aerodynamic as possible. This was done to minimize the size of the wakes the rotor blades


must pass through. The number of blades


were chosen to minimize the noise producing interaction between the wakes and the various blade rows. In addition, skew was induced in the design of the blades


. Skew is the repositioning of individual radial blade sections on an axis other than a straight radial axis from the rotational center point of the rotor


. The skew may shift the blade sections into or away from the direction of blade rotation. The blade sections may also be moved in either direction along the axis of rotation. This skewing of the blades


reduces noise because the blade enters the wake gradually, i.e., section by section rather than all at one time. The blades


of one rotor


of the tunnel thruster


are skewed toward the blades


of the other rotor


. This was done to enhance noise reduction capabilities and also this design compensates for differences in the angles of flow of the water between the two rotors


. This enables the running speeds to be matched regardless of the direction they are rotating.

While different embodiments of the invention have been described in detail herein, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that various modifications and alternatives to the embodiments could be developed in light of the overall teachings of the disclosure. Accordingly, the particular arrangements are illustrative only and are not limiting as to the scope of the invention that is to be given the full breadth of any and all equivalents thereof.

  • 1. Tunnel thruster for a water craft comprising:a tunnel to be fitted into the water craft; a water tight motor housing having two ends, said motor housing mounted in said tunnel; at least one strut attached between said tunnel and said motor housing to mount and secured said motor housing in said tunnel, said at least one strut including a pathway for electric and instrumentation lines; two electric motors each including a drive shaft extending from an end of said motor, said motors mounted in an inline position along a centerline of said tunnel inside said motor housing, such that said drive shafts of said motors extend from each end of said motor housing along said centerline; and a water lubricated rotor duct assembly mounted on each end of said motor housing comprising: a rotor attached to said drive shaft and about said motor housing, said rotor having a main body which includes a front and a rear, and said front having a face; at least two blades extending from said main body of said rotor between said front and said rear of said main body of said rotor; a stabilizer shaft extending away from said motor housing, said stabilizer shaft extending from a center of said face of said front of said main body of said rotor, said stabilizer shaft having a nose at an end of said stabilizer shaft which is forward of said face; a cavity milled in said rear of said main body of said rotor to receive said drive shaft, at least part of said motor drive housing, bearings and seals, such that said main body of said rotor is mounted over said motor housing and internally connected to the nose of said drive shaft; a rear seal assembly applying a seal against said drive shaft and against said cavity of said main body of said rotor; a rear journal bearing providing a bearing surface between said cavity of said main body of said rotor and said motor drive housing, said rear journal positioned near said rear of said main body of said rotor, said rear journal bearing lubricated by water surrounding said rotor duct assembly; an inlet duct for attachment to the water craft to support said rotor duct assembly, said inlet duct including an outer rim and a center hub centered in said outer rim, said outer rim for attachment to the water craft and for supporting said center hub, said center hub for supporting said stabilizer shaft of said rotor, said center hub having a front and a rear, said rear of said center hub including a cavity milled to receive bearings; a forward bearing assembly in said cavity of said center hub, said forward bearing assembly lubricated by water surrounding said rotor duct assembly; a thrust shoulder attached to said nose of said stabilizer shaft at said front of said center hub, said thrust shoulder having a front and a rear, said rear of said thrust shoulder milled to receive said nose of said stabilizer shaft, said thrust shoulder having a nose at said front of said thrust shoulder, said thrust shoulder aiding in retaining said forward bearing assembly in place; a forward seal assembly to receive said nose of said thrust shoulder; and a duct cover which attaches to said front of said center hub and over said thrust shoulder, said duct cover having a front and a rear, said rear of said duct cover including a cavity milled to receive said forward seal assembly and said thrust shoulder.
  • 2. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein said rear seal assembly sealing of the nose of said drive shaft and said forward seal assembly sealing off said nose of said thrust shoulder to provide an equal initial pressure on a centerline of said rotor duct assembly and said drive shaft which is maintained during use under water.
  • 3. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein there are at least two struts attached between said tunnel and said motor housing.
  • 4. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein said drive shafts rotate such that said rotors are counter-rotating in orientation.
  • 5. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein said rear seal assembly includes a flange lip seal and a rear seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving the drive shaft; wherein said rear seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said rear seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said rear seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said rear seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said rear seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said seal retainer is for receiving the drive shaft and main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said rotor and said rear seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said rear seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said rear seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said rear seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said rotor; and wherein said spring is for applying said rear flange lip seal against the drive shaft and against an inside surface of said main body of said rear seal retainer along said center opening of said rear seal retainer.
  • 6. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein said forward seal assembly is a flange lip seal and a forward seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder; wherein said forward seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said forward seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said forward seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said forward seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said forward seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said forward seal retainer is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder and said main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said duct cover and said forward seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said forward seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said forward seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said forward seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said duct cover; and wherein said spring is for applying said forward flange lip seal against said nose of said thrust shoulder and against an inside surface of said main body of said forward seal retainer along said center opening of said forward seal retainer.
  • 7. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein said forward bearing assembly includes a tilting pad thrust bearing, a journal runner and a forward bearing retainer; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing includes a thrust bearing with tilting pads; wherein said thrust bearing is a ring with a center opening to receive said journal runner and with two sides defined by an outside circumference of said ring and said center opening; wherein said tilting pads are mounted on said two sides of said thrust bearing, such that contact is provided against said face of said main body of said rotor by one side of said tilting pads and contact is provided against said rear of said thrust shoulder by the other side of said tiling pads; wherein said tilting pads are movable and each of said tilting pads includes a polymer cap that acts as a bearing surface; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing is mounted between said stabilizer shaft and an inside surface of said center hub; wherein said journal runner is a ring having a center opening to receive said stabilizer shaft and acts as a wear surface between said stabilizer shaft and said tilting pad thrust bearing and wherein said forward bearing retainer fastens to said rear of said center hub for retaining said forward bearing assembly in place.
  • 8. The tunnel thruster of claim 7, further including at least one key; wherein said stabilizer shaft includes at least one key way; wherein said journal runner includes at least one key way; and wherein said at least one key is positioned in said stabilizer shaft at least one key way and said journal runner at least one key way, so as to lock said stabilizer shaft and said journal runner together.
  • 9. The tunnel thruster of claim 6, wherein said thrust shoulder includes a groove in said milled rear of said thrust shoulder to receive an o-ring to prevent water from reaching said nose of said stabilizer shaft.
  • 10. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, further including a rear thrust runner mounted to said face of said main body of said rotor between said face and said tilting pads; further including a front thrust runner mounted to said rear of said thrust shoulder between said thrust shoulder and said tilting pads; wherein said rear and front thrust runners are disc shaped and include a center opening; and wherein said rear and front thrust runners act as wear surfaces.
  • 11. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein there are at least two stators between said center hub and said outside rim of said inlet duct for supporting said center hub inside said outside rim.
  • 12. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein each of said at least two blades includes skew; wherein skew is the repositioning of individual radial blade sections on an axis other than a straight radial axis from a rotational center point of said rotor.
  • 13. The tunnel thruster of claim 12, said blades of each of said rotors are skewed toward the blades of the opposite rotor.
  • 14. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, further including a duct liner between the water craft and said inlet duct to prevent water from entering said water craft.
  • 15. The tunnel thruster of claim 1, wherein said rear seal assembly includes a flange lip seal and a rear seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving the drive shaft; wherein said rear seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said rear seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said rear seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said rear seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said rear seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said seal retainer is for receiving the drive shaft and main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said rotor and said rear seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said rear seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said rear seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said rear seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said rotor; wherein said spring is for applying said rear flange lip seal against the drive shaft and against an inside surface of said main body of said rear seal retainer along said center opening of said rear seal retainer; wherein said forward seal assembly is a flange lip seal and a forward seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder; wherein said forward seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said forward seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said forward seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said forward seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said forward seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said forward seal retainer is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder and said main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said duct cover and said forward seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said forward seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said forward seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said forward seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said duct cover; wherein said spring is for applying said forward flange lip seal against said nose of said thrust shoulder and against an inside surface of said main body of said forward seal retainer along said center opening of said forward seal retainer; wherein said forward bearing assembly includes a tilting pad thrust bearing, a journal runner and a forward bearing retainer; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing includes a thrust bearing with tilting pads; wherein said thrust bearing is a ring with a center opening to receive said journal runner and with two sides defined by an outside circumference of said ring and said center opening; wherein said tilting pads are mounted on said two sides of said thrust bearing, such that contact is provided against said face of said main body of said rotor by one side of said tilting pads and contact is provided against said rear of said thrust shoulder by the other side of said tiling pads; wherein said tilting pads are movable and each of said tilting pads includes a polymer cap that acts as a bearing surface; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing is mounted between said stabilizer shaft and an inside surface of said center hub; wherein said journal runner is a ring having a center opening to receive said stabilizer shaft and acts as a wear surface between said stabilizer shaft and said tilting pad thrust bearing; wherein said forward bearing retainer fastens to said rear of said center hub for retaining said forward bearing assembly in place; and wherein said thrust shoulder includes a groove in said milled rear of said thrust shoulder to receive an o-ring to prevent water from reaching said nose of said stabilizer shaft.
  • 16. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, wherein said rear seal assembly sealing of the nose of said drive shaft and said forward seal assembly sealing off said nose of said thrust shoulder to provide an equal initial pressure on a centerline of said rotor duct assembly and said drive shaft which is maintained during use under water.
  • 17. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, further including a rear thrust runner mounted to said face of said main body of said rotor between said face and said tilting pads; further including a front thrust runner mounted to said rear of said thrust shoulder between said thrust shoulder and said tilting pads; wherein said rear and front thrust runners are disc shaped and include a center opening; and wherein said rear and front thrust runners act as wear surfaces.
  • 18. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, wherein there are at least two stators between said center hub and said outside rim of said inlet duct for supporting said center hub inside said outside rim.
  • 19. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, wherein each of said at least two blades includes skew; wherein skew is the repositioning of individual radial blade sections on an axis other than a straight radial axis from a rotational center point of said rotor.
  • 20. The tunnel thruster of claim 19, said blades of each of said rotors are skewed toward the blades of the opposite rotor.
  • 21. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, further including a duct liner between the water craft and said inlet duct to prevent water from entering said water craft.
  • 22. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, further including at least one key; wherein said stabilizer shaft includes at least one key way; wherein said journal runner includes at least one key way; and wherein said at least one key is positioned in said stabilizer shaft at least one key way and said journal runner at least one key way, so as to lock said stabilizer shaft and said journal runner together.
  • 23. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, wherein there are at least two struts attached between said tunnel and said motor housing.
  • 24. The tunnel thruster of claim 15, wherein said drive shafts rotate such that said rotors are counter-rotating in orientation.
  • 25. A water lubricated rotor duct assembly for attachment to a water craft and a drive unit of the water craft, whereby the drive unit includes a drive housing and a drive shaft with a nose extending from the drive housing, comprising:a rotor attached to the drive unit, said rotor having a main body which includes a front and a rear, and said front having a face; at least two blades extending from said main body of said rotor between said front and said rear of said main body of said rotor; a stabilizer shaft extending away from the drive unit, said stabilizer shaft extending from a center of said face of said front of said main body of said rotor, said stabilizer shaft having a nose at an end of said stabilizer shaft which is forward of said face; a cavity milled in said rear of said main body of said rotor to receive the drive shaft, at least part of the drive housing, bearings and seals, such that said main body of said rotor is mounted over the drive unit and internally connected to the nose of the drive shaft; a rear seal assembly applying a seal against the drive shaft and against said cavity of said main body of said rotor; a rear journal bearing providing a bearing surface between said cavity of said main body of said rotor and the drive housing, said rear journal positioned near said rear of said main body of said rotor, said rear journal bearing lubricated by water surrounding said rotor duct assembly; an inlet duct for attachment to the water craft to support said rotor duct assembly, said inlet duct including an outer rim and a center hub centered in said outer rim, said outer rim for attachment to the water craft and for supporting said center hub, said center hub for supporting said stabilizer shaft of said rotor, said center hub having a front and a rear, said rear of said center hub including a cavity milled to receive bearings; a forward bearing assembly in said cavity of said center hub, said forward bearing assembly lubricated by water surrounding said rotor duct assembly; a thrust shoulder attached to said nose of said stabilizer shaft at said front of said center hub, said thrust shoulder having a front and a rear, said rear of said thrust shoulder milled to receive said nose of said stabilizer shaft, said thrust shoulder having a nose at said front of said thrust shoulder, said thrust shoulder aiding in retaining said forward bearing assembly in place; a forward seal assembly to receive said nose of said thrust shoulder; a duct cover which attaches to said front of said center hub and over said thrust shoulder, said duct cover having a front and a rear, said rear of said duct cover including a cavity milled to receive said forward seal assembly and said thrust shoulder; and said rear seal assembly sealing of the nose of the drive shaft and said forward seal assembly sealing off said nose of said thrust shoulder to provide an equal initial pressure on a centerline of said rotor duct assembly and the drive shaft which is maintained during use under water.
  • 26. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, wherein said rear seal assembly includes a flange lip seal and a rear seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving the drive shaft; wherein said rear seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said rear seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said rear seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said rear seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said rear seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said seal retainer is for receiving the drive shaft and main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said rotor and said rear seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said rear seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said rear seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said rear seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said rotor; and wherein said spring is for applying said rear flange lip seal against the drive shaft and against an inside surface of said main body of said rear seal retainer along said center opening of said rear seal retainer.
  • 27. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, wherein said forward seal assembly is a flange lip seal and a forward seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder; wherein said forward seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said forward seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said forward seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said forward seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said forward seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said forward seal retainer is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder and said main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said duct cover and said forward seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said forward seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said forward seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said forward seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said duct cover; and wherein said spring is for applying said forward flange lip seal against said nose of said thrust shoulder and against an inside surface of said main body of said forward seal retainer along said center opening of said forward seal retainer.
  • 28. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, wherein said forward bearing assembly includes a tilting pad thrust bearing, a journal runner and a forward bearing retainer; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing includes a thrust bearing with tilting pads; wherein said thrust bearing is a ring with a center opening to receive said journal runner and with two sides defined by an outside circumference of said ring and said center opening; wherein said tilting pads are mounted on said two sides of said thrust bearing, such that contact is provided against said face of said main body of said rotor by one side of said tilting pads and contact is provided against said rear of said thrust shoulder by the other side of said tiling pads; wherein said tilting pads are movable and each of said tilting pads includes a polymer cap that acts as a bearing surface; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing is mounted between said stabilizer shaft and an inside surface of said center hub; wherein said journal runner is a ring having a center opening to receive said stabilizer shaft and acts as a wear surface between said stabilizer shaft and said tilting pad thrust bearing and wherein said forward bearing retainer fastens to said rear of said center hub for retaining said forward bearing assembly in place.
  • 29. The rotor duct assembly of claim 28, further including at least one key; wherein said stabilizer shaft includes at least one key way; wherein said journal runner includes at least one key way; and wherein said at least one key is positioned in said stabilizer shaft at least one key way and said journal runner at least one key way, so as to lock said stabilizer shaft and said journal runner together.
  • 30. The rotor duct assembly of claim 27, wherein said thrust shoulder includes a groove in said milled rear of said thrust shoulder to receive an o-ring to prevent water from reaching said nose of said stabilizer shaft.
  • 31. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, further including a rear thrust runner mounted to said face of said main body of said rotor between said face and said tilting pads; further including a front thrust runner mounted to said rear of said thrust shoulder between said thrust shoulder and said tilting pads; wherein said rear and front thrust runners are disc shaped and include a center opening; and wherein said rear and front thrust runners act as wear surfaces.
  • 32. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, wherein there are at least two stators between said center hub and said outside rim of said inlet duct for supporting said center hub inside said outside rim.
  • 33. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, wherein each of said at least two blades includes skew; wherein skew is the repositioning of individual radial blade sections on an axis other than a straight radial axis from a rotational center point of said rotor.
  • 34. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, further including a duct liner between the water craft and said inlet duct to prevent water from entering said water craft.
  • 35. The rotor duct assembly of claim 34, wherein said rotor duct assembly is in a tunnel of the water craft.
  • 36. The rotor duct assembly of claim 25, wherein said rear seal assembly includes a flange lip seal and a rear seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving the drive shaft; wherein said rear seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said rear seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said rear seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said rear seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said rear seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said seal retainer is for receiving the drive shaft and main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said rotor and said rear seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said rear seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said rear seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said rear seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said rotor; wherein said spring is for applying said rear flange lip seal against the drive shaft and against an inside surface of said main body of said rear seal retainer along said center opening of said rear seal retainer; wherein said forward seal assembly is a flange lip seal and a forward seal retainer; wherein said flange lip seal includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said flange lip seal, flange about one end of said main body of said flange lip seal, a groove in an end opposite said end with said flange and a spring in said groove; wherein said center opening of said main body of said flange lip seal is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder; wherein said forward seal retainer includes a cylindrical shaped main body, a center opening in said main body of said forward seal retainer, flange at about one end of said main body of said forward seal retainer, a groove about said main body of said forward seal retainer and an o-ring in said groove of said forward seal retainer; wherein said center opening of said main body of said forward seal retainer is for receiving said nose of said thrust shoulder and said main body of said flange lip seal; wherein said o-ring provides a seal between said cavity of said duct cover and said forward seal retainer for preventing water from getting behind said forward seal assembly; wherein an end opposite said flange of said forward seal retainer is inserted against said flange of said flange lip seal to retain said flange lip seal in place and said flange of said forward seal retainer is fastened inside said cavity of said duct cover; wherein said spring is for applying said forward flange lip seal against said nose of said thrust shoulder and against an inside surface of said main body of said forward seal retainer along said center opening of said forward seal retainer; wherein said forward bearing assembly includes a tilting pad thrust bearing, a journal runner and a forward bearing retainer; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing includes a thrust bearing with tilting pads; wherein said thrust bearing is a ring with a center opening to receive said journal runner and with two sides defined by an outside circumference of said ring and said center opening; wherein said tilting pads are mounted on said two sides of said thrust bearing, such that contact is provided against said face of said main body of said rotor by one side of said tilting pads and contact is provided against said rear of said thrust shoulder by the other side of said tiling pads; wherein said tilting pads are movable and each of said tilting pads includes a polymer cap that acts as a bearing surface; wherein said tilting pad thrust bearing is mounted between said stabilizer shaft and an inside surface of said center hub; wherein said journal runner is a ring having a center opening to receive said stabilizer shaft and acts as a wear surface between said stabilizer shaft and said tilting pad thrust bearing; wherein said forward bearing retainer fastens to said rear of said center hub for retaining said forward bearing assembly in place; and wherein said thrust shoulder includes a groove in said milled rear of said thrust shoulder to receive an o-ring to prevent water from reaching said nose of said stabilizer shaft.
  • 37. The rotor duct assembly of claim 36, further including a rear thrust runner mounted to said face of said main body of said rotor between said face and said tilting pads; further including a front thrust runner mounted to said rear of said thrust shoulder between said thrust shoulder and said tilting pads; wherein said rear and front thrust runners are disc shaped and include a center opening; and wherein said rear and front thrust runners act as wear surfaces.
  • 38. The rotor duct assembly of claim 36, wherein there are at least two stators between said center hub and said outside rim of said inlet duct for supporting said center hub inside said outside rim.
  • 39. The rotor duct assembly of claim 36, wherein each of said at least two blades includes skew; wherein skew is the repositioning of individual radial blade sections on an axis other than a straight radial axis from a rotational center point of said rotor.
  • 40. The rotor duct assembly of claim 36, further including a duct liner between the water craft and said inlet duct to prevent water from entering said water craft.
  • 41. The rotor duct assembly of claim 36, further including at least one key; wherein said stabilizer shaft includes at least one key way; wherein said journal runner includes at least one key way; and wherein said at least one key is positioned in said stabilizer shaft at least one key way and said journal runner at least one key way, so as to lock said stabilizer shaft and said journal runner together.
Parent Case Info

This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/208,528 filed Jun. 1, 2000 and hereby incorporates it by reference.

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Number Date Country
60/208528 Jun 2000 US