For transportation of stock (Gas or Liquid)—man has laid a Network of Pipe Line System in Pipe System—Velocity Pressure subsists as a vehicle for stock in transit. At destination the Pipe Line Network System terminates—Velocity Pressure therein simply evaporates and thereafter has No Kinetic Energy in Dormant state.
Whereas; stock (Gas or Liquid) in transit under Velocity Pressure in a Pipe Line Network System; has massive inherent Static Pressure and Kinetic Energy in Dorment state present in the Pipe Line System. Present Invention “Tunnel Turbine System” makes use of Kinetic Energy in Dorment state to activate Potential Energy Generation; before Pipe Line Network System terminates and Velocity Pressure evaporates; thus makes available vast Potential Energy Generation without incurring any Fuel Usage or Environment Pollution and numerous other beneficial advantages.
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to Energy Generation; whereby Kinetic Energy in Dorment State present in a Pipe Line Network System is activated to generate Potential Energy.
2. Prior Art
Known Scientific Principals in prior art as per below; are integrated, amalgamated and incorporated in the innovative System invention of Potential Energy Generation from Kinetic Energy in Dorment state—wherein it induces a new dimension of function, purpose and System's efficiency increases many folds.
1: “Wind Turbines Farms”:
- (a) Gas/Wind are similar in physical properties and governed by the same principals. The cardinal principal involved in Wind Turbines Power Generation; a 20% increase in the wind velocity—increases the power generated with 73%, despite, Air density decreases with temperature and altitude; “Major Factor in Power Generation is Wind Velocity3”.
- (b) The basics of Wind Kinetic Energy; ‘P’ (Power KW) attainable is: ‘P’=½pAV3 i.e. 0.5×p (Mass Kg/m2)×A (Fan Area−sq. meters)×V3 (Velocity3 meters per second)=KW.
2: “Vertical Wind Tunnel”:
- “Indoor Skydiving” enables human beings to Fly in air, through the Force of Wind being generated Vertically. The cardinal Principal of a Tunnel is; “a 2ND Pressure known as Static Pressure is always present in a Duct/Tunnel/Pipe; it acts equally in all Sides of the Conduit—independent of Velocity or its Movement Direction”.
The present invention is totally different from conventional systems producing renewable energy for a number of reasons as per below:
- a) The present invention eliminates the use of gigantic and extremely heavy structure; installation of Distribution System, and; gets rid of logistics problems thereof—more difficult to produce, fabricate, transport and install.
- b) The present invention totally eliminates the Use of any kind of petroleum/other Fuels for Energy Generation, thus No Greenhouse Gas (Carbon) Emission is produced; the System is totally free from all kinds of Environment Pollution or any Temperature increase.
- c) The present invention has an added advantage of Static Pressure (Tunnel) which gives Consistency to Velocity and Direction that can be managed, controlled and regulated.
- d) The present invention has a major advantage; Dorment Kinetic Energy inherently present in the System can be transformed instantly into Potential mechanical energy.
- e) The present invention has an additional major advantage; it is specifically located whereof most Dorment Kinetic Energy in Dormant state is inherently present but Potential Energy is highly scarce and vitally required; whereof Energy Distribution System already exists.
“Tunnel Turbine System Generates Potential Energy from Dorment Kinetic Energy”; the System has the following innovative features:
- 1. The “Tunnel Turbine” is the only System in the world that activates “Kinetic Energy” inherently present in a Pipe Line Network System; from Dormant State to Generate Potential Energy, without Fuel Usage or Environment Pollution or any Greenhouse Gas (Carbon) Emission or temperature increase.
- 2. The “Tunnel Turbine” System of Potential Energy Generation is the only System in the world that transforms Dorment Kinetic Energy instantly into Potential Mechanical Kinetic Energy—likewise Hydropower or Windmill.
- 3. The “Tunnel Turbine” is the only System in the world that is specifically located whereof Dorment Kinetic Energy is inherently present and more Energy Generation is vitally required—immune of fluctuating water supply or erratic wind velocity or there direction located in remote areas.
- 4. The “Tunnel Turbine” is the only System in the world that generates Potential Energy from Kinetic Energy present in Dorment State in Gas or Liquid Pipe Line System but before the stock is Drained Out or Dissipated as Fuel or used as Feedstock or Distributed/Stored at destination.
- 5. The “Tunnel Turbine” is the only System in the world that incorporates known Scientific Principals on which other different systems operate, viz. as under:
- (a) “Wind Turbines Farms”: “Major Factor in Power Generation is Wind Velocity3”. (Air & Gas have similar physical properties)
- (b) “Vertical Wind Tunnel”: “a 2ND Pressure known as Static Pressure is always present in a Duct/Tunnel/Pipe; it acts equally in all Sides of the Conduit—independent of Velocity or its Movement Direction”.
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the invention showing “Tunnel Turbine” System integrated in conventional Pipe Line Network System; wherein stock (Gas or Liquid) is in transit under high Velocity Pressure; its Composite Unit Assembly has two Devices: I and II integrated in Pipe Line Network System which instantly activates Kinetic Energy in Dorment state therein into Potential mechanical Kinetic Energy without any Fuel Usage—totally eliminates Greenhouse Gas (Carbon) Emission or Environment Pollution or Temperature increase.
- a) Device: —FIG. 1 page I; “Generator Device” of “Tunnel Turbine”; is integrated in the Pipe Line Network System, shows; Pipe Line Tunnel, stock (Gas/Liquid) in transit therein, Control Valve with two Conduit Bypass Pipe Lines for major diversion of stock in transit, the Turbine Housing, Turbine Impellor, two Nozzle Venturi Inlets, two Outlets, and Generator Shaft.
- b) Device: —FIG. 1 page I.; “Ejector Contraption Device” of “Tunnel Turbine” is coupled with “Generator Device” as Composite Unit assembly and integrated in Pipe Line Network System, shows; Pipe Line Tunnel, stock in transit therein, Control Valve with one Conduit Bypass Pipe Line for diversion of balance stock in transit, Ejector Contraption Body with an Inlet, Pipe Line Tunnel, Slit Venturi Inlet opening in Pipe Body of the Network System.
The features, objects and advantages of the Invention will be fully understood from the following detailed description of the accompanying drawing of “Tunnel Turbine” System has a Composite Unit of Two Devices: I and II—FIG. 1 page I; integrated in the Pipe Line Network System; in which;
- (i) The Device—I; “Generator Device” of the “Tunnel Turbine”; shows; Pipe Line System 14, stock (Gas or Liquid) 1 in transit, Pipe Line Tunnel 12, Control Valve 2, two Conduit Bypass Pipe Lines 2a (or more), two stock Nozzle Venturi Inlets 6 (or more), Turbine Housing 4, Turbine Impellor 5 in Housing 4, two stock Outlets 7 (or more), and Generator Shaft 8. The “Generator Device” functions and operates as under:
- The Pipe Line System 14; wherein stock (Gas or Liquid) 1 under Velocity Pressure is in transit in Pipe Line Tunnel 12; major part of stock 1 is diverted through Control Valve 2 connecting two Conduit Bypass Pipe Lines 2a the stock outflow connects two Nozzle Venturi Inlets 6 in Turbine Housing 4 strikes the Turbine Impellor 5 in Turbine Housing 4 from two directions with great Velocity Pressure—activates the Generator Shaft 8 at high speed and thereafter the stock exits through two Outlets 7 in Turbine Housing 4. The Dorment Kinetic Energy inherently present in Pipe Line System 14 drives the “Generator Device”—generates Potential Energy.
- (ii) The Device—II; “Ejector Contraption Device” of “Tunnel Turbine”, shows; Pipe Line System 14, stock (Gas or Liquid) 1 in transit, Pipe Line Tunnel 12, Control Valve 3, one Conduit Bypass Pipe Line 3a, Inlet 9 in Ejector Contraption Body 10, the Slit Venturi Outlet 11 built in Tunnel Body 13 concealed inside Ejector Contraption Body 10. The “Ejector Contraption Device” functions and operates as under:
- The Pipe Line System 14 wherein; stock (Gas or Liquid) 1 in transit in Pipe Line Tunnel 12 under Velocity Pressure, balance stock is diverted through Control Valve 3 connecting one Conduit Bypass Pipe Line 3a—the stock outflow connects Inlet 9 of Ejector Contraption Body 10, the stock under high Velocity Pressure is inducted in Ejector Contraption Body 10; the stock self ejects through Slit Venturi Outlet 11 built in Pipe Body 13 concealed inside Ejector Contraption Body 10 into Pipe Tunnel 12 passage, wherein; it causes Vortex 15 just above the Slit Venturi Outlet 11 and creates Vacuum 16 just below the Slit Venturi Outlet 11 in Pipe Line Tunnel 12 passage—eliminates back pressure buildup and extracts with greater speed the stock, exiting from Outlets 7 of “Generator Turbine Device—I” into Pipe Line 12 passage—restores Velocity Pressure loss if any in Pipe Line 12. The stock 1 continues its onward transit journey to destination without any Velocity Pressure loss in Pipe Line System 14.