According to the invention, the internal wall (5.1) of the air intake (2) and the housing (12.1) for the fan (3) are pieces of composite fibre/resin material, overlap-jointed at the ends thereof (5.1R) and (12.1A).

The present invention relates to aircraft turbine engines and, more especially, to the connection between the air intake and the fan casing of such a turbine engine.

In known turbine engines, the internal wall of the air intake and the fan casing are made of metal and the rear end of said internal wall of the air intake and the front end of said fan casing have collaborating projecting peripheral flanges to allow said air intake and said casing to be joined together using fasteners (screws, bolts, etc) of which the axes run parallel to the longitudinal axis of the turbine engine and which pass through said flanges.

Given the mechanical, thermal and mass properties of resin/fiber composites, it would be advantageous if it were possible for said internal wall of the air intake and said fan casing to be produced entirely in the form of components made of such composite. However, tests aimed at achieving this have not proved advantageous because, during use, the fibers delaminate at the 90° elbow where the peripheral flanges meet the tubular remainder of said internal wall and of said casing, which delamination leads to a substantial drop in the mechanical strength of said components and even causes them to break.

It is an object of the present invention to remedy this disadvantage.

To this end, according to the invention, the aircraft turbine engine having a longitudinal axis and comprising:

    • an air intake provided with a tubular internal wall; and
    • a fan, supplied with air by said air intake and enclosed in a casing, which is also tubular, the rear end of said internal wall of the air intake and the front end of said casing of the fan being joined together using fasteners, such as screws, bolts or the like,

      is notable in that:
    • at least one of said components that are said internal wall of the air intake and said casing of the fan is made of a resin/fiber composite;
    • said rear end of said internal wall of the air intake and said front end of said fan casing are uniform, with no projections such as peripheral flanges or the like that can be used to join said internal wall and said casing together; and
    • the axes of said fasteners make an angle of at least 60° with respect to said longitudinal axis of the turbine engine.

Thus, by virtue of the present invention, it is possible to dispense with the need to produce connecting flanges in the composite components that are the said internal wall of the air intake and said fan casing. The risks of delamination at the elbow where said flanges are connected are thus avoided.

Said internal wall of the air intake and said fan casing may both be made of a resin/liber composite and said axes of the fasteners may be at least approximately orthogonal to said longitudinal axis of the turbine engine.

In a first embodiment of the present invention, said rear end of the internal wall of the air intake and said front end of the fan casing are fitted one inside the other and said fasteners pass through those parts of said front and rear ends that are fitted one inside the others When the ends are fitted one inside the other in this way, the rear end of said internal wall of the air intake may penetrate the front end of said fan casing or, alternatively, it is the front end of said fan casing that penetrates the rear end of said internal wall of the air intake. In addition, the ends may be fitted one inside the other with direct contact between said front and rear ends or alternatively with at least one spacer ring interposed between said front and rear ends. Of course, in the latter instance, said fasteners also pass through the spacer ring or rings. Furthermore, regardless of how the parts are fitted one inside the other, the contact surface may be cylindrical or conical.

In a second embodiment, said rear end of said internal wall of the air intake and said front end of said fan casing are joined together via a connecting ring (made as a single piece or in several angularly distributed segments) that they penetrate, fasteners pass through those parts of said connecting ring and of said rear end of said internal wall of the air intake that face one another, and other fasteners pass through those parts of said connecting ring and of said front end of said fan casing that face one another. Once again, the surface for contact between said connecting ring, on the one hand, and said fronL and rear end, on the other, may be cylindrical or conical. As an option, said connecting ring may have a transverse partition.

Whatever the embodiment of the present invention, it is possible to ensure that:

    • at least some of said fasteners are bolts, the nuts of which are captive in one or other of said front and rear ends;
    • at least some of said fasteners are connected to one of said front or rear ends via plastically deformable members so that the energy of a broken fan blade striking the fan casing can be at least partially absorbed;
    • centering means can be used to position one of said front or rear ends relative to the other accurately about the longitudinal axis of the turbine engine.

The composite of which said internal wall of the air intake and said fan casing are made may contain carbon, boron, glass, silicon carbide, etc. fiber and said internal wall and said casing may be obtained by any known method (filament winding, coiling, the draping of fiber or fabric prepregs, etc).

The figures of the attached drawing will make it easier to understand how the invention may be embodied. In these figures, identical references denote elements that are similar.

FIG. 1 shows, in partial schematic half section, the front part of a known turbine engine.

FIG. 2 shows, also in partial schematic half section, one example of how the rear end of the air intake and the front end of the fan casing are joined together in the known turbine engine of FIG. 1.

FIGS. 3 to 8 illustrate several possible ways of coining the rear end of the air intake and the front end of the fan casing together in a turbine engine according to the present invention.

FIG. 9 is a partial view from above of the joining example of FIG. 8.

FIG. 10 is a plan view of a plastically deformable ring used in the embodiment of FIG. 8.

FIG. 11 corresponds to a section on XI-XI of FIG. 9.

The turbine engine of known type, 1, the front tart of which is depicted schematically and partially in FIG. 1, has a longitudinal axis L-L. This front part essentially comprises a tubular air intake 2 and a fan 3.

The tubular air intake 2 has a leading edge 4 and is provided with a metal tubular internal wall 5, for example made of aluminum, internally bearing a sound-deadening tubular covering 6. An external cowl 7 surrounds said air intake and together with said internal wall 5 defines a chamber 8 of annular cross section, closed off by an annular rear partition 9 at the opposite end to said leading edge 4.

The fan 3 has blades 10 and is surrounded by a fan casing 11 consisting of a metal tubular component 12, for example made of aluminum, and internally bearing a sound-deadening tubular covering 13.

The rear end 2R of the air intake 2 and the front end 11A of the Fan casing 11 are joined together along a joining plane J.

As shown on a larger scale in FIG. 2, the rear 2R and front 11A ends are assembled using two collaborating annular flanges 14 and 15 projecting out from the internal wall 5 and from the tubular component 1-2 and pressed against one another by bolts 16 the axes l-l of which are parallel to the longitudinal axis L-L and which pass through opposing drillings 17 and 18 made in said flanges 14 and 15. In the known embodiment of FIG. 2, the annular flange 14 is attached to the internal wall 5 and secured to the latter by bolts 19 and 20. By contrast, in this example the flange 15 is machined as one piece with the tubular component 12

Furthermore, associated with each bolt 16 is a sleeve 21, through which said bolt 16 passes, and which is secured by said bolt to the flange 15. The sleeves 21 are produced in such a way that they can be compressed plastically in the axial direction. Thus, when a blade 10 of the fan 3 breaks off and strikes the casing 11, the energy of the impact can be at least partially absorbed by said sleeves 21.

FIGS. 3 to 8 show, in a view comparable with FIG. 2, exemplary embodiments according to the present invention, in which the internal wall of the air intake 2 and the fan casing 11 consist of resin/fiber composite tubular components 5.1 to 5.6 and 12.1 to 12.6 respectively, with no projecting flanges at their ends 2R and 11A and which are assembled using fasteners 22.1 to 22.3 and 32.4, 34.4 that are orthogonal to the longitudinal axis L-L of the turbine engine 1.

In the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 31 the tubular component 5.1 made of composite, that forms the internal wall of the air intake 2 and bears the internal sound-deadening covering 6, has a diameter smaller than that of the tubular component 12.1 made of composite that forms the fan casing 11 and bears the internal sound-deadening covering 13, which means that the rear end 5.1R of the component 5.1 made of composite can, preferably with a small amount of friction, penetrate the front end 12.1A of the composite component 12.1. The composite components 5.1 and 12.1 are assembled by transverse bolts 22.1 of which the axes x.1-x.1 are orthogonal to the longitudinal axis L-L of the turbine engine 1 and which pass through the ends 5.1R and 12.1A that face each other. The nuts 23.1 of the bolts 22.1 are captive on the internal wall of the composite component 5.1, for example using screws 24.1 depicted only by centerlines.

In the alternative form of embodiment illustrated in FIG. 4, the composite tubular component 5.2, that forms the internal wall of the air intake 2 and bears the internal sound-deadening covering 6, has a diameter greater than that of the composite tubular component 12.2 that forms the fan casing St and bears the sound-deadening covering 13. In addition, the rear end 5.2R of the composite component 5.2 is internally conical, while the front end 12.2A of the composite component 12.2 is externally conical. Thus, the front end 12.2A can penetrate the rear end 5.2R, the contact surface 25 of said ends then being conical. The composite components 5.2 and 12.2 are assembled by through-bolts 22.2 of which the axes x.2-x.2 are orthogonal to the longitudinal axis L-L of the turbine engine I and which pass through the ends 5.2R and 12.2A that face one another, The nuts 23.2 of the bolts 22.2 are captive on components 26.2 attached on the inside of the front end 12.2A.

The assembly schematically depicted in FIG. 5 comprises a composite tubular component 5.3 forming the internal wall of the air intake 2 and bearing the internal sound-deadening covering 6, and a composite tubular component 12.3 forming the fan casing 11 and bearing the sound-deadening covering 13. The rear end 5.3R of the component 5.3 surrounds the front end 12.3A of the component 12.3 with some clearance and a system of cylindrical packing pieces 27, 28, with conical joint surfaces 29, is interposed between said ends 5.3R and 12.3A. The latter and the packing pieces 27, 28 have, passing through them, transverse bolts 22.3 of which the axes x.3-x.3 are orthogonal to the longitudinal axis L-L of the turbine engine 1 and which serve to join said composite components 5.3 and 12.3 together. The nuts 23.3 of the bolts 22.3 are captive on components 26.3 attached to the front end 12.3A.

In the exemplary embodiment of FIG. 6, the rear end 5.4R of a composite component 5.4 that forms the internal wall of the air intake 2 and bears the sound-deadening covering 6, and the front end 12.4A of a composite component 12.4 that forms the fan casing 11 and bears the sound-deadening covering 13, are joined together using a connecting ring 30 into the opposite ends of which they fit. The connecting ring 30 has a transverse wall 31 at least approximately representing the joining plane a, and transverse bolts 32.4, 33.4 and 35.4, of which the respective axes x4-x4, x5-x5 and x6-x6 are orthogonal to the longitudinal axis L-L of the turbine engine 1, are used to join the components 5.4 and 12.4 together using said connecting ring 30. At least some of the nuts of the bolts 32.4, 33.4 and 34.4 are captive on the component 5.4 or the component 12.4 and the annular rear partition 9 may be joined to the component 5.4 by the bolts 34.4.

The exemplary embodiment of FIG. 7 is very similar to that of FIG. 6 except that the connecting ring 35, which replaces the connecting ring 30, has no transverse wall (similar to the wall 31).

The same is true in the exemplary embodiment of FIGS. 8, 9 and 11 in which the rear 5.6R and front 12.6R ends of two tubular composite components 5.6 and 12.6 (that respectively form the internal wall of the air intake 2 and the fan casing 11 and respectively bear sound-deadening coverings 6 and 13) are joined together by a connecting ring 36 with no transverse wall and by bolts 32.4, 33.4 and 34.4. In this last embodiment, the bolts 32.4 that connect the connecting ring 36 to the composite component 12.6 are connected to the connecting ring 36 by plastically deformable members 37. Each member 37 comprises a central sleeve 38 intended to have a bolt 32.4 passing through it and which is connected to an external ring 39 by plastically deformable spokes 40, it being possible for said external ring to be secured to the connecting ring 36r for example in drillings 41 thereof.

Thus, when a blade 10 of the fan 3 breaks off and strikes the fan casing 11 (component 12.6), the impact energy is absorbed by the deformation of the spokes 40.

Furthermore, the connecting ring 36 may, through its nature or its shaping, allow plastic deformation if a blade should break.

In addition, as illustrated schematically in FIG. 11, the embodiment of FIGS. 8, 9 and 11 comprises centering fingers 42 allowing the relative position of the components 12.6 and 5.6 about the longitudinal axis L-L to be fixed accurately.

Some of the bores through which said fasteners pass may be oblong in order to allow them partially to absorb the impact energy if a blade 10 should break.

Furthermore, is will be noted that the air intake according to the present invention has no breaking impedance, thus improving the overall noise abatement of the sound proofing.

  • 1-16. (canceled)
  • 17. An aircraft turbine engine (I) having a longitudinal axis (L-L) and comprising: an air intake (2) provided with a tubular internal wall (5); anda fan (3), supplied with air by said air intake (2) and enclosed in a casing, which is also tubular, the rear end of said internal wall of the air intake (2) and the front end of said casing of the fan (3) being joined together using fasteners, such as screws, bolts or the like, wherein:at least one of said components that are said internal wall (5.1 to 5.6) of the air intake (2) and said casing (12.1 to 12.6) of the fan (3) is made of a resin/fiber composite;said rear end (5.1R to 5.6R) of said internal wall of the air intake and said front end (12.1A to 12.6A) of said fan casing are uniform, with no projections such as peripheral flanges or the like that can be used to join said internal wall and said casing together; andthe axes (x1-x1 to x6-x6) of said fasteners make an angle of at least 60° with respect to said longitudinal axis (L-L) of the turbine engine (1).
  • 18. A turbine engine according to claim 17, wherein said internal wall (5.1 to 5.6) of the air intake (2) and said casing (12.1 to 12.6) of the fan (3) are made of a resin/fiber composite.
  • 19. A turbine engine according to claim 17, wherein the axes (x1-x1 to x6-x6) of said fasteners are at least approximately orthogonal to said longitudinal axis (L-L) of the turbine engine (1).
  • 20. A turbine engine according to claim. 17, wherein the rear end (5.1R to 5.3R) of the internal wall of the air intake (2) and the front end (12.1A to 12.3A) of the casing of the fan (3) are fitted one inside the other and the fasteners pass through said front and rear ends.
  • 21. A turbine engine according to claim 20, wherein the rear end (5.1R) of said internal wall of the air intake (2) penetrates the front end (12.1A) of said casing of the fan (3).
  • 22. A turbine engine according to claim 20, wherein the front end (12.1A, 12.3A) of said casing of the fan (3) penetrates the rear end (5.2R, 5.3R) of said internal wall of the air intake (2).
  • 23. Sew) A turbine engine according to claim. 20, wherein said front and rear ends (5.1R, 5.2R-12.1A, 12.2A) that are fitted one inside the other are in direct contact with one another.
  • 24. A turbine engine according to claim 20, wherein at least one spacer ring (27, 28) is positioned between the said front and rear ends that are fitted one inside the other, and the said fasteners pass through said spacer ring.
  • 25. A turbine engine according to claim 20, wherein the surface (25, 29) via which said front and rear ends are fitted one inside the other is cylindrical.
  • 26. A turbine engine according to claim 20, wherein the surface (25, 29) via which said front and rear ends are fitted one inside the other is conical.
  • 27. A turbine engine according to claim 17, wherein said rear end of said internal wall of the air intake and said front end of said fan casing are joined together via a connecting ring (30, 35, 36) that they penetrate, fasteners pass through those parts of said connecting ring (30, 35, 36) and of said rear end of said internal wall of the air intake that face one another, and other fasteners pass through those parts of said connecting ring (30, 35, 36) and of said front end of said fan casing that face one another.
  • 28. A turbine engine according to claim 27, wherein said connecting ring is made up of at least two segments.
  • 29. A turbine engine according to claim 27, wherein said connecting ring (30) comprises a transverse partition (31).
  • 30. A turbine engine according to claim 17, wherein at least some of said fasteners are bolts, the nuts (23.1 to 23.3) of which are captive in one or other of said front and rear ends.
  • 31. A turbine engine according to claim 17, wherein at least some of said fasteners are connected to one of said front or rear ends via plastically deformable members (37) that allow one of said front or rear ends to pivot relative to the other.
  • 32. A turbine engine according to claim 17, wherein centering means (42) are provided for positioning one of said front or rear ends relative to the other about the longitudinal axis of the turbine engine.
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind 371c Date
PCT/FR07/01133 7/4/2007 WO 00 1/7/2009