Tappi Journal, vol. 68, No. 3, Mar. 1985, pp. 102-106, Easton, Pa.; B. Alince et al.: "Effect of Pigment Location on Paper Brightness--Prediction and Reality". |
Abstract Bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry, vol. 54, No. 11, May 1984, p. 1266, No. 11895, Appleton, Wis.; J. A. Bristow et al.: "Multilayer Structures in Printing Papers" and Zellstoff Papier 32, No. 6: 248-253 (Nov./Dec. 1983). |
Tappi Journal, vol. 68, No. 4, Apr. 1985, pp. 74-77, Easton Pa.; J. Von Pealer et al.: "Multi-ply Manufacturing of Linerboard". |