Draftwerk Bold type font by Jonathan Hill for The Northern Block [on-line]. [Released 2010.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] URL: <www.identifont.com/find?similar=Draftwerk+Bold&q=Go> (Year: 2010). |
Ectoplasm type font by Mauro Carichini for T26 [on-line]. [Released 2001.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] URL: <www.identifont.com/find?similar=Ectoplasm&q=Go> (Year: 2001). |
Stratum 2 Thin type font by Eric Olson for Process Type Foundry [on-line]. [Released 2004.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] URL: <www.identifont.com/find?font=stratum+2=thin&q=Go> (Year: 2004). |
TT Lakes Thin type font by Ivan Gladkikh for TypeType [on-line]. [Released 2016.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] URL: <www.identifont.com/find?font=lakes+thin&q=Go> (Year: 2016). |
TT Supermolot Thin by Ivan Gladkikh, Olexa Volochay and Nadyr Rakhimov for TypeType [on-line]. [Released 2014.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] URL: <www.identifont.com/find?font=supermolot+thin&q=Go> (Year: 2014). |
ISBN details for, “Work to Do!: Selbstorganisation in prekären Arbeitsbedingungen,” by Sønke Gau and Katharina Schlieben for association Shedhalle Zürich, N{umlaut over (r)}nberg 2009. [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] (Year: 2009). |
URL: <https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Verein-Shedhalle-Z%C3%BCrich-Katharina-Schlieben/dp/3941185764> (Year: 2009). |
Paper Clip typeface by Yutaka Satoh for Visual Graphics Corporation (VGC) [on-line]. [Released 1982.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022.] URL: <https://e-daylight.jp/fonts/type/p/paper-clip.html> (Year: 1982). |
Phuture Squared Closed type font by T26 [on-line]. [Available on-line as early as Feb. 10, 2003.] [Retrieved from the Internet Jun. 1, 2022]. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/t26/phuture-sqrd> (Year: 2003). |
Univers Std Condensed—p. 298—Adobe® Type Library Reference Book Third Edition Adobe Systems, Inc. © 2008 Adobe Systems, Inc. |
Communication from KIPO dated Sep. 24, 2015, “Navi Mottong Font,” Design Navi, Co., Ltd., Dated: Mar. 26, 2009. Located at <http://fontnavi.com/shop/wizmar.php?query=viewcode=000101no=214> 2 pages. |
“WWDC Introducing San Fransico, the New System Fonts,” video published on-line to Youtube.com by LfeelCM on Jul. 21, 2015. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pveNRh-jX. (5 pages). |
“Graphik” type font available on-line. Created by Christian Schwartz in 2009. URL: http://www.identifont.com/. (1 page). |
“Gotham” type font available on-line. Created by Tobias Frere-Jones in 2000. URL: http://www.identifont.com/. (1 page). |
“Proxima” type font available on-line. Created by Mark Simonson in 1992-1994. URL: http://www.identifont.com/. (1 page). |
“Geometric 706” type font available on-line. Created by Wilhelm Pischner in 1990. URL: http://www.identifont.com/. (1 page). |
“Helvetica Neue” type font available on-line. Created by Max Miedinger and Linotype Staff in 1957, 1961, and 1990. URL: http://www.identifont.com/. (1 page). |
“Neuzeit S” type font available on-line. Created by Wilhelm Pischner and Linotype Staff in 1928, 1959, and 1990. URL: http://www.identifont.com/. (1 page). |
“Browallia UPC” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“DokChampa” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Franklin Gothic Book” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Kartika” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Latha” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013.URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
Hutchings, R. S. “28D pt Universe 693 and Italic.” In: The Western Heritage of Type Design (Great Britain, London 1963), pp. 115. (4 pages). |
“Typeface Review Colfax,” article posted online by Marc Oxborrow on Mar. 13, 2013. URL: http://typographica.org/typeface-reviews/colfax/. (2 pages). |
“Roboto,” Wikipedia article published on-line. Roboto typeface was created in 2011 by Christian Robertson. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roboto. (4 pages). |
“Browallia New” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Microsoft Sans Serif” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013 (see p. 3). URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Miriam” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013 (see p. 3). URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Raavi” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013 (see p. 3). URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Utsaah” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013 (see p. 3). URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
“Vrinda” typeface (p. 6) found in Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 which was released in 2013 (see p. 3). URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_PowerPoint. (6 pages). |
Roboto typeface character set [on-line]; crawled on the Internet by Wayback Machine on Apr. 11, 2013. URL: <http://web.archive.org/web/20130411212906/http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto#charset>. (12 pages). |
Colfax typeface specification sheet [on-line]; Dated Mar. 2012. URL: <http://processtypefoundry.com/content/fonts/colfax/Colfax.pdf>. (18 pages). |
“Neue Haas Grotesk Text,” typeface designed by Max Miedinger and Christian Schwartz in 1957, updated in 2011 [on-line]. URL: <http://www.identifont.com>. (1 page). |
Arial font family by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders for Monotype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Dec. 12, 2001. URL: <http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/mti/arial/>. (43 pages). |
Avenir font family by Adrian Frutiger for Lintype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Sep. 14, 2000. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/avenir/>. (12 pages). |
FF Mark font family Hannes von Dohren and Christoph Koeberline for FontFont [on-line]. Available at least as early as Sep. 26, 2013. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/fontfont/mark/>. (62 pages). |
Galano Grotesque font family by Rene Bieder [on-line]. Available at least as early as Nov. 14, 2014. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/rene-bieder/galano-grotesque/>. (25 pages). |
Graphic Regular type font by Commercial [on-line]. Available 2009. URL: <https://commercialtype.com/catalog/graphik/regular>. (3 pages). |
Neuzeit S font family by Wilhelm Pischner for Lintype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Sep. 14, 2000. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/neuzeit-s/>. (11 pages). |
Nimbus Sans font family by URW++ [on-line]. Available at least as early as Mar. 17, 2000. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/urw/nimbus-sans/>. (32 pages). |
Roboto font family by Christian Robertson for Google [on-line]. URL: <http://www.1001fonts.com/roboto-font/html>. (16 pages). |
Typeface review of Graphik by Kris Sowersby for Typographica [on-line]. Dated Mar. 5, 2008. URL: <http://typographica.org/typeface-reviews/graphik/>. (1 page). |
Neutral type font family by Kai Bernau for Typotheque [on-line]. Available at least as early as Aug. 1, 2009. URL: <https://www.typotheque.com.fonts/neutral/about. (9 pages). |
Neutral type font family overview [on-line]. Dated 2014. Available at least as early as Aug. 1, 2009. URL: <https://www.typotheque.com.fonts/neutral/about. (5 pages). |
Univers font family by Adrian Fruitiger and Alexei Chekulayev for Lintype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Sep. 14, 2000. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/univers/>. (29 pages). |
URW Geometric font family by Jorn Oelsner for URW++ [on-line]. Available at least as early as Dec. 12, 2015. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/urw/geometric/>. (24 pages). |
Soleil Light type font by Wolfgang Homola for TypeTogether [on-line]. Available at least as early as Jan. 18, 2012. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/type-together/soleil/>. (11 pages). |
Arial Rounded type font family by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders for Monotype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Mar. 19, 2012. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/mti/arial-rounded/>. (15 pages). |
DIN Next type font family by Akira Kobayashi for Linotype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Mar. 19, 2012. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/din-next/>. (10 pages). |
DIN Next Rounded type font family by Akira Kobayashi for Linotype [on-line]. Available at least as early as Mar. 19, 2012. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/din-next-rounded/>. (14 pages). |
Queries from Identifont on-line font identification program [on-line]. Queries conducted Jun. 15, 2019. URL: <http://www.identifont.com/>. |
Introduction to “Identifont,” [on-line]. Dated Nov. 2, 2012. URL: <https://web.archive.org/web/20121102074004/http://www.identifont.com/show?242G+0>. |
Wikipedia article, “Identifont,” [on-line]. Dated Mar. 25, 2015. URL: <https://web.archive.org/web/20150325132235/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/identifont>. |
FF Mark Pro Narrow Book type font by von Dohren et al. [on-line]. [Available on the Internet at least as early as Sep. 26, 2013]. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/fontfont/mark/?lastitem=200&tab=individualStyles>. |
Futura type font by Paul Renner, 1987 [on-line]. URL: <http://www.identifont.com/show?M2>. (1 page). |
Type Talk: Two-Story Type, by Ilene Strizver [on-line]. Dated Feb. 19, 2009. URL: <https://creativepro.com/typetalk-two-story-type/>. (2 pages). |
DIN Next Pro Regular type font by Akira Kobayashi [on-line]. Available on the Internet at least as early as Mar. 19, 2012. URL: <https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/din-next/>. (10 pages). |