An underwater target game apparatus includes a submersible propelling structure and a projectile to be launched by the submersible propelling structure. The projectile includes an elongated shaft portion and a head portion. The projectile has a specific gravity of approximately 1.0.

Target based games and target based sporting activities are extremely popular with both youths and adults. Various types of target based games are known. Many such target based games and sporting activities are centered around hunting type weapons such as guns or bow and arrows which require adult supervision. Other such target based games and sporting activities involve video games which provide very limited physical exercise.

Also popular are recreational aquatic activities. Aquatic activities including, but not limited to, pool activities are known to provide children with an increased level of physical exercise. While many aquatic activities are known that involve balls, target based aquatic activities that would appeal to children and provide important physical exercise are very limited.

It remains desirable in the pertinent art to provide an underwater target game apparatus that overcomes the disadvantages and limitations associated with the known prior art, including but not limited to, those discussed above.


In one particular form, the present teachings provide an underwater target game apparatus. The underwater target game apparatus includes a submersible propelling structure and a projectile to be launched by the submersible propelling structure. The projectile includes an elongated shaft portion and a head portion. The projectile has a specific gravity of approximately 1.0.

In another particular form, the present teachings provide an underwater target game apparatus including a buoyant element and a target proper. The buoyant element has a specific gravity greater than 1.0. The target proper has a specific gravity less than 1.0. The target proper may be suspended underwater from the buoyant element.

In accordance with another particular form, the present teachings provide an underwater target game apparatus including a projectile and a submersible propelling structure. The projectile has a specific gravity of approximately 1.0. The projectile include a leading end and a trailing end. The trailing end defines a channel extending into the projectile. The submersible propelling structure has an elongated guiding portion for receipt into the channel of the projectile.

In accordance with yet another particular form, the present teachings provide a submersible propelling structure for propelling an underwater projectile the submersible propelling structure includes a main body portion an arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile. The main body defines a grip portion and a generally cylindrical guide portion. The arrangement for imparting propulsion includes an external plunger and an internal plunger. The external plunger is movable between an unloaded position and a loaded position. The internal plunger is coupled to the external plunger for movement therewith. The arrangement for imparting propulsion further includes a first spring for biasing the external plunger to the unloaded position indirectly through the internal plunger. The arrangement for imparting propulsion further includes a triggering arrangement for selectively releasing the external plunger from the loaded position. The triggering arrangement includes a trigger proper and a retaining device. The retaining device is vertically movable from an upper position to a lower position and biased toward the upper position by a second spring. An upper end of the retaining device defines a detent for cooperating with the internal plunger. The detent is generally triangular in shape with a leading end facing in the direction of the guiding portion. The internal plunger includes a plurality of notches that cooperate with the detent in a ratcheting-type relationship to retain the internal plunger. The plurality of notches define various positions at which internal plunger may be retained. The retaining device defines a ramped surface that cooperates with a ramped surface of the trigger proper. The trigger proper is movable between a first position and a second position such that when the trigger proper is squeezed the ramped surfaces of the retaining mechanism and the trigger proper cooperate to downwardly displace the retaining device and release the detent from engagement with the notches of the internal plunger.

Further areas of applicability of the present teachings will become apparent from the detailed description provided hereinafter. It should be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while indicating the particular embodiments of the present teachings, are intended for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.


The present teachings will become more fully understood from the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 is a side view of an underwater target game apparatus in accordance with the present teachings including a propelling structure and a projectile, the projectile shown removed from the propelling structure for purposes of illustration.

FIG. 2 is a side view of the propelling structure and the projectile of FIG. 1, the projectile shown operatively associated with the propelling structure.

FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along the line 3-3 of FIG. 2.

FIG. 4 is a side view of another underwater target game apparatus in accordance with the present teachings including a propelling structure and a projectile, the projectile shown removed from the propelling structure for purposes of illustration.

FIG. 5 is a side view of the propelling structure and the projectile of FIG. 4, the projectile shown operatively associated with the propelling structure.

FIG. 6 is a side view of another underwater target game apparatus in accordance with the present teachings including a propelling structure and a projectile, the projectile shown removed from the propelling structure for purposes of illustration.

FIG. 7 is a front view of a target assembly for the underwater target game apparatus of the present teachings.

FIG. 8 is a side view of a portion of the target assembly of FIG. 7.

FIG. 9 is a side view of another underwater target game apparatus in accordance with the present teachings including an alternate propelling structure and an alternate projectile, the projectile shown staged for launching.

FIG. 10 is a side of view of the propelling structure of FIG. 9.

FIG. 11 is another side view of the propelling structure of FIG. 9, the propelling structure schematically illustrated to include an exemplary arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile.

FIG. 12 is a side view of an internal plunger of the propelling structure removed from the remainder of the propelling structure for purposes of illustration.

FIG. 13 is a front view of another target assembly for the underwater target game apparatus of the present teachings.


The following description of the embodiment(s) is merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its application, or uses.

The present teachings are generally directed to an underwater target game apparatus. As will be addressed below, the underwater target game apparatus includes a projectile particularly adapted to be launched or projected from a propelling structure. The projectile is constructed and configured such that it substantially maintains an intended course of direction or path after being propelled within a body of water.

With initial reference to the FIGS. 1 through 3, an underwater target game apparatus constructed in accordance with the present teachings is illustrated and generally identified at reference 10. The underwater target game apparatus 10 is shown to generally include a propelling arrangement or propelling structure 12 and a projectile 14 that is propelled by the propelling structure 12. In FIG. 1, the projectile 14 is shown removed from the propelling structure 12. In FIG. 2, the projectile 14 is shown operatively associated with the propelling structure 12.

With particular reference to FIGS. 1 and 2, the projectile 14 will be further described. The projectile 14 is illustrated to generally include a shaft 16 and a head 18. The shaft 16 is generally elongated along a shaft axis 20. The shaft 16 may include a smooth outer surface. The shaft 16 may be a solid structure. Alternatively, the shaft 16 may be hollow and thereby include an internal bore (not shown).

The head 14 may be integrally formed with the shaft 16. Alternatively, the head 14 may be secured to the shaft 16 in any manner well known in the art.

The length of the shaft 16 generally renders the projective 14 generally impractical to be launched by hand. The head 14 may include means for substantially maintaining an intended underwater flight path. The means for maintaining the intended underwater flight path may include a plurality of blade-type structures or fins 22. It will be understood that the blade-type structures 22 need not be sharp and function to stabilize the projectile 14 for underwater flight. As illustrated, the plurality of blade-type structures may include four blade-type structures 22. Alternatively, the head 16 may include a greater or lesser number of blade-type structures 22.

The blade-type structures or fins 22 may be equally spaced circumferentially about the axis 20. The blade-type structures 22 may be generally triangular in shape and have a base 24 extending in a direction generally perpendicular to the axis 20 and forwardly terminating at a common tip 26 of the head 18.

In certain applications, it may be desirable that the blade-type structures 22 are curved. For example, the blade-type structures 22 may be similarly shaped to include a curve to further facilitate a stabilized flight path through the water. In this regard, the blade-type structures 22 may be curved to impart rotation of the projectile 14 about the axis 20.

The projectile 14 may be constructed from a material having a specific gravity at or near approximately 1.0. Such a material has neutral buoyancy and thereby has no natural tendency to either float or sink. The projectile 14 may be alternatively constructed of a material having a specific gravity greater than 1.0 and be provided with cavities trapping air or other naturally buoyant material such that the overall specific gravity of the projectile is approximately 1.0. The projectile 14 may be constructed of polyurethane or any other suitable material. The specific gravity of approximately 1.0 shall mean that the specific gravity of the projectile is such that the projectile may substantially maintain an intended path.

With reference to FIGS. 1-3, the propelling structure 12 will be further described. It is important that the propelling structure be submersible. In this regard, appropriate materials and mechanisms must be selected. These materials and mechanisms should be able to accommodate submersion, particularly submersion in chlorine treated water and/or salt water. The propelling structure 12 may include a plastic frame. The plastic frame may be covered with foam.

The propelling structure 12 is generally illustrated to include an elongated barrel 30 and a stock or handle 32. As will be discussed further below, the propelling structure 12 includes means for imparting propulsion to the projectile 14. The means for imparting propulsion may include a spring mechanism or any other mechanism well known in the art.

The handle 32 carries a trigger 34 which may activate the means for imparting propulsion. The handle 32 includes a grasping section 36 which may be held by one hand of the user. A second grasping area 38 is provided along the barrel 30. As shown in the cross-sectional view of FIG. 3, the handle 32 may be constructed of a hard plastic material 40 and covered with a softer foam material 42.

Turning to FIGS. 4 and 5, another underwater target game apparatus constructed in accordance with the present teachings is illustrated and generally identified at reference character 100. The underwater target game apparatus 100 is again generally shown to include a propelling arrangement or propelling structure 112 and a projectile 114. The projectile 114 may include a shaft 116 and a head 118. The shaft or shaft position 114 may be hollow and include a smooth exterior surface or may alternatively include an internal bore opening (not shown). The shaft 114 may include means for substantially maintaining an intended underwater flight path. The means for substantially maintaining the underwater intended flight path may include a plurality of stabilizing fins 120 extending from a rear end of the shaft 116. In one application, the plurality of stabilizing fins includes four stabilizing fins 120 equally spaced about and axis 122 defined by the projectile 114. Alternatively, the projectile 114 may include a great or lesser number of stabilizing fins.

As with the prior embodiment, the head 118 may be integrally formed with the shaft 114 or secured to the shaft 114 in any manner well known in the art.

The overall specific gravity of the projectile 114 is again at or approximately 1.0. In this regard, the material for the projectile 114 may have a specific gravity of approximately 1.0 or the material may have a specific gravity slightly greater than 1.0 and the projectile 114 may be configured to include cavities filled with air or other material to make the projectile 114 neutrally buoyant.

The propelling structure 112 may again be submersible in water and includes a handle portion 126 and a barrel 128. The barrel 128 defines a chamber 130 that may be cylindrical and is adapted to receive the projectile 114. The propelling structure 112 includes means for imparting propulsion to the projectile. The means for imparting propulsion may include a spring 130 which is compressed upon forcibly introducing the projectile 114 into the chamber 130. The spring may be coupled in a manner known in the art to a trigger 132. In this regard, the trigger 132 is coupled to the spring through a mechanism for retaining the spring 130 in its coil position (as shown in FIG. 5). When the trigger 132 is pulled, the mechanism releases the coiled spring 130 and allows the spring 132 impart the propulsion to the projectile 114. The spring may be constructed of stainless steal or otherwise treated to prevent corrosion.

The propelling structure 112 may also include alternative means for imparting propulsion. Such alternative means may include an air pump for pneumatically propelling the projectile 14 or a gas source such as CO2 or nitrogen. Turning to FIG. 6, another underwater target game apparatus constructed in accordance with the present teachings is illustrated and identified at reference character 200. Again, the underwater target game apparatus 100 includes a projectile 202 and a propelling structure 204. The propelling structure 204 is generally in the form of a cross-bow. Again, the overall specific gravity of the projectile 202 is approximately 1.0.

Turning to FIGS. 7 and 8, a target arrangement for use with the underwater target game apparatus of the present teachings is illustrated and generally identified at reference character 300. The target arrangement 300 includes a buoyant element 302 having a specific gravity less than 1.0 and a target proper 304. The specific gravity of the buoyant member 302 makes the buoyant member neutrally buoyant. The target proper 304 may be connected to the buoyant member 304 through one or more strings 306, chains or other suitable structure.

The target proper 304 may include a specific gravity greater than 1.0 so as to be negatively buoyant and hang downward in the water from the buoyant member 304. A front face 308 of the target proper 304 may include indicia representative of a target.

As shown in FIG. 8, the target proper 304 may also include mounting structure 310 extending from a back face 312. The mounting structure may include a suction cup 310 for attaching the target proper 308 to a smooth side of a pool or other structure. In this manner, the target proper 304 may be used without the buoyant member 302. Alternatively, the target proper 308 may be suspended from a string, chain or other suitable structure (not shown) for suspension from a side of the pool or other fixed structure.

Turning to FIGS. 9-11, another underwater target game apparatus constructed in accordance with the present teachings is illustrated and generally identified at reference 400. The underwater target game apparatus 400 is shown to generally include a propelling arrangement or propelling structure 402 and a projectile 404 that is propelled by the propelling structure 402. In FIG. 9, the projectile 404 is shown staged on the propelling structure 402 and ready for launching.

The projectile 404 may generally include a leading end 406 and a trailing end 408. The leading end 406 may define a round or blunt tip. The trailing end 408 may define an opening or channel 110 that receives a portion of the propelling structure 402 in a manner discussed below.

The trailing portion 408 of the projectile 404 may include means for substantially maintaining an intended underwater flight path. The means for maintaining the intended underwater flight path may include a plurality of blade-type structures or fins 412. As described in connection with the above embodiment, it will be understood that the fins 412 need not be sharp and function to stabilize the projectile 404 for underwater flight. The plurality of blade-type structures may include four blade-type structures 404. Alternatively, the trailing end 408 of the projectile 404 may include a greater or lesser number of fins 412.

The projectile 14 may be unitarily constructed from a material having a specific gravity at or near approximately 1.0. Such a material has neutral buoyancy and thereby has no natural tendency to either float or sink. The projectile 404 may be alternatively constructed of a material having a specific gravity greater than 1.0 and be provided with cavities trapping air or other naturally buoyant material such that the overall specific gravity of the projectile is approximately 1.0. The specific gravity of approximately 1.0 shall mean that the specific gravity of the projectile is such that the projectile may substantially maintain an intended path.

The submersible propelling structure 402 may generally include a grip portion or handle 414, a guiding portion 416 for guiding the projectile 404, and an arrangement 418 for imparting propulsion to the projectile 404. The handle 414 may be ergonomically shaped to functional and comfortably receive a hand of a user. As illustrated, the handle 414 may be contoured to receive a plurality of fingers of the user.

The guiding portion 416 of the propelling structure 402 may be located at a forward end of the propelling structure and may be generally cylindrical in shape. A forward end of the guiding portion 416 may define a rounded tip. The guiding portion 416 may be sized and shaped for receipt into the channel 410 defined by the projectile 404. The diameter of the guiding portion 416 may be slightly larger than the diameter of the channel 410 such that the orientation of the projectile 404 relative to the propelling structure 402 is maintain as the projectile 404 is launched from the propelling structure 402 in the manner discussed below.

The arrangement 418 for imparting propulsion to the projectile 404 may include an external plunger 420 and an internal plunger 422. The internal plunger 422 is shown removed from the remainder of the propelling structure 402 in FIG. 12. The external plunger 420 may be movable between a first or unloaded position and a second or loaded position. The unloaded position is shown in FIG. 10, for example. The loaded position is shown in FIG. 9, for example.

The internal plunger 422 may be coupled to the external plunger 420 for movement therewith. In this regard, it will be understand the internal plunger 422 is similarly movable between a first or unloaded position (shown in FIG. 10) and a second or loaded position (shown in FIG. 9). The internal plunger 422 is biased toward the first position. As illustrated, the internal plunger 422 may be biased toward the first position by a spring 430. The spring 430 may be a coil spring the surrounds a shaft 432. In this embodiment, an enlarged head 434 of the internal plunger 422 may be coupled to the external plunger 420.

The arrangement 418 for imparting propulsion to the projectile 404 may further include a triggering arrangement 436 for selectively releasing the internal and external plungers 420 and 422 from their second positions. The triggering arrangement 436 may generally include generally include a trigger proper 438 and a retaining device 440.

The retaining device 440 is vertically movable from a first or upper position (shown in FIG. 11) and a second or lower position (downwardly displaced from the orientation shown in FIG. 11). A spring 442 may bias the retaining device 440 toward the upper position. The spring 442 may be a coil spring or other suitable spring.

An upper end of the retaining device 440 may define a detent 444 for cooperating with the internal plunger 422. As shown in the embodiment illustrated, the detent 444 of the retaining device 440 may be generally triangular in shape with a leading end facing in the direction of the guiding portion 404. The internal plunger 422 may include a plurality of notches 446 that cooperate with the detent 444 in a ratcheting-type relationship to retain the internal plunger 422 (and external plunger 420) in loaded position. The plurality of notches 446 define various positions at which the plungers 420 and 422 may be retained.

The retaining device 440 may define a ramped surface 450 that cooperates with a ramped surface 452 of the trigger proper 438. The trigger proper 438 is movable between a first position (shown in FIG. 11) and a second position (displaced to the left of that shown in FIG. 11). When the trigger proper 438 is squeezed and thereby advanced from the first position to the second position, the ramped surfaces 450 and 452 cooperate to downwardly displace the retaining device 440 and release the detain from engagement with the notches 446 of the internal plunger 422.

In use, the user loads the projectile 404 on the propelling structure 402 by inserting the guiding portion 404 into the channel 410 of the projectile 404. As the user draws the projectile 404 rearward relative to the propelling structure 402, the external plunger 420, and correspondingly the internal plunger 422, are displaced rearwardly toward their second position against the bias of the coil spring 430. The detent 444 of the retention device 440 engages the notches 446 of the internal plunger 422 as the notches 446 pass over the detent 444. The detent 444 normal retains the plungers 420 and 422 in their second or loaded positions. The user can now launch through projectile 404 by squeezing the trigger proper 430 to thereby downwardly advance the retaining mechanism 440 against the bias of the spring 442.

The arrangement 418 for imparting propulsion to the projectile 404 described above is but one type suitable for use with the present teachings. In this regard, various other arrangements for imparting propulsion to the projective 404 may used in connection with the present teachings. For example, the propelling structure 402 may be modified to include a source of pressurized air for propelling the projectile 404.

Turning to FIG. 13, another target arrangement in accordance with the present teachings is illustrated and generally identified at reference character 500. The target arrangement 500 may generally include an upper element 502, a lower element 504 and a target proper 506. The upper element 502 may be elongated and may have a specific gravity less than 1.0. The lower element 504 may be shaped similar to the upper element 502 and may have a specific gravity greater than 1.0. The target proper 506 may be generally planar and may defining a plurality of openings 508 associated with different point values.

In certain applications, it may be desirable to provide an underwater projectile with a magnetic tip and a cooperating target for magnetically capturing the projectile. In other applications, it may be desirable to provide a tether for retrieving the projectile. The tether may simply be a string or a line. The string or line may be used to return the projectile to the user by hand or with a reel-type mechanism.

The description of the invention is merely exemplary in nature and, thus, variations that do not depart from the gist of the invention are intended to be within the scope of the invention. Such variations are not to be regarded as a departure from the spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. An underwater target game apparatus comprising: a projectile having a specific gravity of approximately 1.0, the projectile include a leading end and a trailing end, the trailing end defining a channel extending into the projectile; anda submersible propelling structure for propelling the projectile, the submersible propelling structure having an elongated guiding portion for receipt into the channel of the projectile.
  • 2. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 1, wherein the submersible propelling structure includes a propelling arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile.
  • 3. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 2, wherein the channel and the elongated guiding portion are generally cylindrical.
  • 4. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 1, wherein the submersible propelling structure includes an arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile.
  • 5. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 1, wherein the arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile an external plunger and an internal plunger coupled for movement with the external plunger, the external plunger movable between an unloaded position and an unloaded position along the guiding portion.
  • 6. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 4, wherein the arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile further includes a first spring for biasing the external plunger to the unloaded position for launching the projectile.
  • 7. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 6, wherein the arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile further includes a triggering arrangement for retaining the external plunger in the loaded position and selectively releasing the external plunger from the loaded position to launch the projectile.
  • 8. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 7, wherein the trigger arrangement includes a trigger proper activated by a user and a retaining device responsive to movement by the trigger proper to release the external plunger from the loaded position.
  • 9. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 8, wherein the retaining device is moveable between an upper position and a lower position and biased to the upper position by a second spring.
  • 10. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 9, wherein the retaining device has an upper end defining a detent for cooperating with the internal plunger.
  • 11. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 10, wherein the detent is generally triangular in shape having a leading end facing toward the guiding portion and the internal plunger includes a plurality of notches for selectively receiving the detent in a ratcheting-type relationship to retain the internal plunger.
  • 12. The underwater target game apparatus of claim 11, wherein the retaining device defines a ramped surface that cooperates with a ramped surface of the trigger proper, the trigger proper movable between a first position and a second position such that when the trigger is squeezed the ramped surfaces of the retaining mechanism and the trigger proper cooperate to downwardly displace the retaining device against the bias of the second spring to thereby release the detent from engagement with one of the plurality of notches.
  • 13. A submersible propelling structure for propelling an underwater projectile comprising: a main body defining a grip portion and a generally cylindrical guide portion; andan arrangement for imparting propulsion to the projectile, the arrangement for imparting propulsion including an external plunger and an internal plunger, the external plunger movable between an unloaded position and a loaded position, the internal plunger coupled to the external plunger for movement therewith, the arrangement for imparting propulsion further including a first spring for biasing the external plunger to the unloaded position indirectly through the internal plunger, the arrangement for imparting propulsion further including a triggering arrangement for selectively releasing the external plunger from the loaded position, the triggering arrangement including include a trigger proper and a retaining device, the retaining device being vertically movable from an upper position to a lower position and biased toward the upper position by a second spring, an upper end of the retaining device defining a detent for cooperating with the internal plunger, the detent being generally triangular in shape with a leading end facing in the direction of the guiding portion, the internal plunger including a plurality of notches that cooperate with the detent in a ratcheting-type relationship to retain the internal plunger, the plurality of notches defining various positions at which internal plunger may be retained, the retaining device defining a ramped surface that cooperates with a ramped surface of the trigger proper, the trigger proper movable between a first position and a second position such that when the trigger proper is squeezed the ramped surfaces of the retaining mechanism and the trigger proper cooperate to downwardly displace the retaining device and release the detent from engagement with the notches of the internal plunger.
  • 14. The submersible propelling structure for propelling an underwater projectile of claim 13, in combination with the underwater projectile.
  • 15. The combination of claim 14, wherein the underwater projectile defines an elongated channel for receiving the guiding portion.
  • 16. The combination of claim 15, wherein the elongated channel and the guiding portion are generally cylindrical.

This application is a continuation-in-part application of U.S. Ser. No. 11/531,454 which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/716,718 filed 13 Sep. 2005, which applications are herein expressly incorporated by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60716718 Sep 2005 US
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 11531454 Sep 2006 US
Child 12688143 US