A challenging problem in theoretical physics is the unification of <br/>the laws of quantum physics with Einstein general theory of relativity. The <br/>ideas in this direction that have been pursued most forcefully are superstring <br/>theory and noncommutative geometry. These two approaches are intimately <br/>related. Noncommutative geometry has provided a new framework to study <br/>spaces which could not be handled by the standard methods of Riemannian <br/>geometry. It offered a new perspective in the study of gauge theories and the <br/>role of the Higgs field and is a promising candidate to describe geometries at <br/>Planckian energies. The main focus of this proposal is to study the nature <br/>of space-time at sub- Planckian scales and to find its geometric properties <br/>and thus determine the dynamics. <br/>The broader impact of this research is that the research involves work on the frontiers of noncommutative geometry and will be of benefit to both physicists and mathematicians.