The actual world crisis of energy and water, petrol, environmental pollution, combined with transportation systems characterized by low and extreme low efficiency, to use, to produce and protect the humanity, is a general punishment of the entire world.
The effective and most dramatic, evident, and terrible effect is the example of low efficiency of majority of multi million vehicles at the level of 15-20% efficiency, destroying 80-85% of energy of any fossil fuels, natural gas and petroleum fuels, lost by low thermal efficiency, cooling, exhaust gases and high mechanical frictions, and complexity of multi billion, trillion annual waste, including high emission of entire planet.
Entire planet is in total energy dependency from actual fossil fuels with carbon base composition.
The recent trial of unsuccessful lithium -ion batteries, for electric cars, is totally compromised by terrible cost, and aviation and electric vehicles explosions and self combustion, and total inexistent infra structure for charging batteries on similar time like filling a tank of liquid fuels, is limiting an illusory and totally false realistic potential future.
The potential use of renewable fuels in special CNG, LNG, LH2, is also punished by low efficiency of actual vehicles, of any size.
Our Universal Zero Carbon, Thermal Electric Clean Engines with maximum absolute efficiency and power density is the UNIQUE realistic revolutionary eternal solution for entire humanity and prosperity.
The low power density of actual existing conventional thermal engines, is producing the necessity for having big and complex engines with multi cylinders of four strokes, with restricted capability to use specific fuels like gasoline, diesel fuels, natural gas, alcohols, by octane and cetane numbers, specific for each type of fuels.
The spark ignited engine for gasoline engines are PUNISHED by strong barriers for raising the compression ratio, resulting extreme low efficiency.
The diesel engines are restricted also by high mechanical stress at high pressures, and by high pollution of NOX and poison of high smoke exhaust.
The natural gas limited use in transportation is limited by undeveloped infra structure with very low number of compressing CNG, LNG supplying stations, by NOX emission, and low efficient engines, is an other punishment of the world.
The Universal Zero Carbon, Thermal Electric Clean Engines with Maximum Absolute Efficiency and Power Density, is the culmination of the evolution of thermodynamic science, result of 30 years military secret research and development, recently open to the world of energy, universal mobility, pure water cogeneration, reached maximum absolute efficiency of combined aero solar thermal and geothermal individual or combined of integrated eternal energy systems of Paul-Yunkers cryogenic cycles, Carnot cycle, Rankin cycle, reaching totally over 80-90%, efficiency, and immense unique power density for direct transformation of all and any thermal energies in electric energy, with combined or universal fuel combustion of any and all fuels, natural, renewable, synthetic, CNG, LNG, LH2, LPG, ethanol, bio fuels, nuclear, geo thermal, solar energy, wind energy, atmospheric energy, sea water desalination, for hydrogen and oxygen energy production, virtually at lowest near to zero emission, including NOX elimination and zero Particulate matter. The new universal zero carbon, thermal electric clean engines, are offering universal applicability in all the energy generation, including distributed power systems, produce in individual homes, urban of any size, universal mobility systems for land, sea, and air universal aviation.
The original cross hyperbaric engine systems, described in our MULTIPLE original patented technology is now up graded to maximum absolute level of thermodynamic science of this invention, to the end of evolution, a real eternal revolution.
The new last resulted technology off this invention, is generating aero thermal individual and or combined geo thermal electric engines, with only 1, piston in 1 cylinder with the capacity to produce the conventional engines power of 16 cylinders.
The new thermal engine, with 2 pistons in 2 cylinders, with the capacity to produce the conventional engine power of 32 cylinders.
The new engines with 3 cylinders having 4 pistons, to produce the power of 64 cylinders of conventional engines with 64 cylinders with 64 pistons.
The combined cryogenic liquid air, LNG, L/hydrogen, L/oxygen cycles is by maximizing the capacity of engine, to receive of all and any external energies from sun, wind, atmospheric, and geo thermal infinite and eternal energies.
All of them with maximum absolute efficiency over 80-90% efficiency, is conquering the sea, near zero emission, and universal fuel capability, resulting the end of era of engines with more than 4 pistons and more 4 cylinders.
The immediate result is the capability to replace all existing conventional engines, driving cars with 15% efficiency, using only petrol derivative fuels consuming in USA $400 billion, per years from which 85%, $360 billion are totally lost thermal energy, and giant emission, a real war of bad efficiency against the American nation, and all the world.
This unique zero carbon, and eternal technology is conquering the land, sea and universal aviation without airports, capable to reach universal connection of entire worlds with the capability of renewable fuels, from wind, solar, hydrogen, geo thermal, and alternative, to use nuclear energy for unlimited eternal life and power.
The biggest new maximum performance of power density, is solving the general limited intake and exhaust capability of all conventional engines, in special for two stroke engines, in which the size and configuration of intake and exhaust ports, must be associated with limited area around the periphery of the cylinder bore.
The conventional four stroke engine must divide the area of intake valves, and exhaust valves in a near 30% of the area of the cylinder bore with similar limited capacity for air/exhaust resulted lower power density, and smaller torque.
The conventional opposed piston engines, are provided limited one area off intake/exhaust ports with similar limited capacity for air/exhaust conventional opposed piston engines are provided with limited area of intake ports, and a one opposed area ports for exhaust.
This limitation of air/exhaust capacity is the stronger blockage of performances of all two and four stroke engines.
Our new Universal Zero Carbon Thermal Clean engines is maximizing the air intake/exhaust capacity with double intake and double exhaust, creating the maximum absolute performance capability first time in the history of all internal combustion engines
This double area for intake and exhaust is raising the expansion stroke by the reduced heights, of exhaust ports with direct maximization of power expansion strokes and maximum efficiency, reflected in lower exhaust temperature, and maximum higher efficiency.
The new generation of universal cryogenic counter rotating multiple stages compressor, integrated and associated with symmetric counter rotating multiple stages of turbine rotors, is producing the biggest power density and maximum compactness and absolute efficiency for gas turbines, and the base for cryogenic liquefaction of all gases, including liquid air for maximization of heat transfer for recovery of all aero, solar, geo thermal nuclear, and any external sources of thermal energies.
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The piston 8 is provided with piston rings 13,14,15,16,17.
The cylinder liner 4, is associated with cooling chambers 18 and 19, connected with the toroidal chamber 5 and top combustion chamber 20.
The intake circular channel 21, and the exhaust circular channel 22, is the maximum area for air intake/exhaust system possible capacity for maximum performance of power and efficiency.
The recovery chambers 18, and 19. are filled by compressed air, at the end of compression, is creating a thermal barrier for thermal lost by absorbing the cooling of the liner 4, and at the top of compression and starting combustion, pure water is injected, by the injectors 23, and 24, producing an instant evaporation and steam internal cogeneration, absorbing the heat transferred by the liner 4.
The steam internal cogeneration cooling is pushing back the compressed air cycle and steam cogeneration for recovery all the cooling energy, a real adiabatic engine, with <<<triple thermal cycles>>>, with total synergetic universal cycle with near 100% thermal efficiency.
The electric supercharging with 25, 26 air/oxygen 26 is eliminating the nitrogen 27, resulting supplying of pure oxygen in the cylinder channel 21, creating 5 time more energy capacity for combustion with absence of NOX, and minimum to zero emission, resulting pure water condensation, and maximum absolute power density and maximum absolute efficiency near 100%.
The exhaust gases and steam exit from cylinder steam exit from circular channel 22 are expanded in the exhaust turbine 28 driving the electric generator 20, resulting a turbo electric turbo compounding system with maximum efficiency.
When the piston 8 is moved in the top dead center at the end of compression stroke, the circular toroidal channel 9, is connecting the combustion chamber 5, producing the injection of compressed air by tangential ports 30 in the toroidal chamber 5, which is creating an intensive mixing of the tangential fuel injected by injectors 6, and 7, and reversal flow through channels 10 in the combustion chamber 20 from chamber 5 to the top chamber 20.
By expansion stroke moving down the piston 8, the connection of the toroidal chamber 5, is separated from the combustion chamber 20, resulting a retention of partial expanded combustion gases which, will form a residual plasma, for receiving the self compressed air fuel injection, by the pressure channel 31, controlled by the valve 32, fuel uniflow valve 33 and fuel self injector 34 in the toroidal universal combustion chamber 5, supporting continuous partial combustion until the next injection of compressed air by the next power cycle.
The existence a permanent plasma of hot combustion gases, will produce the ignition and continuous combustion of any and all fuels, with disregard of any octane or cetane number at any regime of power and rotation, creating a unique universal fuel engine, at any compression ratio of air separated from injected fuels until the injection of compressed air in the universal toroidal combustion chamber 5.
The diverter three valves and channels 31, can make alternative communications, with any gaseous fuels of CNG, LNG, LH2, steam from all external sources of energy, like nuclear reactors, aero/solar thermal energy, and/or geo thermal steam, resulting an universal eternal Zero Carbon Thermal Electric Clean Engine.
This is basic cylinder engine can create the fundamental universal maximum power density and maximum absolute efficiency for all eternal applications, and all potential engines configurations.
The fundamental conclusion of the Universal Zero Carbon Thermal Electric Clean Engines, provided with total intake and total exhaust, is produced by the Uniflow Cross Piston Scavenging System between the toroidal intake on the bottom of the piston 9/cylinder 21 and the toroidal exhaust ports 12 in the cylinder, eliminating the very poor conventional loop scavenging, by the limited exhaust and intake ports at the bottom dead center of the piston in cylinder.
The universal reversible self convertibility at request of the engine in compressor-expanders for any gases, in special for CNG, air, hydrogen, CO2, is solving the biggest problem of limited stationary CNG national incapability to generalize the CNG in large land transportation, and general hybrid bracking energy recovery, by compressed air and expander electric operation.
By this invention universal unique convertibility, all the new engine, compressor, expander, will open a universal penetration of CNG in the national universal mobility systems with trillion national salvation, replacing the terroristic world domination of opec, and unfriendly petroleum companies.
The fundamental conclusion of the technology described in the
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The essential component of this engine is the unique thermal electric piston 8 of the
The universal thermal electric clean engine is supplying ONLY electric power to any users of energy and for universal mobility vehicles on land, sea, and aviation. This unique Universal Zero Carbon Thermal Electric Clean Engine is the top absolute revolutionary maxim power density and maxim absolute efficiency in the history of humanity.
The Universal Zero Carbon Eternal Thermal Electric Clean Engine is capable to produce the power of equivalent 16 cylinders of conventional four stroke engines with similar size of cylinders.
The maximum efficiency of 80-90% of our engines is compared with 15-30% of existing conventional engines, resulting a total eternal revolution of this new patent application.
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One cylinder 51, of
The process of over heating the compressed air in the parabolic heat exchanger 57, can reach over 600-1000 C. symilar a rocket energy jet conducted in the opposed cylinder 59.
The next step of this hot compressed air, will activate the symmetric opposed cylinder 59, of
Basic pressure ratio for compression and expansion for liquefying air is P1/P2=116−120, divided three stages of 4×5×6, with assisted liquid air recirculation between inter stages by controlled (%) of injected liquid air to create a politropic compression close to izothemic exponent N=1−1,2.
The assembled unique two symmetric turbo machinery, in one integrated unit, in which is creating double symmetric opposed cycles <<<turbo compressor-turbo expander>>> is creating the biggest thermal power concentration and density ever in the history of thermodynamic and energy, to be the base of most powerful engines and gas turbines in the world for eternity.
The perfect balanced of compression work, by equal and expansion work is the fundamental reason off maximum absolute efficiency, and minimum thermodynamic and mechanical loses.
All the compressor and expander stages, are axial balanced, zero friction, with zero physical friction and contact by gaso dynamic lubrication, zero radial bearing loads, virtually zero friction by gaso dynamic bearing lubrication, virtually <<<flying compressor and turbine rotors>>>.
The compressor stages are composed by first centrifugal rotor disc 60, followed by the counter rotating axial-centrifugal second stage rotor 61,
and 62, discharging the compressed gas in the collector 63 conducting the compressed gas by the channel 64, in the gas cooler 65, from which the channel 66, is conducting the cooled compressed gas, in the toroidal collector of the turbine 67, followed by the turbo expander counter rotating stages, 68, 69, 70, producing a total expansion until status of liquefaction AT −320 F.
The liquefied gas is conducted by channel 71, in the reservoir thermos 72, and is pumped by the hydraulic pump 73, to three direction, first to geo thermal underground heat exchanger 74, and the second direction 76, to the aero—solar-atmospheric, parabolic heater 77, the third direction is conducting a portion of liquid (a-b-c-d) air between 4×5×6 compressor pressure stages, to create an inter stages cooling and producing the real polytropic-isothermic final compression from which the heated compressed gas is supplied to the user 78.
The result is the biggest and unique eternal collector of sources of energy for power generation in the history of mankind with eternal Zero Carbon belectric power generation.
one other of the most important result can be the liquid air for dispersing in the clouds for rain generation and life prosperity over the world.
this technology of eternal collector and integration of all eternal thermal energies. Is the base for the biggest miracle energy revolution in the history of mankind.
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The cylinders 94 and 95, is receiving the high pressure hot aero and geo thermal air supplied by the compressor-expander of
These two eternal associated energy working fluids is equivalent, with two rocket jets conducted en the hyperbaric thermal electric engines, producing immense eternal clean electric universal power. an additional capability is for supplying liquid air 103 for dispersing in clouds for rain any tyme, any were, for eternal mankind prosperity,
Alternatively, if is available liquid hydrogen, result of wind and solar-air, waterelectrolizer, the geo thermal, hot air can start a supplementary energy generation from combustion of hydrogen total eternal maximum a solute power and pure water generation for eternal prosperity of mankind.
This Supreme Zero Carbon universal thermal electric clean engine, is the absolute culmination of thermodynamic science and energy systems for eternity.
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The power produced by the central symmetric turbine 93, is producing electric energy by the symmetric rotary concentric generator 96, and the power produced by the counter rotating symmetric turbines 94 is producing electric energy by the symmetric concentric electric generator 97.
The electric energy produced by the symmetric counter rotating concentric electric generators are supplied outside by the exit conduit 98 and 99.
The universal working fluids, can be any combusted gases, can be steam from any sources, including nuclear, can be compressed air, and compressed natural gases, combusted in the toroidal chamber 92, or can be the eternal aero solar and geo thermal hot and super high pressure air supplied by the universal compressor expander of
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All the vehicles can be covered by panels of parabolic multiple solar-atmospheric energy collectors 110, forming serial or parallel thermal aero energy collectors, receiving high pressure liquid air, or any gases, from the universal compressor-expander of
Alternatively the hot high pressure air can be stored in large thermoses receivers 113, for saving and storing energy available any time days and nights.
Always the available liquid air can be dispersed in the clouds, of port locations, and over the land producing rains, fertilizer of any place making the land a garden of paradise, and support eternal life of humanity, real gift from god.
The Universal Zero Carbon Thermal Electric Clean Engines, is eliminating for eternity the energy dependence from fossil fuels of any kind and sources, with zero emission producing energy, pure water, and rain, any time from request, to any place in the world. This revolutionary eternal technology is the base for eternal prosperity off entire mankind. With maximum absolute efficiency aero electric systems, by and power density is creating the technology for direct transformation of all and any thermal energies, from any sources, eternal, natural, renewable, wind, solar, geo thermal, nuclear, in clean energy, at lowest to zero carbon emission, universal pure water cogeneration, CNG, LNG, LH2, LPG Ethanol, BYO Fuels, NH3, with ultra low to zero emission systems, with <<<cross hybrid thermal aero electric systems>>>, by direct conversion of solar and atmospheric infinite thermal energy, lowest to zero carbon fossil fuels, in electric energy, unlimited driving, and at homes and urban electric eternal energy production, day and night, and independent from any environment conditions. Eternal clean energy production in any place on this planet, including in deserts over the mountains, sea, from wind towers, sun, and atmospheric eternal and infinite thermal energy, nuclear, convertible directly in electric energy, pure water and rain. Total recovery of the braking energy in stored high pressure compressed air, is eliminating ultra expensive and dangerous lithium -ion electric batteries, with revolutionary level of equivalent 200-300 miles per gallons, if is using any kind of fuels, including the capacity to the integrated mobile power plants for distributed power systems, independent electric energy of urban and human localities of any size, including homes, on land sea, and air universal aviation, without airports for universal eternal prosperity of the world and protection of the civilization of humanity. This invention is a continuation in part of our original inventions with the title 1. “Universal Cross hyperbaric, hybrid, thermal electric engine compressor, expander and universal mobility systems. application Ser. No. 13/815,071Filling Date: Mar. 18, 2013Confirmation NO: 2056/of Jul. 9, 2013 1 “Total synergetic integration of all eternal energies solar, atmospheric, wind, geo thermal, and universal fuel capability with maximum efficiency systems”. application Ser. No. 13/986,989Filling DATE Jun. 21, 2013Confirmation NO. 5738/Jul. 30, 2013 3 “Universal thermal electric clean engines with maximum absolute efficiency and power density, and supreme universal mobility”. application Ser. No. 61/997,030FILLING DATE May 20, 2014CONFIRMATION NO. 1182/ Jun. 11, 2014.