0334238<br/>Lee<br/><br/>This three-year U.S. France (INRIA) cooperative research awards supports visits to France by Craig Lee of Aerospace Corporation and Eric Coe, a Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California. It adds an international dimension to Aerospace's ITR (Information Technology Research) award in active networks and grid computing.<br/><br/>In this bilateral effort, Laurent Lefevre and researchers at INRIA (Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique), the Ecole Normale Superieure in Lyon, will work with Aerospace Corporation on a general infrastructure for active network-enabled or topology aware middleware services that are easily accessible from grid applications. INRIA is directly involved in the e-Toile project to deploy a French experimental grid platform to include active middleware support for quality of service and reliable multicast. The e-Toile grid provides a test bed to evaluate middleware prototypes for (1) reducing communication demand; (2) content-based routing communication; (3) interest and time management for distributed simulation; (4) reliable multicast, event services: and (5) network quality services. <br/><br/>The U.S.-France project takes advantage of access to a unique e-grid test bed with a wide geographical distribution in France. Topology aware middleware services are applicable to many different domains from distribution simulation to ad-hoc networks and grids. With such wide applicability, these communications services eventually will be used by a wide segment of society.