The primary objective of this US-Hungary research project under between Dr. Attila Vertes, Eotvos University, and Dr. Amar Nath, Drexel University, is to acquire basic understanding of the high-temperature superconductor, Y- Ba-CU-O. The bulk properties of this material are determined by what is happening on the microscopic level. The technique, Mossbauer spectroscopy, is ideally suited for probing the micro-environment of copper-oxygen chains and sheets. Both of these copper sites are believed to play an important role in the superconductivity phenomenon. The Drexel lab specializes in emission Mossbauer technique, where a minute fraction of the copper in the superconductor is substituted by cobalt-57. Investigations using absorption Mossbauer spectroscopy using iron-57, tin-119 and europium-151 will be done at Eotvos. This project in high-temperature superconductivity fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading experts in the United States and Eastern Europe to combine complementary talents and pool resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence.