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Bonica, "Definitions and Taxonomy of Pain," Ch. 2 in vol. I of The Management of Pain, 2nd Edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, 1990, only pp. 18-27 supplied. |
Bonica, "Postoperative Pain," Ch. 25 in vol. I of The Management of Pain, 2nd Edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, 1990, only pp. 461-480 supplied. |
Burnstock, "Overview--Purinergic Mechanisms," see Part I of "Biological Effects of Extracellular ATP and Nucleotides" in "Biological Actions of Extracellular ATP," Dubyak et al. (eds.), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 603, 1-17 (1990). |
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Katzung (ed.), Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Ch. 24, Appleton & Lange, Norwalk, Connecticut, 1995, pp. 381-394. |
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Williams (II), "Purine Receptors in Mammalian Tissues: Pharmacology and Functional Significance," Ann. Rev. Pharmacology & Toxicology, 27, 315-345 (1987); see particularly pp. 316, 328-329 and 335 refer to "hypnotic effects.". |
Haulica et al., "Preliminary Data on the Possible Hypnogenic Role of Adenosine," J. Neurochem., 21, 10-19-1020 (1973). |
Birch et al.(II), "L-phenylisopropyladenosine (L-PIA) Diminishes Halothane Anesthetic Requirements and Decreases Neurotransmission in Rats," Life Science, 42(14), 1355-1360 (1988); p. 1355, second paragraph, lines 5-7. |
Conradson et al., "Cardiovascular Effects of Infused Adenosine: Potentiation by Dipyridamole," 129, 387-391 (1987). |
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Segal et al., "Dexmedetomidine Dimishes Halothane Anesthetic Requirements in Rats Through a Post Synaptic Alpha.sub.2 Adrenergic Receptor," Anesthesiology, 68(6), 818-823 (1988); see particularly col. 2 of p. 818, last paragraph. |
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Dunwiddie, "The Physiological Role of Adenosine in the Central Nervous System," International Reviews in Neurobiology, 27, 63-139 (1985); see particularly pp. 95-99, 121 and 126-128. |
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The Merck Manual, 15th Ed., Berkow et al. (eds.) Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, 1987, only a portion of Ch. 119 (pp. 1340-1348) was supplied. |
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Fukunaga AF, et al: Comparative hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal effects of hypotension induced with ATP and nitroprusside. Anesthesiology 57:A64, 1982. |
Fukunaga AF, et al: Hemodynamic and metabolic changes of ATP-induced hypotension during surgery. Anesthesiology 59:A12, 1983. |
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Fukunaga AF, et al: Changes in regional myocardial blood flow and oxygen tension during induced hypotension nitroglycerine, isoflurane and ATP in subhuman primates. Anesthesiology 67:A8, 1987. |
Fukunaga AF, et al: Comparative hemodynamic and oxygen transport studies during induced hypotension with ATP, adenosine, nitroprusside, and halothan. Anesthesiology 69:A35, 1988. |
Fukanaga AF, et al: Effect of intravenously administered adenosine and ATP on halothane MAC and its reversal by aminophylline in rabbits. Anesthesiology 71:A260, 1989. |
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Ma CC, et al: A comparative study on the sympathetic and the metabolic activities during induced hypotension with adenosine triphosphate and sodium nitroprusside. Anesthesiology 59:A10, 1983. |