Biological Sciences (61)<br/>Intellectual Merit: Using readily-accessible cell lines (such as PC12 and L6) that can be differentiated in vitro under controlled conditions, this project is developing an integrated experience in undergraduate cell biology laboratories that models research in stem cell biology. Specifically, this project is: (1) improving the level of scientific comprehension of students by developing student-centered active learning activities within the affected cell biology course; (2) expanding opportunities for students to complete independent faculty-student laboratory research in the field of cell biology; and (3) developing student and instructor lecture and laboratory manuals that can be used by others. This project adapts for cell biology the approach developed under a previous NSF grant (9950735) that successfully enhanced training, comprehension, and research opportunities for students in the neurosciences. In addition to the course-related training and as an outgrowth from it, students are becoming involved in independent empirical laboratory research projects, presenting their results at local and national meetings, and contributing as co-authors in submissions to peer-reviewed scientific journals. <br/><br/>Broader Impact: This project addresses an important goal in undergraduate education in the life sciences, to challenge students to think as scientists, rather than as technicians both within and outside of the university. The detailed student and instructor manuals provide an easy-to-follow plan for presenting students with topics on the role of science and technology in society, cell biology, stem cell technology, and experimental research through collaborative learning activities in both the classroom and the laboratory setting. Arcadia University participates in a TRIO/McNair Partnership Program to recruit and encourage students from underrepresented groups to prepare for advanced graduate studies. Biology faculty members are currently involved in providing scientific content to students in Arcadia University's teacher education programs, workshops for continuing education of current K12 teachers, and faculty development for science faculty at local universities. This project helps to advance that work.