1. Field of Invention
While there are a few different “Utility” type of condiment containers, which are, and have been in existence that have a kitchen utensil for extracting the condiment from all sort of containers whereas, there are no type of a kitchen utensil that is enclosed inside of a cap, and no type, or sort in any form of a container with a utensil housing enclosed inside of a container for the placing of a utensil.
Whereas, a utensil housing is made to be enclosed inside of a container whereas, both the cap and container combination is made in any form, and fashion, from any preferable usable materials for making containers for condiments packaging.
Whereas, to use a utensil for the extracting the condiment already inside of the container from the enclosed utensil housing after opening the container whereas, my new invention having in the center of a cap a kitchen utensil connection in the shape of (1). A spoon, (2). A fork, (3). A knife. A “Utensil Housing” enclosed inside the container for the placing of a utensil, were the utensil housing are either in the center of a condiment container, or is arranged to be enclosed to fit to the side in a condiment container or whereas, a utensil are placed inside a enclosed utensil housing having no connection to a cap whatsoever.
2. Description of the Related Art
My new “Enclosed Utensil Cap”, and “Enclosed Utensil Housing” combination having a very discrete advantage other type of cap, containers combination are without in prior art condiment containers whereas, my new utility invention will allow for a twisting, and untwisting of a cap on and off of a condiment container.
A cap having a kitchen utensil in the center whereas, a utensil go's inside of a enclosed utensil housing, that are already inside of a condiment container whereas, a utensil are unconnected during manufacturing from the center of the cap, and placed inside of the enclosed utensil housing or whereas, a utensil is just placed inside of a enclosed utensil housing and cover with a lid, without any connection to a cap at all.
Whereas, this way the paper lid covering the perimeter of a condiment container rim still can be applied while a utensil are inside of a enclosed utensil housing until the condiment container are open whereas, either of the enclosed utensil's housing shapes are made with a utensil housing being placed in the center of the condiment container's bottom.
Or whereas, a enclosed utensil housing are placed off center, and on the inside of a condiment container with a opening at the top of the rim providing for a separation between the condiment and a utensil Whereas, either of the base attached to the utensil handle are to rest atop of a utensil housing rim in a way, so that no amounts of the condiment will seep from outside of the enclosed utensil housing into a condiment container.
Whereas, this allows for a utensil to be packaged inside of a utensil housing inside of a condiment container whereas, a paper lid which protects the condiment freshness, and tempering continue is used for safeguard's against unwanted liabilities.
Whereas, in which a cap are to be twisted inside of the rim to the condiment container, in a way that allows for enough space between a cap female base, that the female base don't breached the lid surrounding atop the condiment container rim, not showed in the embodiment of the drawing.
I have invented a new “Enclosed Utensil Cap”, “Enclosed Utensil Housing” combination, whereas, the object of the utility provides for a specific usage, that which different kitchen utensil's are used in different ways and fashion made from any kind, or sort of materials used to make for a cap, and condiment container.
Whereas, the object of the utility provides for a specific usage that which a utensil housing being built inside of a container for condiments from any kind, or sort of materials used to make an enclosed utensil housing whereas, a utensil housing is enclosed in the center of the bottom of a condiment container in a shape of a cylinder, rectangular, isosceles, triangle, with any shape of a polygonal figures, or poly gram figures.
Or whereas, a enclosed utensil housing are on the side from The bottom up to the rim within a condiment container in the shape of a half cylinder, half rectangular, or half isosceles triangle, and any shapes of a polygonal figure, or poly gram figures.
Whereas, a spoon, fork, knife are fitted inside a cap in different styles of connections whereas, the utensil's connections to the cap enter in, and out of either of the different shape of the utensil housing enclosed to be used within the condiment container with ease and won't touch the condiment inside of the container surrounding the enclosed utensil housing, because the purpose of the utensil are for the serving the condiment from within a condiment container.
Whereas, the obvious purpose, and reasons for my new utility invention is to have and provide to consumer's a condiment container with a utensil that will rest inside a enclosed utensil housing before the condiment container are open, a utensil ready at the moment for serving of not only the many condiment brands: Instant Coffee, Peanut butter, Jams, Jelly, Baby food, Mayonnaise, and the likes, but a complete list for all condiments in which utensil's are used for serving condiment from within any type, and form of a condiment container.
Eleven embodiments of the new invention will now described by way of example and reference to the accompanying drawing in which:
This invention relates to a condiment container, that have a cap 5
With having a different form, and type base at the end of a utensil handle, a utensil can be inserted and locked into a fixed position in a cap by turning the utensil handle in either a right or left direction 3
Or the utensil are made right to the cap, not showed in the embodiment drawing dimensions to be decided on manufacturing.
When the cap are twisted onto the condiment container 6
The opening atop the utensil housing are for a utensil when disconnected from the cap to be placed inside the enclosed utensil housing, this way the paper lid covering the perimeter of the condiment container rim still can be applied 7
Either of the utensil housing are position inside the condiment container center from the bottom, up almost to the rim with a opening providing for separation between the condiment, and utensil, when a utensil is inside of the enclosed utensil housing inside the condiment container dimensions to be decided on manufacturing.
The same separation are to be provided with a different placement arrangement of a enclosed utensil housing in a condiment container. Inside at the side of a condiment container in the form of a half cylinder 5
When the condiment are being packaged and sealed, the base of the utensil handle are resting atop the rim of the enclosed utensil housing 2
A paper lid that is for the protection for the freshness also provides against tempering, can be used for safeguard against unwanted liability showed in dash lines dimensions to be decided on manufacturing.
The twisting of a cap on and off a condiment container, allows for room so that when both are twisted together 7
The ideal and purpose for the new invention provides to a consumer not just an ordinary common condiment container, nor one with an outlandishly embellishment attractiveness, but a condiment container that is practical for every day use, ready at the very moment of opening, for using a preferred utensil right from a condiment container, specifically for the serving of the many condiment brands: Instant Coffee, Peanut Butter, Jams, Jelly's, Baby Foods, Mayonnaise, and the likes, including a host of condiment for a utensil to be used with for the serving of condiment there from, made from any type and form of materials that can form a condiment container in the nature of my new utility invention.