
  • Patent Application
  • 20150190486
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    December 12, 2012
    11 years ago
  • Date Published
    July 09, 2015
    9 years ago
The invention relates to recombinant yeasts of the Kluyveromyces lactis species for the production of a humoral immune response against defined antigens, to the production of said yeasts, and to the use thereof for protective vaccination against pathogens and malignant cells containing said antigens.

The invention relates to recombinant yeasts for the creation of a humoral immune response against defined antigens, the production of these yeasts and the use thereof for protective vaccination against pathogens and malignant cells which contain these antigens.


Vaccines are used to prevent diseases (preventive vaccines) or to treat established diseases (immuno-therapeutic vaccines). In the last 100 years preventive vaccines have significantly contributed to the reduction of infectious diseases. Immunotherapeutic vaccines have only been developed and used for about 20 years, for example against persistent infections with viruses, bacteria or parasites or against carcinogenic diseases. The purpose of the vaccination is to induce a cellular (i.e. essentially T and NK cell-mediated) and/or humoral (i.e. essentially B cell/antibody-mediated) immune response and an immunological memory towards antigenic components of pathogens or malignant (tumorigenic) cells.

Classical vaccines contain the whole pathogen in attenuated (inactivated) or killed form, including its genetic material, nucleic acids in the form of DNA or RNA. For their production, these classical vaccines mostly require special safety precautions and/or the use of experimental animals and/or the use of cell cultures; in addition, they often need to be expensively stored and transported with the use of cold chains. Further, they involve the risk that substances from their production (e.g. from the experimental animal or from the cell culture) create side-effects in the vaccinated individual or that undesired reactivations of the pathogen occur. Problems also exist in diagnosis: thus for example in the case of the vaccination of livestock, vaccinees cannot be distinguished from naturally infected animals, so that the early warning system which is based on the detection of fresh infections can fail. Hence so-called “sub-unit” vaccines which only contain parts of the pathogen were developed. A prerequisite for this is that “main antigens” of the particular pathogen are known. Main antigens are mostly surface components of the pathogen which can be recognized by the immune system, e.g. proteins of a viral envelope or of the virus capsid. Even in the absence of a complete virus particle, these can induce a humoral and/or a cellular immune response and an immunological memory in the host against the virus. Since in “subunit vaccination” typical components of the pathogen are missing, vaccinated individuals can be distinguished from those naturally infected by a differential diagnosis; hence reference is also made to a “subunit marker vaccine”. Disadvantages of many subunit vaccines often are costly production and inadequate immunogenicity. While the pathogens themselves can be efficiently cultured (with the aforesaid limitations), their main antigens must be produced by genetic engineering by cost-intensive and mostly inefficient processes and laboriously purified. Accordingly, the common subunit vaccines are often sensitive, have to be stored refrigerated and have a low stability. For these reasons, a large proportion of mass-produced vaccines are still based on the classical principle with complete pathogens. For example, most vaccines directed against the world-wide poultry disease infectious bursitis (IBD) are currently in the majority based on attenuated (weakened) or inactivated viruses of the IBD-triggering infectious bursitis virus (IBDV).

Attempts are being made to compensate the problem of weaker immunogenicity with subunit vaccines through the additional use of adjuvants. Adjuvants are substances which have empirically been found to be immunostimulating. They strengthen the immune response non-specifically and often in a little understood way. So far, only a few adjuvants are approved for human use. The only additives which are for example approved in the USA for use in people are aluminum salts, aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate. However, aluminum salt formulations cause additional problems in the storage of the corresponding vaccine. In addition, these adjuvants do not exhibit adequate efficacy with all antigens.

The genetic engineering production of foreign proteins, which include most subunit vaccines, can be effected in various host cells. As well as the intestinal bacterium Escherichia coli, mammalian cells which can be proliferated in cell cultures, plant cells and various fungi are established as host systems. Microbial systems such as bacteria and fungi can be particularly inexpensively grown on a large scale. Yeast cells of the yeast genera Saccharomyces, Pichia and Kluyveromyces have already for decades been routinely used for the expression of foreign proteins. Compared to bacteria, yeast cells have the advantage that they are eukaryotes, i.e. they are in many ways similar to the animal cells, and eukaryotic proteins, i.e. proteins which are formed and/or have to be functional in animal cells can be inexpensively produced in yeasts in natural or almost natural form (Bathurst, 1994; Gellissen & Hollenberg, 1997). Yeasts were at first only used for producing the foreign proteins, and the proteins were purified from the yeast cells and used as subunit vaccines. Only recently have attempts been made to administer yeasts themselves or cell fractions of the yeasts as vaccines.

For about the last 5 years, attempts have been made to use Saccharomyces cerevisiae (“baker's yeast”, S. cerevisiae) itself for vaccination: thus it could be shown that dendritic cells can be activated and antigen-specific T cell immune responses, especially cytotoxic T cell immune responses against certain antigens, can be created by subcutaneously administered antigen-expressing cells of S. cerevisiae. This cellular immune response was found to be protective against the administration of certain tumor cells, i.e. following the vaccination fewer tumors appeared in vaccinated animals than in control animals. This method is currently also being tested in immunotherapeutic applications in tumor diseases (Stubbs et al., 2001; Lu et al., 2004).

The following sources from the prior art, in which a yeast-based vaccination is described, are well-known to those skilled in the art:

A number of US patents, e.g. 20090304741, 5,830,463 and 10738646 and 20070166323 describe the use of S. cerevisiae which contain at least one recombinant antigen in immunotherapy. It was shown that these yeasts are effective in stimulating an immune reaction, in particular a cell-mediated immune reaction.

WO/2006/044923 discloses yeast (S. cerevisiae) which recombinantly expresses various proteins of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and which can trigger an immune reaction, mainly a T cell response, against these HCV proteins and is intended for use as a vaccine against chronic hepatitis C.

WO/2007/092792 describes the possible use of recombinant S. cerevisiae against influenza virus infections, wherein a combination of various yeast strains is used whose administration results in T cell induction, i.e. a cellular immune response.

WO/2011/032119 relates to a method for improving the efficacy of a yeast-based immunotherapy in patients. The method comprises a yeast-based agent which modulates the production or the survival of CD4+ TH17 cells.

In none of the available patents is yeast demonstrably used for the induction of a protective humoral immune response against infectious diseases or tumors (subject of this application). Furthermore, either the yeasts S. cerevisiae or Pichia pastoris were used, but not Kluyveromyces lactis (subject of this application).

Like S. cerevisiae, the “milk yeast” Kluyveromyces lactis (K. lactis) also has GRAS status (GRAS: generally regarded as safe), i.e. it is suitable for use in animals or man (van Ooyen et al., 2006). Although morphologically very similar to the baker's yeast S. cerevisiae, the evolutionary lines of the two genera have developed in different directions from a common ancestor more than 100 million years ago. Hence K. lactis differs fundamentally from S. cerevisiae in many properties. Some of these differences are of great importance for usability in biotechnological applications. The evolution of S. cerevisiae entailed the specialization of the metabolism on alcoholic fermentation and hence the loss of many ancestral genes. However, alcoholic fermentation is not typical for most yeasts. It takes place in S. cerevisiae at high glucose concentrations even when oxygen is present, conditions where the mitochondrial respiration would actually allow a much more efficient energy yield from sugar conversion: the function of the mitochondria, the “power houses” of the cell, is largely suppressed by “glucose repression”. K. lactis differs considerably from S. cerevisiae in the regulation of the function of the mitochondria (Chen and Clark-Walker, 1995, Clark-Walker, 2007). In contrast to S. cerevisiae, K. lactis belongs to the so-called “Crabtree negative” yeasts. Such yeasts as a rule form no ethanol under strictly aerobic conditions, but rather via mitochondrial activity degrade the glucose completely to CO2 with formation of ATP. This physiological property is of fundamental importance, since it leads to a marked increase in the biomass yield in large-scale fermentations, which results in a marked cost decrease in the utilization of these yeasts as producers of recombinant proteins. Moreover, studies in K. lactis have shown that mutations in the hexose kinase-mediated glucose signaling pathway can improve the expression of heterologous genes (Donnini et al., 2004). Reduced glucose repression, especially of respiratory genes, is a feature of the “Crabtree negative” yeasts and could be connected with the empirically observed better foreign gene expression in such yeasts.

K. lactis and S. cerevisiae also exhibit considerable differences in the composition of the cell wall glucans (Backhaus et al., 2011); presumably these differences are based on different glycosyl transferases in the Golgi apparatus, which are involved in the maturation of glycoproteins: thus glycoproteins in S. cerevisiae contain multiple mannose phosphates, and the glyco-proteins in K. lactis mainly terminal N-acetyl-glucosamines (Raschke and Ballou, 1972). It is to be assumed that these differences between S. cerevisiae and K. lactis in the glycosylation and secretion of proteins and in cell wall synthesis have a considerable influence on the intracellular location, folding and stability and thus also on the immunogenicity of heterologously expressed foreign proteins (Uccelletti et al., 2004).

WO/2010/054649 describes the production of a recombinant system from K. lactis. In the application examples given there, recombinant strains which were derived from the strain VAK367-D4 were used for mucosal or oral vaccination against various antigens. However, a disadvantage of oral/mucosal vaccination is that the vaccines must be used in large quantities in order to achieve a protective immunization.


FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of the production of the vaccine strain VAK887, which bears the IBDV VP2 foreign gene, by homologous recombination in the VAK367-D4 starting strain. Via transformation of the plasmid KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10) which contained the VP2 gene of the IBDV strain D78, the VP2 foreign gene was inserted by homologous recombination into the chromosomal LAC4 gene locus, which had been destroyed by insertion of the URA3 gene. During the recombination into the host genome the URA3 gene was replaced by the VP2 gene and the LAC4 gene was restored; recombinant yeast strains could be obtained by selection on lactose medium without uracil. Thereafter, expression of LAC4 (β-galactosidase) is controlled via the KIGAL80 promoter, and expression of the VP2 gene via the LAC4 promoter.

FIG. 2A shows the expression of IBDV VP2 by the strain VAK887 in comparison to the original strain (VAK367) and in comparison to IBDV-infected chicken cells by Western blot analysis with a VP2-specific antibody. FIG. 2B shows the expression analysis of recombinant IBDV VP2 and mutated IBDV VP2-T2S in various VP2-expressing K. lactis variants. The original K. lactis variant VP2 (VAK887) expressed only moderate quantities of viral protein. The VP2 expression could be increased in the strain K. lactis VP2-T2S (VAK888) by replacing threonine at amino acid position 2 of the VP2 protein with serine. A further increase could be achieved by increasing the KIGAL4 gene dose (VP2-T2S_GAL4=VAK890) or by use of a yeast codon-optimized synthetic VP2 gene (oVP2-T2S=VAK910).

FIG. 3 shows that heat inactivation of the yeasts according to the invention at 90° C. for 2 hours does not lead to a loss of the recombinant VP2-T2S protein (FIG. 3A). Equal quantities of protein from non-inactivated yeast, inactivated yeast and yeast from a feed pellet were each separated on an SDS PAGE and tested in a Western blot with an anti-VP2 antibody in comparison to cell lysates from poultry cells which were or were not infected with IBDV. FIG. 3 further shows that the quantity of VP2-T2S in the variant VAK890 is ca. 0.7 fg heterologous protein per yeast cell (FIG. 3B). Here, defined quantities of purified VP2-T2S in comparison to VP2 from a defined cell count of K. lactis (strain VAK890) grown in the fermenter were stained in the Western blot and the result assessed by densitometry.

FIG. 4 illustrates the vaccination in mice with subcutaneously administered, heat-inactivated, complete yeast cells of the K. lactis variant VAK890 in comparison to oral vaccination with complete yeast cells of the K. lactis variant VAK890. FIG. 4A shows the immunization scheme: subcutaneous immunization was effected three times, with two weeks pause each time; in comparison, feeding was effected twice for two weeks. Two weeks (arrow) after the last yeast administration, serum samples from the treated mice were tested for the presence of anti-VP2 antibodies in an IBDV-specific ELISA (FIG. 4B) and in an IBDV neutralization assay (FIG. 4C). FIG. 4D summarizes the fact that mice which were treated with VP2-expressing K. lactis (strain KI VP2-T2S_GAL4 (VAK890)) exhibit higher titers of antibodies/neutralizing antibodies than mice which were treated with K. lactis wild type (strain VAK367). Further, it was shown that mice that were subcutaneously administered K. lactis (strain VAK890) exhibited markedly higher levels of antibodies/neutralizing antibodies than mice which were fed with K. lactis (strain VAK890). However, mice which were orally immunized with K. lactis (strain 890) also showed an elevated titer of antibodies/neutralizing antibodies in comparison to mice which were treated with K. lactis wild type (strain VAK367).

FIG. 5 shows the oral and subcutaneous vaccination in chickens with heat-inactivated, complete yeast cells of the K. lactis variant VP2-T2S_GAL4 (VAK890). For the oral vaccination, either a short 1/1/1/1 scheme (1 week feed, 1 week pause, 1 week feed, etc.) or a longer 2/2/2 scheme was used (FIG. 5A). After 1 week or 2 weeks pause respectively after the vaccination, all treated animals were infected with IBDV (Edgar strain) at a concentration of 100 EID50 per animal (virus challenge: black bars). After oral vaccination, particularly after use of the extended treatment scheme, increased titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies could be detected in several animals. In contrast to this, the subcutaneous vaccination with recombinant K. lactis created high titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies in all treated animals (FIGS. 5B & C; IBDV-specific ELISA, IBDV neutralization assay). None of the animals treated with recombinant K. lactis yeast died after infection with IBDV, irrespective of which treatment scheme was used. In contrast to this, the mortality rate was 10-35% in the control group (FIG. 5C). Analysis of lesions in the bursae of the treated animals showed that about 10% of the orally treated animals after use of the extended treatment scheme showed no signs of a viral infection after inoculation with IBDV: for this a so-called “lesions” score was used—scores 1 and 2 indicate bursae damaged not at all or a little; scores 3 and 4 indicate damaged and severely damaged bursae. As shown, all animals in which the recombinant K. lactis strain VAK890 was subcutaneously administered exhibited complete protection against IBDV infection (FIG. 5C).

FIG. 6 is a schematic representation of the structure of the vector KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10).


The possibility of using recombinant yeasts for subcutaneous vaccination is known to those skilled in the art from the prior art: Stubbs et al., (2001) Nat. Med. 7: 625-629; Stubbs and Wilson (2002) Curr. Opin. Mol. Ther. 4: 35-40; Wansley et al., (2008) Clin. Cancer Res. 14: 4316-4325; U.S. Pat. No. 5,830,463, WO/2006/044923; WO/2007/092792 and WO/2011/032119. However, in the practical examples of these publications the work was performed exclusively with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. “Yeast” is a collective term for eukaryotic microorganisms growing as single cells, some with very different properties owing to divergent evolution over hundreds of millions of years (ca. 100 million years for S. cerevisiae and K. lactis). Thus in the use of S. cerevisiae and K. lactis for vaccination purposes in higher eukaryotes such as animal or man it is to be assumed that an immune response triggered by S. cerevisiae will differ markedly from an immune response triggered by K. lactis. This applies both for the immune response to foreign antigens expressed in the yeast and also for the immune response against endogenous yeast antigens. In the case of subcutaneous immunizations with complete S. cerevisiae cells, T cell induction i.e. a cellular immune response, was created. A protective, humoral immune response against an antigen with recombinant S. cerevisiae in simple ways (e.g. by direct administration of a single antigen-expressing strain) had not previously been confirmed in the prior art.

Starting from the background presented above, the problem was thus to provide a method with which a protective, humoral response against defined antigens can be created. A further problem comprised producing a subunit marker vaccine with which it is possible to distinguish vaccinated individuals from those naturally infected. A further problem comprised producing a subunit marker vaccine which simultaneously exhibits strong adjuvant properties and which is thus strongly immunogenic.

These problems were solved by provision of a yeast-based expression system which allows the targeted integration of foreign genes into the yeast genome. Recombinant yeasts which express foreign genes can be rapidly produced (i.e. within a few weeks) with this system. The yeasts can be inexpensively proliferated in the fermenter in large quantities (e.g. kilogram (kg) range). By regulated expression and fermentation in the fed batch process, cytotoxic antigens can also be expressed in this yeast system. After expression of the foreign gene, the yeast is heat-inactivated and can then be stored and transported unrefrigerated as a powder. The yeast powder can be used as a subunit marker vaccine directly, i.e. without further fractionation, either as an emulsion or as pellets (see practical examples). The antigen formulation and the adjuvant effect necessary for effective, i.e. protective, immunization are ensured by two factors: (i) by the possibility of targeted genetic modification of the expressed foreign protein and (ii) through the expression of the foreign protein in the yeast and the direct use of the yeast in oral or subcutaneous form; the yeast itself has a strong adjuvant effect. Subcutaneous administration is preferred. A recombinant yeast strain was produced; this expresses a specific viral antigen and can be used for subcutaneous vaccination in the method according to the invention. Complete preventive protection against an infection by the virus concerned was achieved. In the process, only very small quantities of yeast (e.g. in the milligram (mg) range in case of subcutaneous use in poultry) were used. Only 2-3 applications were necessary in order to achieve this protection.

The method according to the invention is suitable for use both in human medicine and also the veterinary medicine field. Use of the method according to the invention in the veterinary medicine field is preferred.

The method according to the invention is performed with yeasts. Suitable yeasts are for example yeasts of the genera Saccharomyces spec., Pichia spec. and Kluyveromyces spec. In a preferred embodiment, the method according to the invention is performed with yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces spec. and Kluyveromyces spec. Particularly preferred here is the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis.

In the most preferred embodiment, the method according to the invention is performed with the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis.

The yeast K. lactis belongs to the so-called “food grade” yeasts, which have GRAS status (GRAS: generally regarded as safe). Like the baker's yeasts, which have been tried and tested as food additives over millennia, the yeast K. lactis often present in dairy products is also regarded as harmless for the food industry.

As well as the possibility for fermentation explained under “prior art”, the yeast K. lactis has numerous advantages compared to S. cerevisiae as regards the expression of heterologous genes. K. lactis belongs to the so-called “petite negative” yeasts, that is, the loss of the mitochondrial DNA is lethal (because of the collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential) (Chen et al., 1995; Clark-Walker, 2007). The mitochondrial function is closely coupled to Ca2+-dependent signal transmission, production of reactive oxygen compounds, the stress response of the cell, protein glycosylation and cell wall integrity. As a result, the mitochondrial function decisively influences the production of recombinant glycoproteins and the composition of the cell wall.

In yeasts and mammals, the first steps of the N-glycosylation of proteins, which takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum, are the same. However, the steps taking place in the Golgi apparatus differ from each other. The glycosyl transferases present in the Golgi apparatus are different in the different yeast species. This results in differences in the composition of the glycoproteins in the cell wall. In K. lactis, the glycoproteins have terminal N-acetylglucosamines, in contrast to mannose phosphate in S. cerevisiae (Raschke and Ballou, 1972). In vaccinations, this could have considerable effects on the stimulation of the immune system by the respective yeast species.

The improved secretion of recombinant proteins in K. lactis mutants with modified α-1,6-mannosyl transferase (KIOCH1) clearly shows the connection between protein glycosylation/secretion and cell wall biosynthesis (Uccelletti et al., 2004). Moreover, changes in the protein glycosylation influence the intracellular localization of recombinant proteins which are held back on the path to secretion owing to incorrect folding.

K. lactis is one of the few yeast species which can utilize lactose as carbon and energy source. Lactose is a cheap sugar which arises in large quantities as a component of whey (e.g. as a by-product in the dairy industry). K. lactis can achieve similar growth rates with lactose as with glucose. The regulation of the genes involved in the lactose metabolism has been intensively studied. The strong β-galactosidase promoter (LAC4) can be utilized for regulation of the expression of heterologous genes and production of recombinant proteins (van Ooyen et al., 2006, Breunig et al., 2000). Owing to the decreased glucose repression, the heterologous expression of genes in K. lactis cultures which are cultured in glucose-containing media can be rapidly and efficiently induced by the addition of lactose.

According to the invention, a K. lactis strain, preferably VAK367-D4 and variants of this strain, which allows the targeted integration of foreign genes at the LAC4 locus of the yeast genome was generated by genetic engineering methods (FIG. 1). This integration requires only one step via an appropriately constructed plasmid; selection of recombinant strains is possible without the use of antibiotic resistance genes, and the foreign gene expression in the recombinant strains can be induced via the LAC4 promoter by the addition of lactose to the medium. K. lactis with integrated foreign genes can be generated and characterized in a few weeks via this method. Both aspects of this system are of great importance: firstly, reproducible growing of yeast cells which in each case contain defined quantities of a foreign protein is thus possible (FIGS. 2 & 3). Secondly, in case of use for vaccination against readily variable antigens (such as for example the influenza antigen hemagglutinin), new yeast strains can be generated in a short time, for example on emergence of new, potentially pandemic influenza virus strains. Further, there is high probability that the newly generated recombinant K. lactis strains will have similar properties to the proven strains (e.g. regarding their growth behavior in the fermenter). Further, through the additional integration of genes of the KlGal4 transactivator into the yeast genome, the expression rate of the foreign gene can be significantly increased (Kuger et al., 1990).

In a further embodiment, the method according to the invention is performed with a special K. lactis strain, VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof. A series (VAK) of recombinant variants based on the K. lactis strain VAK367-D4 was generated. In general, these variants inducibly express significant quantities of a foreign protein, or domains of this foreign protein, or domains of this foreign protein fused with protein domains foreign to the species. The foreign protein domains used therein serve for specific stimulation of the immune response (adjuvant) or specific compartmentalization of the expressed protein in the yeast cell.

Together with adjuvant effects, compartmentalization of the expressed foreign protein is important for optimization of expression and formulation of the expression product.

In a further embodiment, the method according to the invention is performed with VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof in the application as subunit marker vaccine. The use of recombinant K. lactis which express only defined protein antigens (foreign proteins) as a vaccine in a differential diagnosis allows the discrimination of vaccinated individuals from those naturally infected. One of these recombinant K. lactis strains (see practical examples) was successfully used for oral and subcutaneous vaccination. With subcutaneous administration, complete protection of the vaccinated individuals was obtained.

In the sense of this invention, “foreign proteins” means all proteins, polypeptides and proteins which are suitable for creating a protective immune response, preferably a protective humoral immune response, in man or in an animal against a pathogen or carcinogenically degenerated cells. Foreign proteins can derive from pathogens or tumors of any kind for which antigens have been characterized, which are capable alone of inducing a protective immune response, preferably a protective humoral immune response.

In a preferred embodiment, the foreign proteins derive from pathogens (viruses, bacteria or parasites) for which antigens have been characterized, which are capable alone of inducing a protective immune response, preferably a protective humoral immune response. These are for example:

Foreign Proteins which Derive from Parasites

Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale: ASP protein, hemoglobin-degrading proteases

Leishmania: gp63, 46 kD promastigote antigen, LACK

Plasmodium: CSP protein, CSA-1, CSA-3, EXP1, SSP2, STARP, SALSA, MSP1, MSP2, MSPS, AMA-1, GLURP, Pfs25, Pfs 28, Pvs25, Pvs 28, Pfs 48/45, Pfs 230

Schistosoma: TP1, Sm23, ShGSTs 26 and 28, paramyosin, parasite myosin, Sm14

Foreign Proteins which Derive from Bacteria

Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Ag85A, Hsp65, R8307, 19 kD, 45 kD, 10.4

Heliobacter pylori: VacA, LagA, NAP, hsp, urease, catalase

Group A Strepptococcus: M, SCPA peptidase, exotoxins SPEA and SPEC, fibronectin binding protein

Streptococcus pneumoniae: PspA, Psa A, BHV 3, BHV 4

Salmonella typhimurium: Vi antigen

Shigella: LPS

Vibrio cholerae: CTB

Escherichia coli ETEC: LT, LT-ST, CTB

Yersinia pestis: Fl, V

Foreign Proteins which Derive from Tumor Cells/Tumors (Tumor-Associated Antigens, TAA)






Particularly Preferred are Foreign Proteins which Derive from Viruses

Calciviridae (Norwalk, HEV): NV 60 kD, HEV ORF2

Reoviridae (Rota): VP7, VP4

Retroviridae (HIV): Gag, Pol, Nef, Env, gp160, gp120, gp140, gp41

Flaviviridae (genus Flavivirus: WNV, dengue, YF, TBE, JEV): preM-Env, NS3, NS4, NS5

Flaviviridae (genus Pestivirus BVDV, CSFV, BDV. genus Hepacivirus HCV): E1, E2, ERNA (Pesti), C, NS3, NS4, NS5

Hepadnaviridae (HBV): HBS antigen

Paramyxoviridae (Paramyxovirinae: PIV-1, PIV-2, mumps,

Sendai, PIV-2, PIV-4, morbilli) : M, HN, N, F

Paramyxoviridae (Pneumovirinae: RSV): F, G, SH, M

Rhabdoviridae (rabies): G

Herpesviridae (EBV, HSV2): gp350/220 (EBV), gB2, gD2 (HSV)

Coronaviridae (SARS): CoV, N, M, S

Orthomyxoviridae (influenza A, B): HA, NA, M1, M2, MP

Papillomaviridae: L2, E6, E7

In the most preferred embodiment of the invention, the foreign proteins derive from members of the family Birnaviridae, such as for example the IBD virus, and are capable of inducing a protective immune response, preferably a protective humoral immune response. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a K. lactis VAK367-D4 variant VP2 (VAK887) was created which as a foreign protein expresses the capsid-forming VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus (IBDV strain D78) (SEQ ID Nos.: 1 and 2). Particularly preferred is a K. lactis VAK367-D4 variant VP2-T2S (VAK888) in which the VP2 protein has been mutated at amino acid position 2 (replacement of threonine by serine; Jagadish et al. (1991)) and which has the nucleotide and amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID No.3 and 4 respectively.

In a particularly preferred embodiment of the invention, an optimized K. lactis VAK367-D4 variant, VP2T2S_GAL4 was created, in which the VP2 protein was mutated at amino acid position 2 (SEQ ID No.3 and 4) and which additionally contained at least two KIGAL4 genes (VAK890). Particularly preferred is a K. lactis VAK367-D4 variant, oVP2-T2S, in which the mutated VP2 antigen is encoded by the yeast codon-optimized nucleotide acid sequence with the SEQ ID No.5 and has the amino acid sequence according to SEQ ID No.6 in the recombinantly expressed VP2 antigen. The optimized K. lactis oVP2-T2S_GAL4 variant (VAK911) has the following advantages:

    • the foreign protein is additionally stabilized by the mutation.
    • a marked increase in VP2 expression could be achieved through the overexpression of the transactivator and/or by codon optimization of the sequence (FIG. 2).
    • the integration of additional KIGAL4 genes also correlated with a higher growth rate of this K. lactis variant.
    • this K. lactis exhibits particularly high reproducibility in high cell density fermentation and the quantity of expressed VP2 protein (FIG. 3).

The K. lactis VP2-T2S_GAL4 variant created according to the invention which as foreign protein recombinantly expresses the mutated VP2 antigen of IBDV and contains further copies of the KIGAL4 transactivator gene (VAK890) was deposited on 29 Nov. 2011 at the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH, DSMZ, Inhoffenstrasse 7B, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany in accordance with the Budapest Treaty under the number DSM 25405.

The K. lactis oVP2-T2S variant created according to the invention which as foreign protein recombinantly expresses the mutated and codon-optimized VP2 antigen of IBDV (VAK910) was deposited on 29 Nov. 2011 at the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH, DSMZ, Inhoffenstrasse 7B, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany in accordance with the Budapest Treaty under the number DSM 25406.

The K. lactis oVP2-T2S variant created according to the invention which as foreign protein recombinantly expresses the mutated and codon-optimized VP2 antigen of IBDV and contains further copies of the KIGAL4 transactivator gene (VAK911) was deposited on 29 Nov. 2011 at the German Collection of Micro-organisms and Cell Cultures GmbH, DSMZ, Inhoffenstrasse 7B, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany in accordance with the Budapest Treaty under the number DSM 25407.

A further embodiment relates to use of the recombinant yeasts according to the invention in a method for the creation of a protective immunization, in particular a protective humoral immunization.

Such a method comprises the following steps:

    • a) growth and proliferation of the recombinant yeasts according to the invention,
    • b) harvesting and inactivation of the yeasts,
    • c) administration of the recombinant yeasts according to an immunization scheme to be specified,
    • d) titer determination of the antibodies formed and/or

e) detection of the immunization.

The growth and proliferation of the recombinant yeasts according to the invention can be performed with any conventionally available method. Particularly preferred here are methods which inexpensively result in high cell yields. These include fermentation methods, in particular high cell density fermentation methods. It has been found particularly advantageous to perform the fermentation using a fed batch fermentation protocol.

In a preferred embodiment, the protective, humoral immunization is achieved by administering the recombinant yeast orally/mucosally or subcutaneously. In a particularly preferred embodiment of the invention, the recombinant yeasts are administered subcutaneously. Particularly preferred in the method according to the invention is the use of K. lactis, especially the genetically modified variants VAK367-D4 and the variant VAK890 derived therefrom and variants thereof for subcutaneous administration.

The recombinant yeast cells should be used in the method according to the invention inactivated/killed. For this, after growth and expression of the foreign genes the yeasts are dried and then inactivated. The inactivation can be effected with any conventionally available method. Particularly suitable for use in the method according to the invention is heat inactivation (e.g. heat inactivation for 2 hours at 90° C.)

For the oral/mucosal vaccination, for example a short 1/1/1/1 immunization scheme (1 week feed, 1 week pause, 1 week feed, etc.) or a longer 2/2/2 scheme (2 weeks feed, 2 weeks pause, 2 weeks feed, etc.) can be used. For the subcutaneous vaccination, for example a double or triple administration at intervals of two weeks each time can be used (FIGS. 4 and 5).

For detection of the immunization effected, all conventional methods are available. In one embodiment of the invention, for the detection of the immunization the titer of virus-neutralizing antibodies is tested. For this, for example specific ELISA tests or neutralization assays can be performed. In the neutralization assay, a defined number of IBD viruses is treated with a defined volume of serum of an immunized animal or a control animal. Next inhibition of the infection (neutralization) by the viruses thus treated is tested for in cell culture. It is also possible to check whether an immunization was successful in a “challenge” experiment, for example in a “virus challenge” experiment. For this, a dose of a pathogenic micro-organism or virus which would normally lead to the disease in non-immunized animals is administered to the treated animals. If the animals do not become diseased after such a challenge, successful immunization has been demonstrated (FIG. 5). Finally, the immunization can also be detected by immunohistochemistry. For this, after the challenge, the pathogen's target organs are examined for infection or lesion (FIG. 5).

According to the invention, it was shown that recombinant K. lactis variants which were each derived from VAK367-D4 could successfully be used for vaccination by subcutaneous administration. The strain variant VAK890 described in the practical examples expresses the VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus (IBDV: strain D78). The IBDV VP2 is a viral capsid-forming protein. It is known of VP2 that triggering of a humoral immune response to this antigen is sufficient to protect an infected organism preventively against a subsequent infection by the virus concerned (IBDV). Triggering of an effective humoral immune response could on the one hand be indexed by the quantification of virus-neutralizing antibodies. On the other hand, detection of a protective immune response was performed via a “virus challenge experiment” and immunohistochemistry after the virus challenge. Thus it was possible according to the invention to establish recombinant K. lactis, or recombinant K. lactis based on the strain VAK367-D4, in subcutaneous applications as an effectively acting, i.e. 90-100% protective, vaccine (90-100% corresponds to “gold standard” in vaccination) (FIGS. 4 and 5). The recombinant K. lactis, or recombinant K. lactis based on the strain VAK367-D4, was thereby established as a subunit marker vaccine against pathogens such as for example viruses. This means that a single, immunogenic protein subunit of a virus was used as the antigen. The use as “subunit” marker vaccine implies that its use enables the differentiation of vaccinated organisms from non-vaccinated, infected ones. This is for example possible by a differential diagnosis method which detects antibodies against the antigen used for the vaccination, as well as antibodies against a further antigen of the infectious pathogen. Through the immunization with the recombinant K. lactis strain VAK890 (DSM 25405), starting from the strain VAK367-D4, it was possible to create high antibody titers against the corresponding viral antigen. For these antibodies, it could be shown that they are virus-neutralizing. It can already be empirically deduced from this property and the measured high titer that this humoral immune response is sufficient to protect an organism against a subsequent infection with the virus concerned. The final proof could be obtained for IBDV. In the chicken model, the high titer of virus-neutralizing antibodies created correlated with complete protection of the vaccinated animals against a subsequent virus infection (FIG. 5).

The use of K. lactis, especially of a genetically modified variant, VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof, such as for example K. lactis VP2-T2S_GAL4 (VAK890) has the following significant advantages compared to conventional methods:

    • 1. For use for foreign gene expression, K. lactis has significant, fundamental advantages compared to S. cerevisiae, which are based on the physiology of K. lactis diverging from S. cerevisiae over millions of years.
    • 2. The expression of the foreign gene does not occur via plasmid vectors but after targeted and stable integration of the foreign gene into a defined gene locus of the K. lactis genome. This allows high reproducibility of the protein expression under non-selective conditions. This aspect is essential for the reproducible creation of the vaccine by culturing of the yeast strain in the fermenter. The principle of the strain VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof has already been described for an oral vaccination (WO 20101054649 A2). In the present invention, it is now shown that the strain VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof, in particular K. lactis VP2-T2S_GAL4 (VAK890) and oVP2-T2S_GAL4 (VAK911) in subcutaneous vaccination with use of considerably smaller quantities of yeast results in effective protection in virus infections.
    • 3. The gene expression is inducible and can be further increased by increasing the concentration of the transcription activator Gal4 and/or by codon optimization of the nucleotide sequence of the foreign gene to match the yeast host. The establishment of a fed batch fermentation protocol allows efficient production even of cytotoxic antigens.
    • 4. The integration of the foreign gene into VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof is a “one-step procedure”. This means that in ca. 3 weeks new recombinant strains can be created and characterized; this is particularly important for the rapid development of efficient vaccines against modified virus variants.
    • 5. Through subcutaneous administration of recombinant yeast of the K. lactis type, especially recombinant yeast of the strain VAK367-D4 and derivatives thereof, a protective immune response could be created both in the mouse and also in the chicken. The procedure is extremely simple: a defined quantity of inactivated (heat-killed) yeast cells is injected into the vaccinated animal under the skin in a 2-3 fold procedure. Two weeks after the last application, the serum of the vaccinated animal is tested for the presence and functionality of antigen-specific antibodies. By virus neutralization tests, it could be shown that this immune response was based predominantly if not exclusively on the creation of neutralizing antibodies (protective humoral immune response). Hence the immune response inducible by K. lactis in subcutaneous application differs fundamentally from the immune response inducible by S. cerevisiae, which mainly induces a T cell response. Hence the possibilities for subcutaneous use of K. lactis are fundamentally different from the possibilities for subcutaneous use of S. cerevisiae: while K. lactis can be used as a subunit vaccine in case of antigens which can create a protective humoral immune response (e.g. viral antigens such as the VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus, IBDV, or hemagglutinin HA antigen of the influenza virus), then S. cerevisiae can be used as a subunit vaccine in case of antigens which can create a protective cellular immune response (such as for example with the NS3 protein of the hepatitis C virus or tumor antigens such as Her-2). These differences in the form of the induced immune response are presumably attributable to the greatly different properties of the S. cerevisiae and K. lactis cells which were described above.

In summary, the present invention makes an extensive contribution to the state of the art and provides many advantageous embodiments compared to the prior art:

    • the inventors have succeeded in producing subunit marker vaccines with which it is possible to distinguish vaccinated individuals from naturally infected ones.
    • furthermore, subunit marker vaccines can be produced which simultaneously have strong adjuvant properties and hence are strongly immunogenic.
    • the subunit marker vaccines according to the invention can be applied repeatedly.
    • the subunit marker vaccines according to the invention create a systemic protective immune response and immunological memory in the vaccinated animal.
    • with the present invention it is also possible to produce vaccines against cytotoxic antigens.
    • the method according to the invention enables the fastest possible creation of new vaccine variants.
    • the vaccination methods are in particular very inexpensive.
    • for the production of the vaccines according to the invention no experimental animals nor the use of animal or human cells in culture are necessary.
    • the vaccines according to the invention are not temperature-sensitive, they can be transported and stored without refrigeration.
    • in the method according to the invention, no live recombinant cells or organisms are used.
    • with the method according to the invention, it is possible to restrict both the quantities of vaccine used and also the number of applications which are necessary for achieving a protective immunization to a minimal level.


1. Creation of the K. lactis Strain VAK367-D4 (metA ura3-5 lac4::ScURA3).

The starting strain VAK367 for heterologous expression of foreign proteins has the following properties: it allows culturing at high density, without intracellular proteins being detectably released in the process. In this respect, this strain differs from many closely related K. lactis strains. The strain VAK367 was derived from the strain CBS 2359 (Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures http://www.fungalbiodiversitycentre. com) by two rounds of mutagenesis and is auxotrophic for the amino acid methionine and the nucleobase uracil. The strain VAK367-D4 (deposited on 18 Nov. 2009 at the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH (DSMZ) in Braunschweig under the deposition number DSM 23097) was derived from the strain VAK367 by genetic engineering methods, by replacing the sequence +358 to +1181 of the LAC4 gene by the ScURA3 gene by means of the plasmid pD4-2. The strain VAK367-D4 now allows the integration of foreign genes at the LAC4 locus without additional markers since lactose growth is selected for. At the same time, with use of a suitable integration vector, such as for example KIp3-MCS (FIG. 6) the disruption cassette is replaced by homologous recombination such that an intact LAC4 gene is reconstituted with loss of the ScURA3 marker (FIG. 1).

2. Creation of an Integration Vector which Allows the Inducible Expression of Foreign Genes.

Vector: KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10)

The vector KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10) (FIG. 6) is an E. coil vector based on YRp7 which cannot replicate autonomously in yeasts since the ARS1 sequence has been deleted. KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10) contains the K. lactis LAC4 promoter and sequences which enable integration at the LAC4 locus by homologous recombination.

Between LAC4 promoter and transcription start, a DNA segment which contains the TEF1 terminator and the KIGAL80 promoter were inserted. As a result, the LAC4 reading frame after reconstitution via homologous recombination can be expressed under the control of the KIGAL80 promoter. The KIGAL80 promoter is co-regulated with the LAC4 promoter via the transcription factor KIGa14 (Zenke et al., 1993). This construct makes it possible to monitor the induction of foreign gene expression via measurement of the LAC4-encoded β-galactosidase. KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10) allows the insertion of the foreign gene between LAC4 promoter and TEF1 terminator via one of the unique cleavage sites in the multiple cloning site (MCS) (FIG. 6). For the integration, the resulting plasmid is digested with suitable restriction enzymes, so that the expression cassette is separated from the E. coli vector sequences. After transformation into K. lactis VAK367-D4, the expression cassette is chromosomally integrated; the resulting strains contain no bacterial sequences.

3. K. lactis Variant which Expresses the VP2 Antigen of the Infectious Bursitis Virus (IBDV Variant D78).

Production of the recombinant yeast strain The cDNA which codes for IBDV D78 VP2 was amplified from the plasmid pD78A (Icard et al., 2008) by means of the following oligonucleotides:

IBDV_AscI_fwd (5′-GGCGCGCCGATGACAAACCTGCAAGATC-3′) (SEQ ID No.7), containing an AscI restriction site, and VP2_NotI_rev (5′-ATAAGAATGCGGCCGCTCACACAGCTATCCTCCTTAT G-3′) (SEQ ID No.8), containing a NotI restriction site.

For the generation of VP2-T2S, the following oligo-nucleotide pair was used:

IBDV_S:T_AscI_fwd (5′-GGCGCGCCGATGTCTAACCTGCAAGATCAAA CCCA-3′) (SEQ ID No.9) and VP2_NotI_rev (see above).

After checking and confirmation of the nucleotide sequences, the DNA fragments thus amplified were cloned into the vector KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10) (FIG. 6) via the AscI and NotI cleavage sites. After this, the integration into the genome was effected (FIG. 1). In detail, the integration plasmid was digested with the restriction enzyme EcoRI and the digested fragments transformed into competent VAK367-D4 cells. The transformed cells were plated onto YEPD medium and incubated overnight at 30° C. For detection of positive colonies, the transformation plate was duplicated onto SM medium which contained lactose as the carbon source and incubated for 2 days at 30° C. The positive clones identified by this method were further investigated.

The genomic integration of additional KIGAL4 gene copies was effected by a conventional method (Kuger et al. (1990)). The codon optimization followed a Saccharomyces cerevisiae algorithm (, Raab et al., 2010). The codon-optimized DNA fragments were synthesized directly. In the synthesis, the 5′ AscI and 3′ NotI restriction sites were already incorporated (, Regensburg, Germany). Cloning into the vector KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10) was then effected. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Western Blot Analysis

Cell pellets were resuspended in B60 buffer (50 mM HEPES-KOH pH 7.3; 60 mM potassium acetate, 5 mM magnesium acetate, 0.1% Triton X100, 10% glycerol, 1 mM sodium fluoride, 20 mM glycerol phosphate, 10 mM MgCl2, 1 mM DTT, protease complete inhibitor (Roche)) and lysed by vigorous mixing with glass beads. The extract was centrifuged (14,000 rpm, 20 mins at 4° C.) and the protein concentration determined. 40 μg of the protein extract were separated by SDS-PAGE in a 12% gel. The proteins were then transferred onto a membrane. The Western blot analyses were performed with an α-IBDV antiserum from rabbits (1:15,000, Granzow et al., 1997) and a goat-anti-rabbit HRP-coupled antibody (1:3,000, Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc.) using conventional methods.

Northern Blot Analysis

For the complete extraction of the RNA, 5 ml of a yeast culture were cooled on ice. The cell lysis was performed in Proteinase K buffer (100 mM Tris/HCl pH 7.9,

150 mM NaCl, 25 mM EDTA, 1% SDS) and 50 mg proteinase K (Fermentas) with vigorous shaking with glass beads. The samples were incubated for 1 hr at 35° C. and the RNA extracted, precipitated with ethanol and resuspended in DEPC water. The Northern analysis was performed as described in Engler-Blum et al., 1993, but with some differences. 5 μg of the total RNA were separated on a 1% formaldehyde-agarose gel and transferred onto a nylon membrane (Amersham Hybond™-N+, GE Healthcare). The membrane was incubated at 68° C. with a DIG-labeled RNA probe which was produced by in vitro transcription of PCR fragments in the presence of DIG(Digoxigenin)-NTPs (Roche). The blot was treated with a blocking solution and incubated with an anti-DIG alkaline phosphatase-conjugated antibody (Roche). The determination of the activity of the alkaline phosphatase was determined by conventional methods.

Quantification of Heterologously Expressed VP2.

A modified protocol according to Saugar et al., 2005, was used. 2,000 ODU of a yeast culture which had been transformed with an episomal VP2 plasmid (pADH1-P_VP2-T2S) were cultured overnight on selective medium (0.67% YNB, 2% glucose and the following additions: 11 mg/l Ade, 14 mg/l Tyr, 38 mg/l each of His, Trp, Arg and Met, 48 mg/l Phe, and 58 mg/l each of Leu, Ile, Lys, Val and Thr). After harvesting and washing with distilled water, the cells were disintegrated with glass beads in lysis buffer (10 mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 20 mM CaCl2, 1 mM EDTA, protease complete inhibitor (Roche), pH 8.0). The resulting protein extract was centrifuged (10,000 g for 1 hr at 4° C.) and the soluble fraction layered onto a 20% (w/v) sucrose cushion in sucrose buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 20 mM CaCl2, containing protease complete inhibitor (Roche)). After centrifugation at 170,000 g for 3 hrs at 4° C., the pellet was dissolved in 200 μl of sucrose buffer and centrifuged for a further 17 hrs at 114,000 g in a 20 to 53% sucrose gradient in sucrose buffer. The gradient was collected in 700 μl fractions and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. Oligomeric protein complexes of the heterologously expressed VP2 could thus be concentrated and purified. The protein could be detected and the quantity of protein determined by SDS PAGE and Coomassie staining in comparison to a standard protein (not shown). The VP2 thus purified was then used as standard in a comparative Western blot with anti-VP2 antibodies. The VP2 content of a defined number of yeast cells from different fermentations was compared (FIG. 3).

Yeast Fermentation and Heat Inactivation.

All experimental fermentations were performed in a DasGip parallel bioreactor system (DasGip AG, Julich, Germany) with four fully equipped 2 l fermenters. Fermentations on the production scale were performed by Organobalance GmbH (Berlin, Germany) or in our own laboratory in a Biostat ED bioreactor (B. Braun Biotech, Melsungen, Germany) with 10 l working volume. All production processes were performed by the fed batch method. A complex culture medium containing 2% yeast extract and 1% peptone and a 20% lactose feed solution was utilized. The temperature of the yeast culture was maintained at 30° C. and the pO2 was controlled at 30% saturation. The pH was maintained at 5.0 during the fermentation by addition of 2M NaOH or 2M H3PO4.

For the in vivo experiments in mice and chickens, the yeasts were freeze-dried and then heat-inactivated for 2 hrs at 90° C. By using this process, fewer than 10 cells per gram cell dry weight were viable.

4. Subcutaneous Administration in Mice

For the subcutaneous administration in mice of a K. lactis variant which expresses the VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus (IBDV variant D78) (VAK890), the dried and pulverized yeast was mixed with complete Freund adjuvant (CFA) for the first application, and in the further applications the yeast was mixed with incomplete Freund adjuvant (IFA) (100 μg yeast material per 200 μl CFA or IFA). 200 μl of the emulsions (with 100 μg contained yeast) was injected per individual per immunization/boost. Thus the quantity of VP2 administered per subcutaneous administration to a single mouse corresponded to ca. 18 ng (FIG. 3). After the initial injection (day 0), this was “boosted” twice at two-week intervals (on day 14 and 28, FIG. 4). After a further two weeks, the animals were killed by narcosis to obtain the blood serum.

5. Subcutaneous Administration in Chickens

For subcutaneous administration in chickens, 5 mg of the dried and pulverized K. lactis variant which expresses the VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus (IBDV variant D78) (VAK890) were dissolved in 750 μl of phosphate buffer/saline (PBS) and 500 μl distilled water and an emulsion with 1.25 ml of IFA prepared. 500 μl of this emulsion (with 1 mg contained yeast) were injected on day 0, 14 and day 28 (FIG. 5). Thus the quantity of VP2 administered per subcutaneous immunization of a single chicken corresponded to ca. 180 ng (FIGS. 3 & 4).

6. Virus “Challenge”

After the vaccination (FIG. 5), vaccinated chickens were infected on day 42 via the oral route with 100 EID50 of the IBDV strain “Edgar” and the mortality rate determined after six days. The animals were then killed under narcosis, after which the sera were obtained and the animals' bursae removed. These were firstly fixed for 24 hours in 10% neutral buffered formalin and then embedded in paraffin wax.

7. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).

The IBDV-specific antibody titers in the sera of the vaccinated animals were determined with a commercial ELISA test, IDEXX FlockCheck® IBD ELISA kit (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.). In the case of the sera from vaccinated mice, a secondary antibody from a different manufacturer was used (Sigma Aldrich).

8. Neutralization Assay.

The neutralization assay for the determination of the concentration of virus-neutralizing antibodies was performed according to the protocol of Schröder et al., 2000.

9. Immunohistochemistry.

Organ sections 4 micrometers thick were prepared from the wax-embedded bursae. After removal of the wax, these were stained with hematoxylin and eosin by standard procedures. The samples were examined microscopically and the so-called “lesions score” on a scale of 1-4 determined (1=normal to 10% follicular atrophy, 2=10-30% follicular atrophy, 3=30-70% follicular atrophy and 4=>70% atrophy).


Production and Quantification of the IBDV VP2-Expressing K. lactis Strain

Different K. lactis variants with integrated IBDV VP2 gene were prepared. For the vaccination experiments, an optimized variant was used in which the VP2 protein was mutated at amino acid position 2 (replacement of threonine by serine; Jagadish et al. (1991)), and which contained an additional tandem integration of at least two KIGAL4 genes (variant VP2-T2S_GAL4, strain VAK890). The foreign protein was additionally stabilized by the mutation; through the overexpression of the trans activator, a marked increase in VP2 expression could be achieved (FIG. 2). The integration of additional KIGAL4 genes also correlated with a higher growth rate of this K. lactis variant. The growth conditions for the particular VP2-expression K. lactis strain VAK890 were optimized so that the yeast could be fermented at high densities and with a reproducible quantity of expressed VP2. After production, the yeast was freeze-dried and inactivated for 2 hours at 90° C. The inactivation was confirmed: fewer than 10 living yeast cells remained per g of inactivated yeast material. The quantity of VP2 per yeast cell was determined: with the strain VAK890 it was ca. 0.7 fg of heterologous VP2 protein per yeast cell (FIG. 3).

Subcutaneous Administration in Mice and Chickens

The immunizations were performed as described above; two weeks after the last administration the sera of the treated vaccinated animals were tested for the presence of neutralizing antibodies. For this an IBDV-specific ELISA was used and an IBDV neutralization assay performed (FIGS. 4 and 5). In addition, with the vaccinated chickens a “virus challenge” experiment was performed. For this the animals were given a viral dose of 100 EID50 per animal of the strongly virulent IBDV strain “Edgar”, a concentration which in non-vaccinated poultry results in significant bursitis with a mortality rate of ca. 10-35% in non-vaccinated poultry (FIG. 5D). Following the “virus challenge” experiment, the bursae of the vaccinated animals were examined by immunohistochemistry for signs of infection and lesions in the bursae and characterized by the so-called “lesions score” (FIG. 5).

Both the experiments with mice and also the experiments with chickens showed that through the subcutaneous administration of the K. lactis strain VAK890 high titers of virus-neutralizing antibodies could be created in practically all treated animals (FIGS. 4B & 4C and FIGS. 5B & 5C). Likewise, it could be shown that practically all vaccinated test chickens were protected against virus challenge and showed practically no signs of a viral infection in their bursae (FIG. 5). Hence all animals vaccinated with the K. lactis strain VAK890 showed a significant humoral immune response against VP2. This immune response could already be observed after a single boost, from which it can be concluded that two injections, which moreover were performed with incomplete Freund adjuvant (immunization and one boost), are already sufficient to produce protection. Further, all test chickens which were vaccinated with the K. lactis strain VAK890 were protected against a subsequent virus infection (FIG. 5).


  • ARS1 autonomously replicating sequence: nucleotide sequence on the

DNA on which the replication is initiated

  • Asc I restriction endonuclease Asc I
  • CFA complete Freund adjuvant
  • DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
  • DEPC diethyl pyrocarbonate
  • DIG-NTP digoxigenin nucleotide triphosphate
  • DSMZ German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH
  • DTT dithiothreitol
  • E. coli Escherichia coli
  • EcoRI restriction endonuclease Eco RI
  • EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
  • EID50 egg or embryo infectious dose—number of infectious viruses which is necessary to trigger an infection in 50% of infected eggs
  • ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
  • GAL4 yeast-specific transcription activator
  • GRAS generally regarded as safe
  • HEPES 2-(4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl)-ethanesulfonic acid
  • Hpa I restriction endonuclease Hpa I
  • HRP horseradish peroxidase
  • IBDV infectious bursitis virus
  • IFA incomplete Freund adjuvant
  • K. lactis Kluyveromyces lactis
  • KIGAL4 K. lactis gene coding for the KIGal4/Lac9 protein
  • KIGAL80 K. lactis gene coding for the KIGal80 protein
  • LAC4 K. lactis gene coding for a β-galactosidase enzyme
  • Notl restriction endonuclease Not I
  • ODU optical density unit
  • PBS phosphate buffer/saline
  • PCR polymerase chain reaction
  • RNA ribonucleic acid
  • S. cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • Sal I restriction endonuclease Sal I
  • SDS sodium dodecylsulfate
  • SDS-PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using SDS
  • TEF1 Arxula adeninivorans gene coding for the translation factor EF-1 alpha
  • VP2 capsid-forming viral protein of IBDV
  • VP2-T2S VP2 with an amino acid replacement of threonine by serine at position 2
  • VAK vaccine strain
  • YEPD yeast extract peptone dextrose
  • YRp7 S. cerevisiae-E. coli shuttle vector, Genbank accession U03501 (Botstein et al., 1979)


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  • 1. A recombinant yeast of the species Kluyveromyces lactis which bears a foreign gene and wherein the foreign gene is expressed as a foreign protein, and wherein administration of the recombinant yeast creates a protective humoral immune response.
  • 2. A subunit vaccine comprising the recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1.
  • 3. A method for distinguishing vaccinated from naturally infected vertebrates, comprising vaccinating the vertebrates with the subunit vaccine claimed in claim 2.
  • 4. The subunit vaccine as claimed in claim 2, wherein the subunit marker vaccine exhibits strong adjuvant properties.
  • 5. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 2, wherein the subunit vaccine strongly immunogenic.
  • 6. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein integration of the foreign gene was effected without additional vector sequences or selection markers.
  • 7. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the foreign gene expression takes place constitutively.
  • 8. The recombinant yeast as claimed claim 1, wherein the foreign gene expression is inducible.
  • 9. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the foreign gene expression can be indirectly quantified via the expression of an endogenous reporter gene.
  • 10. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the foreign gene enables the expression of a foreign protein with antigenic properties.
  • 11. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the recombinant yeast inducibly or constitutively expresses significant quantities of a foreign protein or domains of this foreign protein or domains of this foreign protein fused with protein domains foreign to the species.
  • 12. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the Kluyveromyces lactis strain is Kluyveromyces lactis VAK367-D4 (DSM 23097) or a variant thereof.
  • 13. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the foreign protein derives from a pathogen or a tumor.
  • 14. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 13, wherein the foreign protein is a tumor-associated antigen selected from CEA, 5T4, MUC1, MART1 and HER-2.
  • 15. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 13, wherein the foreign protein derives from a virus, a bacterium or a parasite.
  • 16. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 15, wherein the foreign protein derives from a parasite.
  • 17. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 16, wherein the foreign protein derives from Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, Leishmania spec., Plasmodium spec. or Schistostoma spec.
  • 18. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 16 wherein the foreign protein is selected from the group comprising: Necator americanus or Ancylostoma duodenale: ASP protein and hemoglobin-degrading proteases;Leishmania spec.: gp63, 46 kD promastigote antigen, LACK;Plasmodium spec.: CSP protein, CSA-1, CSA-3, EXP1, SSP2, STARP, SALSA, MSP1, MSP2, MSP3, AMA-1, GLURP, Pfs25, Pfs 28, Pvs25, Pvs 28, Pfs 48/45, Pfs 230;Schistosoma spec.: TP1, Sm23, ShGSTs 26 and 28, paramyosin, parasite myosin, Sm14.
  • 19. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 15, wherein the foreign protein derives from a bacterium.
  • 20. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 15, wherein the foreign protein derives from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Heliobacter pylori, group A Streptococcus spec., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella spec., Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli or Yersinia pestis.
  • 21. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 19, wherein the foreign protein is selected from the group consisting of: Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Ag85A, Hsp65, R8307, 19 kD, 45 kD, 10.4;Heliobacter pylori: VacA, LagA, NAP, hsp, urease, catalase;Group A Streptococcus spec.: M, SCPA peptidase, exotoxins SPEA and SPEC, fibronectin-binding protein;Streptococcus pneumoniae: PspA, Psa A, BHV 3, BHV 4;Salmonella typhimurium: Vi antigen;Shigella spec.: LPS;Vibrio cholerae CTB;Escherichia coli: ETEC: LT, LT-ST, CTB; andYersinia pestis: F1 and V.
  • 22. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 15, wherein the foreign protein derives from a virus.
  • 23. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 22, wherein the foreign gene enables the expression of a viral protein with antigenic properties.
  • 24. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 23, wherein the foreign gene enables the expression of a viral structural protein.
  • 25. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 24, wherein the foreign protein derives from the Birnaviridae, Caliciviridae, Reoviridae, Retroviridae, Flaviviridae, Hepadnaviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Herpesviridae, Coronaviridae, Orthomyxoviridae or Papillomaviridae.
  • 26. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 25, wherein the foreign protein is selected from the group consisting of: Birnaviridae: VP2Caliciviridae (Norwalk, HEV): NV 60 kD, HEV ORF2;Reoviridae (Rota): VP7, VP4;Retroviridae (HIV): Gag, Pol, Nef, Env, gp160, gp120, gp140, gp41;Flaviviridae (genus Flavivirus: WNV, dengue, YF, TBE, JEV): preM-Env, NS3, NS4, NS5;Flaviviridae (genus Pestivirus BVDV, CSFV, BDV. genus Hepacivirus HCV): E1, E2, ERNA (pesti), C, NS3, NS4, NS5;Hepadnaviridae (HBV): HBS antigen;Paramyxoviridae (Paramyxovirinae: PIV-1, PIV-2, mumps, Sendai, PIV-2, PIV-4, morbilli): M, HN, N, F;Paramyxoviridae (Pneumovirinae: RSV): F, G, SH, M;Rhabdoviridae (rabies): G;Herpesviridae (EBV, HSV2): gp350/220 (EBV), gB2, gD2 (HSV);Coronaviridae (SARS): CoV, N, M, S;Orthomyxoviridae (influenza A, B): HA, NA, M1, M2, NP; andPapillomaviridae: L2, E6, E7.
  • 27. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 22, wherein the foreign protein derives from a member of the family Birnaviridae.
  • 28. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 22, wherein the foreign protein is VP2 antigen of infectious bursitis virus (IBDV).
  • 29. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 28, wherein the VP2 antigen derives from infectious bursitis virus (IBDV) strain D78.
  • 30. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 29, wherein the VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus (IBDV) is encoded by a nucleotide sequence selected from SEQ ID No.1, SEQ ID No.3 and SEQ ID No.5.
  • 31. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 30, wherein the VP2 antigen of the infectious bursitis virus (IBDV) has an amino acid sequence selected from SEQ ID No.2, SEQ ID No.4 and SEQ ID No.6.
  • 32. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the Kluyveromyces lactis is a strain selected from: Kluyveromyces lactis VAK367-D4 890 DSM 25405,Kluyveromyces lactis VAK367-D4 910 DSM 25406, andKluyveromyces lactis VAK367-D4 911 DSM 25407,
  • 33. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 22, wherein the foreign protein is a mutated VP2 antigen of infectious bursitis virus (IBDV).
  • 34. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 22, wherein the foreign protein is a codon-optimized VP2 antigen of infectious bursitis virus (IBDV).
  • 35. The recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1, wherein the Kluyveromyces lactis is a strain selected from Kluyvero-myces lactis VAK890, VAK910 and VAK911.
  • 36. A method of creating a protective humoral response, comprising subcutaneously administering a vaccine comprising the recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1.
  • 37. A method for subcutaneous vaccination by means of recombinant yeast, comprising the following steps: a) growing and proliferating the recombinant yeast,b) harvesting and inactivating the yeast,c) administering the recombinant yeast according to a predetermined subcutaneous immunization scheme,d) titer determination of antibodies formed by the administration of the recombinant yeast and/ore) detection of the immunization.
  • 38. A method for subcutaneous vaccination by means of a recombinant yeast, comprising subcutaneously administering a vaccine comprising the recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1.
  • 39. The method as claimed in claim 38, wherein the vaccine comprises complete yeast cells of the recombinant yeast and a specific immunization against the expressed foreign protein is obtained.
  • 40. The method as claimed in claim 39, wherein the foreign protein is obtained from a pathogen or a tumor.
  • 41. The method as claimed in claim 39, wherein the foreign protein derives from a parasite, a bacterium or a virus.
  • 42. The method as claimed in claim 39, wherein the foreign protein is a cytotoxic antigen.
  • 43. The method as claimed in claim 38, wherein the vaccine comprises complete yeast cells of the recombinant yeast and a humoral immunization against expressed foreign protein is obtained.
  • 44. The method as claimed in claim 38, wherein the vaccine comprises complete yeast cells of the recombinant yeast and a protective humoral immunization against expressed foreign protein is obtained.
  • 45. A specific ELISA method, comprising, detecting and quantifying the immune response created by administration of the recombinant yeast as claimed in claim 1.
  • 46. The ELISA method as claimed in claim 45 wherein the immune response is against IBDV VP2 protein and/or mutated IBDV VP2T2S protein.
  • 47. A method comprising detecting neutralizing antibodies from sera of individuals which were immunized by the method as claimed in claim 37.
  • 48. The method as claimed in claim 47, wherein the neutralizing antibodies are against IBDV VP2 protein and/or mutated IBDV VP2-T2S protein and/or the codon-optimized oVP2-T2S protein.
  • 49. A method comprising detecting the immunization effected by the method as claimed in claim 37 via challenge with antigen.
  • 50. A method comprising detecting the immunization effected by the method as claimed in claim 37 via challenge with viral antigen or challenge with virus.
  • 51. A method comprising detecting the immunization effected by the method as claimed in claim 37 via challenge with IBDV VP2 and/or mutated IBDV VP2-T2S and/or codon-optimized oVP2-T2S protein.
  • 52. An oligonucleotide which has a nucleotide sequence SEQ ID No.7, SEQ ID No.8 or SEQ ID No.9.
  • 53. An expression vector which bears a foreign gene, wherein the foreign gene has the nucleotide sequence SEQ ID No.1, SEQ ID No.3 or SEQ ID No.5.
  • 54. The expression vector as claimed in claim 53, wherein the foreign gene contains natural or codon-optimized nucleotide sequence which codes for IBDV VP2 protein or IBDV VP2-T2S protein.
  • 55. The expression vector as claimed in claim 53, wherein the foreign gene codes for IBDV VP2 protein with the amino acid sequence SEQ ID No.2 or IBDV VP2-T2S protein with the amino acid sequences SEQ ID No.4.
  • 56. The expression vector as claimed claim 53, wherein the expression vector is the vector KIp3 or KIp3-MCS (SEQ ID No.10).
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10 2011 121 069.9 Dec 2011 DE national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/DE2012/001205 12/12/2012 WO 00