Vaccine compositions

The invention provides a DNA construct comprising a DNA sequence encoding a fusion protein of the formula: TetC-(Z)a-Het, wherein: TetC is the C fragment of tetanus toxin, or a protein comprising the epitopes thereof; Het is a heterologous protein, Z is an amino acid, and a is zero or a positive integer, provided that (Z)a does not include the sequence Gly-Pro. The invention also provides replicable expression vectors containing the constructs, bacteria transformed with the constructs, the fusion proteins per se and vaccine compositions formed from the fusion proteins or attenuated bacteria expressing the fusion proteins.

This invention relates to DNA constructs, replicable expression vectors containing the constructs, bacteria containing the constructs and vaccines containing the bacteria or fusion proteins expressed therefrom. More particularly, the invention relates to novel DNA constructs encoding the C-fragment of tetanus toxin, and to fusion proteins containing tetanus toxin C-fragment.

It is known to prepare DNA constructs encoding two or more heterologous proteins with a view to expressing the proteins in a suitable host as a single fusion protein. However, it has often been found that fusing two proteins together in this way leads to an incorrectly folded chimaeric protein which no longer retains the properties of the individual components. For example, the B-subunits of the

Vibrio cholerae

(CT-B) and

E. coli

(LT-B) enterotoxins are powerful mucosal immunogens but genetic fusions to these subunits can alter the structure and properties of the carriers and hence their immunogenicity (see M. Sandkvist et al. J. Bacteriol. 169, pp4570-6, 1987, Clements et al. 1990 and M. Lipscombe et al. Mol. Microbiol. 5, pp 1385, 1990). Moreover, many heterologous proteins expressed in bacteria are not produced in soluble properly folded or active forms and tend to accumulate as insoluble aggregates (see C. Schein et al. Bio/Technology 6, pp 291-4, 1988 and R. Halenbeck et al. Bio/Technology 7, pp 710-5, 1989.

In our earlier unpublished international patent application PCT/GB93/01617, it is disclosed that by providing a DNA sequence encoding tetanus toxin C-fragment (TetC) linked via a “hinge region” to a second sequence encoding an antigen, the expression of the sequence in bacterial cells is enhanced relative to constructs wherein the C-fragment is absent. For example, the expression level of the full length P28 glutathione S-tranferase protein of

S. mansoni

when expressed as a fusion to TetC from the nirB promoter was greater than when the P28 protein was expressed alone from the nirB promoter. The TetC fusion to the full length P28 protein of

S. mansoni

was soluble and expressed in both

E. coli


S. typhimurium

. In addition, the TetC-P28 fusion protein was capable of being affinity purified by a glutathione agarose matrix, suggesting that the P28 had folded correctly to adopt a conformation still capable of binding to its natural substrate. It was previously considered that a hinge region, which typically is a sequence encoding a high proportion of proline and/or glycine amino acids, is essential for promoting the independent folding of both the TetC and the antigenic protein fused thereto. However, it has now been discovered, surprisingly in view of the previous studies on CT-B and LT-B referred to above, that when the hinge region is omitted between the TetC and a second antigen such as P28, the proteins making up the fusion do exhibit correct folding as evidenced by affinity purification on a glutathione agarose matrix.

Accordingly, in a first aspect, the invention provides a DNA construct comprising a DNA sequence encoding a fusion protein of the formula TetC-(Z)


-Het, wherein TetC is the C fragment of tetanus toxin, or a protein comprising the epitopes thereof; Het is a heterologous protein; Z is an amino acid, and a is zero or a positive integer, provided that (Z)


does not include the sequence Gly-Pro.

Typically (Z)


is a chain of 0 to 15 amino acids, for example 0 to 10, preferably less than 6 and more preferably less than 4 amino acids.

In one embodiment (Z)


is a chain of two or three amino acids, the DNA sequence for which defines a restriction endonuclease cleavage site.

In another embodiment, a is zero.

Usually the group (Z)


will not contain, simultaneously, both glycine and proline, and generally will not contain either glycine or proline at all.

In a further embodiment, (Z)


is a chain of amino acids provided that when a is 6 or more, (Z)


does not contain glycine or proline.

The group (Z)


may be a chain of amino acids substantially devoid of biological activity.

In a second aspect the invention provides a replicable expression vector, for example suitable for use in bacteria, containing a DNA construct as hereinbefore defined.

In another aspect, the invention provides a host (e.g. a bacterium) containing a DNA construct as hereinbefore defined, the DNA construct being present in the host either in the form of a replicable expression vector such as a plasmid, or being present as part of the host chromosome, or both.

In a further aspect, the invention provides a fusion protein of the form TetC-(Z)


-Het as hereinbefore defined, preferably in substantially pure form, said fusion protein being expressible by a replicable expression vector as hereinbefore defined.

In a further aspect the invention provides a process for the preparation of a bacterium (preferably an attenuated bacterium) which process comprises transforming a bacterium (e.g. an attenuated bacterium) with a DNA construct as hereinbefore defined.

The invention also provides a vaccine composition comprising an attenuated bacterium, or a fusion protein, as hereinbefore defined, and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.

The heterologous protein “Het” may for example be a heterologous antigenic sequence, e.g. an antigenic sequence derived from a virus, bacterium, fungus, yeast or parasite.

Examples of viral antigenic sequences are sequences derived from a type of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) such as HIV-1 or HIV-2, the CD4 receptor binding site from HIV, for example from HIV-1 or -2., hepatitis A, B or C virus, human rhinovirus such as type 2 or type 14, Herpes simplex virus, poliovirus type 2 or 3, foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), rabies virus, rotavirus, influenza virus, coxsackie virus, human papilloma virus (HPV), for example the type 16 papilloma virus, the E7 protein thereof, and fragments containing the E7 protein or its epitopes; and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV).

Examples of antigens derived from bacteria are those derived from

Bordetella pertussis

(e.g. P69 protein and filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) antigens),

Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus anthracis

, and


antigens such as


heat Labile toxin B subunit (LT-B),


K88 antigens, and enterotoxigenic


antigens. Other examples of antigens include the cell surface antigen CD4

, Schistosoma mansoni

P28 glutathione S-transferase antigens (P28 antigens) and antigens of flukes, mycoplasma, roundworms, tapeworms,

Chlamydia trachomatis

, and malaria parasites, eg. parasites of the genus plasmodium or babesia, for example

Plasmodium falciparum

, and peptides encoding immunogenic epitopes from the aforementioned antigens.

Particular antigens include the full length

Schistosoma mansoni

P28, and oligomers (e.g. 2, 4 and 8-mers) of the immunogenic P28 aa 115-131 peptide (which contains both a B and T cell epitope), and human papilloma virus E7 protein, Herpes simplex antigens, foot and mouth disease virus antigens and simian immunodeficiency virus antigens.

The DNA constructs of the present invention may contain a promoter whose activity is induced in response to a change in the surrounding environment. An example of such a promoter sequence is one which has activity which is induced by anaerobic conditions. A particular example of such a promoter sequence is the nirB promoter which has been described, for example in International Patent Application PCT/GB92/00387. The nirB promoter has been isolated from


, where it directs expression of an operon which includes the nitrite reductase gene nirB (Jayaraman et al, J. Mol. Biol. 196, 781-788, 1987), and nirD, nirC, cysG (Peakman et al, Eur. J. Biochem. 191, 315323, 1990). It is regulated both by nitrite and by changes in the oxygen tension of the environment, becoming active when deprived of oxygen, (Cole, Biochem, Biophys. Acta. 162, 356-368, 1968). Response to anaerobiosis is mediated through the protein FNR, acting as a transcriptional activator, in a mechanism common to many anaerobic respiratory genes. By deletion and mutational analysis the part of the promoter which responds solely to anaerobiosis has been isolated and by comparison with other anaerobically regulated promoters a consensus FNR-binding site has been identified (Bell et al, Nucl, Acids. Res. 17, 3865-3874, 1989; Jayaraman et al, Nucl, Acids, Res. 17, 135-145, 1989). It has also been shown that the distance between the putative FNR-binding site and the −10 homology region is critical (Bell et al, Molec. Microbiol.4, 1753-1763, 1990). It is therefore preferred to use only that part of the nirB promoter which responds solely to anaerobiosis. As used herein, references to the nirB promoter refer to the promoter itself or a part or derivative thereof which is capable of promoting expression of a coding sequence under anaerobic conditions. The preferred sequence, and which contains the nirB promoter is:


In a most preferred aspect, the present invention provides a DNA molecule comprising the nirB promoter operably linked to a DNA sequence encoding a fusion protein as hereinbefore defined.

In another preferred aspect of the invention, there is provided a replicable expression vector, suitable for use in bacteria, containing the nirB promoter sequence operably linked to a DNA sequence encoding a fusion protein as hereinbefore defined.

The DNA molecule or construct may be integrated into the bacterial chromosome, e.g. by methods known per se, and thus in a further aspect, the invention provides a bacterium having in its chromosome, a DNA sequence or construct as hereinbefore defined.

Stable expression of the fusion protein can be obtained in vivo. The fusion protein can be expressed in an attenuated bacterium which can thus be used as a vaccine.

The attenuated bacterium may be selected from the genera Salmonella, Bordetella, Vibrio, Haemophilus, Neisseria and Yersinia. Alternatively, the attenuated bacterium may be an attenuated strain of enterotoxigenic

Escherichia coli

. In particular the following species can be mentioned:


—the cause of human typhoid;


—the cause of salmonellosis in several animal species;


—a cause of food poisoning in humans;


—a cause of salmonellosis in pigs;

Bordetella pertussis

—the cause of whooping cough;

HaemoDhilus influenzae

—a cause of meningitis;

Neisseria gonorrhoea

the cause of gonorrhoea; and Yersinia—a cause of food poisoning.

Examples of attenuated bacteria are disclosed in, for example EP-A-0322237 and EP-A-0400958, the disclosures in which are incorporated by reference herein.

An attenuated bacterium containing a DNA construct according to the invention, either present in the bacterial chromosome, or in plasmid form, or both, can be used as a vaccine. Fusion proteins (preferably in substantially pure form) expressed by the bacteria can also be used in the preparation of vaccines. For example, a purified TetC-P28 fusion protein in which the TetC protein is linked via its C-terminus to the P28 protein with no intervening hinge region has been found to be immunogenic on its own. In a further aspect therefore, the invention provides a vaccine composition comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or diluent and, as active ingredient, an attenuated bacterium or fusion protein as hereinbefore defined.

The vaccine may comprise one or more suitable adjuvants.

The vaccine is advantageously presented in a lyophilised form, for example in a capsular form, for oral administration to a patient. Such capsules may be provided with an enteric coating comprising, for example, Eudragit “S”, Eudragit “L”, Cellulose acetate, Cellulose acetate phthalate or Hydroxypropylmethyl Cellulose. These capsules may be used as such, or alternatively, the lyophilised material may be reconstituted prior to administration, e.g. as a suspension. Reconstitution is advantageously effected in buffer at a suitable pH to ensure the viability of the organisms. In order to protect the attenuated bacteria and the vaccine from gastric acidity, a sodium bicarbonate preparation is advantageously administered before each administration of the vaccine. Alternatively, the vaccine may be prepared for parenteral administration, intranasal administration or intramammary administration.

The attenuated bacterium containing the DNA construct or fusion protein of the invention may be used in the prophylactic treatment of a host, particularly a human host but also possibly an animal host. An infection caused by a microorganism, especially a pathogen, may therefore be prevented by administering an effective dose of an attenuated bacterium according to the invention. The bacterium then expresses the fusion protein which is capable of raising antibody to the micro-organism. The dosage employed will be dependent on various factors including the size and weight of the host, the type of vaccine formulated and the nature of the fusion protein.

An attenuated bacterium according to the present invention may be prepared by transforming an attenuated bacterium with a DNA construct as hereinbefore defined. Any suitable transformation technique may be employed, such as electroporation. In this way, an attenuated bacterium capable of expressing a protein or proteins heterologous to the bacterium may be obtained. A culture of the attenuated bacterium may be grown under aerobic conditions. A sufficient amount of the bacterium is thus prepared for formulation as a vaccine, with minimal expression of the fusion protein occurring.

The DNA construct may be a replicable expression vector comprising the nirB promoter operably linked to a DNA sequence encoding the fusion protein. The nirB promoter may be inserted in an expression vector, which already incorporates a gene encoding one of the heterologous proteins (e.g. the tetanus toxin C fragment), in place of the existing promoter controlling expression of the protein. The gene encoding the other heterologous protein (e.g. an antigenic sequence) may then be inserted. The expression vector should, of course, be compatible with the attenuated bacterium into which the vector is to be inserted.

The expression vector is provided with appropriate transcriptional and translational control elements including, besides the nirB promoter, a transcriptional termination site and translational start and stop codons. An appropriate ribosome binding site is provided. The vector typically comprises an origin of replication and, if desired, a selectable marker gene such as an antibiotic resistance gene. The vector may be a plasmid.

The invention will now be illustrated but not limited, by reference to the following examples and the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

is a schematic illustration of the construction of plasmid pTECH1;

FIG. 2

illustrates schematically the preparation of the plasmid pTECH1-28 from the starting materials pTECH1 and PUC19-P28;

FIG. 3

illustrates schematically the preparation of the plasmid pTECH3-P28 from the starting materials plasmids pTECH1-P28 and pTETnir15;

FIGS. 4 and 5

are western blots obtained from bacterial cells harbouring the pTECH3-P28 construct; and

FIG. 6

illustrates the glutathione affinity purification of TetC fusions as determined by SDS-PAGE and Coomassie Blue Staining.

In accordance with the invention a vector was constructed to allow genetic fusions to the C-terminus of the highly immunogenic C fragment of tetanus toxin, without the use of a heterologous hinge domain. A fusion was constructed, with the gene encoding the protective 28 kDa glutathione S-transferase from

Schistosoma mansoni

. The recombinant vector was transformed into Salmonella typhimurium (SL338; rm


). The resulting chimeric protein was stably expressed in a soluble form in salmonella as assessed by western blotting with fragment C and glutathione S-transferase antisera. Furthermore it was found that the P28 component of the fusion retains the capacity to bind glutathione.

The construction of the vector and the properties of the fusion protein expressed therefrom are described in more detail below.


Preparation of pTECH1

The preparation of pTECH1, a plasmid incorporating the nirB promoter and TetC gene, and a DNA sequence encoding a hinge region and containing restriction endonuclease sites to allow insertion of a gene coding for a second or guest protein, is illustrated in FIG.


. Expression plasmid pTETnir15, the starting material shown in

FIG. 1

, was constructed from pTETtac115 (Makoff et al, Nucl. Acids Res. 17 10191-10202, 1989); by replacing the EcoRI-ApaI region (1354bp) containing the lacI gene and tac promoter with the following pair of oligos 1 and 2:



The oligonucleotides were synthesised on a Pharmacia Gene Assembler and the resulting plasmids confirmed by sequencing (Makoff et al, Bio/Technology 7, 1043-1046, 1989).

The pTETnir15 plasmid was then used for construction of the pTECH1 plasmid incorporating a polylinker region suitable as a site for insertion of heterologous DNA to direct the expression of fragment C fusion proteins. pTETnir15 is a known pAT153-based plasmid which directs the expression of fragment C. However, there are no naturally occurring convenient restriction sites present at the 3′-end of the TetC gene. Therefore, target sites, preceded by a hinge region, were introduced at the 3′-end of the TetC coding region by means of primers SEQ ID NO: 4 and SEQ ID NO: 5 tailored with “add-on” adapter sequences (Table 1), using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [K. Mullis et al, Cold Spring Harbor Sym. Quant. Biol. 51, 263-273 1986]. Accordingly, pTETnir15 was used as a template in a PCR reaction using primers corresponding to regions covering the SacII and BamHI sites. The anti-sense primer in this amplification was tailored with a 38 base 5′-adaptor sequence. The anti-sense primer was designed so that a sequence encoding novel XbaI, SpeI and BamHI sites were incorporated into the PCR product. In addition, DNA sequences encoding additional extra amino acids including proline were incorporated (the hinge regions) and a translation stop codon signal in frame with the fragment C open reading frame.

The PCR product was gel-purified and digested with SacII and BamHI, and cloned into the residual 2.8 kb vector pTETnir15 which had previously been digested by SacII and BamHI. The resulting plasmid purified from transformed colonies and named pTECH 1 is shown in FIG.


. Heterologous sequences such as the sequence encoding the

Schistosoma mansoni

P28 glutathione S-transferase (P28) were cloned into the XbaI SpeI and BamHI sites in accordance with known methods.

The DNA sequence of the plasmid pTECH1 is shown in the sequence listing as SEQ ID NO: 6.




A). Primer 1.

Sense PCR (21mer). (SEQ ID NO: 4)






B). Primer 2.

Anti-Sense PCR Primer (64mer). (SEQ ID NO: 5)

          BamHI  STOP  SpeI       XbaI







    TTC ATC GGT -3′



Construction of pTECH1-P28

A P28 gene expression cassette was produced by PCR using pUC19-P28 DNA (a kind gift from Dr R Pierce, Pasteur Institute, Lille) as template. Oligonucleotide primers were designed to amplify the full length P28 gene beginning with the start codon and terminating with the stop codon. In addition, the sense and antisense primers were tailored with the restriction sites for XbaI and BamHI respectively. The primers are shown in the sequence listing as SEQ ID NO: 7 and SEQ ID NO: 8.

The product was gel-purified and digested with XbaI and BamHI and then cloned into pTECH1 which had previously been digested with these enzymes and subsequently gel-purified. The DNA sequence of pTECH1-P28 is shown in sequence listing as SEQ ID NO: 9.

Expression of the TetC-Hinge-P28 Fusion Protein

Several bacterial strains, namely

S. typhimirium

strains SL 5338 (A. Brown et al, J.Infect.Dis. 155, 86-92, 1987) and SL3261 and

E. coli

(TG2) were transformed with pTECH1-P28 by means of electroporation. SL3261 strains harbouring the pTECH1-P28 plasmid have been deposited at the National Collection of Type Cultures, 61 Colindale Avenue, London, NW9 5HT, UK under the accession number NCTC 12833. A strain of SL3261 containing the pTECH1 plasmid has been deposited under accession number NCTC 12831. The identity of recombinants was verified by restriction mapping of the plasmid DNA harboured by the cells. Further expression of the TetC-P28 fusion protein was then evaluated by SDS-PAGE and western blotting of bacterial cells harbouring the construct It was found that the fusion protein remains soluble, cross-reacts with antisera to both TetC and P28, and is also of the expected molecular weight, 80kDal, for a full length fusion.

The fusion protein was stably expressed in


(TG2) and S. typhimurium (SL5338, SL3261) as judged by SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Of interest was a band of 50kDal which co-migrates with the TetC-Hinge protein alone and cross-reacts exclusively with the anti-TetC sera is visible in a western blot. As the codon selection in the hinge region has been designed to be suboptimal, the rare codons may cause pauses during translation which may occasionally lead to the premature termination of translation, thus accounting for this band.

Affinity Purification of the TetC-P28 Fusion

Glutathione is the natural substrate for P28, a glutathione S-transferase. The amino acid residues involved in binding glutathione are thought to be spatially separated in the primary structure of the polypeptide and brought together to form a glutathione binding pocket in the tertiary structure (P. Reinemer et al. EMBO, J8, 1997-2005, 1991). In order to gauge whether the P28 component of the fusion has folded correctly to adopt a conformation capable of binding glutathione, its ability to be affinity purified on a glutathione-agarose matrix was tested. The results obtained (not shown) demonstrated that TetC-P28 can indeed bind to the matrix and the binding is reversible, as the fusion can be competitively eluted with free glutathione.


Construction of TECH3-P28

The plasmid pTECH1-P28 directs the expression of the

S. mansoni

P28 protein as a C-terminal fusion to fragment C from tetanus toxin separated by a heterologous hinge domain. Expression of the fusion protein is under the control of the nirB promoter. The vector pTECH3-P28 was in part constructed from the plasmid pTETnir15 by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the high fidelity thermostable DNA polymerase from

Pyrococcus fusorius

, which possesses an associated 3′5′ exonuclease proofreading activity. The sequence of steps is summarised in FIG.


. In order to generate a TetC-hingeless replacement cassette, the segment of DNA from the unique SacII site within the TetC gene to the final codon was amplified by means of the PCR reaction, using pTETnir15 as template DNA. The primers used in the PCR amplification are shown in the sequence listing as SEQ ID NO: 10 and SEQ ID NO: 11. The antisense primer in this amplification reaction was tailored with an XbaI recognition sequence.

The amplification reaction was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions (Stratagene, La Jolla, Calif., USA). The product was gel-purified, digested with SacII and XbaI, and then cloned into the residual pTECH1-P28 vector which had been previously digested with the respective enzymes SacII and XbaI. The resulting vector was designated pTECH3-P28. The DNA sequence of pTECH3-P28 is shown in the sequenc listing as SEQ ID NO: 12.


Transformation of

S. typhimurium

SL5338 (galE r



) with pTECH3-P28, and Analysis of the Transformants

S. typhimurium

SL5338 (galE r



) were cultured in either L or YT broth and on L-agar with ampicillin (50 g/ml) if appropriate and were transformed with the pTECH3-P28 plasmid. The transformation protocol was based on the method described by MacLachlan and Sanderson. (MacLachlan PR and Sanderson KE, 1985. Transformation of

Salmonella typhimurium

with plasmid DNA : differences between rough and smooth strains. J. Bacteriology 161, 442-445).

A 1ml overnight culture of

S. typhimurium

SL5338 (r



; Brown A, Hormaeche CE, Demarco de Hormaeche R, Dougan G, Winther M, Maskell D, and Stocker BAD, 1987. J. Infect.Dis. 155, 86-92) was used to inoculate 100 ml of LB broth and shaken at 37° C. until the culture reached OD


=0.2. The cells were harvested at 3000×g and resuspended in 0.5 volumes if ice-cold 0.1M MgCl


. The cells were pelleted again and resuspended in 0.5 volumes of ice-cold CaCl


. This step was repeated once more and the cells resuspended in 1 ml of 0.1M CaCl


to which was added 50 μl of TES (50 mM Tris, 10 mM EDTA, 50 mM NaCl, pH 8.0). The cells were incubated on ice for 45 to 90 minutes. To 150μl of cells was added 100ng of plasmid DNA in 1-2 μl. The mixture was incubated on ice for 30 minutes prior to heat-shock at 42° C. for 2 minutes, and immediate reincubation on ice for 1 minute. To the transformed mixture was added 2 ml of LB broth and incubated for 1.5 hours to allow expression of the ampicillin drug resistance gene, B-lactamase. Following incubation 20 μl and 200 μl of cells were spread on to LB agar plates containing 50 μg/ml of ampicillin. The plates were dried and incubated at 37° C. overnight.

The identity of recombinants was verified by restriction mapping of the plasmid DNA and by western blotting with antisera directed against TetC and P28.

SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting

Expression of the TetC fusions was tested by SDS-PAGE and western blotting.

S. typhimurium

SL5338 (galE r



) bacterial cells containing the pTECH3-P28 plasmid and growing in mid-log phase, with antibiotic selection, were harvested by centrifugation and the proteins fractionated by 10% SDS-PAGE. The proteins were transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane by electroblotting and reacted with either a polyclonal rabbit antiserum directed against TetC or the full length P28 protein. The blots were then probed with goat anti-rabbit Ig conjugated to horse-radish peroxidase (Dako, High Wycombe, Bucks, UK) and developed with 4-chloro-1-napthol). The results of the western blotting experiments are shown in

FIGS. 4 and 5


FIG. 4

illustrating the results of probing with rabbit anti-TetC polyclonal antiserum and

FIG. 5

illustrates the results of probing with rabbit anti-P28 polyclonal antiserum. In each case lanes 1, 2 and 3 are independent clones of SL5338 (pTECH3-P28), lanes 4, 5 and 6 are SL5338 (pTECH1-P28) and lane 7 is SL5338 (pTETnir15). The molecular weight markers are indicated. From the results, it is evident that the fusion protein remains soluble, reacts with antisera to both TetC and P28, and is also of the expected molecular weight, 80 kDal, for a full length fusion (FIG.


). Furthermore the fusion protein appears to be stably expressed.

Glutathione-Agarose Affinity Purification

Glutathione is the natural substrate for P28, a glutathione S-transferase. The amino acid residues involved in binding glutathione are thought to be spatially separated in the primary structure of the polypeptide and brought together to form a glutathione binding pocket in the tertiary structure. In order to gauge whether the P28 component of the fusion has folded correctly to adopt a conformation capable of binding glutathione, we tested its ability to be affinity purified on a glutathione agarose matrix. Bacterial cells containing pTECH3-P28 and expressing the TetC full length P28 gene fusion were grown to log phase, chilled on ice, and harvested by centrifugation at 2500×g for 15 min at 4C. The cells were resuspended in {fraction (1/15)}th the original volume of ice-cold phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and lysed by sonication in a MSE Soniprep 150 (Gallenkamp, Leicester, UK). The insoluble material was removed by centrifugation and to the supernatant was added ⅙ volume of a 50% slurry of pre-swollen glutathione-agarose beads (Sigma, Poole, Dorset, UK). After mixing gently at room temperature for 1 hour the beads were collected by centrifugation at 1000×g for 10 secs. The supernatant was discarded and the beads resuspended in 20 volumes of cold PBS-0.5% Triton X100 and the beads collected again by centrifugation. The washing step was repeated three more times. The fusion protein was eluted by adding 1 volume of SDS-PAGE sample buffer. For comparison purposes, a similar procedure was followed with bacterial cells containing the PTECH1-P28 plasmid from which TetC-hinge-P28 fusion protein is expressed. Extracts from clones containing either plasmid were compared using SDS-PAGE and the results are shown in FIG.


. In

FIG. 6

, lanes 1, 2 and 3 are clones of SL5338 (pTECH1-P28) whereas lanes 4, 5 and 6 are independent clones of SL 5338 (pTECH3-P28).

The results suggest that the TetC-P28 fusion protein can indeed bind to the matrix and the binding is reversible regardless of the absence of a heterologous hinge domain (data not shown) It is possible that a peptide sequence present at the C-terminus of TetC may in fact impart flexibility to this particular region.





Escherichia coli

aattcaggta aatttgatgt acatcaaatg gtaccccttg ctgaatcgtt aaggtaggcg 60
gtagggcc 68




Artificial Sequence



Oligo-1 sequence

aattcaggta aatttgatgt acatcaaatg gtaccccttg ctgaatcgtt aaggtaggcg 60
gtagggcc 68




Artificial Sequence



Oligo-2 sequence

gtccatttaa actacatgta gtttaccatg gggaacgact tagcaattcc atccgccatc 60




Clostridium tetani

aaagactccg cgggcgaagt t 21




Clostridium tetani

ctatggatcc ttaactagtg attctagagg gccccggccc gtcgttggtc caaccttcat 60
cggt 64




Artificial Sequence



plasmid pTECH1

ttcaggtaaa tttgatgtac atcaaatggt accccttgct gaatcgttaa ggtaggcggt 60
agggcccaga tcttaatcat ccacaggaga ctttctgatg aaaaaccttg attgttgggt 120
cgacaacgaa gaagacatcg atgttatcct gaaaaagtct accattctga acttggacat 180
caacaacgat attatctccg acatctctgg tttcaactcc tctgttatca catatccaga 240
tgctcaattg gtgccgggca tcaacggcaa agctatccac ctggttaaca acgaatcttc 300
tgaagttatc gtgcacaagg ccatggacat cgaatacaac gacatgttca acaacttcac 360
cgttagcttc tggctgcgcg ttccgaaagt ttctgcttcc cacctggaac agtacggcac 420
taacgagtac tccatcatca gctctatgaa gaaacactcc ctgtccatcg gctctggttg 480
gtctgtttcc ctgaagggta acaacctgat ctggactctg aaagactccg cgggcgaagt 540
tcgtcagatc actttccgcg acctgccgga caagttcaac gcgtacctgg ctaacaaatg 600
ggttttcatc actatcacta acgatcgtct gtcttctgct aacctgtaca tcaacggcgt 660
tctgatgggc tccgctgaaa tcactggtct gggcgctatc cgtgaggaca acaacatcac 720
tcttaagctg gaccgttgca acaacaacaa ccagtacgta tccatcgaca agttccgtat 780
cttctgcaaa gcactgaacc cgaaagagat cgaaaaactg tataccagct acctgtctat 840
caccttcctg cgtgacttct ggggtaaccc gctgcgttac gacaccgaat attacctgat 900
cccggtagct tctagctcta aagacgttca gctgaaaaac atcactgact acatgtacct 960
gaccaacgcg ccgtcctaca ctaacggtaa actgaacatc tactaccgac gtctgtacaa 1020
cggcctgaaa ttcatcatca aacgctacac tccgaacaac gaaatcgatt ctttcgttaa 1080
atctggtgac ttcatcaaac tgtacgtttc ttacaacaac aacgaacaca tcgttggtta 1140
cccgaaagac ggtaacgctt tcaacaacct ggacagaatt ctgcgtgttg gttacaacgc 1200
tccgggtatc ccgctgtaca aaaaaatgga agctgttaaa ctgcgtgacc tgaaaaccta 1260
ctctgttcag ctgaaactgt acgacgacaa aaacgcttct ctgggtctgg ttggtaccca 1320
caacggtcag atcggtaacg acccgaaccg tgacatcctg atcgcttcta actggtactt 1380
caaccacctg aaagacaaaa tcctgggttg cgactggtac ttcgttccga ccgatgaagg 1440
ttggaccaac gacgggccgg ggccctctag aatcactagt taaggatccg ctagcccgcc 1500
taatgagcgg gctttttttt ctcgggcagc gttgggtcct ggccacgggt gcgcatgatc 1560
gtgctcctgt cgttgaggac ccggctaggc tggcggggtt gccttactgg ttagcagaat 1620
gaatcaccga tacgcgagcg aacgtgaagc gactgctgct gcaaaacgtc tgcgacctga 1680
gcaacaacat gaatggtctt cggtttccgt gtttcgtaaa gtctggaaac gcggaagtca 1740
gcgctcttcc gcttcctcgc tcactgactc gctgcgctcg gtcgttcggc tgcggcgagc 1800
ggtatcagct cactcaaagg cggtaatacg gttatccaca gaatcagggg ataacgcagg 1860
aaagaacatg tgagcaaaag gccagcaaaa ggccaggaac cgtaaaaagg ccgcgttgct 1920
ggcgtttttc cataggctcc gcccccctga cgagcatcac aaaaatcgac gctcaagtca 1980
gaggtggcga aacccgacag gactataaag ataccaggcg tttccccctg gaagctccct 2040
cgtgcgctct cctgttccga ccctgccgct taccggatac ctgtccgcct ttctcccttc 2100
gggaagcgtg gcgctttctc aatgctcacg ctgtaggtat ctcagttcgg tgtaggtcgt 2160
tcgctccaag ctgggctgtg tgcacgaacc ccccgttcag cccgaccgct gcgccttatc 2220
cggtaactat cgtcttgagt ccaacccggt aagacacgac ttatcgccac tggcagcagc 2280
cactggtaac aggattagca gagcgaggta tgtaggcggt gctacagagt tcttgaagtg 2340
gtggcctaac tacggctaca ctagaaggac agtatttggt atctgcgctc tgctgaagcc 2400
agttaccttc ggaaaaagag ttggtagctc ttgatccggc aaacaaacca ccgctggtag 2460
cggtggtttt tttgtttgca agcagcagat tacgcgcaga aaaaaaggat ctcaagaaga 2520
tcctttgatc ttttctacgg ggtctgacgc tcagtggaac gaaaactcac gttaagggat 2580
tttggtcatg agattatcaa aaaggatctt cacctagatc cttttaaatt aaaaatgaag 2640
ttttaaatca atctaaagta tatatgagta aacttggtct gacagttacc aatgcttaat 2700
cagtgaggca cctatctcag cgatctgtct atttcgttca tccatagttg cctgactccc 2760
cgtcgtgtag ataactacga tacgggaggg cttaccatct ggccccagtg ctgcaatgat 2820
accgcgagac ccacgctcac cggctccaga tttatcagca ataaaccagc cagccggaag 2880
ggccgagcgc agaagtggtc ctgcaacttt atccgcctcc atccagtcta ttaattgttg 2940
ccgggaagct agagtaagta gttcgccagt taatagtttg cgcaacgttg ttgccattgc 3000
tgcaggcatc gtggtgtcac gctcgtcgtt tggtatggct tcattcagct ccggttccca 3060
acgatcaagg cgagttacat gatcccccat gttgtgcaaa aaagcggtta gctccttcgg 3120
tcctccgatc gttgtcagaa gtaagttggc cgcagtgtta tcactcatgg ttatggcagc 3180
actgcataat tctcttactg tcatgccatc cgtaagatgc ttttctgtga ctggtgagta 3240
ctcaaccaag tcattctgag aatagtgtat gcggcgaccg agttgctctt gcccggcgtc 3300
aacacgggat aataccgcgc cacatagcag aactttaaaa gtgctcatca ttggaaaacg 3360
ttcttcgggg cgaaaactct caaggatctt accgctgttg agatccagtt cgatgtaacc 3420
cactcgtgca cccaactgat cttcagcatc ttttactttc accagcgttt ctgggtgagc 3480
aaaaacagga aggcaaaatg ccgcaaaaaa gggaataagg gcgacacgga aatgttgaat 3540
actcatactc ttcctttttc aatattattg aagcatttat cagggttatt gtctcatgag 3600
cggatacata tttgaatgta tttagaaaaa taaacaaata ggggttccgc gcacatttcc 3660
ccgaaaagtg ccacctgacg tctaagaaac cattattatc atgacattaa cctataaaaa 3720
taggcgtatc acgaggccct ttcgtcttca agaa 3754




Schistosoma mansoni

tagtctagaa tggctggcga gcatatcaag 30




Schistosoma mansoni

ttaggatcct tagaagggag ttgcaggcct 30




Artificial Sequence



plasmid pTECH1-P28

ttcaggtaaa tttgatgtac atcaaatggt accccttgct gaatcgttaa ggtaggcggt 60
agggcccaga tcttaatcat ccacaggaga ctttctgatg aaaaaccttg attgttgggt 120
cgacaacgaa gaagacatcg atgttatcct gaaaaagtct accattctga acttggacat 180
caacaacgat attatctccg acatctctgg tttcaactcc tctgttatca catatccaga 240
tgctcaattg gtgccgggca tcaacggcaa agctatccac ctggttaaca acgaatcttc 300
tgaagttatc gtgcacaagg ccatggacat cgaatacaac gacatgttca acaacttcac 360
cgttagcttc tggctgcgcg ttccgaaagt ttctgcttcc cacctggaac agtacggcac 420
taacgagtac tccatcatca gctctatgaa gaaacactcc ctgtccatcg gctctggttg 480
gtctgtttcc ctgaagggta acaacctgat ctggactctg aaagactccg cgggcgaagt 540
tcgtcagatc actttccgcg acctgccgga caagttcaac gcgtacctgg ctaacaaatg 600
ggttttcatc actatcacta acgatcgtct gtcttctgct aacctgtaca tcaacggcgt 660
tctgatgggc tccgctgaaa tcactggtct gggcgctatc cgtgaggaca acaacatcac 720
tcttaagctg gaccgttgca acaacaacaa ccagtacgta tccatcgaca agttccgtat 780
cttctgcaaa gcactgaacc cgaaagagat cgaaaaactg tataccagct acctgtctat 840
caccttcctg cgtgacttct ggggtaaccc gctgcgttac gacaccgaat attacctgat 900
cccggtagct tctagctcta aagacgttca gctgaaaaac atcactgact acatgtacct 960
gaccaacgcg ccgtcctaca ctaacggtaa actgaacatc tactaccgac gtctgtacaa 1020
cggcctgaaa ttcatcatca aacgctacac tccgaacaac gaaatcgatt ctttcgttaa 1080
atctggtgac ttcatcaaac tgtacgtttc ttacaacaac aacgaacaca tcgttggtta 1140
cccgaaagac ggtaacgctt tcaacaacct ggacagaatt ctgcgtgttg gttacaacgc 1200
tccgggtatc ccgctgtaca aaaaaatgga agctgttaaa ctgcgtgacc tgaaaaccta 1260
ctctgttcag ctgaaactgt acgacgacaa aaacgcttct ctgggtctgg ttggtaccca 1320
caacggtcag atcggtaacg acccgaaccg tgacatcctg atcgcttcta actggtactt 1380
caaccacctg aaagacaaaa tcctgggttg cgactggtac ttcgttccga ccgatgaagg 1440
ttggaccaac gacgggccgg ggccctctag aatggctggc gagcatatca aggttatcta 1500
ttttgacgga cgcggacgtg ctgaatcgat tcggatgact cttgtggcag ctggtgtaga 1560
ctacgaagat gagagaatta gtttccaaga ttggccaaaa atcaaaccaa ctattccaga 1620
cggacgattg cctgcagtga aagtcactga tgatcatggg cacgtgaaat ggatgttaga 1680
gagtttggct attgcacggt atatggcgaa gaaacatcat atgatgggtg aaacagacga 1740
ggaatactat agtgttgaaa agttgattgg tcatgctgaa gatgtagaac atgaatatca 1800
caaaactttg atgaagccac aagaagagaa agagaagata accaaagaga tattgaacgg 1860
caaagttcca gttcttctca atatgatctg cgaatctctg aaagggtcga caggaaagct 1920
ggctgttggg gacaaagtaa ctctagctga tttagtcctg attgctgtca ttgatcatgt 1980
gactgatctg gataaaggat ttctaactgg caagtatcct gagatccata aacatcgaga 2040
aaatctgtta gccagttcac cgcgtttggc gaaatattta tcgaacaggc ctgcaactcc 2100
cttctaagga tccgctagcc cgcctaatga gcgggctttt ttttctcggg cagcgttggg 2160
tcctggccac gggtgcgcat gatcgtgctc ctgtcgttga ggacccggct aggctggcgg 2220
ggttgcctta ctggttagca gaatgaatca ccgatacgcg agcgaacgtg aagcgactgc 2280
tgctgcaaaa cgtctgcgac ctgagcaaca acatgaatgg tcttcggttt ccgtgtttcg 2340
taaagtctgg aaacgcggaa gtcagcgctc ttccgcttcc tcgctcactg actcgctgcg 2400
ctcggtcgtt cggctgcggc gagcggtatc agctcactca aaggcggtaa tacggttatc 2460
cacagaatca ggggataacg caggaaagaa catgtgagca aaaggccagc aaaaggccag 2520
gaaccgtaaa aaggccgcgt tgctggcgtt tttccatagg ctccgccccc ctgacgagca 2580
tcacaaaaat cgacgctcaa gtcagaggtg gcgaaacccg acaggactat aaagatacca 2640
ggcgtttccc cctggaagct ccctcgtgcg ctctcctgtt ccgaccctgc cgcttaccgg 2700
atacctgtcc gcctttctcc cttcgggaag cgtggcgctt tctcaatgct cacgctgtag 2760
gtatctcagt tcggtgtagg tcgttcgctc caagctgggc tgtgtgcacg aaccccccgt 2820
tcagcccgac cgctgcgcct tatccggtaa ctatcgtctt gagtccaacc cggtaagaca 2880
cgacttatcg ccactggcag cagccactgg taacaggatt agcagagcga ggtatgtagg 2940
cggtgctaca gagttcttga agtggtggcc taactacggc tacactagaa ggacagtatt 3000
tggtatctgc gctctgctga agccagttac cttcggaaaa agagttggta gctcttgatc 3060
cggcaaacaa accaccgctg gtagcggtgg tttttttgtt tgcaagcagc agattacgcg 3120
cagaaaaaaa ggatctcaag aagatccttt gatcttttct acggggtctg acgctcagtg 3180
gaacgaaaac tcacgttaag ggattttggt catgagatta tcaaaaagga tcttcaccta 3240
gatcctttta aattaaaaat gaagttttaa atcaatctaa agtatatatg agtaaacttg 3300
gtctgacagt taccaatgct taatcagtga ggcacctatc tcagcgatct gtctatttcg 3360
ttcatccata gttgcctgac tccccgtcgt gtagataact acgatacggg agggcttacc 3420
atctggcccc agtgctgcaa tgataccgcg agacccacgc tcaccggctc cagatttatc 3480
agcaataaac cagccagccg gaagggccga gcgcagaagt ggtcctgcaa ctttatccgc 3540
ctccatccag tctattaatt gttgccggga agctagagta agtagttcgc cagttaatag 3600
tttgcgcaac gttgttgcca ttgctgcagg catcgtggtg tcacgctcgt cgtttggtat 3660
ggcttcattc agctccggtt cccaacgatc aaggcgagtt acatgatccc ccatgttgtg 3720
caaaaaagcg gttagctcct tcggtcctcc gatcgttgtc agaagtaagt tggccgcagt 3780
gttatcactc atggttatgg cagcactgca taattctctt actgtcatgc catccgtaag 3840
atgcttttct gtgactggtg agtactcaac caagtcattc tgagaatagt gtatgcggcg 3900
accgagttgc tcttgcccgg cgtcaacacg ggataatacc gcgccacata gcagaacttt 3960
aaaagtgctc atcattggaa aacgttcttc ggggcgaaaa ctctcaagga tcttaccgct 4020
gttgagatcc agttcgatgt aacccactcg tgcacccaac tgatcttcag catcttttac 4080
tttcaccagc gtttctgggt gagcaaaaac aggaaggcaa aatgccgcaa aaaagggaat 4140
aagggcgaca cggaaatgtt gaatactcat actcttcctt tttcaatatt attgaagcat 4200
ttatcagggt tattgtctca tgagcggata catatttgaa tgtatttaga aaaataaaca 4260
aataggggtt ccgcgcacat ttccccgaaa agtgccacct gacgtctaag aaaccattat 4320
tatcatgaca ttaacctata aaaataggcg tatcacgagg ccctttcgtc ttcaagaa 4378




Clostridium tetani

aaagactccg cgggcgaagt t 21




Clostridium tetani

ttatctagag tcgttggtcc aaccttcatc 30




Artificial Sequence



plasmid pTECH3-P28

ttcaggtaaa tttgatgtac atcaaatggt accccttgct gaatcgttaa ggtaggcggt 60
agggcccaga tcttaatcat ccacaggaga ctttctgatg aaaaaccttg attgttgggt 120
cgacaacgaa gaagacatcg atgttatcct gaaaaagtct accattctga acttggacat 180
caacaacgat attatctccg acatctctgg tttcaactcc tctgttatca catatccaga 240
tgctcaattg gtgccgggca tcaacggcaa agctatccac ctggttaaca acgaatcttc 300
tgaagttatc gtgcacaagg ccatggacat cgaatacaac gacatgttca acaacttcac 360
cgttagcttc tggctgcgcg ttccgaaagt ttctgcttcc cacctggaac agtacggcac 420
taacgagtac tccatcatca gctctatgaa gaaacactcc ctgtccatcg gctctggttg 480
gtctgtttcc ctgaagggta acaacctgat ctggactctg aaagactccg cgggcgaagt 540
tcgtcagatc actttccgcg acctgccgga caagttcaac gcgtacctgg ctaacaaatg 600
ggttttcatc actatcacta acgatcgtct gtcttctgct aacctgtaca tcaacggcgt 660
tctgatgggc tccgctgaaa tcactggtct gggcgctatc cgtgaggaca acaacatcac 720
tcttaagctg gaccgttgca acaacaacaa ccagtacgta tccatcgaca agttccgtat 780
cttctgcaaa gcactgaacc cgaaagagat cgaaaaactg tataccagct acctgtctat 840
caccttcctg cgtgacttct ggggtaaccc gctgcgttac gacaccgaat attacctgat 900
cccggtagct tctagctcta aagacgttca gctgaaaaac atcactgact acatgtacct 960
gaccaacgcg ccgtcctaca ctaacggtaa actgaacatc tactaccgac gtctgtacaa 1020
cggcctgaaa ttcatcatca aacgctacac tccgaacaac gaaatcgatt ctttcgttaa 1080
atctggtgac ttcatcaaac tgtacgtttc ttacaacaac aacgaacaca tcgttggtta 1140
cccgaaagac ggtaacgctt tcaacaacct ggacagaatt ctgcgtgttg gttacaacgc 1200
tccgggtatc ccgctgtaca aaaaaatgga agctgttaaa ctgcgtgacc tgaaaaccta 1260
ctctgttcag ctgaaactgt acgacgacaa aaacgcttct ctgggtctgg ttggtaccca 1320
caacggtcag atcggtaacg acccgaaccg tgacatcctg atcgcttcta actggtactt 1380
caaccacctg aaagacaaaa tcctgggttg cgactggtac ttcgttccga ccgatgaagg 1440
ttggaccaac gactctagaa tggctggcga gcatatcaag gttatctatt ttgacggacg 1500
cggacgtgct gaatcgattc ggatgactct tgtggcagct ggtgtagact acgaagatga 1560
gagaattagt ttccaagatt ggccaaaaat caaaccaact attccagacg gacgattgcc 1620
tgcagtgaaa gtcactgatg atcatgggca cgtgaaatgg atgttagaga gtttggctat 1680
tgcacggtat atggcgaaga aacatcatat gatgggtgaa acagacgagg aatactatag 1740
tgttgaaaag ttgattggtc atgctgaaga tgtagaacat gaatatcaca aaactttgat 1800
gaagccacaa gaagagaaag agaagataac caaagagata ttgaacggca aagttccagt 1860
tcttctcaat atgatctgcg aatctctgaa agggtcgaca ggaaagctgg ctgttgggga 1920
caaagtaact ctagctgatt tagtcctgat tgctgtcatt gatcatgtga ctgatctgga 1980
taaaggattt ctaactggca agtatcctga gatccataaa catcgagaaa atctgttagc 2040
cagttcaccg cgtttggcga aatatttatc gaacaggcct gcaactccct tctaaggatc 2100
cgctagcccg cctaatgagc gggctttttt ttctcgggca gcgttgggtc ctggccacgg 2160
gtgcgcatga tcgtgctcct gtcgttgagg acccggctag gctggcgggg ttgccttact 2220
ggttagcaga atgaatcacc gatacgcgag cgaacgtgaa gcgactgctg ctgcaaaacg 2280
tctgcgacct gagcaacaac atgaatggtc ttcggtttcc gtgtttcgta aagtctggaa 2340
acgcggaagt cagcgctctt ccgcttcctc gctcactgac tcgctgcgct cggtcgttcg 2400
gctgcggcga gcggtatcag ctcactcaaa ggcggtaata cggttatcca cagaatcagg 2460
ggataacgca ggaaagaaca tgtgagcaaa aggccagcaa aaggccagga accgtaaaaa 2520
ggccgcgttg ctggcgtttt tccataggct ccgcccccct gacgagcatc acaaaaatcg 2580
acgctcaagt cagaggtggc gaaacccgac aggactataa agataccagg cgtttccccc 2640
tggaagctcc ctcgtgcgct ctcctgttcc gaccctgccg cttaccggat acctgtccgc 2700
ctttctccct tcgggaagcg tggcgctttc tcaatgctca cgctgtaggt atctcagttc 2760
ggtgtaggtc gttcgctcca agctgggctg tgtgcacgaa ccccccgttc agcccgaccg 2820
ctgcgcctta tccggtaact atcgtcttga gtccaacccg gtaagacacg acttatcgcc 2880
actggcagca gccactggta acaggattag cagagcgagg tatgtaggcg gtgctacaga 2940
gttcttgaag tggtggccta actacggcta cactagaagg acagtatttg gtatctgcgc 3000
tctgctgaag ccagttacct tcggaaaaag agttggtagc tcttgatccg gcaaacaaac 3060
caccgctggt agcggtggtt tttttgtttg caagcagcag attacgcgca gaaaaaaagg 3120
atctcaagaa gatcctttga tcttttctac ggggtctgac gctcagtgga acgaaaactc 3180
acgttaaggg attttggtca tgagattatc aaaaaggatc ttcacctaga tccttttaaa 3240
ttaaaaatga agttttaaat caatctaaag tatatatgag taaacttggt ctgacagtta 3300
ccaatgctta atcagtgagg cacctatctc agcgatctgt ctatttcgtt catccatagt 3360
tgcctgactc cccgtcgtgt agataactac gatacgggag ggcttaccat ctggccccag 3420
tgctgcaatg ataccgcgag acccacgctc accggctcca gatttatcag caataaacca 3480
gccagccgga agggccgagc gcagaagtgg tcctgcaact ttatccgcct ccatccagtc 3540
tattaattgt tgccgggaag ctagagtaag tagttcgcca gttaatagtt tgcgcaacgt 3600
tgttgccatt gctgcaggca tcgtggtgtc acgctcgtcg tttggtatgg cttcattcag 3660
ctccggttcc caacgatcaa ggcgagttac atgatccccc atgttgtgca aaaaagcggt 3720
tagctccttc ggtcctccga tcgttgtcag aagtaagttg gccgcagtgt tatcactcat 3780
ggttatggca gcactgcata attctcttac tgtcatgcca tccgtaagat gcttttctgt 3840
gactggtgag tactcaacca agtcattctg agaatagtgt atgcggcgac cgagttgctc 3900
ttgcccggcg tcaacacggg ataataccgc gccacatagc agaactttaa aagtgctcat 3960
cattggaaaa cgttcttcgg ggcgaaaact ctcaaggatc ttaccgctgt tgagatccag 4020
ttcgatgtaa cccactcgtg cacccaactg atcttcagca tcttttactt tcaccagcgt 4080
ttctgggtga gcaaaaacag gaaggcaaaa tgccgcaaaa aagggaataa gggcgacacg 4140
gaaatgttga atactcatac tcttcctttt tcaatattat tgaagcattt atcagggtta 4200
ttgtctcatg agcggataca tatttgaatg tatttagaaa aataaacaaa taggggttcc 4260
gcgcacattt ccccgaaaag tgccacctga cgtctaagaa accattatta tcatgacatt 4320
aacctataaa aataggcgta tcacgaggcc ctttcgtctt caagaa 4366

  • 1. A DNA construct comprising a DNA sequence encoding a fusion protein of the formula TetC-(Z)a-Het, wherein TetC is the C fragment of tetanus toxin, Het is a heterologous protein, Z is an amino acid, and a is 0 or a positive integer less than 4, provided that (Z)a does not include the sequence Gly-Pro, wherein the amino terminus of the fusion protein is the TetC.
  • 2. A DNA construct according to claim 1 wherein (Z)a is a chain of two or three amino acids, the DNA sequence for which defines a restriction endonuclease cleavage site.
  • 3. A DNA construct according to claim 1 wherein a is zero.
  • 4. A DNA construct according to claim 1 in which (Z)a is free from glycine and/or proline.
  • 5. A DNA construct according to claim 1 wherein the heterologous protein Het is an antigenic sequence obtained from a virus, bacterium, fungus, yeast or parasite.
  • 6. A DNA construct according to claim 5 wherein the heterologous protein Het is the Schistosoma mansoni P28 glutathione S-transferase antigen.
  • 7. A replicable expression vector containing a DNA construct as defined in claim 1.
  • 8. A replicable expression vector according to claim 7 suitable for use in bacteria.
  • 9. A host cell having integrated into the chromosomal DNA thereof a DNA construct as defined in claim 1.
  • 10. A host cell according to claim 9 which is a bacterium.
  • 11. A fusion protein of the formula TetC-(Z)a-Het, wherein TetC is the C fragment of tetanus toxin, Het is a heterologous protein, Z is an amino acid, and a is 0 or a positive integer less than 4, provided that (Z)a does not include the sequence Gly-Pro, wherein the amino terminus of the fusion protein is the TetC.
  • 12. A process for the preparation of a bacterium which process comprises transforming a bacterium with a DNA construct as defined in claim 1.
  • 13. A process according to claim 12 wherein the bacterium is an attenuated bacterium.
  • 14. A vaccine composition comprising a fusion protein as defined in claim 11 and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 15. A vaccine composition comprising an attenuated bacterium expressing a fusion protein as defined in claim 2; and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 16. A replicable expression vector containing a DNA construct as defined in claim 2.
  • 17. A replicable expression vector according to claim 16 suitable for use in bacteria.
  • 18. A host cell having integrated into the chromosomal DNA thereof a DNA construct as defined in claim 2.
  • 19. A host cell according to claim 18 which is a bacterium.
  • 20. A vaccine composition comprising an attenuated bacterium containing a DNA construct as defined in claim 2; and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 21. A fusion protein of the formula TetC-(Z)a-Het, wherein TetC is the C fragment of tetanus toxin, Het is a heterologous protein, (Z)a is a chain of two or three amino acids, the DNA sequence for which defines a restriction endonuclease cleavage site, wherein the amino terminus of the fusion protein is the TetC.
  • 22. A vaccine composition containing a fusion protein as defined in claim 21 and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
Priority Claims (2)
Number Date Country Kind
PCT/GB93/01617 Jul 1993 WO
9401787 Jan 1994 GB
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/GB94/01647 WO 00
Publishing Document Publishing Date Country Kind
WO95/04151 2/9/1995 WO A
US Referenced Citations (2)
Number Name Date Kind
5443966 Fairweather et al. Aug 1995 A
5498538 Kay et al. Mar 1996 A
Foreign Referenced Citations (8)
Number Date Country
209281 Jan 1987 EP
A 0 432 965 Jun 1991 EP
WOA 8906974 Aug 1989 WO
WOA 91 09621 Jul 1991 WO
WOA 92 15689 Sep 1992 WO
9216557 Oct 1992 WO
WOA 93 08290 Apr 1993 WO
WOA 94 03615 Feb 1994 WO
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“Analysis Of T and B Cell Epitopes Of The Schistosoma mansoni P28 Antigen In The Rat Model By Using Synthetic Peptides”, by Claude Auriault, et al., The Journal of Immunology, vol. 141, No. 5, Sep. 1, 1988, pp. 1687-1694.
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