This invention concerns a manufactured apparatus formed via a deep drawn stamping process for use within a building as an insulation device applied both to the exterior sheathing of an existing or new edifice and also above the ceiling plane below its roof structure; which consists of two half vessels made from malleable material, each containing similar structural appurtenances on their exterior faces, which when bonded together encase a cruciform rigid plastic grid-like lattice having many apertures therein for the complete removal of air within this subsequently sealed vessel. This complete state of vacuum totally prevents or drastically stops the transmigration of heat energy loss via conduction and convection from the interior of a building's space to the outside environment during the winter months; and vice versa, thus also retarding the gain of ambient heat into said interior space during the hot summer months.

This invention relates to building insulation, as measured by three performance characteristics; viz. (1) thermal conductance, or (K-value); (2) thermal resistance, or (R-value), and (3) thermal transmittance, or (U-value) and in particular to the use of vacuum technology to prevent conductance and convection from adversely affecting the interior temperature and level of comfort within a building.

1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to vacuum insulated panels (VIP) covering the complete envelope of the building with hermetically sealed closed vacuum evacuated vessels, thereby specifically increasing the R-value performance characteristic of the building insulation material; thus preventing the loss of expensively produced heat within the interior during the winter months and the need to expensively cool the interior during the hot summer months.

2. Description of the Prior Art

This instant invention enhances the three aforementioned related performance characteristics by utilizing vacuum technology within a building's envelope; viz. (1)—thermal conductance, or K-value; (2)—thermal resistance, or R-value and (3)—thermal transmittance, or U-value; which are all three important measurements used to quantify the degree of prevention or retardation of heat loss or heat gain within a building's interior. R-value is in fact the reciprocal of U-value. A definition of R-value based on apparent thermal conductivity, or K-value, has been proposed in document C168 published by the American Society for Testing and Materials. This bulletin describes heat being transferred by all three thermodynamic molecular transmigration of flow mechanisms, i.e.—(1) conduction, (2) radiation, and (3) convection; whereby a closed vessel or container devoid of its air contents, herein being sought for patent approval significantly affects all three latter modalities, which favorably impact the three aforementioned performance characteristics of an insulation material to resist conducted, radiated or convective heating.

Traditionally, building insulation materials consist of thermal insulation used in the construction of buildings. These materials as conventionally used can unfortunately only somewhat retard heat transfer by the three aforementioned mechanisms; i.e. conduction, radiation or convection; whereby these insulation materials are employed, either singularly, or in varying combinations to achieve the desired outcome (which is usually thermal comfort with reduced energy consumption). Their main disadvantage however, is that they do not totally prevent the transfer of energy, but instead can only somewhat slow or retard the transmigration of heat molecules. It is well known in the prior art that excellent thermal insulation capability has been achieved by creating a vacuum state within a hermetically sealed closed vessel. Perhaps the most common device utilizing this principle is the ordinary ubiquitous thermos bottle or vacuum Dewar flask. Instead, the novel approach to vacuum technology utilization within this invention solves this transmigration of heat energy molecules dilemma by completely stopping the molecular transfer of heat. Thus, conventional insulation's usefulness can either be categorized by its composition (material), or by its form (structural or non-structural), or by its functional mode (conductive, radiant, convective). Some of the more conventional products used today are wood chips, fiber-glass batts, urea formaldehyde sprayed in-foam, cellulose loose fill, molded polystyrene and polyurethane rigid panels. The performance capabilities of these aforementioned insulation products are classified via an R-rating resistance factor; which is to say R-value. A rating of R-1 per inch is attributable to wood chips; while the R-value rating proportionately increases within this list to a maximum R-rating of R-3 per inch for polyurethane rigid panels. Today, many manufacturers have sought to increase the R-ratings of insulation with questionable success, and therefore the present status quo abounds with no new technological improvements on the horizon.

It is a fact that the thermo-molecular energy of heat transmission molecules always flows from a warmer heat source to a colder area. Unfortunately, conventional insulation materials can only somewhat slow the pace of this transmigration of heat energy from the interior of a building's heated space to the outside cold air during the winter months. This transmigration of energy also occurs during the hot summer months as well, but only in the reverse direction. Therefore, a major problem exists today in that the threat of oil prices and the escalating quantity of importation of crude oil barrels to heat and cool a building has become a source of deep concern attributable to the high cost of imported crude oil. Especially, since we are quickly running out of cheaply produced crude oil. This high cost is eventually passed on to a building's owner to both heat and cool a building.

Therefore, should the price of heating oil rise to $5 per gallon, then, this will become a major factor for owners in selecting the most energy efficient insulating material for their buildings. Since heat molecules via convection air currents rise, then the predominant loss from, (winter) . . . or gain of heat into (summer), a building's interior is via the structure's ceiling or roof. This vacuum technology with its unique design of removing the inside air contents of this vacuum canister affords an owner of any building, the best possible solution in overcoming the disadvantages and pitfalls of each of the aforementioned conventionally used materials within their quest to save energy. Thus, it is expressly enhanced with the use of this invention's quintessential avant-garde vacuum technology, which heretofore has not been used successfully in building construction today. Therefore, this invention constitutes a fresh and different approach to solving this transmigration of molecular energy problem. Accordingly, science dictates that the only forces at work for the transfer of heat energy in a building is via the three aforementioned modalities; . . . (1) conduction, (2) radiation and (3) convection energy flow. Hence, the perfect insulator becomes in fact a vacuum. In a vacuum, heat cannot transfer by conduction, because there are no molecules present to collide with and relay the heat energy via molecular vibrations. It is for this same reason that convection heat transfer in a vacuum also fails, since there is no fluid medium (i.e. no air present) for thermo-molecular energy transfer to take place. Therefore, in a vacuum, only radiant heat transfer can take place in the form of photon emission. The reflective nature of the inherent color of aluminum which is silver, thus retards heat molecular transmigration from this loss of radiant energy by reflecting the energy back into the interior space. By any large, the utility and principle of vacuum insulation technology is well known in the prior art. However, this present invention differs from those of the prior art in that it commands a unique design and a rather novel manufacturing process, whereby the maximum R-value per inch utilized within a typical retrofit application is estimated to be R-50 per inch. Therefore, a discussion of the related prior art, of which the present inventor is aware, and its differences and distinctions from this present invention is provided herein as follows:

Prior Art

U.S. Pat. No. 1,239,770 issued on Sep. 11, 1917 to Coleman, C J, titled Heat Insulation Wall—This prior art is markedly similar to U.S. Pat. No. 4,513,041 in concept. Although the prior art of this patent also comes the closest to being somewhat related and similar in concept, the present invention herein is clearly distinguished as different from this prior art via the scope and content of its subject matter. This present invention under patent review herein is essentially a “claimed manufactured apparatus” which is tied to a particular die/press machine process; whereby a plain sheet of aluminum material is subsequently transformed into a four sided shallow hollow tray capable of resisting crushing atmospheric forces when a vacuum is created therein. However, the scope and content of this prior art clearly indicates that the shape of these vacuum vessels are elliptical with no indication via any mentioned manufacturing process of how the vacuum within vessels is created and sealed. Another major difference is that the elliptical vessels are not similar in design as this present invention so that interior heat will escape between the sides of each vessel. Moreover, these elliptical vacuum vessels are made of glass or ceramic which are both fragile and heavy; thereby lacking commercial success because the atmospheric pressure will implode the structure once vacuum is introduced.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,513,041 issued on Apr. 23, 1985 to Dellue, Rene E., titled “Tubular vacuum-tight enclosures for thermal and acoustical insulating panels” Although the scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art, somewhat mentions the individual elements comprising the invention and certain steps in assembling said elements, the claims therein are not similar claims to this invention's apparatus per se as in the invention under review, but merely claims for a manufactured apparatus such as vacuum tight enclosures and panels. The differences are that this prior art teaches plastic material shaped as elliptical or oval tubes; both ends of which have perforated plugs. The tubes with the inserted plugs are then placed inside a thin flexible sheath of impervious plastic material e.g. PVD which is longer than the tubes and then sealed on both ends by using offset rows forming aveoles. Considering the drastic differences in both scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole;” between the prior art and this instant invention under review, then it cannot be said that a patent herein may not be obtained where the differences in claims between the subject matter sought to be patented (VIP) and this prior art are such that the “subject matter as a whole” would have been obvious at the time the invention was made.

U.S. Pat. No. 7,562,507 issued on Oct. 20, 2005 to Wallace E. Fleming, titled “Vacuum Insulated Building Panel” A comparison of the scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art references a large cumbersome and awkward vacuum building panel comprised of two interior and exterior steel or glass plates which sandwich a plurality of perimeter placed wood post members with spheres in the middle. Unlike the invention under consideration herein, the “claims” do not teach of how the vacuum state is achieved and then sealed. Moreover, the differences between the two inventions are vast in that the prior art are large steel or glass plates, sandwiching wood posts whereas this present invention calls for small vacuum vessels as repeating singular units assembled together to form a continuous vacuum barrier.

U.S. Pat. No. 6,659,037 issued on Dec. 9, 2003 to Eric M. Hagopian, titled, “Method and Apparatus for the Evaluation of Vacuum Insulation Panels.” This invention briefly describes a vacuum insulation panel (VIP) for use in temperature sensitive applications, whereby said VIP patent comprises: an open cell insulated core material; in addition to a barrier film enclosing said core material, which is configured for maintaining a vacuum state within said vacuum insulated panel. However, a comparison of the scope and content of this “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art clearly references within the body of its claims, mainly a vacuum detection indicator for only detecting the presence of an effective vacuum state in said VIP panel, which comprises a spring device within the cavity of said core material that is compressed in the presence of said vacuum state or perhaps expanded in the complete state of a vacuum. It is thus noteworthy to mention that said invention mainly claims 14 out of 20 vacuum detection indicators for evaluating the integrity of the vacuum state within this prior art VIP patent. Hence, the “subject matter as a whole” for patent protection of this invention is that VIP's have the potential to be reused, and therefore possibly damaged whereby the vacuum state within the VIP is compromised. Hence, only via the presence of said vacuum detection indicator can the integrity of the effective vacuum state within the VIP panel be ascertained. Therefore, this prior art distinguishes itself as being non-obvious when compared to the present invention herein sought to be patented, because the present invention under review specifically claims a uniquely designed vacuum apparatus for a novel VIP panel which is not a core panel inserted into a barrier film having an electrically activated vacuum detection indicator within the core.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,792,539 issued on Aug. 11, 1998 to Rick Cole Hunter, entitled; “Insulation Barrier.” Although the scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art, teaches thermal insulation elements using a structural material with a reflective surface and stacking of the elements like “dixie” cups; . . . whereby the claims therein are merely claims for a manufactured apparatus such as a vacuum barrier with alternating stacking elements. This invention describes a rigid multi-layered thermal insulation barrier which is by and large, a box within a box, much like a refrigerator, except that this invention's barrier is made of alternating stacking thermal insulation elements. It appears from the description of said invention that several embodiments may be selected. One, where the geometric shape of the stacked thermal insulation elements is a beam formed by a sine-like wave design. The other embodiment may be a cone-like entity. Thus, the thermal insulation elements vacillate between beam-like or cone-like designs. Additionally, the outer skins extend beyond the thermal insulation barrier to form an envelope around the barrier, thus providing edges which seal the envelope by utilizing an adhesive. The invention also describes an insulation panel comprised of an envelope of thin skin high gas barrier material and a thermal insulation barrier which supports said skin, the latter which surrounds said barrier, then becomes subsequently evacuated. Another chief distinction of this invention is the use of a getter material which entraps the residual gases within the VIP panel after evacuation takes place. Hence, the descriptive nature of this Rick Hunter invention appears vastly different from the described application under consideration for a patent herein.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,756,179 issued on May 26, 1998 to Ralph B. Jutte, entitled “Insulating Modular Panels incorporating Vacuum Insulation Panels”. This prior art is distinguished from the instant invention herein under consideration whereby these insulating modular panels are produced as a continuous block where the gaps between the panels are produced as a continuous block; said gaps being filled with foam or preformed filler material to form a continuous core, which has applied to it a resin fiber reinforcing material. In other words, the inner core of material consists of hollow panels filled with a foam-like mixture to create a foam filled panel having a fiber reinforced plastic skin (FRP). A comparison of the scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art teaches a design intent exclusively for refrigerated shipping containers, walk-in-coolers, refrigerators, and freezers. Although this invention states that each embodiment may contain at least one vacuum insulation panel, the description of the prior art is vague on this precise method of achieving a vacuum state. It does however, describe the process of folding the resin impregnated reinforcement materials upward and downward to cover the sides of the continuous enclosed core. The only reference to a vacuum state lies outside of the legal claims, and instead resides within the detailed description, which states that said enclosure core is evacuated to create a vacuum in the enclosure which thereby reduces heat transfer. It further describes the VIP panel as a 3 mil. thick stainless steel jacket formed into a pan shaped cavity for receiving insulating media and then welded tight to create a hermetic seal. Thus, the foregoing description of this patented VIP panel fails to make a similar comparison to the instant invention under consideration herein as possibly being infringing art. It is also noteworthy to mention that U.S. Pat. No. 5,527,411 is the same invention as the forgoing patented described.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,252,408 issued on Oct. 12, 1993 to John Bridges, Philip Neal and John Besser entitled, “Vacuum Insulated Panel and Method of Forming a VIP.” This invention relates to a vacuum insulated panel comprising first and second peripherally joined stainless steel metal panels defining a cavity, a compressed cake of silica gel positioned within said cavity, a device for assisting in creating a vacuum within the cavity; whereby the compressed cake comprises a particulate getter material. It also possesses a fiberglass reinforcing structure for preventing the getter material from coming into contact with the first and second metal panels. This invention is cited in particular for insertion within cabinet walls of refrigerators and freezers. The cavity is subsequently sealed at the periphery, after the evacuation of the panel of its air contents by heating the same for 2 hours at a temperature of 650° F. to achieve the desired vacuum; whereby the carbon or silica gel layer sandwiched between two fiberglass batts yielded an R-value of approximately 46. All of the foregoing thus describes an art form completely different and non-infringing when compared to the instant invention under consideration herein. Considering the drastic differences in both scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole; ” between the prior art and this instant invention under review, then it cannot be said that a patent herein may not be obtained where the differences in claims between the subject matter sought to be patented (VIP) and this prior art are such that the “subject matter as a whole” would have been obvious at the time the invention was made.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,500,305 issued on Mar. 19, 1996 to John Bridges, Philip Neal and John Besser entitled, “Vacuum Insulated Panel and Method of Making a VIP.” The description of this prior art is practically identical in every respect to the foregoing above described U.S. Pat. No. 5,252,408.

U.S. Pat. No. 6,125,540 issued on Oct. 3, 2000 to Calvin L. Court et. al. entitled “Continuous process for forming structure suitable for use as a core member.” Of all the prior art related to this invention being examined for patentability, this prior art is the farthest from appearing related at all. It is merely a structural thermoplastic tubular core assemblage of various geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, squares, and hexagons, transversely cut having spaced cut ends used in many different fields and many different applications. It is a sandwich panel formed by utilizing this aforementioned different shaped core element with two outer layers of any laminated material with the core material in the middle. There is no vacuum state, thus it certainly cannot be used as an insulation material. Considering the drastic differences in both scope and content of the “subject matter as a whole;” between the prior art and this instant invention under review, then it cannot be said that a patent herein may not be obtained where the differences in claims between the subject matter sought to be patented (VIP) and this prior art are such that the “subject matter as a whole” would have been obvious at the time the invention was made.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,053,667 issued on Oct. 11, 1977 to Bruce W. Smith entitled: Stiffened structural laminate and method of molding laminate with stiffener beads.” Although a vacuum is used in the forming process within this prior art, it is simply a means toward production, in that no vacuum final state, devoid of air contents is embodied within this prior art. It also is not a hermetically sealed closed vessel with an internal vacuum state therein. It is simply a lightweight sandwich which can be crushed over an aluminum, or paper honeycombed shaped core, or, instead a vacuum is used to seal the fabric over the core. It is used as a lightweight structural panel on either airplanes or boats around windows; . . . and not meant nor can be used as a building insulation material, because the impregnated fabric is thus porous and will not support a vacuum state.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,899,805 issued on Aug. 19, 1975 to William J. McMillan entitled “Indented Sheet.” The structure and “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art teaches as a completely different invention in that it is essentially a sheet of material with hollow projections open to the air and not hermetically sealed as this present invention under consideration; which instead is comprised of two hollow half vessels, ultimately sealed, whereby the top and bottom elements are mechanically fused together and the air contents are withdrawn by vacuum. The differences are apparent because this prior art makes no mention of removing the air contents and creating a vacuum state such that it is called “an indented sheet” not a hollow vessel. Further, it is made of thermoplastics, which material will degas and over time, eventually would erode any vacuum state formed therein; therefore, it cannot be used as a building insulation material.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,598,522 issued on Jul. 8, 1986 to William J. Hoofe, III entitled “Interlocking panels.” The structure and “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art teaches that although a vacuum or injection molding may be used in its forming process, it is simply a means of production in that no vacuum final state devoid of air contents is embodied herein within this prior art. Thus, in its final state it does not become a hermetically sealed closed vessel with an internal vacuum state therein. It is simply an exterior application to a building's roofing or siding merely used as a decorative waterproof roofing panel or exterior siding and definitely not used as insulation material. It also does not become in its final state a closed vessel, hermetically sealed and devoid of its air contents containing an insulating vacuum.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,157,893 issued on Oct. 27, 1992 to David K. Benson entitled “Compact Vacuum Insulation.”—The structure and “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art teaches that although a vacuum is required in this process it does not explain how the air is going to be evacuated; whereby the claims therein are not a proven claimed vacuum state per se as in the invention under review. Essentially, the enclosed vessel starts with two thin sheets of metal material which are thin and bendable to from curved panels in close proximity to one another only separated by glass spherical beads which render the vacuum space surrounding the beads to not collapse when air is withdrawn. The ends of the two sheets are welded together but the end sealing is not fully explained. There is no geometrical shape to this prior art and its main feature is to bend around curved surfaces.

U.S. Pat. No. 6,141,930 issued on Nov. 7, 2000 to Robert John Allwein, entitled “Method of and article for insulating standard and non-standard cavities and an insulated structure.” This prior art is the most different from the body of related inventions previously described. This prior art is nothing more than conventional fiberglass batt insulation customized and cut into non-standard widths to accommodate less than the standard width encountered in at least 25% of the times during normal construction projects. It thus bears no relationship whatsoever to the patent application under consideration herein. There is no vacuum state therein whereby the claims concerning this prior art are not a claimed vacuum state per se as in the invention under review.

U.S. Pat. No. 6,264,092 issued on Jul. 24, 2001 to Shinya Yasuda, et al entitled “Method for sealing vacuum structure.”—Under the claims of Yashuda herein, given its claimed method and “subject matter as a whole” within this prior art, what is essentially claimed therein is only a method for sealing a metal vacuum structure through an evacuation port, then sealing the evacuation port by placing brazing material in its molten state using a very high temperature and subsequently making the evacuation port disappear and utilizing a “drop preventing member” formed in a recess comprised of a mesh-like wire sheet. It is obvious that brazing by definition involves heating brass metal to a molten state which melting temperature is 1800 degrees Farenheit, which would tend to melt any metal vacuum structure other than steel (2,500 degrees Fearenheit). Therefore, this claimed method differs drastically from the invention under consideration herein; wherein this invention under consideration definitely teaches a very different method for sealing a vacuum panel. Further, the claims therein are not a claimed vacuum state per se as in the invention under review. The method for sealing this invention under consideration is the compressible rubber material through which the vacuum needle is inserted and which closes shut when the needle is withdrawn. The actual sealing occurs from various separate and distinct disks placed over the apertures with a final epoxy layer coating over the disks as a further sealing agent.

U.S. Pat. No. 6,860,082 issued on Mar. 1, 2005 to Naotaka Yamamoto entitled “Heat insulating wall member, and method of manufacturing same.”—Yamamoto came several years after Yashuda (U.S. Pat. No. 6,264,092) and Fasci (U.S. Pat. No. 6,276,549). In essence then, whether an idea can be patentable depends on whether it is “known in the art” or it was “obvious.” at the time. The idea of using a vacuum as an insulation medium goes way back to U.S. Pat. No. 1,239,770 granted to Coleman, C. J. on Sep. 11, 1917. Furthermore, several variations on that same idea have been granted patentability over the years. Instead, what matters is where the “differences” between the VIP invention sought to be patented, and this prior art above are such that when viewing the “subject matter as a whole” does not at all indicate that said VIP's unique claimed apparatus was “known” by Yamamoto at the time nor was it “obvious” to him at the time. Lending credence to this idea is the fact that the “differences” in Yamamoto, teaches that the insulating wall is claimed to be a laminated body made of two heat insulating members; a first and second, which are plate-like. Whereas the application under review bears no resemblance to this stated method of assembly. Yamamoto also teaches further “differences” in that said heat insulating members are pillar shaped unlike that under review. Second, it is claimed that the filler insulating material which is injected is formed of expanding urethane foam, thus creating a sandwiched composition; and that the seal support portions are concave in nature. It also teaches that the insulating wall is produced by utilizing a vacuum insulation member by placing this expanded urethane foam into a 25 lb. bag made of aluminum laminated film which is subsequently evacuated. But it doesn't teach how. Thus the only thing obvious is that these two manufacturing methods are not similar in any way.

U.S. Pat. No. 6,276,549 issued on Aug. 21, 2001 to Mirta Mabel Fasci entitled “Modular container that can be interconnected, for multiple uses.” It is important to establish the three part non-obviousness test which the USPTO must use: (1) determine the scope and content of the prior art. (2) determine the differences between the prior art and the claimed invention (3) determine the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art. The scope and content of this prior art is directed solely as a recycling program geared mainly to rid the environment of plastic bottles and metallic cans so that instead of throwing them away in the garbage, one can accumulate these empty containers and compose modular blocks or structures for all types of applications, i.e. recreational, functional, ornamental. These containers will all be interconnected both laterally, and top to bottom having recesses and salients. The differences are that they will either be left empty and filled with air, or padded with fillers. No vacuum will be used, therefore this is not a vacuum apparatus devoid of its air contents which relies on a certain machine for its fabrication; nor is the material being transformed into a different state or thing. In its claimed state it certainly can't be used as building insulation; therefore the level of skill in bringing a vacuum state about is completely lacking.


The present invention is directed to a manufactured apparatus for a vacuum insulated panel (VIP) comprising two hermetically sealed and bonded vessel elements, each formed from malleable material during a deep drawn die stamping process, whereby the uniquely structural facial surface appurtenances, combined with a cruciform impact resisting internal plastic grid; subsequent to the bonded interlocking and hermetic sealing taking place, now undergoes the simultaneous evacuation within each sealed vessel of its entire air contents. Hence, this complete state of vacuum, totally prevents the transmigration of heat molecular flux from occurring within a building envelope; while simultaneously creating an insulating device of vastly increased R-value.


FIG. 1—Orthogonal view—stamped deep drawn interior face of bottom part of VIP panel

FIG. 1a—Cross section view through structural supports at side of bottom part of VIP panel

FIG. 2—Orthogonal view—stamped deep drawn exterior face of top part of VIP panel

FIG. 2a—Shows “X” design and linear troughs on exterior face of top lid element

FIG. 2b—Shows “X” design and linear troughs on interior face of top lid element

FIG. 2c—Cross-section depicts interlocking pressure sealing of top and bottom tabs or flanges

FIG. 2d
13 Cross-section view of linear structural design appurtenances holding supports

FIG. 2e—Cross-section view through one side of VIP panel showing cruciform supports

FIG. 3—Orthogonal view showing structural supports with holes, plastic grid and rubber gasket

FIG. 3a—Close-up view of lateral and horizontal cruciform supports with apertures & notches

FIG. 4—Orthogonal view showing “X” shaped patterns on top and bottom elements

FIG. 4a—Enlarged view showing barrel vault “X” shape & inverted “V” for bottom element

FIG. 4b—Enlarged view showing barrel vault “X” shape & inverted “V” for top element

FIG. 4c—Enlarged view showing inverted “V” atop of “X” shaped pattern of both elements

FIG. 5—Cross-Section through wall assembly from interior to exterior construction elements

FIG. 6—Aerial view cross-section through wall assembly-interior to exterior showing elements

FIG. 1

1—Perimeter bottom tab or flange which interlocks with top tab or flange of Item # 22

2—Bottom radius typical for all four corners of the bottom element of VIP panel

3—Stamped side raised relief pattern for structural rigidity of bottom element of VIP panel

4—Continuous linear raised relief for rigidity and to secure vertical structural support of # 10

5—Continuous depressed linear trough created by the two lateral raised reliefs of Item # 4

6—One of four sides of bottom element of aluminum VIP panel

7—Bottom continuous perimeter structural inclination which creates a raised foot-like pod

8—Exterior most aperture for insertion of vacuum needle for evacuation of air contents

9—Stamped concentric circular depression surrounding aperture to receive sealing disc

12—Stamped “X” shaped depression for structural stability of exterior face of bottom vessel

13—Horizontal depressed trough which receives structural cross-strut Item # 15 with aperture

FIG. 1a

1—Perimeter bottom tab or flange which interlocks with top tab or flange of Item # 22

3—Interior stamped side raised relief for structural rigidity of bottom element of VIP panel

4—Continuous linear raised relief for rigidity and to secure vertical structural support of # 10

5—Continuous depressed linear trough created by the two lateral raised reliefs of Item # 4

6—One of four sides of bottom element of aluminum VIP panel

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

12—Stamped “X” shaped depression for structural stability of exterior face of bottom element

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

16—“V” notches at top and bottom of structural cross-strut which receive Items # 4 & # 18

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

FIG. 2

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

19—Continuous linear raised relief created by the two lateral depressed troughs of Item # 18

20—One of four sealed sides of top element of VIP panel acts as raised platform base (FIG. 5)

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

22—Perimeter top tab or flange which interlocks with bottom tab of Item # 1

23—Linear horizontal raised ridge laterally flanking each “X” shape of Item # 21

25—Top radius typical for all four corners of the top element of VIP panel

FIG. 2a

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

19—Continuous linear raised relief created by the two lateral depressed troughs of Item # 18

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

23—Linear horizontal raised ridge laterally flanking each “X” shape of Item # 21

FIG. 2b

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

19—Continuous linear raised relief created by the two lateral depressed troughs of Item # 18

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

23—Linear horizontal raised ridge laterally flanking each “X” shape of Item # 21

FIG. 2c

1—Perimeter bottom tab or flange which interlocks with top tab or flange of Item # 22

6—One of four sides of bottom element of aluminum VIP panel

20—One of four sealed sides of top element of VIP panel acts as raised platform base (FIG. 5)

22—Perimeter top tab or flange which interlocks with bottom tab of Item # 1

24—exterior face of top element of VIP panel

FIG. 2d

4—Continuous linear raised relief for rigidity and to secure vertical structural support of # 10

5—Continuous depressed linear trough created by the two lateral raised reliefs of Item # 4

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

19—Continuous linear raised relief created by the two lateral depressed troughs of Item # 18

24—Exterior face of top element of VIP panel

FIG. 2e

1—Perimeter bottom tab or flange which interlocks with top tab or flange of Item # 22

3—Interior stamped side raised relief for structural rigidity of bottom element of VIP panel

6—One of four sides of bottom element of aluminum VIP panel

7—Bottom continuous perimeter structural inclination which creates a raised foot-like pod

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

12—Stamped “X” shaped depression for structural stability of exterior face of bottom element

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

19—Continuous linear raised relief created by the two lateral depressed troughs of Item # 18

20—One of four sealed sides of top element of VIP panel acts as raised platform base (FIG. 5)

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

22—Perimeter top tab or flange which interlocks with bottom tab of Item # 1

23—Linear horizontal raised ridge laterally flanking each “X” shape of Item # 21

24—Exterior face of top element of VIP panel

26—Interior face of top element which demonstrates underside pattern shown in FIG. 2b

FIG. 3

2—Bottom radius typical for all four corners of the bottom element of VIP panel

6—One of four sides of bottom element of aluminum VIP panel

8—Exterior most aperture for insertion of vacuum needle for evacuation of air contents

9—Stamped concentric circular depression surrounding aperture to receive sealing disc

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

27—Inserted needle through Item # 17 apertures for vacuum pump to evacuate air in VIP

28—High impact resistant plastic pressure bar with serial apertures for insertion of needles

29—Compressible rubber gasket which seals exterior apertures from entry of outside air

30—Serial apertures stamped into high impact pressure bar for entry of vacuum needle

FIG. 3a

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

16—“V” notches at top and bottom of structural cross-strut which receive Items # 4 & # 18

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

27—Inserted needle through Item # 17 apertures for vacuum pump to evacuate air in VIP

FIG. 4

4—Continuous linear raised relief for rigidity and to secure vertical structural support of # 10

5—Continuous depressed linear trough created by the two lateral raised reliefs of Item # 4

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

12—Stamped “X” shaped depression for structural stability of exterior face of bottom element

13—Horizontal depressed trough which receives structural cross-strut Item # 15 with aperture

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

16—“V” notches at top and bottom of structural cross-strut which receive Items # 4 & # 18

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

19—Continuous linear raised relief created by the two lateral depressed troughs of Item # 18

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

23—Linear horizontal raised ridge laterally flanking each “X” shape of Item # 21

24—exterior face of top element of VIP panel

FIG. 4a

4—Continuous linear raised relief for rigidity and to secure vertical structural support of # 10

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

12—Stamped “X” shaped depression for structural stability of exterior face of bottom element

13—Horizontal depressed trough which receives structural cross-strut Item # 15 with aperture

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

46—Inverted “V” shaped structural element above Item # 12 on face of bottom element

FIG. 4b

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

18—Continuous linear depressed troughs for rigidity and to secure structural supports of # 10

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

23—Linear horizontal raised ridge laterally flanking each “X” shape of Item # 21

47—Inverted “V” shaped structural element above Item # 21 on face of top element

FIG. 4c

12—Stamped “X” shaped depression for structural stability of exterior face of bottom element

14—Apex of Item # 46 and Item # 47

21—Stamped “X” shaped raised reliefs for structural rigidity of exterior face of top element

24—exterior face of top element of VIP panel

46—Inverted “V” shaped structural element above Item # 12 on face of bottom element

47—Inverted “V” shaped structural element above Item # 21 on face of top element

FIG. 5

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

20—One of four sealed sides of top element of VIP panel acts as raised platform base (FIG. 5)

31—Attachment screw for securing Item # 34 VIP carrier to Item # 42 (2×4 wood stud)

32—Thin film of trapped air acting as an abetting insulation medium

33—VIP vacuum panel which is the subject of this invention

34—Plastic extruded carrier channel for securing the VIP panel in its proper orientation

35—Wooden ground attached to VIP panel plastic carrier

36—Several layers of many small segmented air pockets in polyethylene bubble wrap

37—Attachment screw for securing wood ground of Item # 35 to Item # 34 VIP plastic carrier

38—Screw for securing external gypsum sheathing Item # 39 to wood ground of Item # 35

39—Fiberglass matt gypsum sheathing as an exterior air and water resistant barrier

40—Exterior siding or building cladding

41—Building's interior sheetrock gypsum wall board

42—Building's load bearing 2×4 wooden stud

43—Building's fiberglass batt-insulation trapping air with R-13 value

44—Building's exterior CDX grade plywood sheathing

45—Building's 15 lb. asphalt impregnated waterproof tar paper

FIG. 6

10—Vertical structural support with hole to facilitate evacuation of air and creation of vacuum

11—Aperture for evacuation of air in vertical structural support of Item # 10

15—Horizontal structural cross-strut which fits into Item # 13 and Item # 23

17—Aperture in horizontal strut of Item # 15 which permits entry of vacuum needle

20—One of four sealed sides of top element of VIP panel acts as raised platform base (FIG. 5)

32—Thin film of trapped air acting as an insulation medium

33—VIP vacuum panel which is the subject of this invention

34—Plastic extruded carrier channel for securing the VIP panel in its proper orientation

35—Wooden ground attached to VIP panel plastic carrier

36—Several layers of many small segmented air pockets in polyethylene bubble wrap

39—Fiberglass matt gypsum sheathing as an exterior air and water resistant barrier

40—Exterior siding or building cladding

41—Building's interior sheetrock gypsum wall board

42—Building's load bearing 2×4 wooden stud

43—Building's fiberglass batt-insulation trapping air with R-13 value

44—Building's exterior CDX grade plywood sheathing

45—Building's 15 lb. asphalt impregnated waterproof tar paper

Alternative Embodiment
The Manufacturing Process

Both the bottom element, or graphically drawn interior face of FIG. 1 and the top element or graphically drawn exterior face of FIG. 2 of this vacuum apparatus are formed through the manufacturing process of sheet metal stamping using the deep drawn die process. Sheet metal stamping presses and stamping tool dies are manufacturing tools used to produce these high volume sheet metal bottom and top elements. Both of these separate elements achieve their shape through the effects of the die tooling; whereby both an upper male tool die and an underlying lower female tool die component, in combination, stamp out each bottom element and each top element undergoing separate operational steps.

This production stamping is generally performed on materials 0.020″ to 0.080″ thick. The resulting design thus comes about when the upper male tool die face strikes the underlying female tool die face, and said mating process is accompanied with a sheet metal blank of aluminum or tin in between the top male tool die face and the bottom female tool die face. Therefore, most of the reference characters of the bottom element shown in FIG. 1 and the top element shown in FIG. 2 are achieved through the process of formability, which is the primary attribute of sheet metal material. Formability is further defined as the materials ability to be: bent, stretched, and deep drawn. The metallurgical term for these qualities is “ductility”. Ductility is the materials ability to deform and elongate without fracture. The extent to which a stamping is subjected to such deformation is directly related to the element's overall shape and geometry. Other factors also influence the material's formability. They include: the die design; the press; the press speed; lubrication; sheet metal feeding mechanisms; monitoring and control systems.

The shape of both the bottom and top elements of this article of manufacture, as well as the various reference character's design features in either raised relief or within the shallow depressions on each face are formed through this “ductility” deformation by use of these metal stamping dies. The word “die” is a generic term used to describe the tooling used to produce the stamped elements. A die set assembly consisting of an upper male punch and lower female die cavity component are the actual tools that produce the shaped stamping designs. The upper male and lower female components work in opposition to both form and punch these design patterns in the blank stock. The upper half of the die set, which usually is the male, is mounted on the press ram and delivers the stroke action. The lower half, usually the female, is attached to an intermediate bolster plate which in turn is secured to the press bed. Guide pins are used to insure alignment between the upper (male) and lower (female) halves of each die set.

At the initial stage of this deep drawn process, a square blank is cut first. The most common types of dies perform either cutting and forming. Cutting dies are used to shear sheet material into what is called a blank. These blanks are then exposed to blanking dies which cut the entire perimeter of the part, or to forming dies where the blank is stamped into the design element shown in FIGS. 1 & 2. Punching is another function of cutting dies. Punching is the cutting of a slug from the sheet metal stock to produce a hole or slot. Cutting dies are also used to trim excess metal from around a formed part. Hole punching and other cutting operations require specific and carefully maintained clearances between the punch (male component) and the die cavity (female component). The setting of the required clearances is determined by both the stock thickness and temper. In general, die clearances increase as the stock thickness increases. The depth of punch penetration into the sheet metal stock will also increase as softer stock is used. Forming is a general term used to describe a stamped element whose shape and contour is reproduced directly from the shape and contour of a die set. The main forming operations accomplished with press mounted dies are: drawing; bending; flanging; and hemming.

Drawing, or deep draw forming, involves forcing a blank deeply into the underlying lower female die cavity and shaping it into the shallow pan shape depicted within FIG. 1 and the contour facets of the punch face and sides. Without sufficient formability qualities, drawn blanks are subject to wrinkling, thinning, and fracturing. Draw forming requires an addition to the die set called a blank-holder. The function of the blank-holder, usually a ring through which the punch and ram pass, is to control the metal flow as it is forced into the die cavity. In practice, the blank-holder must exert less pressure against the blank than the punch, so metal can flow into the die cavity; yet it must exert enough pressure to prevent the material from wrinkling. The best illustration of this process is the following analogy for the reader. Picture yourself making an open cup-shaped scoop with your left hand. Next, place an 8½″×11″ piece of paper over your left hand. Then make a fist with your right hand and punch that fist into your left hand. The paper with conform to the shape of your left hand; but you will see the outlines of your fingers from your right hand in the paper.

Bending is a relatively simple forming operation which provides rigidity and shape to sheet metal parts.

Flanging: a flange as shown in FIGS. 1 & 2, under Reference Characters; RC-1 and RC-22 respectively and is significantly smaller in dimension than the rest of the part. The functions of a flange include: giving the finished apparatus a more finished appearance; rigidity; edge strengthening; providing a fastening or attachment surface.

Hemming—as shown in FIG. 2c is the folding over of both bottom RC-1 and top RC-22 short flanges upon each other to form a raised perimeter lip with rounded edge which facilitates the attachment of both mating parts. Multiple stamping operations may be performed within a single die, or at a number of die stations within a die set and with a single stroke of the press. Single station dies can be either compound dies or combinations dies. A compound die performs basic cutting operations such as blanking and hole punching to produce parts. Combination dies combine shaping and forming functions with cutting operation to manufacture parts.

The resistance of the sheet metal stock to the forces exerted by the moving dies creates friction. For this reason, lubrication is vital for successful sheet metal forming. A lubrication's function is to minimize contact between the tooling and the work piece. This results in reduced tonnage requirements, longer tooling life, and improved product quality. Lubricants range from light mineral oils to high viscosity drawing compounds. They may be oil base, water soluble, or synthetic materials. These lubricants may be applied in a variety of ways, including: manually by roller or brush; drip; machine roller; spraying; flooding.

Die making is as much of an art as a science. When all the dynamics of stamping are taken into account, the resulting part may not meet all expectations. To help fine tune the stamping process and finalize die design, die makers use an analytical tool called Circle Grid Analysis, or CGA. The application of CGA involves the etching of a pattern of small circles on the surface of the blank. This pattern deforms along with the blank as it is formed, providing point-to-point calculations of the deformation that occurred. Analyzing this stamped grid pattern suggests the location and type of rework that must be performed on the dies to produce easily manufactured parts. The CGA process is repeated on the die until an acceptable part is produced.

Hereinafter, the abbreviation for all reference characters mentioned within the body of this detailed description shall be cited as RC followed by its specific reference number. Therefore, as described herein, another embodiment of this invention; solely with regard to its various components and assembly begins with the formation of the bottom part of the VIP vacuum vessel under Claim 1 with the stamping out of a thin sheet of malleable metal. Thus, this embodiment begins as a deep drawn manufacturing sheet metal forming process, in which a thin square sheet metal work piece called a blank, is radially drawn into a hollow forming female die cavity by the mechanical action of a male die punch. It is therefore a shape transformation process with material retention. The upper male punch travels toward the metal blank. After contacting the work piece, the punch thus forces the sheet metal into the lower female die cavity, forming its structural shape. Pressure pads create the force which holds the metal sheet material tight against the female die cavity for the downward pressure of the male die punch's force.

Bottom Element

In order to form a thorough understanding of how the various design features of the bottom (FIG. 1) and top elements (FIG. 2) are formed through this stamping process, it is essential that the reader comprehend the fabrication of the individual complementary and opposite design facets on both the upper male die punch, hereinafter referred to as BUM (bottom upper male) and the lower female die cavity, hereinafter referred to as BLF (bottom lower female). Therefore, it must be understood that where it appears in FIG. 1 that the “X” shaped design of RC-12 is in fact an “X” shaped shallow depression appearing on the interior face of the bottom element; this feature comes about as follows. The BUM thus stamps that feature with an “X” shaped raised relief on its punch face; whereas the BLF has an equal and opposite aligned facet appearing on its face as an “X” shaped shallow depression. Hence, the BUM forces the aluminum blank material into the shallow depression of the BLF with a resulting “X” shaped raised relief on the exterior face of the bottom element as shown in FIG. 1a—RC-12. It is noteworthy to point out that RC-12 has a distinct additional “X” shaped cruciform feature incorporated on its exterior face apex as an inverted “V” shaped raised ridge protruding above the barrel-vault structure of RC-12 which is shown graphically in FIG. 4a as RC-46; on the interior face. Therefore, it must be understood that in FIG. 4a, RC-12 instead appears as a concave depression similar to an inverted cruciform barrel-vault structure which is shown on the interior face of the bottom element. Whereas, RC-46 is formed as an additional cruciform linear depression at the very nadir of that “X” shaped barrel-vault of RC-12 only with respect to the interior face. Instead, on the exterior face of the bottom element, the opposite characteristics are produced, in which RC-12 appears as an “X” shaped convex barrel-vault above the planar surface of the exterior face as shown by RC-12 in FIG. 1a. Moreover, RC-46 appears on the exterior face of the bottom element as an “X” shaped linear raised ridge, above and at the apex of the barrel-vault of RC-12. Later discussions will reveal the structural purpose of these two separate and distinct characteristics.

In a very much similar manner, RC-13 shown in FIG. 1 appears as a short linear shallow depression located in front of and behind each RC-12 of that bottom element on its interior face; thus alternating from one dual RC-4 to the next dual RC-4. Accordingly, borrowing from the same aforementioned procedure explained above, the BUM stamps that feature with a linear raised relief on its punch face; whereas the underlying BLF has an equal and opposite aligned facet appearing on its face as a short linear shallow depression. Hence, the BUM forces the aluminum blank material into the shallow short linear depressions of the BLF die cavity with a resulting linear raised relief on the exterior face of the bottom element, thus understood to be in front of, and in back of RC-12 of FIG. 1a.

Next, in a very much similar manner, RC-5 shown in FIG. 1 appears as a long linear shallow depression from one side of that bottom element on its interior face, to the complete opposite end of said bottom element. Thus, borrowing from the same aforementioned procedure explained above, the BUM stamps that feature with a linear raised relief on its punch face; whereas the underlying BLF has an equal and opposite aligned facet appearing on its face as a continuous linear shallow depression. Therefore, the BUM forces the aluminum blank material into the continuous shallow linear depression of the BLF die cavity with a resulting long linear raised relief on the exterior face of the bottom element as shown in FIG. 1a—RC-5.

It must be understood that the creation of the aforementioned continuous shallow linear depression, or trough of RC-5 is produced and augmented by the simultaneous creation of the two long linear, laterally flanking raised projections coursing the entire length of RC-5; thus graphically shown under FIG. 1 as RC-4. In essence, the complete opposite process which created RC-5 is employed to create RC-4. Accordingly, the BUM creates that feature with its side-by-side dual shallow linear depressions on its punch face; whereas the BLF has equal and opposite aligned facets appearing as side-by-side dual raised projections. Hence, the raised projections of the BLF force the aluminum blank material into the shallow depressions of the BUM with resulting dual side-by-side raised relief projections flanking the linear trough of RC-5 as shown on the interior face of the bottom element, thus graphically depicted in FIG. 1a as dual RC-4.

Next, and also in a somewhat similar manner to the above, the entire outer perimeter of FIG. 1 is circumscribed with a continuous, four-sided substantive angular trough, which when formed, creates a raised pedestal or platform for the entire bottom element as shown in FIG. 1a—RC-7; the creation of which comes about as follows. The BUM contains on its face a continuous, four-sided substantive angular protuberance; whereas the BLF has an equally sized and opposing facet appearing as a continuous, four-sided substantive trough. By and large, the BUM facet projection forces the aluminum blank material into the latter trough of the underlying BLF; thus creating the raised platform circumscribed border pedestal as shown in FIG. 1a as RC-7.

The creation of RC-6 in FIG. 1 is best illustrated via the analogy of the 8½×11 piece of paper placed in one's cupped left hand, while the right hand forms a tight fist and punches the paper into the contours of the left hand. The run-up of paper along the fingers creates a tray-like form. Analogously, the BUM appears as a bulky four-sided punch which rams the underlying tray-like cavity of the BLF; thus forcing blank aluminum material to flow into the tray below, while simultaneously creating a shallow bottom tray with four equal sides appearing as upright walls as shown in FIG. 1a—RC-6.

Of course it is expressly understood that while the bottom element of FIG. 1 appears as a square, having four equal sides, its unique design intent incorporates not the usual and customary right angle corners of a typical square; but instead the critical design feature of four corner radii, which allow blank aluminum material to easily flow into the underlying female die cavity BLF. Thus, the four corners of the BUM and the four corners of the BLF have their respective upper and lower faces with four radii each fabricated into their design tooling. These four facets are graphically shown in FIG. 1—RC-2.

It must also be understood that the creation of the eight design facets indicated as RC-2; RC-4; RC-5; RC-6; RC-7; RC-12; RC-13 and RC-46 all occur rather simultaneously with one downward stroke of the BUM hitting the underlying BLF in a single operation. In other words, one singular stroke of the BUM creates eight complete design features all at once. However, it must be understood that the entire perimeter distal end of RC-6 has a flange attached to it which subsequently orients itself at right angles to the latter. That flange is shown as RC-1 in FIG. 1 and FIG. 1a; and presents as a continuous perimeter tab or flange, which is bent at right angles in the next operation.

Subsequently, while the bulky BUM ram punch creates RC-6 shown in FIG. 1; its four sides have alternating oval depressions carved into each side face. Therefore, while the BUM is held temporarily paused; thus having completed its full downward stroke; four other side rams, each with raised oval projections, punch their impressions at right angles and perpendicular to the BUM; of course with the underlying BLF removed. Thus, all formed ovals of RC-3 project into the interior compartment of the bottom element; which is graphically shown in FIG. 1a—RC-3 and also in FIG. 1—RC-3. The reader must be mindful that while RC-6 is a pre-determined height, the four side rams which are utilized to form the RC-3 ovals, are in fact at that same pre-determined height. Therefore, before the RC-3 ovals are completed, four over-head dies fold over and bend the distal ends of RC-6 which automatically creates the continuous perimeter flange or tab of RC-1.

The only slight variation that occurs with one of the side rams is that only one side ram contains an additional feature which alternates with the RC-3 pattern. That feature is best illustrated by RC-9 which is a series of small circular depressions stamped into that singular side. Therefore, the side ram understandably contains a raised circular facet, while the BLF has a depressed circular facet on its respective side This resulting feature is shown in FIG. 1 as RC-9. Afterward, that side ram is removed and instead a punch ram cuts a concentric circular hole in the direct center of RC-9 which is graphically shown in FIG. 1 as RC-8.

Top Element

The upper element is shown graphically as FIG. 2. Essentially, most of the reference characters, or features within FIG. 2 are identical to FIG. 1. However, it must be understood that the view shown in FIG. 2 depicts the exterior face of the upper element, whereas instead, the view shown in FIG. 1 depicts the interior face of the bottom element. Accordingly, all of the following descriptions for producing the exterior elements of FIG. 2 have equal and opposite facets on both the top upper male TUM die punch and top lower female TLF die cavity.

Therefore, it must be understood that where it appears in FIG. 2 that the “X” shaped design of RC-21 is in fact an “X” shaped raised relief appearing on the exterior face of the top element; this feature comes about as follows. The TUM thus helps stamp that feature with an “X” shaped shallow depression on its punch face; whereas the TLF has an equal and opposite aligned facet appearing on its face as an “X” shaped raised relief. Hence, the TLF forces the aluminum blank material into the shallow depression of the TUM with a resulting “X” shaped raised relief on the exterior face of the top element as shown in FIG. 2a—RC-21. It is noteworthy to point out that RC-21 has a distinct additional “X” shaped cruciform feature incorporated on its exterior face apex as a raised ridge protruding above that barrel-vault structure of RC-21 which is graphically shown in FIG. 4b as RC-47. It must be understood that in FIG. 4b, RC-21 appears convex, thus rising above its planar surface similar to a cruciform barrel-vault structure which is on the exterior face of the top element. Whereas, RC-47 is formed as an additional cruciform linear “V” shaped raised ridge at the very apex of that “X” shaped barrel-vault of RC-21; however only with respect to the exterior face. Instead, on the interior face of the top element, the opposite characteristics are produced, in which RC-21 appears as an “X” shaped concave barrel-vault below the planar surface of the exterior face as shown by RC-21 in FIG. 2b. Moreover, RC-47 appears as an “X” shaped linear raised ridge, above and at the apex of the barrel-vault of RC-21. Later discussions will reveal the structural purpose of these characteristics.

In a very much similar manner, RC-23 shown in FIG. 2 appears as a short linear raised relief located in front of and behind each RC-21 of that top element on its exterior face; thus alternating from one dual RC-18 to the next dual RC-18; (See FIG. 2a) Accordingly, borrowing from the same aforementioned procedure explained above, the TUM stamps that feature of RC-23 with a short linear shallow depression on its punch face; whereas the underlying TLF has an equal and opposite aligned facet appearing on its face as a short linear raised relief. Hence, the TLF forces the aluminum blank material into the shallow short linear depressions of the TUM die cavity with a resulting linear raised relief on the exterior face of the top element, thus understood to be in front of, and in back of RC-21 of FIG. 2e and FIG. 2a.

Next, in a very much similar manner, RC-19 shown in FIG. 2 appears as a rather long linear raised relief from one side of that top element on its exterior face, to the complete opposite end of said top element. Thus, borrowing from the same aforementioned procedure explained above, the TUM stamps that feature with a long linear shallow depression on its punch face; whereas the underlying TLF has an equal and opposite aligned facet appearing on its face as a continuous long linear raised relief. Therefore, the TLF forces the aluminum blank material into the long continuous shallow linear depression of the TUM die cavity with a resulting long linear raised relief on the exterior face of the top element as shown in FIG. 2e—RC-19.

It must be understood that the creation of the aforementioned continuous long linear raised relief of RC-19 is produced and augmented by the simultaneous creation of the two long linear, laterally flanking shallow depressions coursing the entire length of RC-19; thus graphically shown under FIG. 2 as RC-18. In essence, the complete opposite process which created RC-19 is employed to create the dual RC-18. Accordingly, the TUM creates that feature with its side-by-side dual long linear raised reliefs on its punch face; whereas the TLF has equal and opposite aligned facets appearing as side-by-side dual long shallow depressions. Hence, the raised projections of the TUM force the aluminum blank material into the shallow depressions of the TLF with resulting dual side-by-side concavities flanking the linear projection of RC-19 as shown on the exterior face of the top element, thus graphically depicted in FIG. 2e—RC-18.

The creation of RC-20 in FIG. 2 is best illustrated via the analogy of the 8½×11 piece of paper placed in one's cupped left hand, while the right hand forms a tight fist and punches the paper into the contours of the left hand. The run-up of paper along the fingers creates a tray-like form. Analogously, the TUM appears as a four-sided punch which rams the underlying tray-like cavity of the TUF; thus forcing blank aluminum material to flow into the tray below, while simultaneously creating a shallow top tray with four equal sides appearing as very shallow upright walls as shown in FIG. 2e—RC-20.

Of course it is expressly understood that while the top element of FIG. 2 appears as a square, having four equal sides, its unique design intent incorporates not the usual and customary right angle corners of a typical square; but instead the critical design feature of four corner radii, which allow blank aluminum material to easily flow into the underlying female die cavity TLF. Thus, the four corners of the TUM and the four corners of the TUF have their respective upper and lower faces with four radii each fabricated into their design tooling. These four facets are graphically shown in FIG. 2—RC-25.

It must also be understood that the creation of the seven facets indicated as RC-25; RC-19; RC-18; RC-20; RC-21; RC-23 and RC-47 all occur rather simultaneously with one downward stroke of the TUM hitting the underlying TUF in a single operation. In other words, one singular stroke of the TUM creates seven complete design features all at once. However, it must be understood that the entire perimeter distal end of RC-20 has a flange attached to it which subsequently orients itself within another separate operation, at right angles to the latter. That flange is shown as RC-22 in FIG. 2 and FIG. 2e and presents as a continuous perimeter tab or flange, which is bent at right angles in the next subsequent operation.

Accessory Structural Elements

It was indicated within the specification that when the air contents of a closed vessel are withdrawn, and a vacuum state is created; such as within this vacuum canister; the crushing atmospheric force of 14 lbs./sq. inch will cause this sealed vessel to collapse. What in fact prevents this crushing phenomenon from occurring are the following design elements. Reference Character RC-10 shown in FIG. 1 is a high impact resistant plastic rectangular shaped bar which is manufactured as a solid plastic extrusion. Subsequently, it undergoes a stamping process which stamps out repetitive apertures within its entire length at discretely spaced intervals; said apertures shown in FIG. 1 as RC-11. Simultaneously, a specialized combination stamping die also cuts or stamps notches, also at various discretely spaced intervals, which are not graphically shown in any of the drawings in order to simplify the graphic presentation herein. It is noteworthy to mention that the entire perpendicular complementary solid plastic extrusion of RC-15 slips into these aforementioned notches; thus forming a cruciform perpendicular lattice grid.

It must also be understood that RC-10 courses the entire length of RC-5 shown in FIG. 1 within the bottom element and also RC-19 of FIG. 2 of the top element, where in fact it tightly fits into the bottom trough created by RC-5; as well as fitting into the top trough created by RC-19. Reference Character RC-10 is also being tightly held into place by both dual raised ridges of RC-4 of FIG. 1, which laterally flank RC-10 on either side at the bottom interior face, as well as both dual concavities of RC-18 at the top side of interior face of the top element. In essence, RC-19 of the top element is the same complementary trough as RC-5 in the bottom element which runs its entire length within the top element. Therefore, RC-10 likewise tightly fits into the linear trough of RC-19; thus also being held in perfect vertical alignment by the dual side-by-side shallow depressions of RC-18, which flank RC-10 at its top border when the top element is ready to be sealed.

Next, a very much similar high impact resistant plastic rectangular shaped bar; which is manufactured as a plastic extrusion is fabricated as RC-15 shown in FIG. 2. Also similar to RC-10 of FIG. 1, this RC-15 undergoes a stamping process which stamps out repetitive apertures within its entire length at discreet intervals; said apertures are shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 as RC-17; and also shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 3a. Also alternating with each aperture of RC-17 are these slotted notches; not shown graphically, which allow the entire rectangular bar of RC-15 to slide down upon RC-10. When each rectangular bar of RC-15 slides down over RC-10, the entire array forms a cruciform lattice grid of 144 compartments, with each RC-15 oriented perpendicular to each RC-10 and with every internal compartment having each its own aperture to facilitate the evacuation of air as shown in FIG. 3.

It is also noteworthy to mention that while RC-10 fits tightly into RC-5 of the bottom element, as well as RC-19 of the top element; . . . each bottom aspect of RC-15 also fits into the short lateral troughs of RC-13 of FIG. 1 which is in front of, and in back of the “X” shaped RC-12 of the bottom element; while at the same time, each top aspect of RC-15 fits into each short lateral trough of RC-23; which is in front of, and in back of the “X” shaped RC-21 of the top element; as shown in FIG. 2b, which is the interior face of the top element. “V” shaped notches are also stamped at the top and bottom aspects of RC-15 as shown via RC-16 within FIG. 3a and FIG. 4. Thus, completing this insertion process forming the latter cruciform lattice perpendicular grid, the dual lateral “V” shaped notches of RC-16 at the bottom of RC-15, align and fit over both dual RC-4 raised reliefs of the bottom element's interior face; as well as the top RC-16 notches aligning and fitting over both dual RC-18 raised ridges of the interior face of the top element.

Yet another structural design feature is also incorporated within the barrel vault “X” shape of RC-12 and RC-46 within the lower element, and RC-21 and RC-47 within the upper element. Camber, or a slight gradual downward sloping curvature, starting at the very epi-center of the “X” shape, is designed as a gentle slope or gradient which declines ever so slightly toward each of the four corners comprised of RC-15 and RC-10 on both the bottom and top elements. This camber automatically imparts a crown-like dome shape to the very epi-center or intersection of the four barrel vault “X” shaped diagonals of RC-12 and RC-21; which is at a slightly higher elevation than each of the four “X” shaped end diagonal terminal points. This dome-like effect adds increased resistance to the crushing atmospheric force of 14 lbs./sq. inch on each of the 144 one inch square individual compartments of both top and bottom elements. For all intents and purposes this domed design feature is somewhat similar and analogous in appearance to a typical four pronged “starfish.”

The next crucial accessory element within this vacuum apparatus is yet another high impact plastic rectangular bar produced as a solid plastic extrusion shown as RC-28 within FIG. 3; which is machined at the same exact height as RC-10. Whereupon, in a separate machining operation RC-28 is stamped with twelve repetitive apertures oriented midway between each RC-10 support bar. The express purpose of these twelve apertures is to allow twelve vacuum needles to be inserted midway through each vertical columnar space formed by the side-by-side parallel relationship of each eleven RC-10 high impact rectangular bars.

The final accessory element within this vacuum apparatus is the quintessential compressible rubber gasket which is a rectangular shaped piece cut at the same exact height as RC-28 and is graphically shown as RC-29 within FIG. 3. Therefore, FIG. 3 demonstrates that eleven RC-10 rectangular bars are oriented at right angles to, and thus perpendicular to RC-28, whereby this rubber gasket is placed immediately behind RC-28 and therefore completely covers the entire frontal space of the vacuum apparatus. In other words, it courses from one end of the vacuum vessel to the complete opposite side and also fills that front internal space from the very top of the interior face of FIG. 2 (top element) to the very bottom of the interior face of FIG. 1 (bottom element). What is crucial to this arrangement and orientation is that the eleven perpendicular rectangular bars of RC-10 are very so slightly over-machined at such an excessive critical length; such that when finally inserted forcibly within their respective nesting troughs of RC-5 of the bottom element, and RC-19 of the top element, they in fact exert a forward compressive force against the RC-28 rectangular bar, due to their excessive length; . . . which in turn causes the compressible rubber gasket of RC-29 to bulge tightly into the front recesses of the vacuum apparatus, thus forming a tight seal around the eleven front apertures of RC-8 which prohibits unwanted outside air from entering the vessel.

Accessory Structural Design Features

After the cruciform lattice grid of 144 compartments, comprised of RC-10 and RC-15 are inserted within their respective bottom troughs of RC-5 and top troughs of RC-19; along with each perpendicular RC-15 being fitted into each respective bottom RC-13 lateral trough and each top RC-23 lateral trough; additionally with the perpendicular rectangular bar of RC-28 being positioned tightly against the compressible rubber gasket of RC-29; . . . then the assembly is complete and ready for hermetic sealing. Thus, it must be understood that when RC-19 of the top element is nestled on top of RC-10; and RC-23 is nestled on top of RC-15 of the top element; along with RC-28 and RC-29 in their respective positions as shown in FIG. 3, sealing is ready. This alignment of top element in juxtaposition above the bottom element, whereby RC-10 is anchored within RC-5 and RC-19; and RC-15 is anchored within RC-13 and RC-23 thus brings about the exact alignment of both the bottom flange of RC-1 with the top flange of RC-22.

This exact alignment occurs because the bottom element of FIG. 1 and the top element of FIG. 2 have the precise exact same internal dimensions; except RC-6, which being the four sides of the bottom element, is taller than the top element's four sides of RC-20. Accordingly, whereas the bottom element is essentially a shallow tray, the top element is for the most part, merely a very thin shallow lid top. In other words, both bottom element and top element have exactly the same equally dimensioned four sides, both presenting as identically sized squares, each with four corner radii instead of four right angle corners. This arrangement is best illustrated by FIG. 2e, whereby the top tab or flange of the top element, RC-22 lies on top of the bottom tab or flange of RC-1. Next, as both elements are in close unison, they are subjected to a mechanical bonding press, whereby the four radii allow this tremendous force within this machine to fully circumscribe the entire perimeter of both flanges, thus curling one layer under the other; end over end, to effectuate an impenetrable hermetically sealed vessel. The best illustration of this sealing maneuver is to be found in the real world examples of the sealing of a typical ubiquitous tuna fish can; sardine or anchovy can. That very sturdy durable lip which forms from this sealing maneuver is shown in its formative beginning stage as RC-20 within FIGS. 2e and also 2c and finally, its completed state within FIG. 5 and FIG. 6, also as RC-20.

Immediately after this hermetical sealing process occurs, the vessel is finally ready to have its air contents evacuated via the insertion of twelve vacuum needles through the twelve front apertures of each RC-8. The needles are long enough to penetrate the compressible rubber gasket of RC-29, next on through into the twelve apertures RC-30 of the rectangular compression bar of RC-28; each needle thus traversing at the center of and midway between each RC-10, past the first rank compartment to the complete opposite side of the twelfth rank compartment at the complete opposite end of its original entrance. It is noteworthy to mention that this closed vessel is also heated, thus causing the air molecules to become agitated; such that when a vacuum pump is attached to each needle, the agitated air contents therein are rapidly moving and easily removed. Hence, most of these 144 cube shaped compartments have four apertures; one front, one back and two on each side.

It was previously mentioned within this specification's teaching that whenever a vacuum is created within a hermetically sealed closed vessel, the walls comprising that vessel's envelope are highly susceptible to the crushing atmospheric forces of 14 lbs./sq. inch; which will inevitably tend to crush the vessel's six walls; comprised of four RC-6 and the two exterior faces of FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. However, it can be determined from the teaching within this specification herein that since this vessel has twelve vertical compartments and twelve horizontal compartments; all of which form a cruciform pattern; then understandably, this cruciform arrangement yields 144 one inch square totally supported, cube-shaped compartments (See FIG. 3). Therefore, this VIP panel does in fact measure twelve inches square for all four equal sides. By and large then, each of the eleven RC-10's, vertically aligned; . . . and each of the eleven RC-15's, horizontally aligned, together and in unison, both prevent the two exterior broad faces of the top and bottom elements from being crushed.

This impact resistance is further supported by the vertical troughs of RC-5, which further supports RC-10 at the bottom element, along with RC-19 at the top element. Additionally, the horizontal lateral troughs of RC-13 at the bottom element, and RC-23's lateral trough at the top element also lend their support to the horizontally aligned RC-15's. Therefore, in essence, only the 144 one inch square, cube shaped individualized compartments are wholly unsupported and thus vulnerable to this atmospheric crushing force. Since this VIP vessel has only six sides; the four shallow sides are one inch high and buttressed by the eleven RC-15's on each end of the opposing two horizontal sides; while the eleven RC-10's buttress the two opposing vertical other sides.

It must also be recalled from this specification that these one inch thick four shallow sides each contain the stamped alternating oval pattern of RC-3 incorporated therein, which also aids in resisting the crushing atmospheric force. Moreover, the combined perimeter intertwined bottom flange of RC-1 with the top flange of RC-22; when mechanically bonded together, form a stiff, resistant, beam-like rigid upper lip, shown as RC-20, which helps buttress the complete upper perimeter border of the VIP evacuated vessel. Analogously, the perimeter lower border of the bottom element, identified as RC-7, also forms a beam-like stiff resistance to these crushing atmospheric forces. Therefore, attention must now only focus upon each solitary 144 unsupported and vulnerable one-inch square cubes.

In engineering parlance, a uniformly distributed load or force, such as the 14 lbs./sq. inch atmospheric pressure normally tends to affect any unsupported structure, such as the vulnerable one-inch square directly at its mid-span; thus tending to cause the “X” shaped pattern of RC-12 (bottom element) and RC-21 (top element) to deflect inward and crush at the very center of the one inch square surface. However, this customary crushing event does not in fact occur simply because of the inherent special design features of the aforementioned “X” shaped appurtenances stamped into each one-inch square compartment. In classical roman architecture, the barrel vault was designed utilizing the main structural support feature of the roman arch. Accordingly, each classically designed roman arch incorporated at the apex of the arch, the wedge-shaped trapezoidal “keystone” at its center, which imparted lateral thrust to each descending leg of the roman arch. Because of its weight and its trapezoidal shape; this “keystone” or wedge bore down upon the arch-like semi-circle; whereby as it slid lower and lower, the wedge imparted increasing lateral pressure or thrust on each opposing side of the wedge (simply because it could not slip through), down the semi-circular walls of the arch to the buttressed base at the bottom of the arch. In theory then, this lateral thrust prevented the arch from collapsing; therefore, the arch was able to carry or support tremendous loads above its arch-like structure at the center of the “keystone.” Witness the arched walls and the “keystone” of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy.

By and large, the teaching within this specification graphically demonstrates by RC-12 in FIG. 4a; which “X” shaped design is shown as the interior face of the bottom element, hence, also shown as an upside-down barrel vault; whereas RC-21 of FIG. 4b graphically shows a right-side up “X” shaped barrel vault. Analogously, the wedge-shaped “keystone” described above is graphically shown as RC-46 in FIG. 4a of the bottom element and RC-47 within FIG. 4 b of the top element. Therefore, it is to be expressly understood that both RC-46 atop of RC-12, as well as RC-47 atop of RC-21 structurally are each inverted “V” shaped raised projections above the planar exterior surfaces of both the bottom and top elements. RC-12 and RC-21 are the raised barrel-vault structures; while RC-46 and RC-47 as inverted “V” shaped design elements rise above the apex of each latter barrel vault, and therefore behave much like the classical roman “keystone” wedge. See FIG. 4c for further graphic clarification of the inverted “V” shaped design elements positioned at the apex of RC-12 for the bottom element and the apex of RC-21 for the top element.

Thus, the crushing atmospheric force at each one-inch unsupported square in pure engineering mechanics normally presents as a uniform load of 14 lbs/sq. inch spanning across each double diagonal aspect of the “X” shape raised relief of RC-12 and RC-21. However, the stamped raised relief of the “X” shaped RC-46 and RC-47 each inherently perform as the classical “keystone” wedge, with their structural feature produced as an inverted upside-down “V” with its apex of RC-14 pointed upward. Subsequently, the atmospheric force attempts to depress this “V” shaped structural design feature at its very apex of RC-14; and therefore naturally attempts to spread each “V” leg apart and downward. This downward pressure propagated along the entire “V” shaped structure, then spreads apart the “V” shaped sides of both RC-46 and RC-47, which in turn impart lateral thrust to the barrel-vault walls of RC-12 and RC-21, similar to the ancient architectural “keystone”. This lateral thrust is thus propagated along the entire continuum of each double diagonal barrel-vault “X”, whereby this crushing force is now transferred immediately to each braced corner of the square cube, consisting of one impact resistant RC-10 and one impact resistant RC-15. Therefore, for the one-inch square cube to remain in static equilibrium with zero deflection; i.e. without being crushed inward, the summation of upward impact resistant reaction forces at each opposing corner diagonal must equal 7 lbs each; while the crushing uniform force at each diagonal span equals 14 lbs,/sq. inch. In other words, the downward crushing atmospheric forces of 14 lbs. are cancelled out to zero by both upward forces of 7 lbs. times two diagonal reaction corners of RC-10 and RC-15; . . . thus achieving zero static equilibrium with no crushing of the vacuum vessel of RC-33 whatsoever.

Thermodynamic Design Features

Accompanying these foregoing inherent structural design features which combine to resist and cancel out the potential crushing atmospheric forces of 14 lbs./sq. inch, are other accessory design features which aid and abet the non-transfer of thermo-molecular heat energy from needlessly escaping through the exterior walls of a heated building's interior environment during the winter months; or conversely, the unwanted gain of unrelenting heat into the building during the hot summer months. It thus becomes a scientific fact that if the entire VIP panel is not crushed when its internal air contents are evacuated, then this complete vacuum state within RC-33 will absolutely prevent this undesirable thermo-molecular heat transfer from occurring in either direction within a building's interior. This fact is well known because heat, from within a building; which is for the most part, agitated thermo-molecular energy as particles of fast moving air molecules; thus consisting mainly of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, will in fact seek equilibrium with its immediate neighboring proximate air molecules comprised of mainly slow moving outside air molecules within a cold winter environment.

It is also a fact that outside cold air temperature of perhaps 20° F. has slower moving air molecules with less collisions between each molecule as compared with the 70° F. warm interior air with faster moving molecules and with more collisions per molecule. What in fact then happens is that the building's expensively heated interior air molecules will migrate through its neighboring exterior wall assembly of FIG. 5 components and ceiling components; mainly via conduction and convection air currents; thus seeking to achieve balanced equilibrium with the extremely harsh 20° F. cold outside air. In performance of this scientific fact, the higher interior 70° F. temperature molecules will collide less frequently because of the proximity of the outside cold 20° F. slow moving molecules and therefore, as a result will begin to lose its own higher temperature. It is noteworthy to mention that this warmer 70° F. expensively heated air will never achieve equilibrium with the proximate harsh unrelenting and persistent cold 20° F. outside air; simply because the warm 70° F. house structure is small in comparison to the vast expanse of 20° F. never ending cold outside air.

Instead, what happens at the interface of this VIP panel of RC-33 is that those tempered lowered heated air molecules from the building's 70° F. interior are eventually stopped by the vacuum created therein, simply because there is a complete total absence of any moving air molecules inside the VIP panel of RC-33. In short, this transfer of heat from a warmed 70° F. interior of a building mainly occurs only via convection air currents and conduction through its neighboring building construction materials. Also, any solid material encountered in its outward travel transfers heat best, while a gaseous encounter transfers heat rather poorly. Therefore, it is a fact that heat rises in a building's interior because the colder interior air is more dense, and thus drops to the floor, whereby this cold air subsequently becomes heated by the hot baseboard radiators. Hence, this previously cold air instead rises because it now becomes agitated heated air. This process of alternating hot and cold interior circulating air currents within a building's interior is in essence, air convection pure and simple. In other words, hot air rises, while cold air, being much more dense, will fall to the floor; thus creating recirculating agitated moving convection air currents.

Hence, this upward migration of 70° F. heated air wafts against the building's interior aspect of the cold exterior wall and ceiling due to the outside ambient winter temperature being 20° F.; and naturally seeks to achieve equilibrium with the cold 20° F. outside air. In thermodynamic theory, the interior heated air molecules are moving faster and colliding more frequently, while the cold outside air molecules are barely moving at all, and barely colliding at all. In its quest to achieve equilibrium, simply because nature demands equilibrium; heated interior air molecules will always migrate from the interior hot side to the outside exterior cold side. Accordingly, this transfer of energy, and equilibrium seeking, subsequently occurs mainly via conduction through the wall assembly's construction materials. Thus, this first encounter for conduction within the wall assembly is shown in FIG. 5 with RC-41 being the interior gypsum wall board. Although somewhat porous, heat travels through this material first. The next array of construction materials lie within the same spatial plane, whereby 90% of the heated air encounters RC-43 consisting of gaseous trapped air within that fiberglass batt-insulation. The remaining 10% of the heated air travels somewhat faster through the denser 2×4 wood stud of RC-42; simply because insulated gaseous air has fewer molecules farther apart than the denser 2×4 wood stud, where those previously heated 70° F. air molecules eventually slow down, collide less frequently, and thus undergo a lower temperature change. This 90% lowered heated air next encounters RC-44, which is the exterior grade plywood sheathing, and finally RC-45 the very thin asphalt impregnated tar paper. It must be understood that this transmigration process outward will normally occur with or without the vacuum VIP panel in place, simply because the latter vacuum panel is installed retrograde to all of these aforementioned construction materials.

It is the next sequence of events which teaches what occurs in a typical retrofit RC-33 VIP vacuum panel installation. Hence, in a typical retrofit exterior applied installation process, which this invention teaches, the VIP plastic carrier of RC-34 is attached exterior to the RC-45 building tar paper. This RC-34 plastic carrier does not allow the VIP vacuum panel of RC-33 to sit flush against the aforementioned construction materials of the building's exterior wall assembly for transmigration conduction to occur. Additionally, the combined intertwined flanges of RC-1 and RC-22, together, when sealed under tremendous pressure create the raised protruded lip of RC-20 which further distances the exterior face of the VIP panel away from direct intimate contact with the building's expensively heated exterior wall envelope. Hence, once again conduction is impaired because this thin gaseous film of air as RC-32 is impeding conduction per se.

Therefore, RC-34 and RC-20, by virtue of their inherent physical and spatial design features automatically trap this insulating thin film of gaseous air shown as RC-32 in FIG. 5. Hence, for purposes of this teaching, let us assume that the interior heated air environment within the building during the winter months is 70° F. and the cold outside winter air temperature is 20° F. It thus becomes a reasonable scientific assumption that this thin film of insulating gaseous air shown as RC-32, with henceforth slow moving air molecules with less collisions because of the aforementioned outward transmigration becomes perhaps 45° F. by being in immediate intimate contact with the face of the VIP panel of RC-33. It must be recalled that in its travel through the wall assembly, the initial fast moving interior 70° F. air molecules encountered two major sources of gaseous trapped insulating air; the fiberglass batt-insulation of RC-43 and the thin layer of insulating air of RC-32. This outward bound transmigration thus slows down the fast moving 70° F. interior heated air which subsequently has encountered fewer and fewer molecules, each farther apart in its migratory travel to collide with any molecules, and in this process loses its initial interior starting temperature of 70° F. Thus, the differential loss is perhaps approximately 25° F.; i.e. 70° inside and 45° F. at the RC-32 air film.

The analogy now being offered to fully understand and grasp this 25° F. temperature change from the initial 70° F. interior heated air to the final 45° F. insulated air of RC-32 is the following. In the game of billiards involving different colored balls, plus a cloth covered pool table, along with a long wooden cue stick; . . . the fifteen colored game balls are racked together within a triangular device. Subsequently, the cue stick strikes the white cue ball which smashes (collides) into the fifteen colored balls. This resulting impact causes various balls to then strike other nearby neighboring balls; which all scatter in different directions. Eventually, fewer collisions occur, as each of the fifteen balls lose their velocity, and therefore, ricochet off each other less frequently. However, to further this analogy, let's assume the white cue ball is alone on an endless pool table with no other ball to collide with. From its initial impact, it will eventually lose its initial velocity and ultimately stop moving. This white cue ball is analogous to a single molecule of air; except that in a pure vacuum there is not one single air molecule to collide with. Therefore, without any air molecules to collide with within the VIP vacuum panel of RC-33, the 45° F. insulated air molecules of RC-32 can only collide with each other, repetitively, over and over again. Additionally, due to this fact, they also cease their outward transmigration toward the cold winter exterior 20° F. environment. In essence, they temporarily maintain their same 45° F. temperature by only colliding with other 45° F. air molecules. However, that initial 70° F. interior air, which subsequently has undergone a drastic loss of temperature of 25° F., thus eventually continues its outward journey to transmigrate or venture into the various materials of the neighboring construction wall assembly, shown therein within FIG. 5; thereby seeking to achieve equilibrium with this 45° F. air film.

A thorough scientific explanation of what happens during this molecular transmigration movement from the 70° F. interior heated environment outward toward the 45° F. trapped insulated gaseous air space of RC-32 within FIG. 5 is the following. Since the VIP vacuum panel of RC-33 is completely devoid of any air molecules to collide with, then those 45° F. trapped insulated gaseous air molecules instead keep colliding with each other and therefore this RC-32 trapped film of insulated gaseous air does not lose its previously acquired temperature of 45° F. In pure thermodynamic theory, the air molecules on the interior aspect of the heated building at the RC-41 gypsum wall board are 70° F., thus produced by the heating equipment of the building's hydronic baseboard aluminum fin radiation. However, on the exterior aspect of this RC-41 gypsum wall board, the temperature at the interface of RC-41 with the interior aspect of the fiberglass batt-insulation of RC-43 may evidence a temperature drop of 5° F. to a reading of 65° F., due to the ½″ inch thick porous nature of that construction material of RC-41. Therefore, those air molecules slow down as they pass through this non-solid porous material and hence collide less frequently as compared with the interior side. In essence, this decreased velocity and fewer collisions produces a net loss in temperature to 65° F. at the exterior side of RC-41.

Immediately thereafter, these 65° F. air molecules at RC-41 subsequently travel via conduction through the 3½ inch thick fiberglass batt-insulation of trapped air within RC-43. It must be recalled that previously it was established that air molecules traverse through a gaseous medium of trapped air rather poorly, i.e. slower and with less collisions than through solid matter. Therefore, conduction of air molecules through this least dense (not solid) trapped air medium causes a drastic slowdown of the air molecules with fewer air molecules and fewer collisions. Hence, this 3½″ inch insulating material of trapped air causes this 65° F. gaseous air at RC-41 therein, in its travel outward, to lose its inherent temperature by another 15° F. to 50° F. In other words, it begins its temperature with 65° F. upon entering the insulation and ultimately ends with 50° F. temperature upon its departing encounter with RC-44, the plywood sheathing. Next, these same air molecules subsequently travel through a somewhat fibrous, yet dense construction material consisting of several layers or plates of fibrous wood veneers glued together. This ½″ inch thick travel through this wooden material of RC-44, which is the plywood sheathing shown in FIG. 5; although denser than the fiberglass material of RC-43 results in a temperature loss of perhaps another 5° F. to 45° F. Once again, this temperature loss occurs at the interface of the exterior side of RC-44 with the interior side of RC-45, the impregnated tar paper, which harbors a very thin film of trapped air beneath its surface.

Accordingly, aiding this temperature loss is this very thin film of trapped air resulting from the application of the black asphalt tar impregnated building paper of RC-45; which is merely stapled onto the plywood sheathing of RC-44; which thus creates very shallow pockets or voids of trapped air surrounding each staple. Previously, it was established that the 45° F. insulated air space of RC-32 remains at this constant temperature simply because the transmigration of these gaseous air molecules cannot breach the VIP vacuum panel of RC-33. Notwithstanding this fact, as more newly formed 45° F. air molecules come into contact via conduction from the thin 45° F. air space of the interface of RC-45 asphalt tar paper with RC-44, the plywood sheathing, these new coming gaseous air molecules now comingle and collide with the previously formed 45° F. insulated gaseous air space of RC-32. Now the concentration of 45° F. gaseous air molecules becomes greater and greater, resulting in more collisions with each other, thus resulting in a temperature rise of one degree to 46° F.

It is noteworthy to mention that because the building's heating equipment has a thermostat set at 70° F., the interior temperature of the building never changes and therefore will always produce an equilibrium seeking 70° F. temperature which will always transmigrate or venture outward. However, because the insulated air film of RC-32 is now 46° F.; the previously mentioned temperatures at each material's interface also concomitantly rise by one degree each; whereby the original 65° F. becomes instead 66° F.; while the 50° F. temperature now becomes 51° F. Accordingly, the 51° F. higher temperature now drives the previous 46° F. insulated air space of RC-32 gaseous air molecules into higher concentrations of more 46° F. gaseous air molecules with greater collisions between them. These subsequent one degree serial temperature increases repeat over and over again as the exterior transmigration of warmer air molecules from the 70° F. interior of the building progresses outward seeking equilibrium with its neighboring air molecules through the process of conduction.

Eventually, the original 45° F. of insulated air space at RC-32 increases to 46° F.; then 47° F.; then 48° F.; with ensuing constant one degree incremental rises in temperature until equilibrium is finally achieved at 70° F. at RC-32. In other words, the entire panoply of construction materials will now have a temperature of 70° F. Therefore, from the interior environment of 70° F.; RC-41; RC-43; RC-44; RC-45 and RC-32 will all be at 70° F. At this point in time, the buildings thermostat will eventually be satisfied; and the heating equipment will not fire anymore, simply because the interior building environment suffers no loss in temperature through the transmigration of air molecules outward, due to 70° F. equilibrium being achieved. In essence, the expensive fossil fuel requirement of home heating oil or natural gas can be replaced with electric baseboard radiation which would activate rather infrequently, thus mitigating global warming simply because the 70° F. insulated air space at RC-32 cannot transmigrate across the vacuum at RC-33, which is the quintessence of this invention.

  • 1. A vacuum insulation panel for use in a building, applied between its external plywood sheathing and its exterior finished cladding, as well as above its ceiling plane, which prevents the heat transfer between the building and the surrounding outside environment; said vacuum insulation panel comprising the following five elements: two similar deep drawn metallic elements both manufactured as open ended hollow vessels, each formed from separate blank flat sheets of malleable metallic material and each having generally similar geometric shapes, with both top and bottom complementary structural elements each containing a plurality of corner radii which enables and facilitates the manufacturing process and whereby only the bottom element has a plurality of apertures at only one end, while the total exterior sides of that same bottom element have an overall repetitive pattern of raised reliefs; whereupon both top and bottom elements each contain stamped horizontal and vertical linear troughs incorporated on their respective faces, acting as both structural design appurtenances and repository niches; as well as each face containing a plurality of stamped “X” shaped diagonal dome-like structural design vaults underlying complementary superimposed inverted “V” shaped structural design appurtenances; whereby the entire perimeter ends of each complementary top and bottom element each culminate in excess bleed metallic material terminating as one continuous perimeter circumscribed flat flange-like tabs for subsequent hermetic sealing of both the top and bottom elements into one unified assembly;plus, an inserted rigid grid-like assembly formed from high impact strength plastic and arranged in a horizontal and vertical cruciform pattern containing a plurality of securing notches, such that the plurality of these internal cubes, thus formed, each having their respective four sides perforated with an aperture; whereby said cruciform grid assembly aligns at only one end with another accompanying lone singular rigid high impact strength plastic rectangular brace-like strut, also incorporated with a plurality of apertures;plus, a compressible rubber material thus sandwiched between the latter plastic strut and the opposing aperture end of only the bottom hollow metallic element vessel;and wherein eventually all of these aforementioned five components are combined and assembled, such that each distal surface edge of the entire cruciform grid assembly intimately becomes inserted tightly into the top and bottom halves of both complementary interior faces' linear troughs, while simultaneously exerting substantial lateral pressure against the brace-like plastic strut, which in turn squeezes the compressible material; such that all external apertures completely line-up and align with the internal apertures of the lone plastic strut; hence, once aligned, the top metallic half complement mates with the bottom metallic half complement such that all horizontal and vertical depression troughs intimately embrace and cap the distal ends of the cruciform grid assembly; whereupon a mechanical press exerts a tremendous bonding pressure by curling both tab-like flanges into a singular inextricably intertwined unified and hermetically sealed whole hollow vessel;plus a vacuum state, wherein said vacuum is created inside this newly formed united and combined hermetically sealed singular hollow vessel by inserting a plurality of needles through the exterior aligned circular apertures of this fully mated and assembled metallic vessel; thereby passing through the rubber compressible material, and thence subsequently passing through the apertures of the plastic strut, and thence finally passing through each linear succeeding aperture of the entire cruciform grid assembly, whereupon all air contents inside the mated singular hollow vessel are evacuated and then ultimately, the needles are simultaneously withdrawn, while immediately a metallic sealing disk is glued over each exterior circular aperture, within its exterior formed concentric depressions.
  • 2. A building insulation panel according to claim 1, wherein the compressible material is a pre-formed compressible rubber packing seal.
  • 3. A building insulation panel according to claim 1, further comprising a polyurethane sealant disposed on top of the concentric sealing disks.
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 13067541 Jun 2011 US
Child 15014268 US