Variable length packet communication device

An input interface segments a variable length packet into plurality of fixed length cells and generates an internal switching information based on the header information of the variable length packet. The input interface transmits the information to a switch and, after that, transmits the cells as the following cells of the information to the switch. The switch performs switching processing to the succeeding cells based on the information. Therefore, the information is not added to the cells. When an input interface starts to transmit cells generated from a packet to its destination output interface through the switch, the switch is reserved until all the cells arrive at the output interfaces.


This invention is related to a router which switches a variable length packet.


By the Internet's popularization, the data traffic rapidly increases recently. In order to deal with the increase, enlargement of capacity of a communication channel, speedup and enlargement of capacity of a communication device, such as an exchange node, is important.

A conventional variable length packet communication device has structure that interfaces and a microprocessor are connected to a bus. When a packet arrives at one of the interfaces, the interface transmits the packet to the microprocessor and the microprocessor analyzes the packet and transmits the packet to the desirable route. However, the bus and microprocessor are the bottleneck to perform a processing at high speed.

It is also used a switching device that performs the switching in packet units, like a frame relay. The device assigns and releases switch resources in variable length packet units. In the device, however, it is necessary to monitor the packet transmission completion in byte units, and to control the assignment in byte units. Therefore, since the control processing is a bottleneck, it is hard to construct a large capacity packet switch.

It also appeared a relatively high speed packet communication device that used as the switch core, a switch like what it is disclosed in “The Tiny Tera: A Packet Switch Core,” IEEE Micro, Vol.17, No.1, 1997,pp. 26-33 (Reference (1)). Reference (1) disclose that the input interface divides the packet into fixed length cells and transmits the cells to the core switch. The core switch transmits the cells to a desirable route, and the output interface for output reassembles the cells into the packets.

Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication Disclosure 5(1993)-227211 (Reference (2)) discloses a technique for dividing the variable length packet into a plurality of small packets, adding the internal header for indicating the destination to each of the small packets and after that transmitting the small packets to the switch. The switch performs ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) switching to the small packets based on the internal header. After that, in output side, the small packets are assembled into the variable length packet. A path is set up between the source channel and the destination channel through the switch. While a packet is transmitted through the path, the path is fixed and transmission from another channel holds being waited.

Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication Disclosure 8(1996)-65307(Reference (3)) discloses a technique for generating switching information from destination information included in packets and sending them to the switch. The switch performs switching based on the switching information. The packet assembling part converts sent information to packets, attribute information indicating the lead packet and destination information in the case of the first packet, but attribute information indicating the packets other than the first packet in the case of following packets.


In the technique disclosed in Reference (1), the switch is occupied in cell units, and cells arrive at an output interface in such a manner as to be interleaved from a plurality of input interfaces. Therefore, the output interface has to have a plurality of queues corresponding to the number of input interfaces, store cells from their respective input interfaces into their respective queues, and reassemble the cells into the packet in respective queue like CLAD of ATM exchange. Accordingly, the amount of hardware increases.

On the other hand, in the technique for Reference (2), at output side, buffers corresponding to input interfaces are not necessary.

In the technique, however, each of the small packets has a field for indicating its destination. There is more overhead because the field occupies relatively large part of the small packet. This decreases the throughput of the switch.

The technique for Reference (3) is related to an application of ATM switching. Moreover, Reference (3) does not mention the way that does not create the state that packets arrive at the packet disassembling part in such a manner as to be interleaved from a plurality of packet assembling parts.

An object of this invention is providing a router that the throughput of the switch is high and the amount of hardware is small.

And in order to deal with increasing Internet traffic, a router with large capacity is necessary at the backbone. Although that router has to have a switch with large capacity therein, in order to make that switch, parallel processing in the switch is effective. Generally, since throughput of a switch depends on internal clock frequency of the switch times the number of bits to be processed in parallel, increasing the number of bits to be processed in parallel can realize the switch with large capacity. This requires increasing the number of bits of processing unit in the switch. However, even if a packet is divided into plurality of cells and the switch performs switching process cell by cell, the number of parallel processing bits is under restriction caused by the cell size.

Another object of this invention is providing a router that can perform parallel processing in switch effectively.

In the present invention, an input interface segments a variable length packet into plurality of fixed length cells and generates a cell (switch control cell) indicating the output path based on the head information of the variable length packet. That is, the cell has switching establishment information. The input interface transmits the switch control cell as the head cell to a switch and, after that, transmits the cells as the following cells of the switch control cell to the switch. The switch performs switching processing to the succeeding cells based on switching establishment information of the head cell. Therefore, the switching establishment information is not added to the cells.

In the present invention, switch is reserved in packet units. That is, when an input interface starts to transmit cells generated from a packet to its destination output interface through the switch, the switch is reserved until all the cells arrive at the output interfaces. In other words, the output interface does not receive any cell from another input interfaces until all the cells arrive at the output. However, the switch may transmit a packet to be transmitted to an output interface different from the output interface. In such way, the variable length communication device reassembles the cells into the packet by queuing the cells in arrival order at the output interface. And, in the present invention, due to adding the field for indicating the output route to only the head cell, there is less overhead in switch and less the amount of hardware in transmitting interface side. Moreover, in this invention, since a switch on/off operation itself is performed cell by cell, there is less load of scheduler of the switch.

In the another present invention, a packet container containing a packet/packets is provided. An input interface has a plurality of queues, each of which corresponds to each of the output interfaces respectively. The input interface stores packets into the their respective queues and stuffs a packet/packets to be transmitted to the same output interface into the same container in such a manner as a packet does not extend over two containers. The switch performs switching by the containers. The output interface takes the packet/the packets from the container and transmits the packet to the transmission path. This facilitates reassembling a packet at the output interface. Moreover, using the container facilitates large capacity of the switch, since unit of switching and the number of parallel processing bits increase.

Moreover, in the another present invention, a fixed length container is provided. An input interface permits a packet to extend over a plurality of containers. An input interface has a plurality of queues, each of which corresponds to each of the output interfaces respectively. The input interface stores packets into their respective queues and stuffs a packet/packets to be transmitted to the same output interface into the same container. At the time, a packet may extend over two containers. The switch performs switching in container units. The output interface takes the packet/the packets from the container and transmits the packet to the transmission path. In this case, the output interface has packet reassembling buffers that correspond to input interfaces respectively in order to reassemble the packet that extends over two containers. This facilitates large capacity of the switch. Moreover, since packets are stuffed into a container without consideration the end of each packet and without a PAD, efficiency of the switch is promoted.


FIG. 1

is a schematic view for a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 2

is a schematic view for an input interface of a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 3

is a schematic view for a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 4

is a container format used by a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 5

is another container format used by a packet communication device of second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 6

is a time chart of switching of a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 7

is a schematic view for a packet communication device of a third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 8

is a container format used by a packet communication device of third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 9

is another container format used by a packet communication device of third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 10

is a time chart of switching of a packet communication device of a third embodiment of the present invention

FIG. 11

is a schematic view for an input interface of a packet communication device of a third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 12

is a schematic view for an output interface of a packet communication device of a third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 13

is a packet format that is used at the time when a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention segments into internal cells,

FIG. 14

is another packet format that is used at the time when a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention segments into internal cells,

FIG. 15

is another packet format that is used at the time when a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention segments into internal cells,

FIG. 16

is IPv


frame format,

FIG. 17

is a common block diagram for a packet communication device of a first, second and third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 18

is another common block diagram for a packet communication device of a first, second and third embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 19

is an algorithm for deciding an outputting packet at an input interface of first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 20

is another algorithm for deciding an outputting packet at an input interface of first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 21

is a schematic view for a core switch of a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention, and

FIG. 22

is a schematic view for an input interface of a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention.


We explain a packet communication device of a first, second and third embodiment of the present invention.

First of all, using FIG.



FIG. 18

, we explain a common block diagram for a packet communication device of a first, second and third embodiment of the present invention.

A packet communication device shown in

FIG. 17

is comprising input physical layer processing unit


, input interface


, core switch


, output interface


, input physical layer processing unit


and controller


. Input physical layer processing unit


performs terminated processing of the physical layer of an input variable length packet. Input interface


decides the output path of the packet. Core switch


transmits the packet to the desired path. Output interface


performs transmission processing for the packet. Input physical layer processing unit


performs processing of the physical layer of the packet such as putting the packet in a frame. Controller


performs setting up each of above units, monitors each of above units and performs an operation on each of above units.

FIG. 18

shows another common block diagram for a packet communication device of a first, second and third embodiment of the present invention. A plurality of input physical layer processing units


are connected to input interface


, and input interface


processes variable length packets from a plurality of transmission paths.

Hereinafter, we explain the respective embodiment using figures.


FIG. 1

is a schematic view for a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 1

shows input interface


, core switch


and output interface


in detail. Cell switch


, for example, is composed of a crossbar switch. Each of interfaces has “n” queues


corresponding to n output interfaces


respectively, packet distributing control unit


, and queue selecting control unit


. The number of “n” is the number of output interfaces


. Packet distributing control unit


specifies the output interface


to which the input variable length packet is to be transmitted based on the header information of the input packet and distributes the input packet to the corresponding queue


. Queue selecting control unit


selects one of the n queues


and transmits the variable length packet queued in it to cell switch


. Each of output interfaces


has a queue


. Hereinafter, a variable length packet may be called a packet.

One of the futures of a communication device according to the present invention is that the input interface segments an input packet into a plurality of fixed length cells. A cell means a fixed length data, does not limited to ATM cell. Hereinafter, the fixed length cell may be called a cell.

Using from FIG.



FIG. 15

, we explain the segmentation of a packet into cells.

FIG. 13

shows a packet format that is used at the time when a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention segments into internal cells, The format provides internal header


, which functions as switching establishment information, at the head and a plurality of cells after internal header


. Pad


is inserted into the last cell


if the length of input packet


is not constant times as long as the cell length.

Internal header


is generated as follows. Each of output path distribution


decides the output interface based on IP (internet protocol) header


of input packet


, counts the packet length and generates internal header


having the field indicating destination interface


and packet length


thereby. In stead of packet length


, the number of necessary cells to be segmented a packet into, may be used. Moreover, the field indicating priority class of the input packet is provided in internal header


and priority processing may be performed based on the information of the field. We will explain the priority processing in detail.

As shown in

FIG. 13

, only the head cell has the information of the destination interface, succeeding cells does not have any header including the information and trailer information. Therefore, the overhead reduces in comparison with the case of not so. Accordingly, the throughput of the switch does not reduce.

FIG. 14

shows another packet format that is used at the time when a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention segments into internal cells. Although, the head cell


is composed of only internal header


in the format shown

FIG. 13

, a part of the input packet


is put into the head cell


if the length of internal header


is short. This is deferent from the format shown in FIG.



FIG. 15

shows another packet format that is used at the time when a packet communication device of a first embodiment of the present invention segments into internal cells. Although, in the format shown in FIG.



FIG. 14

, any cells


except for the head cell does not have header information and trailer information, in the format shown in

FIG. 15

, each of cells


has cell sequence number


detecting an error or an error detecting code. In this format, any cells


except for the head cell also does not have destination output interface information. Therefore, the communication quality increases due to error detecting means, and the overhead reduces in comparison with the case of not so. In case of adding an error detecting code, the error code may be added the last cell. Moreover, Although

FIG. 15

shows a example that the last cell is recognized with packet length


in the head cell, the head cell ID and the last cell ID may be put in internal header



We refer

FIG. 1

again. As above, an input packet is segmented into cells.

FIG. 1

shows that input packets are queued in queues


in each of input interfaces


. The upper section of each of queues


shows packets and the lower section of each of the queues shows cells


, the cell being the unit of segment. Number


is a PAD. Queue selecting control unit


selects a packet to be transmitted, input interface


transmits internal header


as the head cell to cell switch


according to the command from queue selecting control unit


. Cell switch


receives the internal header


sets up the path between the input interface transmitting the packet and the output interface that the packet is to be transmitted based on the information of the internal information


. Cell switch


transmits the succeeding cells continuously after setting up the path. During this, cell switch


does not transmit any cell to be transmitted from the other input interfaces to the output interface. That is, any cell to be transmitted from the other input interfaces to the output interface, is hold at its respective input interface


. Since, in consequence, the cells segmented from the packet arrives at the output interface continuously, each of output interfaces can reassemble the cells into the packet with one queue. Therefore, there is less the amount of hardware. However, cell switch


may transmit a packet to be transmitted to an output interface different from the output interface. For example, a crossbar switch can perform transmission in parallel, that is, set different paths simultaneously.


FIG. 21

, we explain the switching in more detail.

FIG. 21

shows cell switch


in detail. Input interface


transmits a part/all of a packet into input buffer


in cell switch


. Scheduler


reads out the head cell, the internal header


, from input interface




). Next, Scheduler


commands the crossbar switch to turn the contacts on/off according to the information of the internal header (


) switches the packet. After all cells from a packet are transmitted, scheduler


releases the contacts. If there are a plurality of transmission requests from a plurality of input interfaces


to same output interface


, scheduler


transmit a packet with high priority prior to the other packets. If a plurality of packets are with same priority, scheduler


decides a packet to be transmitted by weighted round robin (WRR) scheduling. We explain WRR later. After deciding the path, internal header


is discarded at either cell switch or output interface



The path through internal header


and the path through the others may be different. For example, control line connecting between input interface


and scheduler


may be provided.

Although internal header


is arranged at the head of cells in queue


, in stead of that arrangement, input interface


may have another memory to store the switching establishment information internal header


and transmit the information when the cells generated from a packet.

By the way, a cell switch like a crossbar switch creates the problem, HOLB (head of line blocking). This happens when a plurality of input interfaces intend to transmit packets to the same output interface simultaneously. The phenomenon is as follows. Even if the output interface to be hold the transmit, have the succeeding packet to be transmitted to a different output interface, the input interface can not transmit the succeeding packet because the input interface can not transmit the previous packet. Therefore, the throughput of the switch is reduced.

One way to prevent HOLB, is to use scheduler


. Scheduler


always monitors whether the communication condition of output interfaces


is free, notifies the free condition to queue selecting control unit


of input interfaces


as shown in FIG.


. queue selecting control unit


selects a queue that stores the packet to be transmitted to the output interfaces that scheduler




FIG. 21

again, we explain the way to prevent HOLB. Scheduler


recognizes the busy condition of all of output interfaces


. Receiving internal header


from input interface


, the scheduler


adds the information to internal header


and transmits the internal header


with the information to output interface


. If input interface


and output interface


connected to a same network node, are installed a same card, output interface


transmits the information to queue selecting control unit


of the interface


installed same card. Queue selecting control unit


selects a queue with free condition prior and interface


transmits the packet queued in the selected queue.

We explain how to transmit the information to input interface


in detail. Scheduler


notifies the information to each of output buffers


. The information is written into internal header


at output buffer


. Output interface


retrieves the information from internal header


and transmits it to the input interface


installed on the same card. According to this way, control line to transmit the busy/free condition of output interface


, each of which is connected between core switch


and input interface


respectively, is not always necessary. It is also not always necessary to provide a pin to be connected to the control line with the card that a pair of interface


and interface


is installed on. Therefore, this way prevents creating the problem that the number of pins of the card becomes short.

Even if input interface


and output interface


connected to a same network node, are installed a same card, core switch


may be connected to each of interfaces


by its respective control line. Core switch


may transmit the information to the each or interface


through the control line.

Another way to prevent HOLB is that queue selecting control unit


monitors the condition of queues


(request condition) of in interface


and transmits the result to scheduler


. Scheduler


indicates a packet to be transmitted to each of input interface


based on the request conditions from input interface


and the free condition of output interface


. Input interface


transmits the packet indicated by scheduler


. This way also prevents HOLB.

Next, we explain priority transmission of the embodiment. There exist some cases network users want to transmit specific packet prior to the others, for example, a packet that flows in VPN (Virtual Private Network), a packet that encapsulates a moving data, which requires real time. Using

FIG. 2

, we explain the priority transmission of the embodiment. Input interface


has a plurality of queues to accommodate packets to be transmitted to the same output interface


, the queues corresponding to priority. Suppose two classes, high and low, in priority. Queue




H accommodates a packet with high priority to be transmitted to output interface #


and queue




L accommodates a packet with low priority to be transmitted to output interface #


. That is, queues of input interface


is 2 times “n”, wherein “n” is the number of output queues


. Packet distributing control unit


also decides priority of a packet and distributes a packet to its respective queue. A queue to accommodate a packet with high priority is selected prior to a queue to accommodate a packet with low priority by queue selecting control unit




FIG. 19

, we explain a priority transmission algorithm of this embodiment. Firstly, a candidate for output packet is decided among packets (


) with high priority by WRR scheduling. WRR scheduling means that if input interface #


is more heavily weighted than the others, then the ratio of the assignment of transmission of input interface #


to the assignment of transmission of the other is “m” to one, wherein the number of “m” is greater than one. A candidate for output packet is also decided among packets (


) with low priority by WRR scheduling (


). Then an output packet is decided among the candidates by full priority scheduling (


). Full priority scheduling means that a packet with high priority is always selected prior to a packet with low priority and, if there is no packet with high priority, a packet with low priority is selected.


FIG. 20

, we explain a priority transmission algorithm with feedback information that notifies busy condition of output interfaces


. Firstly, a candidate for output packet is decided among packets (


) with high priority output interfaces of which are free condition by WRR scheduling, and a candidate for output packet is decided among packets (


) with low priority output interfaces of which are free condition by WRR scheduling (


). Then an output packet is decided among the candidates by full priority scheduling (



If packets are to be transmitted to the same output interface


, a priority transmission algorithm is as above mentioned.

Packet distributing control unit


makes decision about priority by the information that IP packet header has. Herein, IP packet header means IP header and TCP (transmission control protocol) header.

FIG. 16

shows the IP packet format. To be concrete, the information to decide priority is, in IP header, such as TOS (type of service) field


, source address


, destination address


and, in TCP header, such as a port number.


FIG. 3

is a schematic view for a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, input interfaces


generates a container to be put a packet/packets to be transmitted to the same output interface


. Container switch


in core switch


performs switching in container units. Container switch


reserves/releases the switch resource by a time slot, which is the time a container is through container switch


. Output interface


retrieves the packet/ the packets from the container and transmits the packet/ the packets to the transmission line connected to output interface



Each of input interfaces


has “n” queues


corresponding to output interfaces


respectively and packet distributing control unit


that distributes a input packet to queue


based on its destination. Herein, the number of “n” is the number of output interfaces


. The upper section of each of queues


shows packets and the lower section of each of the queues shows containers


. A container


generated at each of queues


. A container includes a packet/packets. If the length of the packet/the packets is short of the length of the container, PAD


is inserted. Even if there is space for more packets in a container, the container may be generated


by inserting PAD


after predetermined time passes from the arrival of the first packet. After generating of a container, input interface


transmits a request for transmission ready to scheduler


. Then scheduler


permits each of interfaces


to transmit the container to be transmitted to specific output interfaces


respectively. Each of input interfaces


transmits the container to the specific output interfaces


respectively. Output interface


retrieves the packet from the container and transmits the packet to transmission path. Since, in this embodiment, the switching is performed in container units and the size of container is big, this is suitable for constructing a switch with large capacity. And since, in this embodiment, a packet does not extend over two containers, a packet can be reassembled by only one queue



FIG. 4

shows a container format used by a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention. To retrieve a packet from a container at output interface


, discrimination of the boundary between packets is important. In this embodiment, discrimination flag


to discriminate the head of the packet is provided with a packet in byte units. Flag “1” is set for the head of the packet, flag “0” is set for the others of the packet, and flag “1” is set for PAD. Therefore, discrimination flag


identifies a boundary between packets and a boundary between a packet and a PAD.

FIG. 5

shows another container format used by a packet communication device of second embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, boundary indicating header


is provided with the head of the container. Boundary indicating header


is a bit-map. “1” is set for the first one byte of the packet, “0” is set for the other bytes of the packet and “1” is set for PAD. Suppose that the size of packet_A, packet_B and PAD of container_A are four bytes, six bytes and two bytes respectively, boundary indicating header


of container_A is “100010000011”. Therefore, boundary indicating header


identifies a boundary between packets and a boundary between a packet and a PAD.

Using code violation like PPP (Point to point protocol) also may attain the discrimination.

FIG. 6

shows a time chart of switching of a packet communication device of a second embodiment of the present invention. The processing synchronizes container processing time of container switch


. Firstly, each of input interfaces


transmits container transmission request


in order to decide its respective container to be transmitted from each of input interfaces


to container switch


at next time slot. Scheduler


decides switching establishment at next time slot (


) and instructs which output interface


input interface


may transmit a packet to (


). And scheduler


also indicates the switching establishment to the container switch




). Input interface


and container switch


transmits a container according to the indication.

In stead of the above, scheduler may perform predetermined scheduling (pre-scheduling system) without accepting a request from input interface



A communication device of this embodiment may also perform priority transmission the same as embodiment 1. In this case, as shown in

FIG. 22

, queues


corresponding to not only output interfaces


but also priority are provided with input interface


like FIG.


. Schedule


performs the scheduling for container transmission according to the priority.


FIG. 7

is a schematic view for a packet communication device of a third embodiment of the present invention. Since this embodiment also uses switching in container units, this embodiment is effective in parallel processing in the switch with large capacity the same as embodiment 2.

The upper section of each of queues


in input interface


shows packets and the lower section of each of the queues shows containers


. In this embodiment, as shown in

FIG. 7

, a packet extends over two containers. Therefore, each of output interfaces


has “n” queues


corresponding to input interfaces


. Herein, the number of “n” is the number of output interfaces


. This is the main difference between this embodiment and a second embodiment. In this embodiment, it is not always necessary to insert PAD into a container, because packets are stiffed into a container without considering the boundary between packets. Therefore, overhead is reduced. PAD may be inserted, however, to prevent increasing delay, if packets to be transmitted to the same output interface


does not arrive for hours.

In this embodiment, queue selecting control unit


is providing with output interface


. Queue selecting control unit


selects one of the queues


and transmits the packet queued in it to transmission path.

FIG. 8

shows a container format used by a packet communication device of third embodiment of the present invention.


shows the case that packet_C extends over container_A and container_B. Both of the function of discrimination flag


and the way to set discrimination flag


is the same as that shown in FIG.



FIG. 9

is another container format used by a packet communication device of third embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 9

shows the case that packet_C extends over container_A and container_B. Both of the function of discrimination flag


and the way to set discrimination flag


is the same as that shown in FIG.



Using code violation like PPP (Point to point protocol) also may attain the discrimination the same as embodiment 2.

FIG. 10

shows a time chart of switching of a packet communication device of a third embodiment of the present invention. The difference between this time chart and that shown in

FIG. 6

is that instruction of output rout


is transmitted to not only input interface


but also output interface


. Moreover, in stead of the above, scheduler may perform predetermined scheduling (pre-scheduling system) like embodiment 2.

A communication device of this embodiment may also perform priority transmission the same as embodiment 1 and embodiment 2.

FIG. 11

shows input interface


having queues


corresponding to not only output interfaces


but also priority like FIG.


. In this embodiment, if input interface


has queues corresponding to priority, output interface


also has ones.

FIG. 11

shows output interface


having queues


corresponding to not only input interfaces


but also priority.

As above, the present invention is suitable for a packet communication device with large capacity can be attained low cost by the present invention.

Although the present invention has been described in connection with a preferred embodiment thereof, many other variations and modifications will now become apparent to those skilled in the art.

  • 1. A method for switching a variable length packet in a router including a plurality of input interfaces, a plurality of output interfaces and a switch, the packet comprising a header information including information corresponding to a destination output interface that is one of the output interfaces, comprising:each of the input interfaces performing: dividing the packet into a plurality of fixed length cells, generating an internal switching information based on the header information, transmitting the internal switching information to the switch separately to a transmission of the cells, and after said transmitting, transmitting the cells to the switch without providing any destination information, and said switch performing: transmitting the cells to one of the output interfaces to which said internal switching information is transmitted, and holding cells transferred from another input interface to another destination output interface until completing the transmission of said cells to the destination output interface.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the switch performs the step of switching cells to be transferred from another of the input interfaces to one of the output interfaces that is different from the destination output interface.
  • 3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the switch is a crossbar switch.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein the switch performs the step of discarding the internal switching information after said switching is completed.
  • 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein each of the input interfaces performs the step of adding sequence number to the cells.
  • 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein said transmitting the internal switching information to the switch and said transmitting the cells to the switch are performed through different paths each other.
  • 7. The method according to claim 1, wherein the router has a scheduler which performs the steps of:receiving the internal switching information from each of the input interfaces, monitoring communication condition of each of the output interfaces, generating switching control information based on the internal switching information and the communication condition, and transmitting the switching control information to the switch.
  • 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein each of the input interfaces has a plurality of queues corresponding to the plurality of output interfaces respectively and each of the input interfaces performs the step of distributing the packet to either the first queue or the second queue based on the header information.
  • 9. The method according to claim 1, wherein each of the input interfaces has a first queue for a first packet that is the packet with a first priority and a second queue for a second packet that is the packet with a second priority and each of the input interfaces performs the steps of:distributing the packet to either the first queue or the second queue based on the header information, and if the first variable length packet and the second variable length packet have the same destination output interface, then transferring the first variable length packet prior to the second variable length packet.
  • 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein all said steps are with respect to switching an IP (internet protocol) packet and said deciding performs based on information of TOS (type of service) field of the IP packet.
  • 11. A method for switching a variable length packet in a router comprising a plurality of input interfaces, a plurality of output interfaces and a switch, the packet comprising a header information including information corresponding to a destination output interface that is one of the output interfaces, comprising the steps of:each of the input interfaces performing the steps of: generating a container having a plurality of packets, such as said variable length packet, to be transmitted to the same output interface, and transmitting the container to the switch, and the switch performing the step of switching the container in container units.
  • 12. The method according to claim 11, further comprising the step of:if the container does not have room for all of another packet to be transmitted to the same output interface, then: stuffing part of another packet to the container, and stuffing the rest another packet to another container.
Priority Claims (2)
Number Date Country Kind
10-349587 Dec 1998 JP
11-047588 Feb 1999 JP
US Referenced Citations (4)
Number Name Date Kind
5740373 Isaka Apr 1998 A
5878045 Timbs Mar 1999 A
6167445 Gai et al. Dec 2000 A
6275491 Prasad et al. Aug 2001 B1
Foreign Referenced Citations (2)
Number Date Country
5-227211 Sep 1993 JP
8-65307 Mar 1996 JP
Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
IEEE Micro, vol. 17, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1997, “The Tiny Tera: A Packet Switch Core”, pp. 26-33.