Today's electric guitars use single coil and double coil pickups to produce sound. There limited to one sound. Some guitars with more than one pickup combine two pickups or switch them in and out of phase or reverse the wires to produce different sounds. I had the idea of winding the bobbins and tapping into numerous places and using a switch to control it. This gives you a variety of sounds out of one pickup.
As described in the background section, my pickups are the only ones that change the sound by changing the number of windings.
I made a special winder for making my pickups. I make single coil or double coil humbucker pickups. I start by winding a certain number of winds for the first setting then that's connected to a terminal board. I then I add another certain number of winds on top of that and that is setting number two. My current single coil pickups have six settings controlled by a six way switch. My current double coils, or humbuckers have five settings on each coil controlled by two five way switches, which gives them 25 different sounds. Others pickups change the sound by switching coals in and out of phase. No one changes the number of windings. My pickups come with switches and install in the guitar easily.
The claimed invention is a process for making variable wind guitar pickups.