Probabilistic mixture modeling is an important machine learning technique that has been extensively used for the tasks of density modeling and clustering. For clustering, individual mixture components represent the clusters. Mixture modeling is generally used for clustering data, such as media data, documents, signal data, scientific observations or measurements, etc. The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is among the most popular methods that are used for this task. The EM algorithm iteratively updates a model estimate until convergence. In practice, an iteration of the EM algorithm for mixture model clustering includes an E-step which, given a current model estimate, calculates cluster-membership probabilities for each data item in order to construct sufficient statistics, followed by an M-step which generates a new model estimate from those statistics. Each E-step has a computational complexity of O(N*C), where N is the number of data cases (samples) and C is the number of mixture components (or clusters) in the model. For very large N and C, for example, Internet-scale data, the computational complexity of the EM algorithm can be prohibitive. Put another way, the EM algorithm does not scale well in N and does not scale well in C.
Techniques related to efficient variational EM mixture modeling are discussed below.
The following summary is included only to introduce some concepts discussed in the Detailed Description below. This summary is not comprehensive and is not intended to delineate the scope of the claimed subject matter, which is set forth by the claims presented at the end.
Described are embodiments based on a variational Expectation Maximization (EM) framework, which alters the E-step by using component-dependent data partitions instead of individual data items. Consequently, the E-step is sub-linear in sample size while these embodiments still maintain provable convergence guarantees.
The data items are organized into a hierarchical data structure comprised of nodes, where each node corresponds to a block of the data and stores statistics that represent the data items in the corresponding block. A coarse partition of the data items according to some level of granularity in the hierarchical data structure is assigned to each component (cluster) in the mixture model. These component-dependent partitions may be different for different components, and within a particular partition the block sizes may even be different. A version of the variational EM is then performed that constrains the cluster membership probabilities that are computed in the E-step such that all data items belonging to a particular block in a particular component-dependent partition behave in the same way. The E-step can therefore be performed by considering the blocks or chunks of data items via their representative statistics, rather than by considering individual data items. Following, the component-dependent partitions are selectively refined and the variational EM is again applied. This refinement process may continue until further refinements do not significantly change the clustering result.
Many of the attendant features will be explained below with reference to the following detailed description considered in connection with the accompanying drawings.
The present description will be better understood from the following detailed description read in light of the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numerals are used to designate like parts in the accompanying description.
Described herein are variants of the EM algorithm that scale well in N and C, have provable convergence guarantees, and have no additional parameters to set or tune beyond the limit of convergence. The EM variant approach described herein involves gradually refining component-dependent partitions while running the algorithm. More specifically, for a variational EM framework or basis, the variational distribution is constrained in a way that depends on the gradually refined data partition(s) into chunks (note that the variational distribution equals an approximation to the true optimal posterior cluster-membership probabilities for the data items): Chunks may also be referred to as blocks.
Prior approaches have described a variational EM algorithm for large-scale mixture modeling (see Verbeek et al., “A variational EM algorithm for large-scale mixture modeling”, ASCI, 2003; and Verbeek et al., “Accelerated EM-based clustering of large data sets”, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(3):291-307, 2006). These approaches are also based on an application of the variational EM framework by Neal et al. (“A view of the EM Algorithm that justifies incremental, sparse, and other variants”). Within this framework, the variational distribution (approximation to true optimal solution) is constrained in a way that depends on the gradually refined data partition(s) into chunks. However, Verbeek's approach has all mixture components share the same data partition, which increases the computational load. Embodiments described herein extend this approach in a way that considers different data partitions for different mixture components in the model, yet within the variational EM framework. The approach improves how performance scales with respect to both N and C.
Regarding the program 102 and the executing of machine or CPU instructions in accordance with the CD-EM algorithm, the original EM algorithm includes an E-step and an M-step (not to be equated with the E-step and M-step described here, which will sometimes be referred to as the CD E-step and the CD M-step). The CD-EM algorithm also has an E-step 108 and M-step 110, which will be described in detail below. The E-step 108 and the M-step 110 iterate as needed and then an R-step 112 is performed. The E-step 108 and M-step 110 loop with the R-step 112 until a stopping point is reached. The iterations continuously refine a mixture model 114, which can be used to cluster future data (as well as the data in 104 used to construct the model). For example, some ungrouped data 115 is processed by the mixture model 114 which forms clusters 116 of the data. It is to be understood that this clustering is probabilistic (or soft) in the sense that a data item is assigned with a fraction to each cluster rather than a hard assignment to just one cluster.
A coarse partition of the data items, according to some level of granularity in the hierarchical data structure, is assigned 122 to each component (cluster) in the mixture model, where these component-dependent partitions may be different for different components. Within a particular partition the block sizes may also be different. While any initial component-dependent partitions can be used, in one embodiment, initial component-dependent partitions can be selected to start with all component-dependent partitions similar to the coarsest level in the hierarchical data structure, which has at least as many nodes (or data blocks) as there are components in the mixture model.
Given the initial hierarchy with cached statistics, the variational EM framework (described below) is used to learn 123 a variational distribution of the data items 106. All data items 106 in a given chunk are treated as similar to each other when considering the associated mixture component. The granularity of the component-dependent partitions is selectively expanded 124 as optimal for individual mixture components.
If the granularity is sufficient 126 for the variational distribution to be a good approximation for the solution (that is, there is some convergence), then the process finishes 128 and the final mixture model and in some cases the final clustering for the data items used to train the model (the final results 114) are saved, stored to disk, transmitted by network, etc., for use in solving any real world problem represented by such data items. Otherwise, the learning 123 and expanding 124 are repeated as necessary. Given the stored or transmitted final results 114 (a mixture model trained according to the data items), any real world entities, scientific observations, database records, etc. similar to the data items may now be clustered and subject to analysis, decision making etc. using the saved final mixture model (final results 114). Media data represented by the data items may be indexed in a search engine based in part on the clustering information, and so on.
Tree-Consistent Partition
The number of possible partitions of a dataset of data items is super-exponentially large if no constraints are imposed. The partitions are therefore restricted by organizing the data items (to be referred to as “data” and “data points”) using a tree structure, where a node in the tree represents the union of the data from its children. Individual data points are not actually stored in each node, but rather, sufficient statistics for estimation operations are pre-computed and stored in the nodes. A tree-consistent partition is any partition where each block of data corresponds to one node for a cut (possibly across different levels) in the tree (discussed below with reference to
Variational EM
Given a set of independently and identically distributed data x{
1, . . . ,
N} (data items), a goal is to estimate the parameters θ={η1:K, π1:K} in the K-component mixture model with log-likelihood function
(θ)=Σn log Σkp(
n|ηk)πk. (1)
For this task, a variational generalization of standard EM may be used, which maximizes a lower bound of (θ) through the introduction of a variational distribution q. It is assumed that that the variational distribution factorizes in accordance with data points, i.e, q=Πn qn, where each qn is an arbitrary discrete distribution over mixture components k=1, K. Note
(θ) can be lower bounded by multiplying each p(
n|ηk)πk with
and by applying Jensen's inequality to get
where p(•|n, θ) defines the posterior distribution of cluster-membership probabilities and KL(q∥p) is the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between q and p. The variational EM algorithm alternates the following two steps, i.e. coordinate ascent on
(θ, q), until convergence.
E-step: qt+1=arg maxq(θt,q),
M-step: θt+1=arg maxθ(θ,qt+1)
If q is not restricted in any form, the E-step produces qt+1=Πnp(•|n, θt) because the KL-divergence is the only term in equation (3) depending on q. As pointed out elsewhere, the variational EM is in this case equivalent to the standard EM, and hence produces the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate. In the following, certain ways of restricting q to attain speedup over standard EM will be considered, implying that the minimum KL-divergence between qn and p(•|
n, θ) is not necessarily zero. Still, the variational EM defines a convergent algorithm, which instead approximates the ML estimate by optimizing a lower bound on the log-likelihood.
Chunky EM
The chunky EM algorithm is a type of variational EM algorithm. The chunky EM algorithm is described by Verbeek et al. in “A variational EM algorithm for large-scale mixture modeling” (ASCI, 2003), and in “Accelerated EM-based clustering of large data sets” (Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, (13(3):291-307, 2006). With the so-called chunky EM, the variational distribution q=Πnqn is restricted according to tree-consistent partitions of the data. For a given partition, if data points xi and xj are in the same block, then qi=qj. The basis is that data points in the same block are somewhat similar and can be treated in the same way, which leads to computational savings in the computationally demanding E-step (further details are provided below in the section titled CD-EM: EFFICIENT VARIATIONAL E-STEP). In fact, if M is the number of blocks in a data partition, the E-step for chunky EM has cost O(KM), whereas in standard EM the cost is O(KN). The computational speedup can therefore be significant for M<<N.
The aforementioned speedup is traded off with tightness in the lower bound for the log-likelihood, according to restrictiveness of constraints on the variational distribution. To address this tradeoff, chunky EM starts from a coarse data partition and runs until convergence. The partition is then refined and the algorithm runs until convergence at a tighter lower bound. The hierarchical decomposition of partitions into a tree structure ensures that refinements will always produce a tighter bound, because restrictions on the variational distribution are gradually relaxed in this way. The refinement process, and hence chunky EM, stops when the refining of any partition will not significantly increase the lower bound.
Component-Dependent EM (CD-EM)
The remainder of this Detailed Description will describe the component-dependent EM approach. In chunky EM, all mixture components share the same data partition, regardless of whether they are far apart. However, the variation in membership probabilities for a component is greatest for data close to its center and insignificant far away. A computational speedup can be gained if component-dependent data partitions are created. Let Mk be the number of data blocks in the partition for component k. The complexity for the E-step is then O(ΣkMk), compared to O(KM) in chunky EM. The log-likelihood can be lower-bounded equally well with ΣkMk significantly smaller than KM, resulting in a much faster E-step. Because the model maintains different partitions for different mixture components, it is referred to as the component-dependent EM algorithm (CD-EM).
CD-EM: Marked Partitioning Trees
For context and understanding, some properties of tree-consistent partitions will now be described. First, a marked partition tree (MPT) is defined as a simple encoding of all component-dependent partitions. Let k be the set of data blocks in the tree-consistent partition for mixture component k. In the shared data partition tree used to generate the component-dependent partitions, mark the corresponding nodes for the data blocks in each
k, by the component identifier k. The MPT is now obtained by pruning from the shared data partition tree all unmarked nodes without marked descendants.
The example in
Corollary 1. Let denote a MPT. The marked nodes on a path from leaf to root in
mark exactly one data block from each of the K component-dependent data partitions.
CD-EM: Variational Distribution
Variational distribution q assigns the same variational membership probability to mixture component k for all data points in a component-dependent block Bkεk. That is,
qn(k)=qBnεBk, (4)
which is denoted as the component-dependent block constraint. As opposed to chunky EM, it is not assumed that the data partition k is the same across different mixture components. This extra flexibility complicates the estimation of q in the E-step. Nevertheless, it will be seen that the estimation can still be performed in an efficient way.
Note that it should be ensured that for each data point, the optimized qn(•) is a probability distribution. That is, Σkqn(k)=1 and qn(k)≧0. For now, discussion will focus on the sum-to-one constraints (in the CD-DM: EFFICIENT VARIATIONAL E-STEP section below, it will be seen that the positivity constraints are automatically enforced). Let denote the leaves in
, let Bl denote the block of data associated with a leaf lε
, and let B1(l), . . . , BK(l) denote the data blocks encountered on a specific path from a leaf lε
to the root of
. Hence, Bk(l) is the data block Bkε
k for which Bl⊂Bk. With the component-dependent block constraints in equation (4) and using Corollary 1, the sum-to-one constraints can now instead be written as |
| constraints
ΣkqB. (5)
Note that multiple qB
qB|Bl⊂Bk} (6)
implying that the constraints in equation (5) are intertwined according to a nested structure given by . The closer a data block Bk is to the root of
, the more constraints simultaneously involve qB
Referring again to
CD-DM: Efficient Variational E-Step
With the component-dependent block constraint on the variational distribution in equation (4), the lower bound (θ, q) can be reformulated as a sum of individual functions of qB
(θ, qB
having defined the block-specific geometric mean
gBlog p(
It is helpful to the computational savings that gB
Example: Let p(|ηk) be an exponential family distribution
)−A(ηk)) (9)
where ηk is the natural parameter, h(x) is the reference function, T(x) is the sufficient statistic, and A(ηk) is the normalizing constant. Then gBlog h(
log h(
d(μk, Σk), a Gaussian distribution, then
h()=T, T(
T), ηk=(μkΣk−1,−Σk−1/2),
A(ηk)=(−½)(d log(2π)+log|Σk|+μkTΣ−1μk),
and the statistics log h(
The sum-to-one constraints in equation (5) are integrated into the lower bound in equation (7) by using the standard principle of Lagrange duality (see, e.g., Boyd and Vandenberghe, “L. Convex Optimization”, Cambridge University Press, 2004.), (θ, q, λ)=ΣkΣB
(θ, qB
{λ1, . . . , λL} are the Lagrange multipliers for the constraints in equation (5). Recall the relationship between qB
(θ, q, λ) with respect to qB
The optimal value qB(θ, q(λ), λ). Note that the expression in equation (10) ensures that qB
A particular simple situation appears in the setting of chunky EM, where Bk=Bl for all k=1, . . . , K. In this case, Σl:B(θ, q(λ), λ) reveals that the optimization of λ can be performed independently for each λl as λl*=|Bl|(1−log Σkπk exp(gB
This simple form of the optimization may is not possible when the partitions are allowed to be different across mixture components, because this setup creates intertwined constraints according to a nested structure given by , as shown above. However, a closed-form solution can still be obtained by carefully exploiting the nesting structure of the constraints.
bottom up, level by level and gradually reduces the nested constraints to a single equation involving only one λl. After solving this equation the algorithm now traverses
top down, level by level and gradually resolves the remaining Lagrange multipliers λl, lε
by back-substitution of previously resolved λl. The resolved Lagrange multipliers can now be used to find the desired variational distribution q. The next corollary is useful for the detailed description of the individual steps in algorithm 160 that follows below.
Algorithm 160 has an initialization phase 162. The initialization phase 162 computes some initial statistics from the pre-computed sufficient statistics associated with the hierarchical data structure (e.g., in the nodes of the KD tree). For the initialization phase 160, let denote the set of nodes in the MPT
. When computing the solution for the variational distribution it is convenient to define three scalar values Kv, Cv and Dv (sufficient statistics) for each vε
Kv. Initially,
Kv=0, Cv=πk exp(gB
where v denotes the set of mixture components for which the set's data partition has a data block associated with node
. For each vΣV, define the node distribution
where the second equality follows from equations (10) and (12).
Algorithm 160 next performs a collect-up phase 164. The collect-up phase 164 traverses the tree bottom up, level by level, where each step in this traversal considers a node v and its children uεch(v). The crux of the collect-up phase 164 is a manipulation of the parent-node distribution qv in such a way that the Σl:B
. In particular, as described below, the collect-up phase will transform the representation in (13) into a representation
by deriving the equality
assuming a similar representation for each child-node distribution qu, uεch(v). Note that node distributions at leaf nodes only involve one λ and therefore trivially obey this condition, so traversal starts one level above. The transformation starts by the equality (recall that uεch(v),
which implies that the Σl:B
Let lr denote the path of nodes (l=w1, w2, . . . , wn=r) from leaf l to root r in
, and let wi
wj, 1≦i, j≦n denote a subpath of l
r. With the notation qw
qw, the constraints in equation (5) can be written as
=1 for all lε
where uεch(v) and vε are both on the path l
r. Since all children share the same path v
r from their parent to the root, the constraints in (17) imply equality of all
, uεch(v). In particular, we can ensure that for each uεch(v) there exists a path, where the reference-λs for all nodes on the path are the same. (E.g., we can always choose the reference-λ associated with the left-Most child at each step in the traversal.) We can therefore construct
Thus, the condition for Corollary 2 is satisfied for all , uεch(v), which allows selection one of the λl*
where u* denotes the child with the chosen λl*u=λl*v of reference. Substituting (20) into (16), gives
which is the desired equality in equation (15) leading to the representation of qv as in equation (14) by substituting into equation (13). The algorithm is now ready for the next collect-up step in the collect-up phase 164.
A collect-up step 164 is summarized by the following updates
which are induced from equations (21) and (19).
The algorithm 160 then performs a distribute-down phase 166. After a collect-up traversal, each node in is associated with a particular reference-λ, and these reference-λs are related as in equation (20). The distribute-down phase 166 traverses
top down, where each step uses the reference-λ in the parent node to resolve the reference-λs associated with its child nodes. Notice that the update is redundant for the particular child with reference-λ chosen as the reference-λ for the parent in the collect-up traversal, where, λl*
which can be solved to obtain
To finalize, with λl available for all lε, all qB
Finally, additional efficiency can be gained in the variational CD-EM E-step by cutting unmarked nodes (without marked ancestors) from the top of . We in this way create a forest of MPTs {
1, . . .
k}. Each of these trees can now be treated independently during the estimation of the variational distribution, by noticing that (17) holds true in the root of each new tree, because qv=0 for any unmarked node v in
CD-DM: Efficient Variational M-Step
In the variational CD-EM M-step the model parameters θ={η1:K, π1:K} are updated by maximizing equation (7) with respect to θ under the constraint Σkπk=1. Hereby, the update is
ηk=arg maxη|Bk|qB
Notably, the model update in the CD-EM M-step can be efficiently computed, because the same pre-computed sufficient statistics used for updating the variational distribution in the CD-EM E-step can be used in the above update equations.
Example: If p(|ηk) has the exponential family form in equation (9), then the M-step update for ηk is obtained by solving
ηk=arg maxηqB
In particular, if p(|ηk)=
d (μk, Σk), then
CD-EM: Variational R-Step
, the R-step selectively refines the partitions for some mixture components. Any R-step enlarges the family of variational distributions, and therefore the optimal lower bound for the log-likelihood obtained at the refined partitions is at least as tight as for coarser partitions. Hence, running variational EM after any R-step is guaranteed to increase the bound, as also shown in the CHUNKY EM section above. Regarding use of the priority queue refinement candidates (the queue elements) are inserted into the priority queue with priority according to their Delta-F score, as described below. At the end of the R-step, the K best candidates are chosen by obtaining from the queue the element that has the highest priority.
Refining one data block in a partition for one component will be considered to be a refinement unit. The overall efficiency of CD-EM is affected by the number of refinement units performed at each R-step. With too few units, too much time might be spent on refining, and with too many units, the choices might be too far from optimal and therefore might unnecessarily slow down the E-step. Empirical analysis has shown that K refinement units at each R-step is a balanced choice. The choice of K refinement units introduces K new free variational parameters, similar to a refinement step in chunky EM. However, in chunky EM the refinement units are evenly distributed across components, which is not the case with CD-EM.
Ideally, a CD-EM R-step should select the refinements leading to optimal improvement for . Candidates can be found by performing a single E-step for each candidate and then selecting refinements that most improve
. Each of the ΣkMk current data blocks is to be evaluated, thus the evaluation of each candidate should be efficient. However, the intertwined nature of the constraints on the variational distribution prevents local E-step computations, since all qB
Recall that a data block in a partition is associated with a mark kεv in a node vε
. Consider a marked node v in
and move all marks in v to its children (each child has a copy). Let
denote the altered MPT and
u denote the set of marks for u, uεch(v). Now, update the variational distribution q under the following constraints
where qrest represents fixed values obtained for the components not in u before the refinement. Note that these constraints are not intertwined and the updated q can therefore be computed locally in closed form—as in equation (11)—with fixed qrest. Finally, the improvement to
(denoted Δ
v,k) that is used to rank the refinement candidates only involves the computation of
(θ, qB
and computing candidate refinement improvements in this way will lead to a computational efficient ranking of all the candidate refinement units according to
Overall Algorithm
, and this process continues until the guaranteed convergence is achieved, and further refinements will not significantly improve the lower bound.
More specifically, from beginning to end, with algorithm 210, after the hierarchical data structure is initialized, component-dependent data partitions are formed. These component-dependent data partitions may be different for different mixture components. Then, given the component-dependent data partitions, a variational EM step is run (from the current parameter estimate) until convergence. Each E-step-M-step iteration includes the variational CD E-step, with computation of the approximating variational distribution that treats all data in a component-dependent data-chunk as similar for that mixture component. The CD E-step algorithm 160 provides scalability in both N and C, where C is the number of mixture components, and N is the number of data items. The variational CD M-step is then performed, which updates the current parameter estimate for the model based on the variational distribution computed in the CD E-step. The CD E-step and CD M-step are iterated until convergence. Then, the R-Step as shown in algorithm 190 is performed, which refines the component-dependent data partitioning. Unless convergence is reached, the CD E-step and CD M-step iteration is again repeated, and then the R-step is again performed.
Given the CD EM approach, any type of clustering task can be computed. For instance; email can be classified as spam, a set of environmental measurements can be used to classify a weather condition, a piece of data can be classified as belonging to a particular cluster (e.g., a document as coming from a particular author), and so on. Moreover, the approach will work well with a large training data set, and will also be scalable in the face of very large numbers of clusters (mixture components).
With the description above, one will be able to implement the embodiments and features discussed above using ordinary software development tools. The embodiments, as stored in storage 232, may take different forms such as machine executable instructions (e.g., compiled executable binary code), source code, bytecode, or any other information that can be used to enable or configure computing devices to perform the various embodiments discussed above. This is also deemed to include at least volatile memory such as RAM and/or virtual memory storing information such as CPU instructions during execution of a program carrying out an embodiment, as well as non-volatile media storing information that allows a program or executable to be loaded and executed. The embodiments and features can be performed on any type of computing device, including portable devices, workstations, servers, mobile wireless devices, and so on.
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