Vascular filter having articulation region and methods of use in the ascending aorta

Apparatus and methods are provided for use in filtering emboli from a vessel such as the ascending aorta, wherein a vascular device comprises a support hoop having an articulation region connected near a distal end of an elongated member, a blood permeable sac affixed to the support hoop so that the support hoop forms a mouth of the blood permeable sac, a guide wire, and a delivery sheath. The articulation region comprises a reduced thickness region of the support hoop that prevents kinks from forming in the support hoop when the apparatus is contracted to its delivery state, and curved regions that close the mouth of the sac to prevent material escaping from the sac when the apparatus is collapsed for removal.


The present invention relates to apparatus and methods for filtering or removing matter from within the vascular system. More particularly, the present invention provides a low profile self-expanding vascular device useful in the ascending aorta for capturing emboli generated during interventional procedures.


Percutaneous interventional procedures to treat occlusive vascular disease, such as angioplasty, atherectomy and stenting, often dislodge material from the vessel walls. This dislodged material, known as emboli, enters the bloodstream, and may be large enough to occlude smaller downstream vessels, potentially blocking blood flow to tissue. The resulting ischemia poses a serious threat to the health or life of a patient if the blockage occurs in critical tissue, such as the heart, lungs, or brain.

The deployment of stents and stent-grafts to treat vascular disease, such as aneurysms, also involves the introduction of foreign objects into the bloodstream and may result in the formation of clots or release of emboli. Such particulate matter, if released into the bloodstream, also may cause infarction or stroke.

Numerous previously known methods and apparatus have been proposed to reduce the risk of embolism. U.S. Pat. No. 5,833,644 to Zadno-Azizi et al., for example, describes the use of balloon-tipped catheter to temporarily occlude flow through a vessel from which a stenosis is to be removed. Stenotic material removed during a treatment procedure is evacuated from the vessel before the flow of blood is restored. A drawback of such previously known systems, however, is that occlusion of antegrade flow through the vessel may result in damage to the tissue normally fed by the blocked vessel.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,814,064 to Daniel et al. describes an emboli filter system having a radially expandable mesh filter disposed on the distal end of a guide wire. The filter is deployed distal to a region of stenosis, and any interventional devices, such as angioplasty balloons or stent delivery systems, are advanced along the guide wire. The filter is designed to capture emboli generated during treatment of the stenosis while permitting blood to flow through the filter. Similar filter systems are described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,723,549 to Wholey et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 5,827,324 to Cassell et al.

One disadvantage of radially expandable filter systems such as described in the foregoing patents is the relative complexity of the devices, which typically comprise numerous parts. Connecting more than a minimal number of such parts to a guide wire generally reduces the ability of the guide wire to negotiate tortuous anatomy and increases the profile of the device in its delivery configuration. Moreover, such filter devices are generally incapable of preventing material from escaping from the filter during the process of collapsing the filter for removal.

International Publication No. WO 98/39053 describes a filter system comprising an elongated member, a radially expandable hoop and a cone-shaped basket. The hoop is affixed to the elongated member, and the cone-shaped basket is attached to the hoop and the elongated member so that the hoop forms the mouth of the basket. The filter system includes a specially configured delivery catheter that retains the mouth of the basket in a radially retracted position during delivery.

While the filter system described in the foregoing International Publication reduces the number of components used to deploy the cone-shaped basket, compared to the radial strut-type filter elements described hereinabove, it too has drawbacks. Chief among these, it is expected that it will be difficult to reduce the diameter of the radially expandable hoop to its retracted position. In particular, as the hoop is contracted through smaller radii of curvature, the stiffness of the hoop is expected to increase dramatically. This increased stiffness prevents the hoop from being contracted more tightly and is expected to result in a large delivery profile.

In view of the foregoing disadvantages of previously known apparatus and methods, it would be desirable to provide a vascular device, e.g., for use as a vascular filter in the ascending aorta, that, overcomes such disadvantages, and employs few components.

It also would be desirable to provide a vascular device that is capable of being contracted to a small delivery profile.

It further would be desirable to provide a vascular device that is capable of being advanced into position from the downstream direction of blood flow.

It still further would be desirable to provide a vascular device that reduces the risk of emboli or thrombus removed from the vessel wall escaping from the device when the device is collapsed and removed.


In view of the foregoing, it is an object of the present invention to provide a vascular device, e.g., for use as a vascular filter in the ascending aorta, that overcomes disadvantages associated with previous vascular filters and thrombectomy/embolectomy devices, and employs few components.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a vascular device that is capable of being contracted to a small delivery profile.

It is yet another object of the present invention to provide a vascular device that is capable of being advanced into position from the downstream direction of blood flow.

It is a further object of this invention to provide a vascular device that reduces the risk of emboli or thrombus removed from the vessel wall escaping from the device when the device is collapsed and removed.

These and other objects of the present invention are accomplished by providing a vascular device suitable for use as a vascular filter in the ascending aorta that comprises a blood permeable sac affixed at its perimeter to a support hoop having an articulation region. The support hoop is attached in a distal region of an elongated member, such as a guide wire, and supports a distally-oriented mouth of the sac when the device is deployed in a vessel. In accordance with the principles of the present invention, the support hoop includes a reduced-thickness articulation region that enables the support hoop to be contracted to very small radii of curvature without the problems of increased stiffness and kinking of previously known devices. The vascular device may therefore be used with delivery sheaths having diameters as small as 3 Fr.

The support hoop preferably also has a curved profile that prevents the articulation region, when folded, from damaging the wall of the vessel. The curved profile also permits the device to effectively contact the walls of the vessel and reduce emboli or thrombus removed from the vessel wall from bypassing the sac. The articulation region, when combined with a support hoop having a curved profile, causes the sides of the support hoop to fold inwards towards one-another when the vascular device is collapsed into a sheath for removal. This, in turn, closes the mouth of the sac and reduces the potential for emboli or thrombus to be released from the vascular device during removal.

Methods of using the vascular device of the present invention are also provided, particularly in the context of a vascular filter placed in the ascending aorta.


The above and other objects and advantages of the present invention will be apparent upon consideration of the following detailed description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which like reference characters refer to like parts throughout, and in which:

FIGS. 1A and 1B

are, respectively, a side sectional side of a previously known vascular device contracted within a delivery sheath and an end view of that vascular device deployed in a vessel;

FIGS. 2A and 2B

are, respectively, a perspective view of a vascular device constructed in accordance with the principles of the present invention in a deployed state, and a detailed view of the articulation region of the device of



FIG. 3

is a perspective view of the vascular device of the present invention in a folded configuration, prior to removal;

FIG. 4

is a plan view of the vascular device of



FIGS. 5A and 5B

are, respectively, side sectional views of an embodiment of the vascular device of the present invention in the contracted state and in the deployed state that is suited for use as a vascular filter in the ascending aorta; and


are side sectional views depicting a method of deploying, using and retrieving the vascular device of


in the ascending aorta;


Referring to

FIGS. 1A and 1B

, some of the disadvantages associated with previously known vascular devices, such as the emboli filters described in the above-mentioned International Publication WO 98/39053, are described. Vascular filter comprises guide wire


having hoop


coupled to its end. Filter sac


is affixed to hoop


, so that when delivery catheter


is retracted proximally and guide wire


is held stationary, hoop


radially expands to contact the walls of a vessel.

As described hereinabove, one difficulty with such vascular filters is that the hoop used to support the filter sac experiences increased stiffness when contracted to small diameters, i.e., due to the sharp directional change at the tip of the hoop, thereby limiting the minimum delivery profile achievable for such instruments. Although this effect may be reduced by decreasing the thickness of the wire employed in hoop


, at the point at which the wire becomes sufficiently thin to accommodate the bending stresses, the wire is too thin to effectively radially expand and urge the filter sac into engagement with the vessel wall.

On the other hand, as shown in

FIGS. 1A and 1B

, the bending stresses imposed upon the hoop of such previously known devices, if drawn within a delivery catheter, may be sufficiently high to result in the formation of kink


at the tip of the hoop. This “kinking” effect becomes more severe in sheaths having a small inner diameter. Thus, for example, applicant has observed that when sheaths having inner diameters of 0.035″ or smaller are used, a hoop of nitinol or multi-strand nitinol cable having a diameter of 0.0055″ will form kink


. Kink


in turn may apply relatively high localized pressure and friction against wall


of sheath


, thereby making the vascular filter difficult to deploy. In particular, the kink may impale wall


of delivery sheath


and may make it difficult or impossible to deploy the vascular filter, especially in tortuous anatomy.

In addition, when the filter is subsequently deployed in vessel V, as shown in


, kink


may deform the pre-formed shape of hoop


, impairing the ability of the filter to seal against the walls of vessel V. This may in turn lead to the presence of gaps G between the perimeter of the hoop and the vessel wall, depending upon the severity of the kink. Consequently, emboli may pass through the gaps with antegrade flow and significantly reduce the efficacy of the filter. Additionally, kink


may be sufficiently sharp to damage or dissect the wall of vessel V when the filter is deployed.

The vascular device of the present invention solves the above-described disadvantages, providing a vascular device, suitable for use as a vascular filter in, for example, the ascending aorta, with a self-expanding support hoop that is sufficiently thick to radially expand and urge a blood permeable sac into engagement with the vessel wall, but which includes an articulation region that overcomes the problems associated with kinking. In particular, the vascular device of the present invention includes a reduced thickness articulation region and a pre-formed curved profile that avoids the difficulties of previously known systems while providing a high degree of efficacy in capturing emboli or thrombus, and ease of deployment and retrieval.

Referring now to

FIGS. 2A and 2B

, vascular device


constructed in accordance with the principles of the present invention, illustratively an embolic filter, comprises guide wire


, support hoop


having articulation region


, and blood permeable sac


affixed to support hoop


. Sac


is coupled to support hoop


so that the support hoop forms an opening for the sac. Support hoop


preferably is connected to guide wire


near distal end


of the guide wire.



preferably is constructed of a thin, flexible biocompatible material, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyurethane, polyester, polyethylene tetraphlalate, nylon or polytetrafluoroethylene, or combinations thereof, and includes openings or pores


that permit blood cells to pass through the sac substantially unhindered, while capturing any larger emboli that may be released during a procedure such as angioplasty or stent placement. In a preferred embodiment, sac


has openings or pores


in a range of about 20 to 400 microns in diameter, and more preferably, about approximately 80 microns. These pore sizes will permit red blood cells (which have a diameter of approximately 5 microns) to easily pass through the sac. If sac


comprises a woven material, such as formed from the above-mentioned polymers, the pore size of the sac may be determined as a function of the pattern and tightness of the weave.

Support hoop


comprises a hoop having a circular or rectangular cross-section that is formed of a super-elastic material, such as a nickel-titanium alloy (“nitinol”). During deployment and retrieval of vascular device


, described hereinafter, support hoop


folds in half and collapses to fit within a small diameter delivery sheath. When vascular device


is in a deployed state, as depicted in


, support hoop


resumes its pre-formed shape. Support hoop


preferably comprises nitinol wire, although it may also be formed from a multistrand nitinol cable, or other super-elastic material.

In accordance with the principles of the present invention, support hoop


includes one or more reduced-thickness articulation regions


and curved regions


. As depicted in


, articulation region


includes a region having reduced thickness t


compared to thickness t of the remainder of support hoop


. Articulation region


and curved regions


enable support hoop


to fold with a pre-determined shape when vascular device


is collapsed to a contracted state for delivery or retrieval.



, articulation region


is depicted as a localized reduction in the thickness of support hoop


, as may be achieved using conventional grinding or etching processes. Alternatively, support hoop


may be continuously tapered along its circumference, so that articulation region


results from a more gradual reduction in the wall thickness of the support hoop. Tapering support hoop


may permit greater flexibility in the vicinity of articulation region


, thus enabling support hoop


to fold more easily at the articulation region. Such tapering of the thickness of the support hoop along a portion of its circumference also may reduce the potential for stress-induced fracture typically associated with abrupt changes in diameter.

In a preferred embodiment of the vascular device


of the present invention, vascular device


easily fits within a delivery sheath having an inner diameter of 0.033″, and more preferably, may be used with a delivery sheath having an inner diameter as small as 0.026″. The deployed diameter of support hoop


preferably is approximately 7 mm, while guide wire


preferably has a diameter of 0.014″, and tapers at its distal end. The distal end of guide wire


also may be tipped with a spring section, or coil tip (not shown).

Support hoop


preferably is constructed of 0.0055″ nitinol wire tapered (by a grinding process) to 0.0025″ at articulation region


. Specifically, articulation region


preferably consists of a length about 0.05″ long and having a diameter of 0.0025″, coupled on either side to curved regions


. Each of curved regions


includes of a length of wire that is tapered from a diameter of 0.055″ to a diameter of 0.0025″ over a length of about 0.025″. Support hoop


also may include radiopaque features, such as gold or platinum bands


, spaced at intervals around the circumference of support hoop


, or a coil of radiopaque material wrapped around the support member.

With respect to

FIGS. 3 and 4

, additional features of vascular device


are described.

FIG. 3

depicts vascular device




in a contracted state, while

FIG. 4

illustrates a directional change in support hoop


preferably caused by the presence of curved regions


. In the embodiment depicted in FIG.


, curved regions


illustratively are configured to orient articulation region


in a direction parallel to the axis of guide wire



Advantageously, use of articulation region


and the curved profile of support hoop


introduced by curved regions


also cause support hoop


to fold in half during retrieval. As shown in

FIG. 3

, support hoop


folds in half, effectively closing the mouth of blood permeable sac


and preventing the escape of collected emboli or thrombus. This feature also may permit the use of a smaller or shallower sac than would otherwise be possible, without increasing the risk of material escaping from the device when the sac is collapsed for retrieval. Use of a smaller or shallower sac also enables vascular device


to be delivered in a smaller delivery sheath, having an inner diameter as small as 0.026″ for the preferred embodiment.

Referring now to

FIGS. 5A and 5B

, an embodiment of the vascular device of the present invention suited for use as a vascular filter in the ascending aorta is described. Vascular device


comprises guide wire


having distal end


with stop restraint


, which may be radiopaque. Elongated member


is rigidly attached to linear bearing


, which is slidably attached to guide wire


. Elongated member


therefore may be advanced over guide wire


to contact internal face


of delivery sheath


, and advance the delivery sheath. Delivery sheath


comprises tapered end


having lumen


through which guide wire


passes, and preferably also comprises radiopaque band


. Distally-facing support hoop


has blood permeable sac


attached to its perimeter. Support hoop


is, in turn, connected to elongated member


at attachment point


. Articulation region


and curved regions


of support hoop


enable the sides of the support hoop to fold together and become elongated when urged within cavity


of delivery sheath


by distal motion of elongated member


with guide wire


held stationary, or vice versa.

With reference to


, a method of deploying, using and retrieving vascular device




in the ascending aorta is described. In


, guide wire


is manipulated into position within ascending aorta AA just proximal of aortic valve AV using well-known percutaneous techniques, for example, based on the position of radiopaque restraint


under a fluoroscope. Vascular device


is disposed in its contracted state within delivery sheath


. The proximal end of guide wire


is passed through lumen


of sheath


and through linear bearing


, which is rigidly attached to elongated member


. Elongated member


with attached support hoop


and blood permeable sac


then is slidably advanced over guide wire


. In particular, linear bearing


contacts internal face


of sheath


and advances delivery sheath


and vascular device



Vascular device


is advanced until it contacts restraint


at distal end


of guide wire


. Restraint


prevents further distal motion of sheath


with respect to guide wire


. The location of vascular device


may be verified using, for example, the position of radiopaque band


under a fluoroscope, so that vascular device


lies within ascending aorta AA proximal of aortic valve AV, but distal of brachiocephalic trunk BT.

Referring now to


, with vascular device


in position, elongated member


is retracted proximally while guide wire


and sheath


are held stationary. Alternatively, elongated member


may be held stationary while guide wire


and delivery sheath


are advanced (in this case, distal end


of guide wire


is not initially advanced as far and lies just proximal of aortic valve AV only after deployment of vascular device


). In either case, when vascular device


is no longer confined within delivery sheath


, support hoop


expands to seal against the walls of the ascending aorta AA. Blood continues to flow unimpeded through ascending aorta AA in direction D. Emboli generated upstream (distal) of vascular device


by, for example, interventional instruments, such as angioplasty catheters, atherectomy devices, or stent delivery systems, are captured within sac



With respect to


, once the interventional procedure is complete and generated emboli have been captured within sac


, elongated member


is advanced distally while guide wire


and delivery sheath


are held stationary. The sides of support hoop


collapse together to close the mouth of sac


(see FIG.


). Additional distal advancement of member


urges support hoop


and sac


at least partially within cavity


of sheath


. As depicted in


, only a portion of support hoop


near articulation region


and a distal portion of sac


extend out of delivery sheath


. Guide wire


is then retracted proximally. Restraint


contacts the distal face of sheath


, which in turn contacts bearing


at internal face


and causes the whole of vascular device


with any trapped emboli to be withdrawn proximally.

As will of course be understood by those of skill in the art of catheter design,

FIGS. 5 and 6

have not been drawn to scale to clarify certain aspects of the structure of the preferred embodiments. For example, the diameter of delivery sheath


is approximately an order of magnitude smaller than either the inner diameter of the ascending aorta or the full deployed height of support hoop



Although preferred illustrative embodiments of the present invention are described above, it will be evident to one skilled in the art that various changes and modifications may be made without departing from the invention. It is intended in the appended claims to cover all such changes and modifications that fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. Apparatus suitable for filtering emboli comprising:an elongated member having a distal region; a support hoop attached to the distal region, the support hoop having an articulation region; and a blood permeable sac affixed to the support hoop so that the support hoop forms a distally-facing mouth of the blood permeable sac; a guide wire slidably attached to the elongated member; and a delivery sheath having a proximally-facing cavity for accepting the elongated member, support hoop and blood permeable sac, and a lumen extending through the cavity to permit the guide wire to pass therethrough.
  • 2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the blood permeable sac comprises a biocompatible material.
  • 3. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein the biocompatible material comprises a material chosen from a list consisting of polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester, polyurethane and nylon.
  • 4. The apparatus of claim 3, wherein the blood permeable sac comprises a plurality of pores, each one of the plurality of pores having a diameter in a range of 20 to 400 microns.
  • 5. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the support hoop comprises a super-elastic material.
  • 6. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the support hoop comprises a wire having a thickness that tapers to a minimum thickness at the articulation region.
  • 7. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein the elongated member abuts against an interior surface of the cavity so that distal translation of the elongated member is transmitted to the delivery sheath.
  • 8. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the apparatus has a deployed state, wherein the support hoop engages an interior wall of a patient's vessel, and a delivery state, wherein the apparatus has a contracted configuration to permit insertion of the elongated member, support hoop, and blood permeable sac within the delivery sheath.
  • 9. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the support hoop folds at the articulation region when the apparatus is contracted to the delivery state.
  • 10. The apparatus of claim 8, wherein the mouth of the blood permeable sac is closed when the apparatus is in the contracted configuration, thereby preventing emboli from escaping from the blood permeable sac.
  • 11. The apparatus of claim 10 wherein opposite sides of the support hoop close towards one another when the apparatus is contracted to its contracted configuration.
  • 12. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the delivery sheath further comprises a radiopaque band.
  • 13. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the support hoop further comprises a radiopaque band.
  • 14. A method of trapping emboli or thrombus during a medical procedure, the method comprising:providing apparatus comprising an elongated member, a support hoop having an articulation region coupled to the elongated member, a blood permeable sac affixed to the support hoop so that the support hoop forms a distally-facing mouth of the blood permeable sac, a guide wire slidably attached to the elongated member having a distal region with a stop, and a delivery sheath having a cavity for accepting the elongated member, support hoop and blood permeable sac; advancing the guide wire to a desired location within a patient's vessel; positioning the elongated member, support hoop, and blood permeable sac in a contracted delivery state within the delivery sheath; advancing the elongated member and delivery sheath over the guide wire until the delivery sheath contacts the stop; and with the guide wire held stationary, withdrawing the elongated member to withdraw the support hoop from the cavity so that the apparatus expands to a deployed state wherein the support hoop seals against the vessel wall.
  • 15. The method of claim 14 further comprising:performing the medical procedure, the apparatus catching emboli released when the medical procedure is performed; advancing the elongated member over the guide wire to return the apparatus to a collapsed configuration within the cavity of the delivery sheath; and removing the apparatus from the patient's vessel.
  • 16. The method of claim 14, wherein advancing the elongated member and delivery sheath further comprises advancing the elongated member and delivery sheath to a location within the patient's ascending aorta proximal of the aortic valve, so that the apparatus is distal of the brachiocephalic trunk in the deployed state.
  • 17. The method of claim 14 wherein advancing the elongated member and delivery sheath further comprises advancing the elongated member and delivery sheath against a direction of blood flow through the patient's vessel.
  • 18. The method of claim 15, wherein returning the apparatus to a collapsed configuration within the delivery sheath channel comprises folding the support hoop at the articulation region to close the mouth of the blood permeable sac.
  • 19. Apparatus suitable for filtering emboli comprising:an elongated member having a distal region; a support hoop attached to the distal region, the support hoop having an articulation region; a blood permeable sac affixed to the support hoop so that the support hoop forms a distally-facing mouth of the blood permeable sac; a guide wire slidably attached to the elongated member; and a delivery sheath having a proximally-facing cavity for accepting the elongated member, support hoop and blood permeable sac.
  • 20. The apparatus of claim 19 further comprising a lumen extending through the cavity to permit the guide wire to pass therethrough.

This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/364,064 filed Jul. 30, 1999.

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Continuation in Parts (1)
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