D.J. Phillips et al. , “Should Results of Ultrasound Doppler Studies be Reported in Units of Frequency or Velocity?” Ultrasound Med. Boil., 15:205-212, 1989. |
M.D. Fox, “Multiple Crossed-Beam Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry,” IEEE Trans. Son. Ultrason., SU-25:281-286, 1978. |
G.E. Trahey et al., “Angle Independent Ultrasonic Detection of Blood Flow,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., BME-34:965-967, 1987. |
V.L. Newhouse et al., “Ultrasound Doppler Probing of Flows Transverse with Respect to Beam Axis,” IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng., BME-34:779-788, 1987. |
O. Bonnefous., “Measurement of the Complete (3D) Velocity Vector of Blood Flows,” IEEE Ultrason. Symp., pp. 795-799, 1988. |
.A. Jensen et al., “Calculation of Pressure Fields from Arbitrarily Shaped, Apodized, and Excited Ultrasound Transducers,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec., Freq. Contr., 39:262-267, 1992. |
Jørgen Arendt Jensen, Estimation of Blood Velocities Using Ultrasound, Cambridge University Press, p. 232, formula 8.16. |
D.J. Phillips et al. , “Should Results of Ultrasound Doppler Studies be Reported in Units of Frequency or Velocity?” Ultrasound Med. Boil., 15:205-212, 1989. |
M.D. Fox, “Multiple Crossed-Beam Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry,” IEEE Trans. Son. Ultrason., SU-25:281-286, 1978. |
G.E. Trahey et al., “Angle Independent Ultrasonic Detection of Blood Flow,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., BME-34:965-967, 1987. |
V.L. Newhouse et al., “Ultrasound Doppler Probing of Flows Transverse with Respect to Beam Axis,” IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., BME-34:779-788, 1987. |
O. Bonnefous., “Measurement of the Complete (3D) Velocity Vector of Blood Flows,” IEEE Ultrason. Symp., pp. 795-799, 1988. |
A. Jensen et al., “Calculation of Pressure Field from Arbitrarily Shaped, Apodized, and Excited Ultrasound Transducers,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec., Freq. Contr., 39:262-267, 1992. |