Vehicle classification and axle counting sensor system and method

A vehicle detection and classification sensor provides accurate 3D profiling and classification of highway vehicles for speeds up to 100 mph. A scanning time-of-flight laser rangefinder is used to measure the distance to the highway from a fixed point above the road surface and then measure the distance to the surfaces of any vehicle that is viewed by the sensor. The beam is pulsed at a high repetition rate for determining vehicle speeds with a high accuracy and uses the calculated speed and consecutive range measurements as the vehicle moves past the sensor to develop a three-dimensional profile of the vehicle. An algorithm is applied to the three-dimensional profile for providing a vehicle-classification. A laser is also used to count the number of axles associated with the vehicle.


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates generally to object sensors and related methods, and in particular to electronic object sensors and methods useful in detecting vehicle speed and shape for classification and input to Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS).

[0003] 2. Background Art

[0004] A vehicle sensor detecting the presence of a vehicle in a traffic lane and indicating the vehicle speed as it passes the sensor is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,321,490 referenced above and co-owned with the present invention. A time-of-flight laser rangefinder is used to measure the normal distance to a road surface from a fixed point above the road surface and then measures the distance to a vehicle that either passes or stops under the sensor. Two laser beams pulsing at a high rate are projected across the road surface at a fixed angle between them. Because of the high repetition rate of the pulsed beam, the system is able to determine vehicle speed with an accuracy within one mph and, using this calculated speed, develop a longitudinal profile of the vehicle using consecutive range measurements as the vehicle moves under the sensor. Such active near-field object sensors are relatively low in cost, are accurate, and have utility in a wide variety of applications. A laser diode capable of emitting pulses of coherent infrared radiation is used together with collimating optics and a beam splitter to provide two diverging output beams directed toward the road surface under observation.

[0005] The sensor receives a portion of the energy reflected from either the area, or an object located within the area, such as a vehicle. The returned pulse energy is then provided as an input to a receiver for determining a time-of-flight change for pulses emitted and received, which may be caused by the presence of an object within the area. The sensor is also provided with various features useful in providing outputs that indicate the speed, census, size, or shape of one or more objects in the area. For example, the sensor is provided with means for receiving an input from the time-of-flight determining means and for providing an output indicating whether the object meets one of a plurality of classification criteria (e.g., is the object an automobile, truck, or motorcycle). A receiver includes two detectors and alternately selects between outputs of the two detectors for providing the time-of-flight measurements. The time interval between interceptions of the two diverging outputs by a vehicle provides the speed of the vehicle passing through the area.

[0006] U.S. Pat. No. 5,278,423 referenced above and co-owned with the present invention discloses the generation of three-dimensional images of objects by rotating or scanning a laser beam rangefinder, operating at a high pulse rate, in a plane where there is relative motion between the rangefinder and the object to be sensed or imaged in a direction perpendicular to the laser beam plane of rotation. The laser rangefinder rotating beam covers the object being sensed and permits a three-dimensional image of the object to be determined. By way of example, the '423 patent discloses a sensor traveling between rows of trees with the laser rangefinder scanning on either side of a moving vehicle carrying the sensor. Beam scanning is within a plane perpendicular to the motion of the vehicle. When the sensor detects the presence of foliage, it provides a signal activating a spraying system for the efficient spraying of the tree. This operation ensures that spraying takes place only when there is foliage present to intercept the sprayed materials. Economic and environmental benefits are thus realized.

[0007] The agricultural sprayer employs a pulsed time-of-flight range measuring system having separate apertures for a laser transmitter and receiver. The laser beam and receiver field-of-view are continuously scanned by a rotating mirror in a vertical plane perpendicular to the forward motion axis of the sprayer vehicle. The position of the mirror, and correspondingly the laser beam, is determined by a shaft encoder attached to the mirror drive motor shaft. With this embodiment, a single sensor makes range measurements on both sides of the vehicle as the vehicle moves the sensor between rows of trees. Since the sensor only needs to detect the presence of trees, range measurements are only made within elevation angles of ±45 degrees on each side of the sensor. Data are collected within 180° out of the 360° of a revolution or circular scan. As the vehicle moves along, the scan trace advances on consecutive revolutions of the mirror. Employing a distance traveled input from the vehicle, the sensor creates a panorama of images. An algorithm then determines whether trees are present from the measured range data as a function angle. Spray units are grouped in zones, and the sensor provides foliage images for the zones and thus an indication of the amount of spray necessary for a particular tree zone.

[0008] There is a continuing demand for accurate, low-cost sensors useful in a wide variety of applications, including equipment used in the home, as well as for security, military, and transportation applications. Traffic signal controllers utilizing overhead sensors are known, as described by way of example in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,167,739 to Girard et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 3,436,540 to Lamorleft; U.S. Pat. No. 3,516,056 to Matthews; U.S. Pat. No. 3,532,886 to Krugeret al.; U.S. Pat. No. 3,680,047 to Perlman; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,317,117 to Chasek. Likewise referenced, near-field sensors have also been utilized as intruder alarms and as automatic door operators. Examples of such arrangements are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,605,082 to Matthews; U.S. Pat. No. 3,644;917 to Perlman; U.S. Pat. No. 3,719,938 to Perlman; U.S. Pat. No. 3,852,592 to Scoville et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 3,972,021 to Leitz et al.; and U.S. Pat. No. 4,433,328 to Saphir et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,768,713 discloses the use of an ultrasonic sonar-type sensor to detect the presence of tree foliage, as do U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,823,268 and 5,172,861. Optical dimensioning techniques have been incorporated in industrial uses, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,179,216 and 4,490,038.

[0009] Vehicle detection and classification provided by the Intelligent Vehicle Highway System and Method of the above-referenced related inventions, and as herein described, have proven to be very successful using rule-based algorithms to perform shape-based vehicle classification. With the current class structure, the sensors have achieved 98.5% accuracy on a random 10,000 vehicle test. Using the National Academy of Sciences #15 (NAS) vehicle database, which was collected under the ITS-6 IDEA program, the sensors achieved 96.5% accuracy on a 50,000 vehicle database including a range of weather conditions and traffic conditions.

[0010] However, in spite of this success, most applications in the U.S. still require vehicle classifications based on the number of axles a vehicle has, as opposed to just the shape-based classification. This implies that tolling applications in the U.S. must deploy an axle counter, such as a treadle, along with a host of other sensors to perform the other tasks that the axle counter cannot do, such as vehicle separation. Along with the disadvantages of embedding a sensor in the road, the higher system cost of using several sensors, and added complexity of integrating different sensors into a single system, transportation professionals at all levels have expressed an increased interest in an overhead sensor that is capable of counting axles.


[0011] In view of the foregoing, it is an object of the invention to accurately determine the shape and speed of a vehicle. It is further an object to provide a three-dimensional profile of the moving vehicle for use in classifying the vehicle. It is yet another object to accurately detect vehicle axles for further classification of the vehicle.

[0012] A strategic plan for Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems in the United States was prepared in Report No: IVHS-AMER-92-3 by IVHS America and published on May 20, 1992. The document was produced, in part, under U.S. DOT, Contract Number DTFH 6191-C-00034. The purpose of the strategic plan is to guide development and deployment of IVHS in the United States. The plan points out that there is no single answer to the set of complex problems confronting our highway systems, but the group of technologies known as IVHS can help tremendously in meeting the goals of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). The purpose of ISTEA is “. . . to develop a National Intermodal Transportation System that is economically sound, provides the foundation for the Nation to compete in the global economy, and will move people and goods in an energy efficient manner.” It is thus yet another object of the present invention to satisfy needs identified within the ISTEA goals. The IVHS America plan describes these needs, one of which is Automated Vehicle Classification (AVC).

[0013] It is further an object of the invention to provide an algorithm having the ability to distinguish vehicles from clutter and to categorize the vehicles. It is further an object of the invention to provide information useful to other Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems and in the Electronic Toll and Traffic Management (ETTM) area, in particular, to Automatic Toll Collection.

[0014] The present invention discloses a laser sensor for detecting vehicles and providing outputs useful in determining a three-dimensional shape and speed of the vehicle. The sensor comprises laser means for determining a range from the sensor to a vehicle while the vehicle travels within a sensing zone of the sensor. Range data corresponding with a sensor angle for each range data output are provided. The pulsed laser beam is scanned across the vehicle, while beam orientation and a corresponding sensor angle are determined. Means are provided for determining a distance traveled by the vehicle between locations within the zone and thus provides data representing a distance traveled by each point on the vehicle. Means are provided for processing the respective range, angle, and travel distance data for determining the speed and three-dimensional shape of the vehicle. The processing means provide vehicle classification useful in intelligent vehicle highway systems.

[0015] Forward and backward beams are separated by a predetermined angle and are emitted toward a fixed area through which the vehicle travels. A time signal representative of a travel time for a point on the vehicle to travel between the forward and backward beam is determined from time-of-flight data provided by range data processing means. In one preferred embodiment, a single transmitter and receiver pair is used. In an alternate embodiment, two transmitters and two receivers are used for emitting and detecting a pair of laser beams. The receiver converts the reflected laser beams received from the vehicle to signal voltages, representative of ranges between the receivers and defined points on the vehicle.

[0016] Scanning is provided using an optically reflective mirror surface intercepting the beams and reflecting the beams at predetermined angles from a perpendicular to the roadway. The beams reflected off the vehicle are directed back toward the mirror into corresponding apertures of the receivers. Means are provided for rotatably moving the reflective surface across a reflective angle sufficient for reflecting the beams across a transverse portion of the vehicle, and signal means representative of the sensor angle within the beam plane are also provided. The angle signals are processed for providing range data at corresponding angles. The range and angle data in combination provide a transverse profile of the vehicle.

[0017] Processing means comprise a microprocessor programmed to receive respective range and sensor angle data for storing and processing the data for a scanned cycle associated with a timing signal. The processed data result in a three-dimensional shape profile for the vehicle. Further, the invention comprises an algorithm for comparing the vehicle shape profile with a multiplicity of predetermined vehicle shapes for classifying the vehicle. An algorithm of the present invention takes the three-dimensional vehicle profile and compares it to known vehicle profiles for categorizing the vehicle into classes for use in automatic toll collecting, highway usage data compilation, ferry boat loading direction, and the multiplicity of uses needed in the Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems. Laser beam means are also provided for counting the number of axles carried by the vehicle.

[0018] While particular exemplary embodiments are disclosed in both methods and apparatus for this invention, those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize numerous possible variations and modifications. All such variations are expected to come within the scope of the present invention.


[0019] A complete and enabling disclosure of the present invention, including the best mode thereof, is directed to one of ordinary skill in the art in the present specification, including reference to the accompanying figures, in which:

FIG. 1 is a partial perspective view illustrating the operation of the sensor in one embodiment of the present invention including forward and backward scanned laser beams for intercepting a vehicle as it passes through the beams;

FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of an object sensor illustrating functional flow relationship of the sensor elements on the related invention used in an agricultural sprayer;

FIG. 2A is a schematic diagram of the laser transmitter illustrating the relationship between the laser device and the lens/prism system;

FIG. 2B is a schematic diagram of the optical receiver illustrating the relationship of the receiving objective lens and the photodiode converting the optical signal to current pulses, which are then converted to a voltage signal using a conventional transimpedance amplifier;

FIG. 2C is a schematic diagram of the time-to-amplitude circuitry;

FIG. 3 is a partial aerial view illustrating various positions of an agricultural sprayer traveling between rows of target trees;

FIG. 4 illustrates the laser beam scanning of an exemplary set of identified zones used in the application of herbicides to citrus trees in a typical citrus grove;

FIG. 5 is a partial rear view of an air-blast-type agricultural sprayer illustrating the selective application of spray materials from selected nozzles to target trees;

FIG. 6 illustrates the relationship between zones and tree size for a particular measurement location;

FIG. 7 illustrates a circular queue data structure for a plurality of zones used in storing scanned range data;

FIG. 8 is a sensor top-level flow chart of the microprocessor software illustrating the steps from initializing to initiating spray application signals;

FIGS. 9 and 10 are perspective views illustrating the operation of the active near-field object sensor;

FIG. 11 is a block diagram illustrating the electronic and optics portions of the hardware used with the sensor of FIGS. 9 and 10;

FIG. 12 illustrates scan geometry of the present invention for providing high-accuracy laser radar with a three-inch range resolution for a sensor mounted above a passing vehicle;

FIG. 13 is a perspective view illustrating a three-dimensional vehicle profile provided by the present invention;

FIG. 14 is a block diagram illustrating the electronic and optics portion of the hardware used with the IVHS sensor of the present invention;

[0036] FIGS. 15A1 and 15A2 illustrate functional representations of a multifaceted mirror used in one embodiment of the present invention wherein the rotating mirror has facets of alternating inclination for reflecting an incident beam into a forward beam and a backward beam;

FIG. 15B is a perspective view of the multi faceted mirror of FIG. 15A;

FIG. 16 illustrates the forward scanning laser beam and backward scanning laser beam geometry used in one preferred embodiment of the invention;

FIG. 17 illustrates the use of a rotating twelve-sided polygon mirror to scan a beam and a dual-position nodding mirror deflecting the beam onto alternate rotating mirror facets to reflect the beam into forward and backward scanned beams;

FIG. 18 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of the present invention using two transmitters and two receivers for forming the forward and backward scanned beams;

FIGS. 19A and 19B are block diagrams illustrating the functional flow of the microcontroller and microprocessor, respectively;

FIGS. 20

through 20j illustrate “American Truck Association Truck Types” by way of example, for use in toll road vehicle data collection and classification;

FIG. 21 is a perspective view illustrating a three-dimensional truck profile provided by the present invention;

FIGS. 22 through 28 are interrelated flow charts illustrating a preferred embodiment of the software useful with the present invention;

FIG. 29 is a flow chart illustrating an axle detection algorithm of the present invention;

FIG. 30 is an elevation view illustrating a range of heights for sensor useful for axle counting;

FIG. 31 is an intensity data plot illustrating detection of two axles; and

FIG. 32 is a sample vehicle pattern graphically illustrating axle data.


[0049] The present invention will now be described more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which preferred embodiments of the invention are shown. This invention may, however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be construed as limited by the embodiments set forth herein. Rather, these embodiments are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete, and will fully convey the scope of the invention to those skilled in the art. Like numbers refer to like elements throughout.

[0050] With reference initially to FIG. 1, a sensor 10 is affixed above a highway 12 for sensing a vehicle 14 passing below the sensor 10. A forward scanned beam 16 intercepts the vehicle 14 as the vehicle passes through an area 18 below the sensor 10 and a backward scanned beam 20 intercepts the vehicle 14a as the vehicle leaves the sensor area 18.

[0051] Reference numerals for elements described in related U.S. Pat. No. 5,321,490 for the Active Near-Field Object Sensor Classification Techniques will use element numbers described therein increased by 300 and related U.S. Pat. No. 5,278,423 for Object Sensor and Method For Use In Controlling An Agricultural Sprayer will use element numbers described therein increased by 500. For example, the sensor of present invention is referred to as sensor 10 and when referenced, the sensors of above related patents will be referred to, respectively, as sensor 310 and sensor 510. Likewise, all referenced numbers will be increases accordingly when appropriate.

[0052] With reference to U.S. Pat. No. 5,278,423, the sensor 510 as illustrated in FIG. 2 employs a pulsed time-of-flight range measuring system. A laser transmitter 520 and optical receiver 522 having separate apertures 524 and 526 respectively are placed side-by-side as illustrated in FIG. 2. The transmitted laser beam 528 and receiver 522 field-of-view are continuously scanned by a rotating mirror 530 in a vertical plane 532 perpendicular to a travel axis 534 of a sprayer 512 upon which the sensor 510 is affixed, as illustrated in FIG. 3. Again with reference to FIG. 2, the position of the mirror 530 and, correspondingly, the laser beam 528 is determined by means of a shaft encoder 536 affixed to the mirror drive motor shaft 538. With this configuration, a single sensor 510 makes measurements of ranges 540 between the sensor 510 and target trees 514 on both sides of the agricultural sprayer as it travels between rows 542 of target trees 514 or other crops. FIG. 3 illustrates this by showing a partial aerial view of a sprayer 512 at a first location 512A and a second location 512B between the rows 542.

[0053] As illustrated in FIG. 2A, the laser transmitter 520 lens system and circuitry employs a diode laser 519 as an optical source. By way of example, a conventional InGaAs strained layer quantum-well-structure injection laser 519 configured in a pulsed circuit is used to emit 13 nanosecond pulses having a peak radiant flux of approximately thirty wafts at 0.91 microns. The diode laser 519 is driven with fifty amp current pulses generated by an avalanche-transistor pulser well known in the art. The 381 micron laser 519 diode junction emits radiation into a 10 by 40 solid angle. A fast focal length (f0.91) multielement lens 521 having an effective focal length of, for example, on the order of 8.8 mm is used to collimate the diode laser emission, resulting in a beam divergence of 46.6 mrad parallel to the diode junction and 0.12 mrad perpendicular to the diode junction. The collimated laser beam is expanded by a factor of six in the direction parallel to the diode junction using an anamorphic prism 523 pair resulting in a 7.8 mrad parallel and 0.12 mrad beam divergence for the laser beam 528 emitted through the aperture 524.

[0054] As illustrated in FIG. 2B, the optical receiver 522 utilizes a lens system and circuitry comprising an objective lens 529 and a silicon PIN photodiode 527 receiving the laser beam 544 at its aperture 526 after it has been reflected from the target tree 514. A conventional transimpedance amplifier 525 converts the photodiode current pulses to voltage pulses. Optical return radiation representing the reflected laser beam 544 incident upon the objective lens 529 is focused onto the receiver 522 photodiode 527. The receiver field-of-view is given by the ratio of the photodiode 527 diameter to the receiver lens 529 focal length and, by way of example, may be on the order of 13 mrad. This value is sufficiently large to facilitate bore sighting the receiver 522 to the 7.8 mrad transmitter beam width.

[0055] Referring again to FIG. 2, the shaft encoder 536 used pulses the laser 519 at a preselected pulse rate, for example, on the order of 2048 pulses per revolution. This results in range measurements being made at every 3.06 mrad about the axis 538 of the mirror rotation. With a motor 546 providing the mirror 530 rotation rate of 40 revolutions per second (rps), the laser pulse repetition rate is at 81.92 thousand cycles per second (kHz). An on-board styled microprocessor 550 is employed that limits the repetition rate to 15 kHz based on the microprocessor cycle time. The shaft encoder 536 delivers pulses at a rate of 512 pulses per revolution at an angular rotation rate of 29.29 rps. The microprocessor 550 controls the triggering of the laser transmitter 520 by sending pulse trigger signals 552 that are selected to limit the laser 520 operation to quadrants of rotation on the left and right sides of the sprayer 512 corresponding to tree height, a left scan quadrant 554 and a right scan quadrant 556, as illustrated in FIG. 4. The laser transmitter 520 is triggered 128 times in each of the preselected tree-occupied quadrants 554 and 556.

[0056] With continued reference to FIG. 2, the sensor 510 determines a range 540 by measuring the time for one emitted pulse as it leaves the laser transmitter 520 and returns to be detected by the optical receiver 522. This round-trip time is divided by two to obtain the time to travel to the target tree 514 and multiplied by the speed of light, the speed of the laser beam 528. An accurate measure of the range 540 is required and thus an accurate measurement of the time is needed. To this end, the sensor system 510 of FIG. 2 includes a range measurement circuit 558 comprising a range gate 557 and an analog time-to-amplitude converter circuit (TAC) 559 as detailed in FIG. 2C. This range measurement circuit 558 is optically coupled to the laser 519 as means for initiating a start pulse for the range gate. A stop pulse for the range measurement circuit 558 is provided by a threshold detector contained within the receiver 522.

[0057] While it is appreciated by those skilled in the art that both digital and analog techniques may be used for making the time interval measurement in order to accurately measure the propagation time of the laser pulse to the target and back to the receiver, the analog technique was chosen in the copending invention because of its resolution, smaller size, simpler circuitry, lower power consumption, and lower costs when compared with the digital technique. The analog range measurement technique specifically used in the present invention is known as a “time-to-amplitude converter” and has an accuracy of about 1% of measured range and a resolution of about ±5 cm.

[0058] Referring again to FIG. 2C, the specific forms of the range gate 557 and TAC 559 are shown and use a constant current source including transistor Q1 to charge a ramp capacitor C38 to obtain a linear voltage ramp whose instantaneous value is a measure of elapsed time. The TAC 559 circuit is designed so that the voltage across the capacitor C38 begins ramping down from the positive power supply when the laser 519 fires. The ramp is stopped when either a reflected pulse is received by the receiver 522 or at the end of a measured period of time. A maximum range and thus a maximum measured time period is preselected as an initial value. The output of the TAC 559 is then converted to a digital format by a ten-bit analog-to-digital converter within the microprocessor 550.

[0059] In the sensor embodiment, the start timing pulse for the TAC 558 is generated by the shaft encoder 536 with a simultaneous pulse 552 causing the laser transmitter 520 to fire.

[0060] Referring again to FIG. 2, the microprocessor 550 is programmed to perform three primary tasks, which include sensing and calculating tree foliage height 562, activating spray zones 560, and running sensor system diagnostics. To calculate the height 562 of a target tree 514, the range 540 to the tree 514, an angle 564 associated with that range 540, and the height 566 that the sensor is mounted above the ground 568. The microprocessor 550 provides various outputs to light-emitting diodes, presence relays for indicating the presence of an object such as foliage, an RS232 computer interface, and relays within the power supply. The microprocessor 550 receives inputs in addition to those described that include temperature and real-time clock pulses. Backup power and circuitry are also included. Such input/output microprocessor information and backup circuitry are well known in the art.

[0061] As illustrated in FIG. 5, when the sensor 510 is scanning in the upward direction, the range 570 to the top of the tree 514 is defined as the last valid range received. The range 572 to the bottom of the tree is defined as the first valid range that produces a height above a minimum height threshold 574. When the sensor 510 is on a downward scan, the range 570 to the top of the tree 514 is defined as the first valid range received, and the range 572 to the bottom of the tree 514 is defined as the last valid range that produces a height above a minimum height threshold 574. A valid range is any range 540 less than a predetermined maximum range. Each range 540 reading has a relative angle signal 563 associated with it with respect to the horizontal axis 576 for the copending preferred embodiment. This angle signal 563 is determined by a counter 565 that is incremented each time the shaft encoder 536 moves one cycle. In this copending preferred embodiment, the shaft encoder has 512 cycles per revolution. Therefore, one tick on the counter translates to an angle 564 of approximately 0.7 degrees and provides an angle signal 563 to the microprocessor 550.

[0062] Since the sensor 510 is mounted at a fixed height 566 above the ground 568, the height to the top 562 or bottom 572 of the target tree 514 can be calculated by multiplying the range 540 measured at a given angle 564 by the sine of that angle 564 and adding the height of the sensor 566 to that product.

[0063] A corresponding mathematical formula takes the form:

Height (tree)=Height (sensor)+Range*sin(Angle)

[0064] where the Range 540 is defined to be less than a predetermined maximum range and the angle 564 takes on predetermined values between −45° and +45°.

[0065] The agricultural sprayer 512 comprises spray heads 518 in the form of controllable nozzles in the preferred embodiment. The heads 518 are aimed and grouped into zones 560 according to the particular task the sprayer 512. In the embodiment currently in use in a typical Florida orange grove, five zones are used, with the top of the highest zone at approximately 17 ft. The number of zones 560 and the size will vary based on the specific target crop or task. After the height 562 of a tree 514 is calculated, the appropriate zones are identified and the corresponding spray heads 518 are turned on. All appropriate zones 560, as illustrated in FIG. 4 between the bottom 574 and the top 562 of the target tree 514 will be turned on. As illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5, only those zones 560 appropriate for a given target tree 514 are turned on for applying the spray materials. FIG. 6 further illustrates that only those zones 560 for the scanned measurement location 561 will be activated for spraying.

[0066] The laser sensor 510 is mounted on the sprayer 512 about 16 ft forward of the spray heads 518, as illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5. There is a time delay between the time the sensor 510 takes measurements of a target tree 514 and the time that the spray heads 518 reach the target tree 514 as illustrated in FIG. 3. The microprocessor 550 determines when the fixed distance 578 between the sensor 510 and heads 518 has been covered based on a distance pulse signal 580 from a sensor (shown in copending application drawings) communicating with a wheel 584 of the sprayer 512. The data indicating which spray zones 560 to activate are stored in the microprocessor 550 in a circular queue styled data structure 600, as illustrated in schematic form in FIG. 7. When the distance pulse 580 is received, the current zone data are stored in the queue 600 at a current pointer 586 location. The queue pointer 586 is then incremented each time a distance pulse 580 is received by the microprocessor 550. When the sprayer 512 has traveled 16 ft, the time-delayed zone data are read from the queue and used to activate the spray heads 518. In the embodiment described, by way of example, electronically switchable solenoids are affixed proximate to the spray heads 518 for controlling flow lines to the heads 518. The lines are connected to a holding tank 592 containing appropriate spray material mixtures for the task at hand.

[0067] After initializing the microprocessor 550, range 540 and angle 564 data are stored for subsequent target tree 517 height calculations. Based on the tree heights measured and the established spray zones 560, sprayer heads 518 communicating with the storage tank 592 are activated and release the selected spray material. This process is illustrated in FIG. 8, showing a top-level flow chart designated 700.

[0068] Referring to FIG. 8, it is seen that the microprocessor 550 is first initialized 702. After a scanning of the laser sensor 510, a range including time-of-flight distance and corresponding angle are read 704 and stored in the microprocessor 550. Using the above-described formula, a tree height is calculated 706 from the measured range. The sensor height 566 is input as an initial value. This process of scanning continues 708 and heights calculated 710 so that the predetermined spray zones can be activated 712. In addition to the range calculations and initiating of spraying for recognized foliage zones, a system diagnostic is generated 714 and fed back to the start of the scanning cycle as means for resetting or sending a signal to a sprayer operator.

[0069] As discussed earlier, the microprocessor 550 is initialized 702 with information comprising the sensor height 566, a maximum range and a minimum range to be considered, and angles that correspond to designated spray zones 560. In the illustrated embodiment of FIG. 4, a 45° angle above and below the horizontal 576 has been predetermined for establishing the limits where range data are to be taken. These initial values are selected based on the given scenario for the spraying task at hand. As discussed, the microprocessor 550 also provides system diagnostics 714, which, by way of example, provide a failure warning indicating to the sprayer operator that a failure exists in the system, as an example, a malfunction in the laser. In the illustrated embodiment, a reference direction is selected to be vertically downward. This direction is identified in the software as a z pulse. Once the z pulse is received, the processor waits for an indication that the scan has passed through a 45° angle in the counter-clockwise direction for this illustration. This 45° angle corresponds to the range to the bottom of the tree 572, as earlier described. FIG. 5 illustrates this range 572. This angle is preselected as that angle which will enable the laser to fire. A range is read, and the range and corresponding angle are stored if the range is less than the initialized predetermined range. Once the measured range has been stored or if the measured range exceed the maximum, the sensor 510 is scanned through another incremental angle. This process of reading, comparing, and storing continues until the scanning completes a 90° arc as measured from the 45° arc that caused the laser to be enabled.

[0070] Again with reference to FIG. 4, after the scanner passes through the 90° arc designated to be the right scan quadrant 556, the laser is disabled. The range and angle measurements made are used to calculate tree height for each incremented angle, as earlier described. The various heights measured are compared to initialized predetermined spray zone heights for identifying those zones that are to be turned on. In the embodiment illustrated, five vertical zones were identified as being appropriate for the task. As illustrated in FIG. 4, zones 560 were selected between 2.3, 5.6, 9.0, 12.3, 14.6, and a maximum of 17.0 ft. It is these zone heights that are compared and used to determine when a particular zone 560 is to be turned on for application of the selected spray material.

[0071] Before the laser is again fired for taking range measurements, the sensor 510 is scanned through another 90°, as illustrated in FIG. 4. The laser is fired, and a similar range measurement process is initiated for the left scan quadrant 554. The laser is enabled and a reference established for measuring a next valid range. Once established, the reference is incremented. A range is read in the left quadrant 654 in a similar manner to that described for the right quadrant 556.

[0072] As discussed earlier, when the sensor 510 is scanning in the upward direction, as, for example, in the right scan quadrant, the range 570 to the top of the tree 514 is defined as the last valid range received. The range 572 to the bottom of the tree is defined as the first valid range that produces a height above a minimum height threshold 574. When the sensor 510 is on a downward scan, as it is during the scanning in the left scan quadrant, the range 570 to the top of the tree 514 is defined as the first valid range received, and the range 572 to the bottom of the tree 514 is defined as the last valid range that produces a height above a minimum height threshold 574. A valid range is any range 540 less than a predetermined maximum range.

[0073] Ranges and angles are stored if they are determined to be within the maximum identified range. Once the range data are stored or determined to be at the maximum range, the scanning angle is incremented and the reading cycle continues until the 90° arc is scanned.

[0074] Once the left scan quadrant 554 has been scanned completely, the laser is disabled and the stored data are used to calculate tree heights and corresponding zones, as described earlier for the right scan quadrant 556.

[0075] The microprocessor 550 monitors the operation of the sensor 510 and indicates a failure by turning on status lights on an operator control panel (not shown). It is contemplated that the data obtained in the preferred embodiment will also be used for counting the target trees 514 being sprayed, calculating the speed of the sprayer 512, and controlling variable flow heads, determining acreage sprayed, and false-color imaging well known in the laser imaging art. The entire grove is then mapped for future production accounting and analysis.

[0076] With reference now to U.S. Pat. No. 5,321,490, a sensor in accordance with an embodiment of the invention is referred to generally by the reference numeral 310, and illustrated in FIGS. 9 and 10. The sensor 310 employs a compact enclosure 312 of light-weight material, such as aluminum. Across one side of the enclosure 312 is a transmissive window 320, which is shielded from ambient weather by a hood 318.

[0077] One preferred form of the electro-optical assembly fitted within the enclosure 312 is depicted in a schematic, block diagram format in FIG. 11 and referred to there generally by the reference numeral 328. The electrical-optical assembly includes a transmitter section 330, a receiver section 332, a range/processor section 334, and a power supply 336, each of which is discussed in detail in copending application Ser. No. 07/980,273 and highlighted below.

[0078] The transmitter section 330 includes an a stable multivibrator 602 generating a laser trigger pulse at a nominal repetition frequency of 3 kHz to a laser driver 604, which, by way of example, produces a 20-A peak current pulse with a 4-ns rise time, and a 10-ns pulse width. The output of the laser driver controls a laser diode 606, which preferably comprises an indium-gallium-arsenide injection laser diode array having an output on the order of 180 W at the 20-A pulse current defined by the driver 604. This diode emits an output at 905 nm, which has been found to be an ideal wavelength for the silicon photodiode receiver discussed below. It is also preferred that the array of the laser diode 606 have a junction characterized by dimensions of about 3.96×0.002 mm, in order to emit radiation in a 10°×40° solid angle.

[0079] With continued reference to FIG. 11, the output of the laser diode array 606 is collected by a fast (f/1.6) multielement optical lens 608 that has an effective focal length of 24 mm and which is used to collimate the diode laser emission; the resulting collimated beam passes through a dual-wedge prism 610. By way of example, the resulting beam has a divergence of 3.96/24=165 mrad parallel to the diode junction and 0.002/24=0.083 mrad perpendicular to the diode junction. The two outputs of the dual-wedge prism 610 are referred to by reference numerals 322 and 324. Both outputs are passed through the heated transmissive window 320.

[0080] In order to generate the high voltage necessary to pulse the laser diode 606, a 200-V DC-DC converter 612 is provided in the transmitter section 330 and preferably is contained within an aluminum enclosure (not shown) to reduce electrical interference.

[0081] The transmitter section 330 further includes an optical fiber 614 coupled to receive a simultaneous output from the laser diode 606 with the emission into the lens 608. The output passing through the optical fiber 614 provides a significant aspect of the copending invention, as is discussed in greater detail below with reference to the range/processor section 334.

[0082] The receiver section 332 includes lens 622 for receiving reflected returning energy from the two pulsed output beams 322 and 324 emitted by the transmitter section 330. The energy passing through the lens 622 is passed through an optical filter 624, and the single input from the lens 622-filter 624 is fed into two photodetectors 626, 628 each of which provides an input to a respective amplifier 627 and 629, both of which provide an input to an analog multiplexer 632. It will be seen later that the present invention performs an optical multiplexing in a preferred embodiment of the invention. In the copending invention, the optical energy received in the lens 622 is first converted into an equivalent electronic analog of the input radiation and second into a logic-level signal. The outputs of the two photodetectors 626 and 628 are time-multiplexed by the high-speed analog multiplexer 632, which is controlled by a logic-level control line 633 from the microprocessor 652 contained within the range/processor section 334. The output of the multiplexer 632 is connected to a threshold detector 636 and an amplifier 634, both of which provide inputs to the range/processor section, as described below.

[0083] Preferably the two photodetectors 626 and 628 are silicon photodiodes, which operate as current sources, with the associated amplifiers 627 and 629 converting the current pulses of the photodetectors 626 and 628 into voltage pulses. Each amplifier 627 and 629 offers a transimpedance of 28 kΩ when operated in a differential mode.

[0084] The optical filter 624 preferably has a narrow-band (on the order of 40 nm) width, which limits the solar radiance and permits only the 904-nm radiation to reach the photodetectors 626 and 628. Typically, the transmission of the narrow-band filter 624 is on the order of about 75% at 904 nm.

[0085] Although not shown, it is preferred that the analog portion of the receiver section 332 be contained within a faraday shield, which permits the circuit to operate in a “field-free” region where the gain is achieved without additional noise reduction.

[0086] The range/processor section 334 includes a detector 642 optically coupled with the fiber 614, an amplifier 643 and a threshold detector 644, the output of which represents a “start” input to a range gate 646. The “stop” input for the range gate 646 is provided as the output from the threshold detector 636 contained within the receiver section 332.

[0087] While it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that both digital and analog techniques may be used for making the time interval measurement in order to accurately measure the propagation time of the laser pulse to the target and back to the receiver, the analog technique has been chosen in the copending invention because of its resolution, smaller size, simpler circuitry, lower power consumption, and lower costs when compared with the digital technique. The analog range measurement technique specifically used in the present invention is known as a “time-to-amplitude converter” and has an accuracy of about 1% of measured range and a resolution of about ±5 cm.

[0088] The specific forms of the range gate 646 and the time-to-amplitude (TAC) converter circuit 648 are shown described in the copending applications and described earlier in this section with reference to FIG. 2C. A constant-current source including transistor Q1 is used to charge a ramp capacitor C38 to obtain a linear voltage ramp whose instantaneous value is a measure of elapsed time. The TAC circuit is designed so that the voltage across the capacitor C38 begins ramping down from the positive power supply when the laser diode 606 fires. The ramp is stopped when either a reflected pulse is received at the detectors 626 or 628, or at the end of a measured period of time. The output 649 of the TAC converter 648 is then converted to a digital format by an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter inside the microprocessor 652 (FIG. 11). The start timing pulse for the TAC converter 648 is produced utilizing the optical detection of the transmitted laser pulse through the fiber 614, which provides an input to the detector 642 and thence to the amplifier 643.

[0089] As shown on the left hand side of the range/processor section 334 in FIG. 11, the output of the amplifier 634 from the receiver section 332 is provided as an input to a peak detector 650, which in turn provides an input to the microprocessor 652. This feature is directed to a major problem previously encountered when measuring range-to-vehicles in the low level of return signals from windshield and poorly reflecting black metal or plastic vehicle parts. This low level of return signals frequently results in range readings which are close to those from the street level, and would therefore erroneously indicate that a vehicle was not present. This range measurement error, which is proportional to the magnitude of the variation in return-signal level, is known as “timing walk”. This problem is solved by the accurate measurement of the peak of the return signal with the high-speed peak detector circuit 650, and the use of the microprocessor 652 to apply a correction factor to the range measurement based on the return signal level. Thus, a very low level of the signal is in itself an indication of the presence of an object (such as a vehicle) being detected. The sensor will then indicate the presence of the object when either the range reading is shorter than that to the street, or alternatively when the return-signal level is much less than that from the street.

[0090] In one specific arrangement, the microprocessor 652 comprises an Intel 87C196KC into which the software described below is loaded. As noted in range/processor section 334 in FIG. 11, the microprocessor 652 provides various outputs to light emitting diode indicators 653, a presence relay 656 for indicating the presence of an object, an RS 232 computer interface 657 and to a heater relay 666 contained within the power supply 336, described below. The microprocessor 652 receives additional inputs from a temperature sensor 651 and a real time clock 654. The range/processor section 634 preferably also includes a battery backup circuit 658.

[0091] The power supply section 336 includes an EMI/surge protection circuit 662 for a power supply 664 operated by 110 volt line current. The power supply circuit includes a heater relay 666 controlled by the microprocessor 652, as discussed above, and receiving 110 volts line power. The heater relay is coupled to the window 320, to maintain the temperature of the window 320 constant for varying ambient conditions.

[0092] One preferred embodiment of the software useful in connection with the sensor system and method of the invention is illustrated in flow charts and discussed in detail in the '490 patent. It will of course be understood that the software is loaded in an object code format into the microprocessor 652, and is designed to control the electrical-optical assembly 328 of the sensor 310 in order to detect the presence of objects and to provide certain desirable outputs representative of the object, including for example, the speed with which the object moves through the area being sensed, the size and shape of the object, its classification and perhaps other characteristics. In one specific form, the sensor 310 has utility as a vehicle sensor for mounting in an overhead configuration in order to detect the presence of vehicles passing through an area—such as a portion of a roadway at an intersection—to identify the presence of a vehicle, classify the vehicle as either an automobile, truck or motorcycle, count the number of vehicles passing through the intersection and calculate the speed of each vehicle and the flow rate of all of the vehicles. The software was specifically configured for those purposes.

[0093] The software operates the electrical-optical assembly 328 to find the range to the road. The software then sets up the receiver to detect return beam 322, and the range and return-signal intensity is read; the range and intensity reading is then toggled between the two beams 322 and 324 as illustrated in FIG. 9. Following the reading of the range and intensity from each of the two beams 322 and 324, any necessary offset is added to the range based on the intensity to correct timing walk as discussed earlier. The change in the range (i.e., the road distance minus the distance to any object detected) is calculated. If the resulting calculation is greater than the vehicle threshold, then a vehicle pulse counter is tested to determine if there have been 16 consecutive pulses above the vehicle threshold; if the calculation is less than the vehicle threshold, then another sequence of steps is initiated to reset the vehicle pulse counter and thereby toggle between the beams 322 and 324. Various resets and adjustments are made including the calculation of the distance between the two beams, the calculation of the average range to the road, and the minimum/maximum range to the road.

[0094] If the road pulse counter is reset, an inquiry is made as to whether the vehicle has already been detected; if the answer is affirmative, then an inquiry is made to determine if the change in range determined earlier is greater than the truck threshold in order to complete a truck-detection sequence. On the other hand, if the inquiry is negative, then the vehicle presence relay is set, a vehicle pulse counter is incremented, and a velocity timer is started for purposes of determining the speed of the vehicle passing through the area being sensed.

[0095] In the operation of the sensor 310 and its associated electrical-optical assembly 328 in a vehicle-detection configuration reference is again made to FIGS. 9 and 10.

[0096] In FIG. 9, the sensor 310 is depicted as elevated to a height H above a roadway 326, and is displaced at an angle Theta 327 so as to be pointed toward an area 329 on the roadway 326 defined by the beam separation W and the beam length L, and which is located a range distance R between the sensor 310 and the area. In accordance with the discussion above with respect to the electrical-optical assembly 328, the sensor 310 transmits two separate beams 322 and 324 which fall upon the area defined by the length L and the width W. As shown in FIG. 10, if a vehicle 327 is positioned across the roadway 326 at the area 329 defined by the length L and the beam separation W, a portion 322A of the radiated energy in beam 322 (for example) will be scattered away from the vehicle 327, while a portion 322B is reflected back toward the sensor 310 for detection by receiver section 332, as described.

[0097] As a result of the above description, it is thus understood that the microprocessor 652 using the software and the various inputs from the electrical-optical assembly first measures the range to the road; if the range falls below a predetermined threshold, the microprocessor signals that a vehicle 327 is present by closing the presence relay 656 illustrated in FIG. 11. The threshold is determined by calculating the minimum, maximum and average range to the road for 100 discrete measurements. The maximum error is then calculated by subtracting the average from the maximum range measurement and the minimum from the average range measurement. The threshold is then set to the maximum error. The microprocessor 652 utilizing the software classifies the vehicle detected (as, for example, an automobile, a truck or a motorcycle) by examining the amount of range change, it being understood that a truck produces a much larger range change than an automobile, and a motorcycle a much smaller range change. The software keeps an accurate count of vehicles by classification for a predetermined period (for example, 24 hours) and in one example maintains a count of vehicle types for each hour of the day in order to provide a user flow rate.

[0098] The microprocessor 652 and the associated software also calculates the vehicle speed in the manner described above, by calculating the time each vehicle takes to pass between the two beams 322 and 324. Specifically, the microprocessor 652 utilizes a microsecond time increment, and is reset to zero when the first beam 322 detects the presence of a vehicle, and is read when the vehicle is detected by the second beam. The software then automatically calculates the distance between the two beams 322 and 324 by applying the law of cosines to the triangle formed by the two beams and the distance between them at the level of the roadway 326 in FIG. 9. The speed is then calculated by taking the distance between the beams and dividing it by the time the vehicle takes to travel that distance.

[0099] The sensor 310 can also be utilized to ascertain the existence of poor highway visibility conditions, which is useful in providing a warning to drivers to slow down because of dangerous visibility conditions. The amplitude of the return signal received by the vehicle sensor is proportional to the atmospheric transmittance (visibility). Analysis has shown that the sensor can detect vehicles until heavy fog or rainfall reduces the visibility range to 18 m. Corresponding to the change in visibility from clear day to foggy conditions, the received signal power decreases by a factor of 22. Thus, a measurement of the return-signal amplitude can be used to ascertain the existence of poor highway visibility conditions. If the microprocessor 652 senses a return-signal level from the roadway below a certain preselected threshold, then the software can initiate an output through the interface 657 to an appropriate visibility warning signal.

[0100] Tests were conducted during May-August 1992 utilizing the copending invention as an overhead vehicle sensor on a roadway in Orange County, Florida. The sensor achieved a detection percentage of 99.4%, and measured speed with an accuracy equal to or greater than that of conventional radar guns used for traffic enforcement purposes. The system also provided two dimensional vehicle range and intensity profiles. It was observed that the vehicles were accurately profiled, even in the area of the windshields where the intensity of the return signal was quite low, demonstrating the efficacy of the intensity-dependent range correction in mitigating the effect of timing walk on range measurements at low return-pulse amplitudes.

[0101] Concentrating now on a preferred embodiment of the present invention, it is an object of the invention to combine the three-dimensional profile capability of the sensor 510 used with the agricultural sprayer with the forward and backward beam technology used in the sensor 310 classifying vehicles to provide the improved present invention having forward and backward scanned beams for determining the speed, improved geometric information and classification of vehicles using the sensor 10 as described earlier and further described in detail below.

[0102] Again with reference to FIG. 1, the present invention provides high resolution in both transverse axis (multiple forward cross scans 16 and multiple backward cross scans 20 of a lane 22) and longitudinal axis (collection of a multiplicity of ranges 24 within the scans 16 and 20 along the object or vehicle 14 and 14a passing in the lane 22) to provide a three-dimensional profile of the vehicle 14. With reference to FIGS. 12, the sensor 10 is mounted above the highway 12 approximate in the center of a lane 22. By way of example, when a laser beam 26 is pointed in the direction of angle alpha 28 as illustrated, the sensor 10 makes a measurement of the roadway 12 for angle alpha one 28a. When the beam 26 is pointed in the direction alpha two 28b, it makes the next measurement. This continues at regular angle spacing until measurements are completed across the complete lane 22. By way of example, with a total scan angle of 30 degrees (alpha one 28a plus alpha one 28a) and one degree between measurements, the maximum separation between measurements on the highway 12 can be calculated as approximately 25 ft(tan 15 degrees−tan 14 degrees)=.465 ft or 5.6 inches. When a vehicle 14 is present as illustrated in FIG. 12, the distances or ranges 24 to the points 30 on the surface 32 of the vehicle 14 are measured as illustrated in FIG. 1. These ranges 24 or measured distances at the various scan angles 28 are then used in generating a vehicle profile 34 as illustrated in FIG. 13. The profile 34 is formed by generating measured points 30 above the highway 12 by geometric transformation well known in the art. The scanning of the laser beam 26 is accomplished in various ways as will be discussed.

[0103] If the vehicle 14 in FIG. 1 were stationary, the beam 16 would continue to scan across the same points 30. When the vehicle 14 is moving, the scans, by way of example, the forward scanned beam 16 illustrated in FIG. 1, would be separated by a distance 36 shown in FIG. 13. By determining the speed of the vehicle 14 and the scan repetition rate, the distance 36 is determined and a three-dimensional profile 38 of the vehicle is configured once the vehicle 14 passes completely through the forward scanned beam 16.

[0104] The scan separation distance divided by the time between beam interrupts is equal to a vehicle speed. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, the sensor 10 comprises a single laser beam transmitter 40 and receiver 42 pair as illustrated in the block diagram of FIG. 14. In this preferred embodiment of the present invention, a rotating mirror 45 having a multiplicity of facets 47 is used to reflect an incident beam 48 and provide the scanning of the beam 48 as the angle of the mirror facet 47 changes through the rotation of the mirror 45. In one embodiment of the rotating mirror 44, the forward scanned beam 16 and the backward scanned beam 20 illustrated in FIG. 1 are generated using a rotating polygon shaped mirror 45. As illustrated in FIGS. 15A1, 15A2, and 15B, the mirror 44 has angled mirror facets 50 wherein alternating mirror facets 50a and 50b are formed at an angle 52 to each other to reflect the incident laser beam 48 into the forward 16 and backward 20 beams as the mirror 44 is rotated about its axis 54. It should be understood that when laser beam 48 scanning is discussed, the laser beam receiver 42 has a field-of-view also scanning since the laser beam axis and receiver field-of-view are aligned and therefore the returned reflected beam 49 illustrated in FIG. 14 is collinear.

[0105] To continue with the above example, one embodiment comprises a 12 sided mirror 44 rotating so as to provide a scan rate of 720 scan/sec. If the vehicle 14 is traveling at a rate of 100 mph or 146.7 feet/sec, the scan separation distance 36 would be equal to 146.7 ft/sec divided by 720 scans/sec or 2.4 inches. For a vehicle 14 traveling at 50 mph, the separation distance 36 is less than 1.25 inches. Such separation distances 36 provide detail sufficient to provide a three-dimensional profile for accurately classifying the vehicle 14.

[0106] Besides being useful in itself, the vehicle speed is required for length and size scaling of the vehicle 14. The technique used in the present invention is similar to that taught in the copending application in that two scanning beams are used, that of forward 16 and backward 20 of the present invention. As illustrated in FIG. 16, the sensor of the preferred embodiment has the forward beam 16 tilted at 5 degrees toward oncoming traffic and the backward beam tilted at 5 degrees away from oncoming traffic traveling in the lane 22. As described earlier, the laser beam transmitter 40 is triggered at each one degree (angle alpha 28) increment of the 30 degree scan 28. Again with reference to FIG. 1, a vehicle 14 will intercept the forward scanned beam 16 and then the vehicle 14a will interceptthe backward scanned beam 20 and the time between interceptions is calculated. The distance between the forward 16 and backward 20 beams on the highway 12 is equal to 2×25×tan 5 degrees or 4.37 feet. At 100 mph and a scan rate of 720 scans/sec as discussed in the example considered, there are 21.47 scans between the interception of the two scanned beams 16 and 20. Using timing signals from the generated laser pulses, as described earlier with reference to FIG. 11 and as illustrated in the block diagram of FIG. 14, the maximum timing error possible is one scan period and does not exceed 5% at 100 mph and 2.5% at 50 mph. The length measurement accuracy of the vehicle profile 38 is a function of speed and is therefore within 5% when the vehicle 14 is traveling at 100 mph and improves linearly as the speed decreases.

[0107] When using the rotating polygon shaped mirror 44 having the angled facets 50 illustrated in FIGS. 15A, 15A2, and 15B, a microcontroller 56 keeps track of the mirror position using incremental readings from a shaft encoder 58 within mirror electronics 60 of the sensor 10. Therefore, the mirror surface facet 47 and the angle 28, again as illustrated with reference to FIG. 1, at which a range measurement is being taken is known and a representative signal 62 provided to the microcontroller 66 as illustrated in FIG. 14.

[0108] The shaft encoder 58 triggers a laser driver 64 with a first set of consecutive pulses which provide the scanned beam 16 at a predefined angle and will be offset by another set of consecutive pulses resulting from the rotating mirror 44 and the discontinuities between facets 50. Range/processor electronics in the present invention is as described earlier for the copending application invention referencing FIG. 11. Likewise, power supply 68 electronics and control of a heated sensor window 70 for the present invention is as described earlier for the copending invention.

[0109] An alternate embodiment for providing the forward 16 and backward 20 scanned beams is illustrated in FIG. 17 and again with reference to FIG. 14, and comprises the use of a nodding mirror 72 which changes from a first position 74 to a second position 76 to reflect the laser beams 48 and 49 off of facets 47 of a rotating polygon shaped mirror 45 having facets 47 at the same inclination unlike the angled mirror facets 50a and 50b described earlier. As further illustrated in FIG. 14, a bi-stable positioner 78 directs the nodding mirror 72 into its first 74 and second 76 positions. In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIG. 14, a twelve sided polygon is used for the rotating mirror 45. In this embodiment, the microcontroller 56 provides a signal 80 to the bi-stable positioner 78 which moves the nodding mirror 72 on every other mirror facet 47. As discussed, the functional flow of the electronics generally follows that of the copending invention described by reference to FIG. 11. However, one can view the present invention as having optical/mechanical multiplexing with the use of the nodding mirror 72 and optics described rather than the analog multiplexing described in the copending invention.

[0110] In yet another embodiment of the present invention, forward 16 and backward 20 scam beams are provided using two laser transmitters 82a and 82b as well as two receivers 84a and 84b as illustrated in FIG. 18. Comparison to FIG. 2 for the sensor 510 of the copending application supports this embodiment as well. The electronics of the sensor 11 follows that as described in the sensor 510 as described earlier for the copending invention used with the agricultural sprayer. The exception being that for the sensor 11 for the alternate embodiment of the present embodiment comprises dual range measurement circuitry 86 and 88 for providing range data signals 90 and 92 to the microcontroller 56. A rotating planar mirror 94 is rotated by a motor 96 whose revolutions are monitored by an encoder 98 and counter 100 for providing angle data signals 102 to the microcontroller 56. As functionally illustrated in FIG. 18, the forward beam 16 and backward beam 20 are positioned at predetermined angles as described earlier by directing the transmitter/receiver pairs at appropriate angles to form the forward 16 and backward 20 beams. As described earlier in the copending application, the rotating mirror 94 scans through a full cycle but only data applicable to the scanned beams of interest will be processed. Likewise, it will be obvious to one skilled in the art to place the dual transmitter/receiver 82ab and 84ab setup herein described with the electronics of sensor 10 as yet another embodiment for providing the forward 16 and backward 20 scanned beams.

[0111] With reference to FIGS. 19A and 19B, the microprocessor 52 receives range 104 and return pulse intensity 106 signals and as described earlier for the copending sensor 310 performs time walk corrections for accounting for range measurement error and provides a corrected range 108 used with the respective angle 28 for providing a cosine correction in the scanning plane and resulting range data set 110 representative of a sensor surface such as the points 30 on the vehicle 14 as described earlier with reference to FIG. 1. This range data set 110 is then processed in the microcomputer 112 for classification with known vehicles. Forward 16 and backward 20 beams are distinguished and corresponding forward scan 114 and backward scan 116 signals are input to the microcontroller 56 for use in time calculations to determine the vehicle speed. In this way, the three-dimensional vehicle profile illustrated in FIG. 13 is constructed with reference to the highway 12. Profiles 38 are matched against database profiles in the microprocessor 112. Predetermined rules for comparison are used that will include, by way of example, total vehicle surface area, vehicle height above the roadway, and other distinguishing database vehicle characteristics effective in classifying the vehicles. Once the rules are established, general rule base algorithms are used in completing the classification. With reference to FIGS. 20a-20j, the complexity of the classification can be appreciated by examining the truck types established by the American Trucking Association as one example. It is anticipated that multiple sensors 10 will be used to provide classification in certain situations where additional detail for a vehicle or multiple vehicles in multiple lanes is required. Comparing the three-dimensional vehicle profile 38 illustrated in FIG. 13 for an automobile and the three-dimensional profile of FIG. 21 for a truck to the two dimensional profiles illustrated in the '490 patent in FIGS. 9 and 10 respectively will demonstrate the expanded uses of the present invention and the improved vehicle classification thus permitted.

[0112] A preferred embodiment of the software useful in connection with the sensor system and method of the present invention is illustrated in flow chart form in FIGS. 22 through 28 with portions of the software depicted in each of those figures being arbitrarily designated by reference numerals. It will of course be understood that the software is loaded in an object code format and is designed to control the sensor 10 electrical, optical and mechanical components as illustrated in discussions referencing FIGS. 14, 19A and 19B. In one specific form, the sensor 10 has utility for determining the speed of a vehicle and determining its vehicle classification through comparison of its three-dimensional profile with known vehicles established in a database. The software of FIGS. 22 through 28 has been specifically configured for these purposes and in fact makes use of software techniques further detailed in the copending application software described in related '490 patent.

[0113] Referring first to FIG. 22, the microcontroller software scan 120 in the forward scanned beam 16. FIG. 23 further illustrates that this scan 120 is started 122 and the start time recorded 124. A range and intensity are measured 126 as described earlier. The intensity value is used to calculate an offset to be added to the range in order to correct for time walk 128. Such a process is further detailed in the copending application for sensor 310. The current scan angle 28 is determined from the motor encoder 59 within the mirror electronics 60 and the information used to calculate a cosine correction for the range 130 and 132 as earlier discussed. Ranges are accumulated 134 and recalculated at the various predetermined angle increments for the predetermined scan 136 and the end of the scan time is recorded 138. Once the scan cycle described is completed, it is determined whether a vehicle has been detected 140 by comparing ranges measured with sample ranges for database vehicles 142 and determining how such ranges compare 144 (refer to FIG. 24). If a vehicle has previously been detected 146 data is sent to the microprocessor for classification 148, start times are recorded 150 and vehicle detection indicated 152 if a vehicle was not previously detected. Related U.S. Patent No.5,321,490 describes these 150 and 152 steps and has further detail included. A range calibration is run 154 and then the process begins for the backward scanned beam 156. As illustrated in FIG. 25, the backward scan begins 158 and the start time recorded 160. The process is as described in steps 162 through 174 and is as described for the forward scan in steps 122 through 138 and as described forthe forward scan in 142 through 154 as 176 through 184 (see FIG. 26). Except in the backward scan processing, a stop time is recorded 186 if a vehicle was not previously detected. With the start time from the vehicle crossing the forward beam and stop time when the vehicle crosses the backward beam, a speed is calculated using the time period determined and the known distance between the beams 16 and 20. Once the backward scan is completed for all the predetermined angles 28, the forward scan is then again begun 190.

[0114] The microcontroller 56 completing its tasks as described, the microprocessor 112 performs its tasks which are illustrated in the flow charts of FIGS. 27 and 28. A data packet from the microcontroller 56 containing range, intensity, angle and time data 192 in FIG. 28, is processed through a median filter for smoothing over each scan profile 194. A feature set for the classification is calculated 196 for comparing the features of the vehicle detected to the features of vehicles contained in a vehicle database library 198 and vehicle speed and classification is provided as an output 200. In calculating a feature set for the detected vehicle (196 of FIG. 27), each scan is assembled into an image forming a three-dimensional profile of the vehicle (202 of FIG. 28) as illustrated in FIG. 13. Features used in the calculation are calculated 204 and compared as discussed 198 and an output provided 200. The features compared are not limited to but include vehicle surface area 206, length of the vehicle 208, width of the vehicle 210, height of the vehicle 212, a ratio of cross-sectional surface area to total surface area 214 intensity 192.

[0115] As will be understood to those of ordinary skill in the art, the sensor 310 herein described and used in vehicle detection is useful in determining and recording other highway conditions such as visibility. The sensor 10 of the present invention is also used to determine such visibility conditions useful for the Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems.

[0116] As illustrated with reference to FIG. 29, a flow chart including calculating steps within an algorithm, the front portion of a vehicle passing within the measuring zone is detected 220, vehicle speed is calculated 222 as the vehicle leaves the detection zone, the sensor area 18 described earlier with reference to FIG. 1. The tire size is calculated 224 from data collected using the sensor 10. As illustrated with reference again to FIG. 29, X and Y components are calculated 226 for a current range and angle. Differences between the current and previous range and angle are also calculated 228. The differences are compared 230 to a distance and height variance to determine 232 if they are within a preselected allowable variance range. Information provided from the sensor 10 is used to determine whether the object being measured, for example the wheel and tire, is making contact with the road. If, in fact, the object is making contact with the road 234, the size of the object is determined as well as a related tire size. In addition, the number of axles are counted. The sensor 10 of the present invention will also detect axles and their tires that are not on the road. A raised axle will provide additional classification data. With such information, the axle counting process 236 continues with a measurement between axles. A mapping 238 of an axle count and axle separation is processed in a vehicle classification to determine if it is a valid vehicle class 290. If parameters and specifications, as illustrated with reference to the flow chart of FIG. 29 are met, output 242 is provided with a classification of the vehicle based on axle count.

[0117] Based on the above measurement process illustrated with reference by way of example to FIG. 29, collection of an axle counter laser range-image database, ground truthing of the database, and determination of optimum sensor mounting were made. Different mounting configurations were used during the collection of the vehicle database at a test site on S.R. 441 in Orlando, Fla. Data collected from each mounting position was compared and analyzed to determine a preferred location of the sensor when axle data was required. As a result, a sensor height 11 between approximately 2 meters above the roadway 12 and 3.4 meters as illustrated with reference to FIG. 30 proved to be optimum for the above-described axle measurements. The sensing area 18 is viewed by the sensor 10 mounted to the side of the highway 12 for viewing axles and tires of a vehicle 14 traveling therepast.

[0118] A database of over 2,000 vehicles was collected. The database was built using a range and intensity data file and a video image file for each vehicle. The video image was used to provide a reference or “ground truth” for each vehicle in the database. The ground truth information was used as a base level to measure the accuracy of the axle counting algorithm when the algorithm. To make the ground truth process more efficient, software was developed which automatically added the ground truth information into the vehicle database.

[0119] The configuration of FIG. 30, by way of example, avoids a major concern of shadowing of the tires by features on the body of the vehicles. However, effective detection and classification are realized at various other increased heights, including a position of the sensor directly above the vehicles. The exact position will be left to the user and the measurements desired.

[0120] By way of further detail with regard to the axle detection algorithm, as presented in the flowchart of FIG. 29, locates objects that are physically in contact with the surface of the road. Therefore, the axle counting algorithm is based on geometry. This requires that a range and angle be associated with each sample. It is given that each scan is always constant with respect to the fact that there is one range per degree and each scan consists of 30 range samples.

[0121] By way of example, in order to detect an object that is touching the road, the algorithm looks for a right angle that is formed by the road surface and the vehicle's tire. The distance from the edge of the lane and the height above the road are calculated for each sample. If a right angle is formed using the two previous samples, then the scan is flagged as containing a possible axle. It generally takes more than one scan to detect an axle. The algorithm looks for an object that is at least 10 inches long for the example herein described. The speed of the vehicle determines how many scan lines are required for the detection of an axle.

[0122] After the geometric calculations and testing, a rule-based algorithm handles the decision making for the final stage of the axle counting algorithm. As vehicles are examined to determine why axles are missed or why other objects are detected as axles, the set of rules becomes more advanced. For example, the required tire size may be decreased if no axles are found.

[0123] The individual axle detection accuracy has been verified to be approximately 95.2%.

[0124] The FHWA classes have been implemented, see 238 and 240 of FIG. 29, in the axle counting software. The number of axles and the distance between each axle is calculated and sent to the algorithm. This implementation of the algorithm will output the following classes, by way of example:

[0125] 1. Motorcycle

[0126] 2. Light Vehicle

[0127] 3. Pickup or Van

[0128] 4. 2-Axle Single Unit

[0129] 5. 2-Axle Bus

[0130] 6. Car w/1-Axle Trailer

[0131] 7. Pickup or Van w/1-Axle Trailer

[0132] 8. 3-Axle Bus 9. 3-Axle Single Unit

[0133] 10. 2-Axle Tractor w/1-Axle Trailer

[0134] 11. Car w/2-Axle Trailer

[0135] 12. Pickup or Van w/2-Axle Trailer

[0136] 13. 4-Axle Single Unit

[0137] 14. 2-Axle Tractor w/2-Axle Trailer

[0138] 15. 3-Axle Tractor w/1-Axle Trailer

[0139] 16. 3-Axle Tractor w/2-Axle Trailer

[0140] 17. 3-Axle Single Unit w/2-Axle Trailer

[0141] 18. 5-Axle Multi-Trailer 19. 6-Axle Tractor W/1-Trailer

[0142] 20. 6-Axle Multi-Trailer

[0143] 21. 7-Axle Tractor w/1-Trailer

[0144] 22. 7-Axle Multi-Trailer

[0145] 23. >7 Axles

[0146] 24. Unclassified Vehicle

[0147] Since the algorithm requires axle spacing in addition to axle count, the accuracy of the axle spacing is also considered. The distance resolution between axles (or tires) is a function of the vehicle speed and the scan rate of the sensor. The scan rate of the sensor is 360 scans/sec. Therefore, by dividing the vehicle speed (ft/sec) by the scan rate (360 scans/sec), the resolution between axles is determined. For a vehicle traveling 60 mph (88 fps), the axle spacing resolution will be 3 inches, by way of example. Slower vehicles will have a better axle spacing resolution.

[0148] In an effort to further improve on the results obtained, the sensor includes the option of changing the scan angle from 1 sample per degree to 2 samples per degree. The increase in the sampling frequency provides a better chance of ranging under the vehicle, which results in a better chance of rejecting objects that are not axles.

[0149] Filtering the data will improve the axle detection accuracy in good conditions as well as wet road conditions. A median filter will reduce the noise without distorting the data. A median filter can be run across the scan data as well as down the vehicle. By way of example, a 3-sample median filter will remove one-sample spikes or dropouts without distorting the data. Larger median filters will begin to ‘blur’ the data. Selecting the right size filter to remove any dropouts from wet tires will provide yet more accurate axle detection.

[0150] The intensity data has not been used for axle detection. However, numerous examples indicate that the intensity data will be a reliable source for axle verification and for object rejection. A detection algorithm, which looks for a change in the intensity values relative to the road surface, will be an algorithm to run in parallel with the current axle detection algorithm. For example, a signature for a tire may be represented by the following trend: a drop in the intensity, followed by a spike, then another intensity drop, as illustrated by way of example with reference to FIG. 31.

[0151] Pattern matching is useful using the intensity data. Byway of further example, using a simple edge detection filter on the intensity data clearly shows the location of the axles as illustrated with reference to FIG. 32. By merging this information with the results from the range-based axle detection algorithm, the overall result will become yet more accurate.

[0152] A reading by those skilled in the art will bring to mind various changes without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. While preferred embodiments of the invention have been described in detail herein above, it is to be understood that various modifications may be made from the specific details described herein above without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for determining a vehicle profile useful in classifying the vehicle and for counting the number of axles carried by the vehicle, the method comprising the steps of: scanning a laser range finder beam transversely across a vehicle traveling through a sensing zone of the sensor for determining the range for a plurality of points on the vehicle; determining an orientation of the beam for each of the plurality of points on the vehicle; determining a vehicle speed; processing the ranges and corresponding beam orientations for forming a set of two dimensional cross-sectional profiles of the vehicle; positioning the profiles based on the vehicle speed; providing a three-dimensional representation of the vehicle for classification thereof; and emitting a laser beam toward the vehicle for determining the number of axles carried by the vehicle.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60115276 Jan 1999 US