Vehicle speed control apparatus

A vehicle speed control apparatus for allowing a host vehicle trailing a preceding vehicle to accelerate and decelerate without causing discomfort to the host vehicle driver. While the host vehicle is trailing the preceding vehicle, the apparatus on board the host vehicle stores the speed of the preceding vehicle entering a curve ahead as well as a headway distance of the host vehicle to the preceding vehicle. Upon reaching the curve, the host vehicle is controlled by the apparatus to enter the curve at a speed not in excess of the stored speed of the preceding vehicle.


The present invention relates to a vehicle speed control apparatus for controlling the speed of an own vehicle relative to a preceding vehicle.


A variety of devices have been developed to alleviate burdens on the driver of a running vehicle and to enhance driving safety. Illustratively, cruise control systems and like apparatuses for controlling vehicles running at a constant speed have already been commercialized. Currently under development are driving control apparatuses that measure by radar a headway distance and a relative speed of a host vehicle with respect to a preceding vehicle so as to let the host vehicle run while maintaining the headway distance or avoid collision with the preceding vehicle. A cruise control system, once its cruise mode switch is turned on, allows the vehicle to maintain its speed until an operation such as the stepping on the brake pedal is carried out to cancel the cruise mode.

One conventional headway distance maintaining system allows the host vehicle to maintain the headway distance if there is a preceding vehicle, and activates a following control device to get into cruise mode based on an established speed if there is no preceding vehicle. Japanese Patent Laid-open No. Hei 8-192661 discloses a driving control apparatus claimed to work as follows: if the host vehicle trailing the preceding vehicle loses the latter from a radar range, the apparatus sets as a target vehicle speed the vehicle speed in effect when the preceding vehicle was lost. Thereafter, if a suitable reset operation is performed during a predetermined period of time, an initially set vehicle speed is restored; if no reset operation is carried out, the target vehicle speed is established as a new vehicle speed.

One disadvantage of the above and other similar conventional apparatuses is that if the preceding vehicle entering a curve is captured by radar, the apparatus causes the host vehicle to start decelerating well before the curve is reached so as to keep the headway distance unchanged. Another disadvantage is that when the preceding vehicle starts accelerating at the exit of a curve, the host vehicle behind it also starts accelerating even if the trailing vehicle is still negotiating the curve.


The present invention has been made in view of the above circumstances and provides a vehicle speed control apparatus allowing a host vehicle trailing a preceding vehicle along a curve to accelerate and decelerate in accordance with the configuration of the road.

In carrying out the invention, there is provided a vehicle speed control apparatus comprising detecting means for detecting a headway distance, a relative speed and a direction of a host vehicle with respect to a preceding vehicle, and computing means for computing a speed of the preceding vehicle based on an own speed and the relative speed of the host vehicle. After the speed of the preceding vehicle transiting a given point on a road is acquired and retained, the host vehicle is controlled to pass that point at a speed not exceeding the retained speed of the preceding vehicle. When passing the point in question, the host vehicle may be controlled to run at a speed not exceeding the retained speed of the preceding vehicle while keeping the headway distance to the preceding vehicle from getting shorter than a predetermined value. If subject to a yaw rate of a predetermined minimum value, the host vehicle may be controlled to keep its own speed from exceeding a maximum speed determined by the yaw rate. If the vehicle speed control apparatus further comprises detecting means for detecting headway distances and directions of the host vehicle with respect to a plurality of preceding vehicles, and if the plurality of preceding vehicles change their courses in the same direction, the apparatus may detect the presence of a curve ahead of the host vehicle and may keep the speed of the host vehicle entering the curve not in excess of the speeds of the preceding vehicles. If the plurality of preceding vehicles change their courses in different directions, the vehicle speed control apparatus may control the speed of the host vehicle by getting road information from an on board navigation device to determine whether the directional change is attributable to the preceding vehicles heading into road branches or changing lanes.

The inventive vehicle speed control apparatus above controls the host vehicle entering a curve in a way that keeps its speed from exceeding the speed of the preceding vehicle that entered the curve earlier. This provides speed control of the host vehicle in keeping with the configuration of the road. Because the lateral acceleration of the host vehicle is proportional to the product of the own speed and a yaw rate of the vehicle, the maximum vehicle speed may be set in accordance with the yaw rate. This keeps the lateral acceleration of the host vehicle from exceeding a predetermined level, thus enhancing ride quality in keeping with the road configuration. When the host vehicle is running a multiple-lane road, the inventive apparatus may detect a plurality of preceding vehicles changing their courses to ascertain the presence of curves and thereby allow the host vehicle to travel in accordance with the road configuration.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram of a vehicle speed control apparatus embodying the invention.

FIG. 2

is a schematic view showing a positional relation between a host vehicle and a preceding vehicle.

FIGS. 3A and 3B

are graphic representations of the speed of the host vehicle varying with respect to that of the preceding vehicle.

FIGS. 4 through 6

are flowcharts of steps constituting specific flows of control in trailing mode.

FIGS. 7 and 8

are schematic views depicting positional relations between the host and preceding vehicles as the host vehicle loses sight of the preceding vehicle.

FIG. 9

is a flowchart of steps constituting a flow of control in effect when the host vehicle while negotiating a curve loses sight of the preceding vehicle.

FIGS. 10 and 11

are schematic views indicating positional relations between the host vehicle and a plurality of preceding vehicles.

FIG. 12

is a flowchart of steps constituting a flow of control of the host vehicle trailing a plurality of preceding vehicles.

FIG. 13

is a schematic view illustrating a. positional relation between the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle as the latter's speed vector is estimated.

FIGS. 14 and 15

are flowcharts of steps constituting flows of control in estimating the speed vector of the preceding vehicle.

FIG. 16

is a flowchart of steps constituting a flow of control in effect when information from a navigation device is utilized.


The best mode for carrying out the invention will now be described with reference to

FIGS. 1 through 15


FIG. 1

is a system block diagram of a vehicle speed control apparatus embodying the invention. The vehicle speed control apparatus comprises a main control unit


for driving control. The main control unit


is connected to a number of components: a radar device


capable of detecting headway distances, relative speeds and directions of a host vehicle with respect to a plurality of preceding vehicles; a vehicle speed sensor


for measuring an own speed of the host vehicle; a yaw rate sensor


for measuring a yaw rate of the host vehicle; and switches


making up an input device by which to input commands for starting and stopping driving control as well as a target vehicle speed in cruise mode. Information from a navigation device


is also input to the main control unit


. The main control unit


incorporates a storage unit


, a target vehicle speed and acceleration computing unit


, a vehicle control unit


, and a display content computing unit


. The target vehicle speed and acceleration computing unit


computes a target vehicle speed and target acceleration based on the headway distance, the relative speed and the direction measured by the radar device


, the own speed of the host vehicle measured by the vehicle speed sensor


, on the yaw rate measured by the yaw rate sensor


, and on the settings of the switches


. Given a target vehicle speed and acceleration, the vehicle control unit


computes command values destined for a throttle valve controller


, a transmission controller


and a brake controller


, and outputs the commands to the respective controllers. The settings of the switches


and the computed results from the target vehicle speed and acceleration computing unit


and vehicle control unit


are fed to the display content computing unit


. Based on the received data, the display content computing unit


displays on a display unit


driving control indications allowing the driver easily to verify the driving status. The throttle valve controller


controls the opening of a throttle valve


in accordance with a command value from the vehicle control unit


. Similarly, the transmission controller


and brake controller


control a transmission


and a brake actuator


respectively in keeping with command values supplied by the vehicle control unit



FIG. 2

is a schematic view explaining how the embodiment of the invention operates in practice.


is a graphic representation of the speed of the preceding vehicle versus the own speed of the host vehicle over distance with the embodiment in use.


is a graphic representation of the speed of the preceding vehicle versus the own speed of the host vehicle in effect when a conventional headway distance control apparatus is employed. In the situation of

FIG. 2

, the host vehicle


trails the preceding vehicle


. The radar device


on board the host vehicle


measures a distance R


, a relative speed Rd


and a direction θ


in relation to the preceding vehicle



With the conventional headway distance control apparatus working as illustrated in


, the own speed of the host vehicle is controlled in synchronism with the speed of the preceding vehicle. Thus the preceding vehicle and host vehicle travel at about the same speed V


at time t


. In this case, the preceding vehicle passes point P


at time t


and, by the time the host vehicle passes point P


at time t


, the preceding vehicle is traveling at a speed V


. It follows that there occurs a difference in speed (V




) between the preceding vehicle and the host vehicle passing point P



With the inventive apparatus working as depicted in


, the preceding vehicle running at speed V


passes point P


at time t


at which the host vehicle passes point Q


. The distance between the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle is equal to the distance between points P


and Q


. The speed of the preceding vehicle is computed from the own speed of the host vehicle and its relative speed with respect to the preceding vehicle. The target vehicle speed and acceleration computing unit


computes a target vehicle speed and target acceleration based on the difference between the speed of the host vehicle and the preceding vehicle speed V


at time t


, in such a manner that the host vehicle arriving at point P


will run at speed V


, i.e., the speed at which the preceding vehicle passed point P


earlier. On the basis of the target vehicle speed and target acceleration thus computed, the vehicle control unit


sends suitable command values to the throttle valve controller


and transmission controller


as well as to an actuator controller in the brake controller


for deceleration so that the host vehicle passes point P


at speed V


. Likewise, when the preceding vehicle accelerates, e.g., when the preceding vehicle is passing point P


at speed V


at time t


, the host vehicle is passing point Q


. Given the difference between the own speed and the speed V


of the preceding vehicle at time t


, the target vehicle speed and acceleration computing unit


computes a target vehicle speed and target acceleration accordingly. Based on the target vehicle speed and target acceleration thus computed, the vehicle control unit


sends appropriate command values to the throttle valve controller


and transmission controller


for acceleration so that the host vehicle arriving at point P


reaches speed V


at which the preceding vehicle passed P



FIG. 4

is a flowchart of steps constituting a typical driving control routine carried out by the main control unit


. In step


, a check is made to see if vehicle speed controlled driving mode is established by the switches


. In step


, the own speed of the host vehicle is measured. In step


, a check is made to see if the on board radar device


is keeping the preceding vehicle within its range. If the preceding vehicle is out of the range of the radar device


, step


is reached in which the host vehicle is controlled so as to maintain a target vehicle speed. If the preceding vehicle is kept within the range of the radar device


, step


is reached in which a headway distance, a relative speed and a direction of the host vehicle in relation to the preceding vehicle are measured by radar. In step


, a check is made to see if the direction of the preceding vehicle exceeds a predetermined threshold value. If the direction of the preceding vehicle is found to be in excess of the threshold value, i.e., if the preceding vehicle is deviating by a predetermined angle from the frontal direction of the host vehicle, step


is reached in which the speed of the preceding vehicle passing a given point is obtained. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are acquired so that when the host vehicle reaches that point of the preceding vehicle at which the latter's speed was measured, the own speed of the host vehicle will not exceed the measured speed of the preceding vehicle. If in step


the preceding vehicle is judged to be in the frontal direction of the host vehicle, then step


is reached. Step


is carried out to obtain a target vehicle speed and target acceleration such as to attain a suitable headway distance to the preceding vehicle (e.g., distance to be covered in two seconds by the host vehicle running at its own speed) on the basis of the own speed, current headway distance and relative speed of the host vehicle. Given the target speed and acceleration values thus obtained, the main control unit


outputs suitable command values to the throttle valve controller


, transmission controller


and brake controller


in order to attain the target values. In the typical routine of

FIG. 4

, a directional change rate of the preceding vehicle may alternatively be obtained following step


. In that case, a check is made in step


to see if the directional change rate of the preceding vehicle is in excess of a threshold value. This modification also provides similar driving control.

Another typical driving control routine is described below with reference to FIG.


. The steps leading up to step


are the same as those in the flow of driving control in FIG.


. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are obtained. In step


, a check is made to see if either the headway distance measured in step


or a headway distance expected to be brought about upon control execution is in excess of a predetermined threshold value. If either of the headway distances is found to be in excess of the threshold value, i.e., if a sufficient headway distance is judged to be secured, step


is reached in which the controllers are supplied with appropriate command values pursuant to the target vehicle speed and target acceleration. If neither of the headway distances is judged to exceed the threshold value in step


, then step


is reached. In step


, the target speed and acceleration values are reduced so that the headway distance will not be less than the threshold value. The reduced values are handed over to step


in which the actuator controllers are fed with appropriate command values for attaining the target values.

Described below with reference to

FIG. 6

is a typical control routine that additionally measures the yaw rate of the host vehicle. After vehicle speed controlled driving mode is judged to be established in step


, step


is reached in which the own speed and yaw rate of the host vehicle are measured. As in the example of

FIG. 4

, a check is made in step


to see if the radar device


is keeping the preceding vehicle within its range. If the preceding vehicle is out of the range of the radar device


, step


is reached in which the host vehicle is controlled so as to maintain a target vehicle speed. If the preceding vehicle is kept within the range of the radar device


, step


is reached in which a headway distance, a relative speed and a direction of the host vehicle in relation to the preceding vehicle are measured. In step


, a check is made to see if the yaw rate of the host vehicle is in excess of a predetermined threshold value. If the yaw rate is found to be in excess of the threshold value, i.e., if the host vehicle is judged to be turning, then step


is reached. In step


, the speed of the preceding vehicle is acquired on the basis of the own speed and relative speed of the host vehicle. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are acquired so that when the host vehicle reaches that position of the preceding vehicle which was in effect upon measurement of step


, the own speed of the host vehicle will not exceed the measured speed of the preceding vehicle. In step


, a check is made to see if the target speed obtained in step


is below. a maximum speed determined by the yaw rate. If the target speed is judged to be in excess of the maximum speed, step


is reached in which the target vehicle speed and target acceleration are modified so that the vehicle speed will not exceed the maximum speed. On the basis of the target speed and acceleration values thus acquired, the actuator controllers are supplied in step


with appropriate command values for attaining the target values.

Described below with reference to






is a typical control routine for use when the preceding vehicle is lost from the radar range while the host vehicle is negotiating a curve.

In the situation of

FIG. 7

, the on board radar device


measures the distance RI, relative speed Rd


and direction θ


of the host vehicle


in relation to the preceding vehicle


. In the situation of

FIG. 8

, the preceding vehicle


is out of the radar range. In these drawings, dotted lines represent measuring ranges of radar.

FIG. 9

is a flowchart of steps constituting the control routine for use in the situations of

FIGS. 7 and 8

. After vehicle speed controlled driving mode is judged to be established in step


, step


is reached in which the own speed and yaw rate of the host vehicle are measured. In step


, a check is made to see if the preceding vehicle is caught within the radar range. If the preceding vehicle is kept within the radar range, step


is reached in which a headway distance, a relative speed and a direction of the host vehicle in relation to the preceding vehicle are measured. In step


, the speed of the preceding vehicle is computed and stored into the storage unit


. In step


, a check is made to see if the yaw rate of the host vehicle is in excess of a predetermined threshold value. If the yaw rate is found to be in excess of the threshold value, i.e., if the host vehicle is judged to be turning, then step


is reached. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are acquired so that when the host vehicle reaches that position of the preceding vehicle which was in effect upon measurement of step


, the own speed of the host vehicle will become equal to the measured speed of the preceding vehicle. If in step


the yaw rate is judged to be below the threshold value, then step


is reached. step


is carried out to obtain a target vehicle speed and target acceleration such as to attain a suitable headway distance to the preceding vehicle (e.g., distance to be covered in two seconds by the host vehicle running at its own speed) on the basis of the own speed, current headway distance and relative speed of the host vehicle. If in step


the preceding vehicle is judged to be out of the radar range, step


is reached in which the most recently stored speed of the preceding vehicle is established as a target vehicle speed. If the yaw rate is judged to be in excess of the threshold value, step


is reached; if the yaw rate is found to be below the threshold value, step


is reached. In step


, a check is made to see if the target speed obtained in step




is below a maximum speed determined by the yaw rate. If the target speed is judged to be in excess of the maximum speed, step


is reached in which the target vehicle speed and target acceleration are modified so that the vehicle speed will not exceed the maximum speed. In keeping with the target speed and acceleration values thus acquired, the actuator controllers are supplied in step


with appropriate command values for attaining the target values.

Described with reference to

FIGS. 10 through 12

is a typical control routine for use when a plurality of preceding vehicles are caught within the radar range. In the situation of

FIG. 10

, the on board radar device


measures the headway distance R


, relative speed Rd


and direction θ


of the host vehicle


in relation to the preceding vehicle


, as well as a headway distance R


, a relative speed Rd


and a direction θ


of the host vehicle


in relation to another preceding vehicle


. In the situation of

FIG. 11

, the on board radar device


measures a headway distance R


, a relative speed Rd


and a direction θ


of the host vehicle


in relation to yet another preceding vehicle


running ahead of the preceding vehicle



FIG. 12

is a flowchart of steps constituting the control routine for use in the situations outlined above. After vehicle speed controlled driving mode is judged to be established in step


, step


is reached in which the own speed of the host vehicle is measured. In step


, a check is made to see if the radar device


is keeping at least one preceding vehicle within its range. If no preceding vehicle is caught within the radar range, step


is reached in which the host vehicle is controlled so as to maintain a target vehicle speed. If in step


at least one preceding vehicle is found to be kept within the radar range, step


is reached. In step


, a check is made to see if there are at least two preceding vehicles. If two preceding vehicles are not found within the radar range, step


is reached in which the headway distance, relative speed and direction of the host vehicle in relation to one preceding vehicle are measured. Step


is followed by step


. If at least two preceding vehicles are detected in step


, step


is reached in which the headway distances, relative speeds, and directions of the host vehicle in relation to the plurality of preceding vehicles are measured. In step


, a check is made to see if the directions of the plurality of preceding vehicles including the immediately preceding vehicle are in excess of a predetermined threshold value. If the directions of the preceding vehicles are judged to exceed the threshold value, step


is reached in which the immediately preceding vehicle is selected and its speed is obtained. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are acquired so that when the host vehicle reaches that position of the immediately preceding vehicle which was in effect upon measurement of the latter's speed, the own speed of the host vehicle will not exceed the measured speed of the preceding vehicle. If in step


the directions of the plurality of preceding vehicles are judged to be below the threshold value, or if in step


only one preceding vehicle is judged to be present, then step


is reached. Step


is carried out to obtain a target vehicle speed and target acceleration such as to attain a suitable headway distance to the preceding vehicle on the basis of the own speed, current headway distance and relative speed of the host vehicle in relation to the preceding vehicle. Given the target speed and acceleration values thus obtained, the main control unit


in step


outputs appropriate command values to the throttle valve controller


, transmission controller


and brake controller


in order to attain the target values.

Described below with reference to

FIGS. 13 through 15

is typical means for allowing the host vehicle to control its own speed by computing a relative speed vector of the preceding vehicle.

FIG. 13

shows a method for obtaining a speed vector and a yaw rate of the preceding vehicle. It is assumed that the frontal direction of the host vehicle


is represented by the Y axis and the direction perpendicular to the Y axis at the radar position is denoted by the X axis. The headway distance and direction of the host vehicle measured by radar relative to the preceding vehicle are used as a basis for acquiring relative coordinates (x, y) of the host vehicle in relation to the preceding vehicle. The coordinates are temporally differentiated to provide a relative speed vector as a temporally differentiable function of the headway distance R, relative speed Rd, and direction θ of the host vehicle. A speed vector direction φ of the preceding vehicle is obtained in terms of polar coordinates of the relative speed vector. As a result, a relative yaw rate ω of the preceding vehicle as viewed from the host vehicle


is acquired as a function of speed vector components and differential values of the components.

FIG. 14

is a flowchart of steps constituting a typical routine for controlling the own speed of the host vehicle through acquisition of the speed vector and yaw rate of the preceding vehicle. The steps leading up to step


are the same as those in the flow of FIG.


. In step


, a relative speed vector of the preceding vehicle is obtained. In step


, a relative yaw rate acquired from changes in the speed vector of the preceding vehicle is added to the yaw rate of the host vehicle to provide a yaw rate of the preceding vehicle. In step


, a check is made to see if the yaw rate of the preceding vehicle is in excess of a predetermined threshold value. If the yaw rate is judged to be in excess of the threshold value, step


is reached. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are acquired so that when the host vehicle reaches that position of the preceding vehicle which was in effect at the previous speed measurement, the own speed of the host vehicle will become equal to the measured speed of the preceding vehicle. If in step


the yaw rate is judged to be below the threshold value, the step


is reached. Step


is carried out to obtain a target vehicle speed and target acceleration such as to attain a suitable headway distance to the preceding vehicle on the basis of the own speed, current headway distance and relative speed of the host vehicle. In keeping with the target speed and acceleration values thus acquired, the main control unit


in step


supplies the actuator controllers with appropriate command values for attaining the target values.

FIG. 15

is a flowchart of steps constituting a typical routine for use when the speed vector is utilized for control. The steps leading up to step


are the same as those in the flow of

FIG. 13

, whereby the speed vector of the preceding vehicle is computed. In step


, a check is made to see if the host vehicle has reached that position of the preceding vehicle which was in effect upon measurement in step


. When the host vehicle is judged to have reached the previously measured position of the preceding vehicle, step


is reached in which the yaw rate of the host vehicle is measured. In step


, a check is made to see if the difference between the yaw rate of the preceding vehicle computed in step


and the yaw rate of the host vehicle measured in step


is in excess of a predetermined threshold value. If the difference is judged to be in excess of the threshold value in step


, that means the direction in which the preceding vehicle is running differs from the frontal direction of the host vehicle. In that case, the host vehicle is stopped from following the immediately preceding vehicle. If in step


the difference in yaw rate between the preceding vehicle and the host vehicle is found to be less than the threshold value, step


is reached. Step


is carried out to obtain a target vehicle speed and a target headway distance on the basis of the own speed, current headway distance, relative speed, direction and yaw rate of the host vehicle. In keeping with the target values thus acquired, the actuator controllers are supplied in step


with command values for attaining these target values.

FIG. 16

is a flowchart of steps constituting a typical routine for use when road information from a navigation device is utilized. The steps leading up to step


are the same as those in the flow of FIG.


. In step


, the main control unit


receives road information regarding the current vehicle position from the navigation device


. Given the road information, a check is made in step


to see if road branches exist near the host or preceding vehicle. If no road branches are judged to exist, step


is reached. In step


, a target speed and target acceleration are acquired so that when the host vehicle reaches that position of the preceding vehicle which was in effect upon the previous speed measurement, the own speed of the host vehicle will not exceed the measured speed of the preceding vehicle. If road branches are judged to exist in step


, then step


is reached. Step


is carried out to obtain a target vehicle speed and target acceleration such as to attain a suitable headway distance to the preceding vehicle on the basis of the own speed, current headway distance and relative speed of the host vehicle. In keeping with the target speed and acceleration values thus acquired, the main control unit


in step


supplies the throttle valve controller


, transmission controller


and brake controller


with command values for attaining the target values.


As described, the embodiment of the invention measures and stores the speed of the preceding vehicle as it passes a given point on the road. When passing the same point, the host vehicle is controlled by the embodiment to run at a speed not in excess of the stored speed of the preceding vehicle. The embodiment thus allows the host vehicle entering a curve to run at a speed not exceeding the speed of the preceding vehicle having entered the same curve earlier. This provides the host vehicle with speed control such that its driver can follow the configuration of the road with a minimum of discomfort. Because the host vehicle is allowed to run while estimating the speed vector of the vehicle running ahead, the host vehicle can trail the preceding vehicle comfortably even along a complicated road configuration comprising numerous curves.

  • 1. A vehicle speed control apparatus comprising:detecting apparatus configured to detect a headway distance and a relative speed of a host vehicle in relation to a preceding vehicle; detecting apparatus configured to detect an own speed of said host vehicle; computer apparatus configured to compute a speed of said preceding vehicle based on said own speed and said relative speed of said host vehicle; and controlling apparatus configured to the speed of said preceding vehicle passing a given point and which controls at least one of a throttle valve device, a transmission device and a braking device so that said own speed of said host vehicle passing said point does not exceed the stored speed of said preceding vehicle.
  • 2. A vehicle speed control apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said controlling apparatus is operatively configured to control said own speed of said host vehicle if said preceding vehicle directionally deviates by a predetermined angle from a frontal direction of said host vehicle.
  • 3. A vehicle speed control apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said controlling apparatus is operatively configured to control said own speed of said host vehicle if said preceding vehicle is found turning in direction.
  • 4. A vehicle speed control apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said controlling apparatus is configured to control said own speed of said host vehicle so that said headway distance to said preceding vehicle exceeds a predetermined value.
  • 5. A vehicle speed control apparatus comprising:detecting apparatus configured to detect a headway distance and a relative speed of a host vehicle in relation to a preceding vehicle; detecting apparatus configured to detect an own speed and a yaw rate of said host vehicle; computer apparatus configured to compute a speed of said preceding vehicle based on said own speed and said relative speed of said host vehicle; and controlling apparatus configured such that, if said yaw rate of said host vehicle is in excess of a predetermined value, the speed of said preceding vehicle passing a given point is stored, said controlling apparatus further being configured to control at least one of a throttle valve device, a transmission device and a braking device so that said own speed of said host vehicle passing said point does not exceed both a speed determined by said yaw rate of said host device and the stored speed of said preceding vehicle.
  • 6. A vehicle speed control apparatus comprising:detecting apparatus configured to detect a headway distance and a relative speed of a host vehicle in relation to a preceding vehicle; detecting apparatus configured to detect an own speed and a yaw rate of said host vehicle; computing apparatus configured to compute a speed of said preceding vehicle based on said own speed and said relative speed of said host vehicle; and controlling apparatus configured such that, if host vehicle loses sight of said preceding vehicle and if said yaw rate of said host vehicle is in excess of a predetermined value, at least one of a throttle valve device, a transmission device and a braking device is controlled so that said own speed of said host vehicle does not exceed both the speed of said preceding vehicle in effect when said host vehicle lost sight of said preceding vehicle and a speed determined by said yaw rate of said host device.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
PCT/JP97/04375 Dec 1997 WO
Parent Case Info

This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/555,480, filed Jun. 1, 2000.

US Referenced Citations (2)
Number Name Date Kind
5828968 Iiboshi et al. Oct 1998 A
5959569 Khodabhai Sep 1999 A
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09/555480 Jun 2000 US
Child 09/971639 US