Video gaming machine


  • Patent Grant
  • 5393061
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, December 16, 1992
    31 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 28, 1995
    29 years ago
A video slot machine includes a display screen on which the wheels of a slot machine are simulated. The display screen is divided into an array of cells with each cell displaying an individual game element selected randomly from a group of available game elements during a game play. Pay-out lines are associated with the rows, columns and diagonals of the array of cells and visually indicate some of the pre-determined sets of cells which are examined to detect winning combinations of displayed game elements. Pay-out tables are stored in memory within the machine and hold information concerning combinations of elements in all of the pre-determined sets of cells which result in a win when displayed on the screen as well as the amount to be paid for each. When the game is played and the screen displays a randomly selected game element in each of its cells, the machine consults each of the pay-out tables to determine if the game elements as displayed in the cells result in a winning combination of elements as stored in the pay-out tables and calculates the amount to be paid. Therefore, depending on the elements displayed in the array of cells, winnings from more than one pay-out table may result. The winning combinations of elements, the pre-determined sets of cells, the number of available game elements and the amount paid for each winning combination of displayed elements are selected so that the expected return of the video slot machine complies with regulatory restrictions while still ensuring that the game is dynamic and appealing to a player.

The present invention relates to gaming machines and in particular to video gaming machines such as video slot machines and the like which comply with regulatory requirements for video gaming in legal jurisdictions and are government sanctioned. Video gaming machine of this type are considered "legal" within the context of the present application.
Video gaming machines are well known in the art and can be found in casinos and other gambling houses throughout North America. Unlike conventional gaming machines which are mechanical in nature and pay out in negotiable currency in the event of a displayed winning combination of game elements, video gaming machines are microprocessor-based and pay out either in the form of credits accumulated in the machine or in negotiable currency, in the event of a winning combination of game elements. Credits accumulated in the machine can be redeemed by a player for negotiable currency.
One common type of video gaming machine is in the form of a video slot machine. Similar to the well known mechanical versions, a video slot machine has a display screen on which a simulation of the three spinning wheels of the slot machine is presented. Each simulated wheel is divided into a number of cells with each cell having a game element such as a "cherry", an "orange", a "bar", etc. in it. Different cells of a simulated wheel may have the same element therein and this determines the probability of a particular game element appearing on the display screen after the wheels have been "spun". Stored in the video slot machine are pay-out tables which assign a pay-out value to predetermined combinations of game elements considered to be winning combinations of game elements that may appear on the screen during a game play. When one or more of these pre-determined combinations of winning game elements stored in the pay-out tables appears on the screen during a game play, the video slot machine multiplies the pay-out value associated with that combination of game elements by the amount bet to determine the number of credits won by the player.
In order to make the video slot machine more exciting to play, the number of pay-out tables and the number of pre-determined combinations of game elements in the pay-out tables (or in other words, the number of ways a player can win) are increased. However, when this is done, the profitability of the video slot machine decreases due to an increase in the expected return of the video slot machine. The expected return of the video slot machine is determined by multiplying the pay-out value assigned to each pre-determined combination of game elements stored in the pay-out tables by the probability of that combination of game elements occurring and then adding each of the calculated products.
For a video slot machine owner to make money, the expected return of the video slot machine should be less than one. In other words, the video slot machine must pay out less money than it takes in. This is easily achieved by maintaining the number of pre-determined winning combinations of game elements stored in the pay-out tables and the pay-out values associated with these combinations of game elements low. However, when this is done, the video slot machine loses its appeal to players since it reduces the occurrence of a player winning during game play. This of course reduces significantly the profitability of the video machine especially if it is rarely used by players. Therefore, in order to maintain the interest of a player for extended periods of time, the video slot machine must have a significant expected return and must present winning combinations of game elements during game play fairly often.
In an attempt to achieve the above, it is current practice to increase the number of pre-determined winning combinations of game elements stored in the pay-out tables and the pay-out values associated with them to the point where the expected return of the video slot machine far exceeds one. To ensure that the actual pay out of the video slot machine is less than one, the machine is "fixed" using a governor. The governor ensures that the selection of game elements displayed on the screen after a "spin" is not always random. In particular, after a certain number of pay outs have occurred, the selection of game elements displayed on the screen is pre-determined by the governor for a fixed number of following "spins" and is such so that no winning combinations of game elements will be displayed during these following "spins".
Although this results in a video slot machine that pays out less than it takes in, even though the expected return of the machine is greater than one, machines of this type cannot be used in "legal" gambling houses that are government sanctioned. Also, the operation of the governor, which ensures that a fixed number of "spins" will result in no winning combinations of game elements, detracts significantly from the video slot machine's appeal to a player. This is a serious drawback as the more appeal a video slot machine has to a player, the more he/she will play it and therefore, the more money the machine will generate for the video slot machine owner. Heretofore, a video slot machine which did not suffer from the above-identified drawbacks and which complied with regulatory requirements was not available.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a novel video gaming machine.
According to one aspect of the present invention there is provided a video gaming machine comprising:
a housing having a display on which an array of generally randomly selected game elements are displayed during a game play;
random selection means for selecting generally at random the game elements to be displayed;
a plurality of pay-out tables storing winning combinations of game elements which can appear on said display and a pay-out value associated with each of said winning combinations of game elements, the pay-out values and the winning combinations of game elements in said pay-out tables being chosen so that the expected return of said machine is significant and so that the actual return of the machine is equal to or greater than the expected return of said machine;
pay-out detection means examining said array and said pay-out tables and determining when a combination of game elements displayed in said array is a winning combination of game elements; and
means for paying out to a player when a winning combination of game elements appears in said array, the pay-out to said player being based on said pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements as displayed and the amount bet by said player.
Preferably, a plurality of winning combinations of game elements may appear on the display during a game play with the pay-out means paying out to a player for each winning combination of game elements appearing on the display. It is also preferred that at least some of the pre-determined combinations of game elements appear in more than one of the pay-out tables. It is also preferred that the pay-out tables are selected so that the expected return of the machine is greater than 0.8 and that the hit ratio of the machine is between 40% and 50%.
Preferably, one of the pay-out tables is associated with bonus credits and that pay-outs from the one pay-out table are accumulated separately as bonus credits and are not paid out directly to a player. Pay out of the bonus credits occurs when a combination of game elements stored in another pay-out table is displayed. Preferably, another of the pay-out tables is associated with a special mode of play and pay outs from this table are only made when the machine has entered the special mode of play. The special mode of play is entered when a particular arrangement of a specific game element is displayed.
The present invention provides advantages in that the actual return of the video gaming machine is less than one without the use of a governor to meet legalized gambling regulations while ensuring that the game is exciting to play. This is achieved by providing a plurality of pay-out tables wherein pay-outs from more than one pay-out table may occur in a single game play and ensuring that the return from the various pay-out tables varies.

An embodiment of the present invention will now be described more fully with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a video gaming machine;
FIG. 2 is an enlarged front view of the display screen on the machine illustrated in FIG. 1 in one mode of operation;
FIG. 3 is a look-up table stored in the machine illustrated in FIG. 1;
FIGS. 4a to 4e are pay-out tables stored in the machine illustrated in FIG. 1;
FIG. 5 is an enlarged front view of the display screen on the machine illustrated in FIG. 1 in another mode of operation; and
FIGS. 6a to 6g illustrate the expected returns of the pay-out tables shown in FIGS. 4a to 4e.

Referring now to FIG. 1, a "legal" video gaming machine in the form of a video slot machine is illustrated and is generally indicated by reference numeral 10. The machine 10 includes a housing 12 having a display screen 14 predominantly located on the front face 12a of the housing. A money receptacle 16 is located on one side 12b of the housing 12 to receive coins deposited therein by a player so that credits to play the machine 10 can be purchased. Below the display screen 14 is an outwardly angled shelf 18 on which a plurality of buttons 20a to 20e are located. Each of the buttons 20a to 20e respectively is associated with a specific function such as start game play, bet, spin wheels, stop wheels and terminate game play. By pressing appropriate buttons after at least one credit has been purchased, the video slot machine 10 can be played. A dispensing slot 22 is located below the shelf 18 and allows receipts to be dispensed from the housing 12. Credits accumulated in the machine 10 are printed on the receipts before they are dispensed so that a player may redeem purchased and/or accumulated credits for negotiable currency. Although not shown, the machine 10 also includes a sound board and outputs audio information in the form of "tunes", "bells" etc. during game play.
Within the housing 12 is located a microprocessor-based circuit (not shown) which includes appropriate ROM, RAM, a video controller and a microprocessor together with other circuitry and components necessary to operate the video slot machine 10. Circuits of this type are well known to those of skill in the video gaming machine art and therefore will not be discussed herein.
The microprocessor-based circuit performs a variety of functions necessary to control the operation of the video slot machine 10. In particular, the microprocessor-based circuit monitors the money receptacle 16 to determine the amount of money inserted into machine 10 to purchase credits and adjusts the credit total accordingly. A bin (not shown) is located below the coin receptacle 16 to collect money deposited in the housing 12. A printing and dispensing mechanism is in communication with the microprocessor-based circuit and prints the accumulated credits on a receipt and dispenses the receipt when the button 20 associated with terminating game play is pressed by a player. If this button 20 is pushed by a player, the microprocessor-based circuit requests the player to confirm that it is the player's intent to terminate game play via information displayed on the screen 14 so that accidental use of the terminate game play button 20 does not automatically result in the termination of the game. When game play is terminated and the receipt has been dispensed, the microprocessor-based circuit zeros the credit total.
When the machine 10 is not being used and the credit total therein is zero, the microprocessor-based circuit controls the output of the display screen 14 in accordance with pre-programmed information stored in the microprocessor-based circuit's memory. The output of the screen display simulates game play and in this mode is designed to attract players to the machine. However, when a positive credit total exists in the machine 10, the microprocessor-based circuit monitors the buttons 20a to 20e and alters the screen display 14 depending on the buttons pushed. This aspect of the microprocessor-based circuit operation will now be discussed.
Referring now to FIG. 2, the display screen 14 is better illustrated. As can be seen, the display screen 14 in response to the output of the microprocessor-based circuit presents a 3.times.3 array 30 of cells 32. Each cell 32 displays one game element selected randomly from an associated look-up table 34 (see FIG. 3) stored in the microprocessor-based circuit's ROM. Each of the nine look-up tables 34 is identical and holds the integer values (RN) 1 to 24. Assigned to each integer value RN is a game element selected from a group of nine pre-determined game elements. These pre-determined game elements resemble typical slot machine objects such as "bars", "oranges", "cherries" etc. Some of the nine game elements appear in the look-up table 34 more than once while others show up only once. In this particular example, the game element resembling an "orange" appears five times in the look-up table, the game elements resembling, "sevens" and "bells" appear four times in the look-up table, the game elements resembling "plums" and "melons" appear three times in the look-up table, the game elements resembling "one bar" and "double bar" appear twice in the look-up table while the game elements resembling "cherries" and "triple bar" appear only once in the look-up table.
Pay-out lines 36 extend across the cells constituting the rows, columns and diagonals of the array 30 and represent some of the pre-determined sets of cells which are examined by the microprocessor-based circuit during game play to determine if a winning combination of game elements is displayed on the screen 14. In this particular example, eight pay-out lines 36 are provided. Tags 38 are located at one end of each pay-out line 36 and display the amount of credits bet by a player on the pay-out line associated therewith. In addition to the cells 32 located on each pay-out line 36, the four comer cells of the array 30 are examined to determine if a winning combination of game elements occurs therein. Also, the entire array of cells is examined to determine the number of cells which display preselected game elements during a game play.
Below the array 30, the display screen 14 shows the credit total 40 accumulated in the machine 10 and the total number of credits bet 41 for each game play. The total bet 41 is equal to the sum of all of the bets displayed in the tags 38. Along one side of the array of cells 32, the display screen 14 shows a bonus credit total 42 accumulated during game play together with an indicator area 44. The indicator area 44 changes colour and provides special mode information if the game advances into a special mode of play coined "Fever Mode". The accumulation of bonus credits and the requirements to advance into the "Fever Mode" will be discussed further hereinafter.
Pay-out tables 50 are stored in the ROM of the microprocessor-based circuit and are best illustrated in FIGS. 4a to 4e. The pay-out tables 50 hold the combinations of game elements which must appear in the pre-determined sets of cells in order for a win to occur along with the pay-out value associated with these winning combinations of game elements.
In particular, FIG. 4a shows a normal odds pay-out table 60 associated with the cells 32 in the array 30 located along each of the pay-out lines 36. When one of the combinations of game elements stored in the normal odds pay-out table 60 is displayed in the cells 32 along any one of the pay-out lines 36 and a bet has been placed on that pay-out line, the machine 10 pays out to the player and advances the credit total 40 by the appropriate amount. This amount is calculated by multiplying the amount bet on the pay-out line 36 by the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of displayed game elements. If a winning combination of game elements occurs along more than one of the pay-out lines, the machine 10 pays out to the player for each winning combination of game elements provided a bet was placed on the pay-out line 36 on which the winning combination of game elements appeared.
FIG. 4b shows a special odds pay-out table 62. Pay outs from this pay-out table only occur if all nine cells 32 in the array 30 or if the four comer cells in the array 30 display the same game element. This pay-out table is not used as a substitute for the pay-out table 60 shown in FIG. 4a but rather in addition to it. Therefore, for example if the array 30 of cells displays nine "cherries" during a game play, the microprocessor-based circuit would pay out to the player from normal odds pay-out table 60 for the three "cherries" displayed in the cells 32 along each of the pay-out lines 36 on which a bet was placed, as well as from the special odds pay-out table 62 for the nine "cherries" displayed. The pay out from the special odds pay-out table 62 is determined by multiplying the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of displayed elements by the total current bet 41.
FIG. 4c shows a seven odds pay-out table 64 that is associated with the game element "seven". The microprocessor-based circuit pays out from this pay-out table only if two or more of the cells 32 in the array 30 display the element "seven" during a game play. The jackpot occurs when all nine cells 32 display the element "seven". When the jackpot occurs, the microprocessor-based circuit pays out from the seven odds pay-out table 64 for the nine "sevens", from the special odds pay-out table 62 for the "sevens" located in the four comer cells 32 of the array and from the normal odds pay-out table 60 for the three "sevens" located along each of the pay-out lines 36 on which a bet was placed. The pay out from the seven odds pay-out table 64 is determined by multiplying the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of displayed game elements by the total current bet 41.
FIG. 4e is similar to FIG. 4c and shows a pot odds pay-out table 66 associated with the game element "triple bar". The microprocessor-based circuit only pays out from this pay-out table when the element "triple bar" appears in three or more of the cells 32 in the array 30 during a game play. The pay out from the pot odds pay-out table 64 is similarly determined by multiplying the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of displayed game elements by the current total bet 41. However, when a winning combination of elements from this pay-out table appears on the display 14, the microprocessor-based circuit does not advance the credit total 40 by the amount won but rather advances the bonus credit total 42 by the amount won. It should be realized however, that the microprocessor-based circuit pays out from the normal odds pay-out table 60 if a winning combination of "triple bars" occurs along a pay-out line 36 on which a bet was placed and advances the credit total 40 accordingly.
The accumulated bonus credit total 42 is awarded to a player only when the "all fruit" winning combination of game elements held in the seven odds pay-out table 64 is displayed in the cells 32 of the array during a game play. When this occurs, the bonus credit total 42 is added to the credit total 40 and the bonus credit total is zeroed. The microprocessor-based circuit does not allow the bonus credit total to exceed a pre-determined value; however, the bonus credit total 42 stays in the machine 10 until a player wins it.
Unlike conventional video slot machines having a bonus credit total wherein an advance of bonus credits is determined by multiplying the total bet by a fixed value in the event of a winning combination of game elements, the paying out of bonus credits in the present machine 10 is progressive due to the pot odds pay-out table. Therefore, the number of credits paid into the bonus credit total changes depending on the displayed game elements. The hit ratio associated with the "all fruit" combination of game elements is maintained at a relatively low percentage so that the winning cycle for bonus credits is longer than wins from the above described pay-out tables. Because of this, the bonus credit total 42 establishes a short term goal for a player of the machine 10 and this together with the fact that bonus credit pay outs are progressive, increases the video slot machine's appeal to a player.
FIG. 4d shows a pay-out table 68 that is associated with the game element resembling a "bell". The microprocessor-based circuit only pays out from this pay-out table when the machine 10 has entered the "Fever Mode" and the element "bell" is displayed in one or more of the cells 32 in the array. To enter this mode, during game play, the array 30 must display "bells" in the cells 32 along the center row and the center column (i.e. in the form of a cross) and this is shown in FIG. 5. In the "Fever Mode", the display colours are enhanced by the microprocessor-based circuit and the "bells" in the cells 32 are enlarged. During a game play in this mode, when a "bell" appears in a cell 32, the "bell" swings back and forth on the screen 14, and the audio output of the machine changes and rings in time with the swinging motion of the bell or bells. Also, the audio output of the machine 10 increases as the number of displayed "bells" increases. The enhanced colours and the increased activity presented on the screen 14 have significant phycological effects which increase the video slot machine's appeal to a player.
It should be apparent that when the machine 10 is in the "Fever Mode", payouts from the other pay-out tables are made if a winning combination of game elements stored in these tables appears on the screen 14 during a game play.
Once the game has entered the "Fever Mode", it remains in the mode for a total of nine wheel "spins" or game plays. The number of spins remaining in the mode are shown in the indicator area 44 as stars 70. During the "Fever Mode", the total bet 41 on a game play cannot be raised over what it was in the game play just before the "Fever Mode" was entered. Similar to the other pay-out tables 62 to 66, the microprocessor-based circuit pays out from the pay-out table 68 by multiplying the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of elements by the total bet 41. After the nine spins, the machine reverts back to normal operation until a game play results in the "bells" being displayed in the array 32 in the form of a cross.
Different from the bonus credit total 42, the "Fever Mode" mode creates a long term goal for the player of the video slot machine 10. This is achieved by ensuring that the hit ratio associated with "bells" appearing in the form of a cross is at a lower percentage than that of the "all fruit" combination of game elements. Thus, the winning cycle for pay outs in the "Fever Mode" is even longer than pay outs of bonus credits. This in combination with the bonus credit total further enhances the appeal of the video slot machine to a player as it creates greater dynamics. This longer winning cycles for these goals helps to prevent players from cashing out before all of the accumulated credits have been used and therefore increases the profitability of the machine.
The combination of the nine game elements forming the twenty-four elements in the look-up tables 34 and the differing probabilities of different game elements appearing in a cell 32 during a game play, the combinations of game elements which result in a win and the pay-out values assigned to each of the winning combinations of game elements are selected to ensure that the machine 10 complies with regulatory requirements to be considered "legal". Within the meaning of this specification, "legal" means that the video slot machine 10 is statistically balanced within its environment and has an expected return equal to or slightly less than its actual return. This is very different from prior art video slot machines which make use of a governor to "fix" the machine to ensure that the actual return of the machine is less than its expected return.
In addition, the design of the pay-out tables in the present video slot machine, is selected to ensure that the expected return of the machine is below one but is still significant. By significant, it is meant that the video slot machine 10 has an expected statistical return equal to or greater than 0.8. Not only that, the pay-out tables are selected so that the hit ratio of the video slot machine 10 is also significant and is between 0.4 and 0.5. As is known to those of skill in the art, hit ratio refers to the percentage that a game play will result in a combination of game elements being displayed in the array of cells 32 considered to be a winning combination of game elements and therefore results in a pay out to the player. It should be realized that this does not mean that the pay out will always be more than the amount bet by the player, which may occur, but may also represent a pay out which is only a portion of the amount bet.
FIGS. 6a to 6g illustrate the expected return of the individual pay-out tables shown in FIGS. 4a to 4e used in the video slot machine 10. In each Figure, the probability of each winning combination of game elements occurring is given. To determine the expected return, the probability is multiplied by the pay-out value assigned to that winning combination of game elements. The expected return of the video slot machine 10 is the total of all of the products and in this case is equal to approximately 0.9295. This means that a player can expect to win back 92.95% of the money wagered if the machine 10 is played continuously.
In general, the expected return of the machine 10 can be calculated using the formula:
P(A.sub.1)*V.sub.1 +P(A.sub.2)*V.sub.2 +. . . . +P(A.sub.n)*V.sub.n
where A.sub.i represents a winning combination of game elements stored in a pay-out table, V.sub.i is the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements A.sub.i and P is the probability of the winning combination of game elements A.sub.i occurring. The probability of each winning combination of game elements A.sub.i of the video slot machine 10 is calculated using statistical analysis.
The operation of the video slot machine 10 will now be described with reference to the Figures. When money is deposited into the machine 10 via the coin slot 16, the microprocessor-based circuit detects this and increments the credit total 40 to a value dependant on the total amount of money deposited into the machine. To play the video slot machine, once at least one credit has been purchased, the player must press the button 20 associated with initiating game play and this causes the microprocessor-based circuit to prompt the user to depress the button 20 associated with betting. Using the button, the player can assign appropriate bets to any or all of the pay-out lines 36. The amount bet on each pay-out line 36 is displayed in the tags 38 and is subtracted from the credit total 40. The sum of the individual bets shown in the tags 38 is displayed as the total current bet 41. After this, the player is prompted to press the button associated with "spinning" the wheels and once this is done, the microprocessor-based circuit conditions the display screen 14 to simulate the spinning wheels of a slot machine. The spinning wheel simulation appears in each of the nine cells 32.
As the wheels are "spinning", the microprocessor-based circuit executes a random number generation program to generate an integer having a value between one and twenty four. The initial values used by the microprocessor-based circuit to generate the random numbers are read from the registers of a real time clock in the microprocessor-based circuit to prevent the random number generation program from starting at the same place in the sequence after the video slot machine 10 has been powered up. The random number generation program is executed nine times during each game play resulting in nine numbers being generated. Each random number RN is associated with one of the cells 32 in the array. Once a pre-determined amount of time has elapsed after the wheels have been "spun", the microprocessor-based circuit uses the generated random numbers and the look-up tables 34 to select the nine game elements to be displayed in the cells 32. For example, if the random number generation program when executed resulted in a value equal to "6", the game element "orange" would appear in the cell 32 associated with that value. Likewise, if the value "10" were generated by the program, the game element "double bar" would appear in the cell 32 associated with that value.
If the player presses the button 20 associated with stopping the wheels while the wheels are "spinning", the microprocessor-based circuit stops the spinning wheel simulation immediately and displays the game elements associated with the generated random numbers in the cells 32 of the array 30.
Once each of the nine cells 32 displays a game element, the microprocessor-based circuit examines the combinations of displayed game elements in the cells 32 located along each pay-out line 36 on which the player has placed a bet and compares the displayed game elements with the combinations of game elements stored in the normal odds pay-out table 60 to determine if a win has occurred. The microprocessor-based circuit also examines the other pre-determined sets of cells (i.e.: the entire array 30 and the four comer cells 32) to determine if a win has occurred in the other pay-out tables. If a winning combination of game elements occurs, the microprocessor-based circuit calculates the credits won from each pay-out table and computes the total credits won during that game play. The microprocessor-based circuit then conditions the screen to show the total credits won and advances the credit total 40 accordingly for pay outs from pay-out tables 60 to 64 and 68 and advances the bonus credit total 42 for pay outs from pay-out table 66.
As long as the credit total 40 in the machine 10 is above zero, a player can continue to play. After one game play, if the player does not enter new bets in the tags 38 for the following game play, the microprocessor-based circuit uses the bets made during the previous game. The player can play until the credit total 40 goes to zero in which case more money needs to be deposited into the machine 10 to continue play. When this occurs, the machine 10 notifies the player and gives the player a pre-determined amount of time to deposit more money. If the player fails to deposit more money, the microprocessor-based circuit goes into the attract mode and conditions the screen output in accordance with preprogrammed information therein.
Alternatively, the player can cash out the accumulated credit total 40 and redeem the credit total for negotiable currency. If this option is selected, the machine 10 prints the credit total 40 on a receipt and dispenses the receipt through the slot 22. The microprocessor-based circuit then clears the credit total to zero. The microprocessor-based circuit also prints and dispenses a receipt and clears the credit total when the credit total exceeds a predetermined value.
Appendix A shows the results of 51 million game plays executed on the video gaming machine 10 having look-up tables and pay-out tables the same as those illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 4a to 4e. As can be seen, the machine exhibited an actual return equal to approximately 0.9298 after this many plays. Of significance is the fact that the actual return of the machine is more or less equal to its expected return achieving what prior art machines do without the aid of a governor. Because a governor is not used in the present machine, it can be used in "legal" gaming environments.
Also of significance is the hit ratio achieved by the present machine. As mentioned previously, the hit ratio represents the percentage of time a winning combination of game elements will be displayed. In this case, the machine will display a winning combination of game elements in almost 50% of all game plays. The high hit ratio makes the game particularly appealing to players as they can almost expect to win at least something every other game play.
The present invention provides significant advantages over the prior art in that it is extremely appealing to players and yet is suitable for use in legal gambling environments. This is achieved by constructing multiple pay-out tables which ensure that the actual return of the machine 10 is greater than or equal to the expected return, and that the hit ratio is significant. In other words, the present invention includes all of the features of "illegal" machines designed to attract players but implements these features in a "legal" machine.
Although, the video slot machine 10 has been described as using buttons 20 to control operation of the machine, touch screen technology can be implemented to replace the buttons. If this is done, a player need only touch selected areas of the display screen 14 to chose different functions. The machine can also incorporate both the buttons and a touch screen allowing players to chose the manner in which they wish to operate the machine.
Also, rather than dispensing printed receipts in the event of a win, the video slot machine 10 can include a coin bin instead of receipt dispensing slot 22 and dispense coins in the event of a win. The machine can also incorporate both the coin bin and the dispensing slot 22 allowing a player to select the form in which accumulated credits in the machine are to be redeemed.
______________________________________ ODDS FREQUENCY______________________________________$$$$$ NORMAL ODDS $$$$$ELEMENTSTRIPLE BAR 50 29374DOUBLE BAR 25 235988SINGLE BAR 15 235622MELON 12 235747BELL 10 1889120SEVEN 10 1889385PLUM 8 797573ORANGE 5 3686855ANY BAR 5 3186042CHERRY 5 29255TWO CHERRY 3 678346ONE CHERRY 1 51062368$$$$$ SPECIAL ODDS $$$$$ELEMENTSALL TRIPLE BAR 150 0ALL DOUBLE BAR 120 0ALL CHERRY 110 0ALL SINGLE BAR 100 0ALL MELON 90 0ALL BELL 80 5ALL PLUM 70 0ALL ORANGE 60 38ALL ANY BAR 50 47FOUR CORNERS 10 194696$$$$$ SEVEN ODDS $$$$$COMBINATION9 SEVENS 380 28 SEVENS 200 2557 SEVENS 100 44796 SEVENS 20 533655 SEVENS 10 3985414 SEVENS 5 19930953 SEVENS 2 66388862 SEVENS 0 14236266ALL FRUITS 20 45111$$$$$ BELLS ODDS (IN FEVER MODE) $$$$$COMBINATION9 BELLS 100 08 BELLS 90 07 BELLS 80 116 BELLS 70 615 BELLS 60 4744 BELLS 50 22733 BELLS 40 77762 BELLS 30 164571 BELLS 20 20694$$$$$ POT ODDS $$$$$POT ELEMENT: 3COMBINATION9 ELEMENTS 100 08 ELEMENTS 80 07 ELEMENTS 50 06 ELEMENTS 20 205 ELEMENTS 10 6804 ELEMENTS 3 155953 ELEMENTS 2 2399762 ELEMENTS 0 23681921 ELEMENT 0 13605149 ##STR1## 2______________________________________
  • 1. A gaming machine having a housing with a display on which an array of generally randomly selected game elements are displayed during a game play, a memory and a processor for selecting generally at random the game elements to be displayed during said game play, wherein predetermined combinations of game elements displayed during a game play result in corresponding pay-outs, said gaming machine comprising:
  • a plurality of pay-out tables contained in said memory, each of said pay-out tables storing winning combinations of game elements and a pay-out value associated with each of said winning combinations of game elements, wherein the probability of each game element being selected by said processor and displayed during a game play, the pay-out values and the winning combinations of game elements stored in said pay-out tables are such that the expected statistical return of said gaming machine is significant and that the actual return of the gaming machine is at least basically the same as the expected return;
  • pay-out detection means determining when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in a pay-out table; and
  • pay means responsive to said pay-out detection means for paying out to a player when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements, the pay out being based on the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements.
  • 2. A gaming machine as defined in claim 1 wherein more than one winning combination of game elements may appear on said display during a game play, said pay means paying out to said player for each winning combination of game elements appearing on said display.
  • 3. A gaming machine as defined in claim 2 wherein at least some of said winning combinations of game elements are stored in more than one of said pay-out tables.
  • 4. A gaining machine as defined in claim 3 wherein at least one winning combination of game elements stored in said pay out tables is designated for bonus credits and wherein said pay means accumulates the pay out resulting from the display of said at least one winning combination of game elements in said memory as bonus credits, at least one of said pay-out tables storing at least one winning combination of game elements which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player.
  • 5. A gaming machine as defined in claim 4 wherein all of the winning combinations of game elements stored in one of said pay-out tables are designated for bonus credits.
  • 6. A gaming machine as defined in claim 5 wherein only one of said pay-out tables has a winning combination of game elements stored therein which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player.
  • 7. A gaming machine as defined in claim 6 wherein said only one pay-out table has only one winning combination of game elements stored therein which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player.
  • 8. A video gaming machine as defined in claim 6 wherein pay outs from said only one pay-out table are progressive and are a function of the amount bet by a player and the combination of game elements displayed on said screen resulting in said pay out.
  • 9. A gaming machine as defined in claim 6 wherein said gaming machine has an expected return greater than 0.8.
  • 10. A gaming machine as defined in claim 9 wherein said gaming machine has an expected return equal to at least 0.9.
  • 11. A gaming machine as defined in claim 6 wherein a combination of game elements the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables is displayed approximately between 40% and 50% of all game plays.
  • 12. A gaming machine as defined in claim 2 wherein said gaming machine has an expected return greater than 0.8.
  • 13. A gaming machine as defined in claim 12 wherein said gaining machine has an expected return equal to at least 0.9.
  • 14. A gaming machine as defined in claim 12 wherein a combination of game elements the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables is displayed approximately between 40% and 50% of all game plays.
  • 15. A gaming machine as defined in claim 14 wherein said array has at least three rows, said gaming machine further including means to permit a player to place a bet on each row, column and diagonal, said pay means paying out to a player for each combination of game elements appearing in a row, column and diagonal of said array on which a bet was placed during a game play that is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables.
  • 16. A gaming machine as defined in claim 15 wherein one of said pay-out tables holds winning combinations of game elements associated with only said rows, columns and diagonals and wherein the other of said pay-out tables hold winning combinations of game elements associated with a particular game element, said pay means paying out to a player from said other pay-out tables when a predetermined number of said particular game elements are displayed during a game play.
  • 17. A gaming machine as defined in claim 16 wherein one of said other pay-out tables is associated with a special mode of play, pay outs from that pay-out table being made only when said gaming machine is in said special mode of play, said gaming machine entering said special mode of play when a predetermined arrangement of particular game elements appears on said display during a game play, said pay means paying out from each of said pay-out tables when said machine is in said special mode and a combination of game elements the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables appears on said display.
  • 18. A gaming machine as defined in claim 17 wherein said gaming machine enters said special mode of play when one particular game element appears on said display in said predetermined arrangement.
  • 19. A gaming machine as defined in claim 18 wherein the audio and visual output of said gaming machine is significantly enhanced when said gaming machine is in said special mode of play.
  • 20. A gaming machine as defined in claim 19 wherein said gaming machine remains in said special mode of play only for a pre-determined number of game plays after said predetermined arrangement of said one particular game element appears on said display.
  • 21. A gaming machine as defined in claim 20 wherein at least one winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables is designated for bonus credits and wherein said pay means accumulates the pay out resulting from the display of said at least one winning combination of game elements in said memory as bonus credits, at least one of said pay-out tables storing at least one winning combination of game elements which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player.
  • 22. A gaming machine as defined in claim 21 wherein all of the winning combinations of game elements stored in one of said pay-out tables are designated for bonus credits.
  • 23. A gaming machine as defined in claim 22 wherein only one of said pay-out tables has a winning combination of game elements stored therein which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player.
  • 24. A gaming machine as defined in claim 23 wherein said only one pay-out table has only one winning combination of game elements stored therein which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player.
  • 25. A gaming machine as defined in claim 23 wherein pay outs from only said one pay-out table are progressive and are a function of the amount bet by a player and the combination of game elements displayed on said screen resulting in said pay out.
  • 26. A gaming machine as defined in claim 21 wherein another of said pay-out tables is associated with a special mode of play, pay outs from that pay-out table being made only when said gaming machine is in said special mode of play, said gaming machine entering said special mode of play when a predetermined arrangement of particular game-elements appears on said display during a game play, said pay means paying out from each of said pay-out tables when said machine is in said special mode and a combination of game elements the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables appears on said display.
  • 27. A gaming machine as defined in claim 26 wherein said gaming machine enters said special mode of play when one particular game element appears on said display in said predetermined arrangement.
  • 28. A gaming machine as defined in claim 27 wherein said gaming machine remains in said special mode of play only for a pre-determined number of game plays.
  • 29. A gaming machine as defined in claim 19 wherein said one particular game element resembles a bell and wherein in said special mode of play, said processor causes said display to simulate a swinging bell when said bell appears on said display.
  • 30. A gaming machine as defined in claim 29 wherein said predetermined arrangement requires said bell to appear along the center row and the center column for said gaming machine to enter said special mode of play.
  • 31. A gaming machine having a housing with a display on which an array of generally randomly selected game elements are displayed during a game play, a memory and a processor for selecting generally a random the game elements to be displayed during said game play wherein predetermined combinations of game elements displayed during a game play result in corresponding pay-outs, said gaming machine comprising:
  • a plurality of pay-out tables contained in said memory, each of said pay-out tables storing winning combinations of game elements and a pay out value associated with each of said winning combinations of game elements, wherein at least one winning combination of game elements is designated for bonus credits and wherein pay outs resulting from the display of said at least one winning combination of game elements are accumulated in said memory as bonus credits, at least one of said pay-out tables storing at least one winning combination of game elements which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player when a combination of game elements the same as that winning combination of game elements appears on said display, another of said pay-out tables being associated with a special mode of play, pay outs from that pay-out table being made only when said gaming machine is in said special mode of play, said gaming machine entering said special mode of play when a predetermined arrangement of particular game elements appears on said display during a game play, the probability of each game element being selected by said processor and displayed during a game play, the pay-out values and the winning combinations of game elements stored in said pay-out tables are such that the expected statistical return of said gaming machine is significant and that the actual return of the gaming machine is at least basically the same as the expected return;
  • pay-out detection means determining when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables; and
  • pay means responsive to said pay-out detection means for paying out to a player when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements, the pay out being based on the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements.
  • 32. A gaming machine as defined in claim 31 wherein said gaming machine has an expected return at least equal to 0.8.
  • 33. A gaming machine as defined in claim 32 wherein said array has at least three rows and three columns, said gaming machine further including means to permit a player to place a bet on each row, column and diagonal, said pay means paying out to a player for each combination of game elements appearing in a row, column and diagonal on said array on which a bet was placed during a game play that is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables.
  • 34. A gaming machine as defined in claim 33 wherein one of said pay-out tables holds winning combinations of game elements associated with only said rows, columns and diagonals and wherein the other of said pay-out tables hold winning combinations of game elements associated with a particular game element, said pay means paying out to a player from said other pay-out tables when a predetermined number of said particular game elements are displayed during a game play.
  • 35. A gaming machine as defined in claim 34 wherein said gaming machine has an expected return equal to at least 0.9.
  • 36. A gaming machine as defined in claim 35 wherein a combination of game elements the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables is displayed approximately between 40% and 50% of all game plays.
  • 37. A gaming machine as defined in claim 36 wherein said gaming machine enters said special mode of play when arrangement of one particular game element appears on said display in said predetermined arrangement.
  • 38. A gaming machine as defined in claim 37 wherein said gaming machine remains in said special mode of play only for a pre-determined number of game plays.
  • 39. A gaming machine as defined in claim 31 wherein said gaming machine enters said special mode of play is entered when one particular game element appears on said display in said predetermined arrangement.
  • 40. A gaining machine as defined in claim 39 wherein said one particular game element resembles a bell and wherein in said special mode of play, said processor causes said display to simulate a swinging hell when said bell appears on said display.
  • 41. A gaming machine as defined in claim 40 wherein said array has at least three rows and three columns, said gaming machine further including means to permit a player to place a bet on each row, column and diagonal, said pay-out pay means paying out to a player for each winning combination of game elements appearing in a row, column and diagonal on said array on which a bet was placed during a game play that is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables.
  • 42. A gaming machine as defined in claim 41 wherein said predetermined arrangement requires said bell to appear along the center row and the center column for said gaming machine to enter said special mode of play.
  • 43. A gaming machine having a housing with a display on which an array of generally randomly selected game elements are displayed during a game play, a memory and a processor for selecting generally at random the game elements to be displayed during said game play, wherein predetermined combinations of game elements displayed during a game play result in corresponding pay-outs, said gaming machine comprising:
  • a plurality of pay-out tables contained in said memory, each of said pay-out tables storing winning combinations of game elements and a pay out value associated with each of said winning combinations of game elements, wherein the probability of each game element being selected by said processor and displayed during a game play, the pay-out values and the winning combinations of game elements stored in said pay-out tables are such that the expected statistical return of said gaming machine is equal to at least 0.8 and that the actual return of said gaming machine is basically equal to said expected return;
  • pay-out detection means determining when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in a pay-out table; and pay means responsive to said pay-out detection means for paying out to a player when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements, the pay out being based on the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements.
  • 44. A gaming machine having a housing with a display on which an array of generally randomly selected game elements are displayed during a game play, a memory and a processor for selecting generally at random the game elements to be displayed during said game play wherein predetermined combinations of game elements displayed during a game play result in corresponding pay-out, said gaming machine comprising:
  • a plurality of pay-out tables contained in said memory, each of said pay-out tables storing winning combinations of game elements and a pay-out value associated with each of said winning combinations of game elements, wherein said gaming machine accumulates bonus credits in said memory and where at least one of said pay-out tables stores at least one winning combination of game elements which results in said bonus credits being paid out to a player;
  • pay-out detection means determining when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables; and
  • pay means responsive to said pay-out detection means for paying out to a player when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements, the pay out being based on the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements.
  • 45. A gaming machine as defined in claim 44 wherein at least one winning combination of game elements is designated for bonus credits and wherein pay outs resulting from the display of said at least one winning combination of game elements are accumulated in said memory as said bonus credits.
  • 46. A gaming machine having a housing with a display on which an array of generally randomly selected game elements are displayed during a game play, a memory and a processor for selecting generally a random game elements to be displayed during said game play, wherein predetermined combinations of game elements displayed during a game play resulting corresponding pay-outs, said gaming machine comprising:
  • a plurality of pay-out tables contained in said memory, each of said pay-out tables storing winning combinations of game elements and a pay out value associated with each of said winning combinations of game elements, one of said pay-out tables being associated with a special mode of play, pay outs from that pay out table being made only when said gaming machine is in said special mode of play, said gaming machine entering said special mode of play when a predetermined arrangement of particular game elements appears on said display during a game play;
  • pay-out detection means determining when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables; and
  • pay means are responsive to said pay-out detection means for paying out to a player when a combination of game elements displayed during a game play is the same as a winning combination of game elements, the pay out being based on the pay-out value associated with the winning combination of game elements.
  • 47. A gaming machine as defined in claim 46 wherein said gaming machine enters said special mode of play is entered when one particular game element appears on said display in said predetermined arrangement.
  • 48. A gaming machine as defined in claim 47 wherein said one particular game element resembles a bell and wherein in said special mode of play, said processor causes said display to simulate a swinging bell when said bell appears on said display.
  • 49. A gaming machine as defined in claim 48 wherein said array has at least three rows and three columns, said gaming machine further including means to permit a player to place a bet on each row, column and diagonal, said pay-out pay means paying out to a player for each winning combination of game elements appearing in a row, column and diagonal on said array on which a bet was placed during a game play that is the same as a winning combination of game elements stored in said pay-out tables.
  • 50. A gaming machine as defined in claim 49 wherein said predetermined arrangement requires said bell to appear along the center row and the center column for said gaming machine to enter said special mode of play.
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Number Name Date Kind
RE34244 Hagiwara May 1993
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5123649 Tiberio Jun 1992
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Number Date Country
2036472 Aug 1991 CAX
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