Virtual client to gateway connection over multiple physical connections


  • Patent Grant
  • 6308281
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, September 2, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, October 23, 2001
    22 years ago
A method, system, and computer program by which a logical network connection can be maintained in the presence of disruption or failure of the underlying physical network connection. The technique defines a virtual connection between the client and gateway, which is not dependent upon continuous connectivity in the underlying physical connection, and can resume operation transparently even though the physical connection may be established on a different media type. Additionally, the technique of the present invention enables the physical medium to be changed even though the physical connection was not disrupted. This change in medium may be based on a number of factors, such as quality of service or transmission speed, which can be monitored. A graphical user interface (“GUI”) is defined whereby the human user may observe a depiction of the available physical connections and their status, information regarding the physical connection currently in use, etc. The user may initiate changes to the current physical connection from this GUI, without disrupting the logical connection.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a computer system, and deals more particularly with a method, apparatus, and computer program for operating the computer system such that a virtual connection between a client and gateway can be supported by multiple physical connections in a manner that is transparent to the user. The physical connection may change in response to a number of factors. A graphical user interface is defined which enables the user to monitor connection information.

2. Description of the Related Art

Connecting a computer workstation through a network to a remote host is commonplace today. Many connection techniques can be used, such as: using the workstation's modem to establish a connection over a telephone line; using a Local Area Network (LAN) card such as Token Ring or Ethernet; using a suitable device to establish a wireless connection; etc. The workstation may be any type of computer processor, including laptop, handheld or mobile computers, vehicle-mounted devices, desktop computers, mainframe computers, etc., having processing and communication capabilities. The remote host, similarly, can be one of any number of different types of computer which have processing and communication capabilities. These techniques are well known in the art, and the hardware devices and software which enable their use are readily available. Hereinafter, use of the terms “workstation” or “host” refers to any of these types of computing devices.

When the workstation connects to a remotely-located host, it is necessary to establish connections across one or more networks, which may be LANs or Wide Area Networks (WANs). As used herein, the device that originates the connection will be referred to as the “client”, and the device that receives this request will be referred to as the “gateway”. A gateway computer (that is, gateway functionality implemented in a computer) is used as a point of entrance into a network, providing the ability for messages to flow between the client and the gateway as a logical end-to-end communication. A network may be accessible through one or more gateway machines. Often, the client will be a mobile device. Many clients may connect to a network through a given gateway.

Currently, the connection between a client and the gateway to which it connects is made using a specific predetermined physical connection. The connection may use a wired medium, or it may use a wireless medium. (Note that a wireless connection will be referred to herein as using a “physical” connection, although that connection may use radio waves, microwaves, etc., for ease of reference in distinguishing this “underlying” connection from the higher-level logical connection that runs over it.) For example, a wired connection may be made over a public switched telephone network (PSTN), etc. A wireless connection may be made using a number of alternative technologies, such as cellular telephone, packet radio network (which may in turn be a public network, or a private network), satellite, microwave, etc. The physical connection may be made during the process of establishing a TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) connection. This TCP/IP connection (hereinafter, the “logical connection”) then enables applications running on the client and gateway machines to exchange messages in a meaningful way. However, this logical TCP/IP connection is limited to use of one underlying physical connection for the duration of the logical connection. If the physical connection is disrupted (for example, the connection drops or degrades beyond a predefined tolerance), the TCP/IP implementation will end the logical connection. To continue communicating, the client and gateway must begin the connection establishment process anew. This can be very time-consuming, as it may involve a number of processes from detecting an available physical medium (as an alternative, when the prior medium has failed) to performing complicated application-specific requirements such as authentication and negotiation of communication parameters. In addition, disruptions in communications may increase the likelihood of loss of data upon which the application was operating. And, if human users are interacting with the application, such disruptions can cause a great deal of frustration and annoyance.

Some techniques such as “Short-Hold Mode” from the International Business Machines Corporation (“IBM”) are known which provide for continuing the logical connection when the physical connection has been disrupted, but the known techniques require reestablishment of a physical connection using the identical type of connectivity. This restriction may completely prevent reestablishing the connection—for example, when a physical device such as the modem has failed—even when a number of other media may be available that could connect the client and gateway. Further, this restriction does not enable the possibility of changing to a different media that may be preferable under changed circumstances. Suppose, for example, that a thunderstorm is causing intolerable noise on the telephone lines which were being used. While a connection can be reestablished over the phone lines, it may be preferable to change to some other available media such as wireless packet radio or other wired connections that may perform better in these circumstances.

Accordingly, a need exists for a technique by which a logical network connection can be maintained in the presence of disruption or failure of the underlying physical network connection. This technique must enable the subsequent physical connection to use a different physical medium, while still retaining the state and data of the application intact in a manner that is transparent to the user. The proposed technique defines a virtual connection between the client and gateway, which is not dependent upon continuous connectivity in the underlying physical connection, and can resume operation even though the physical connection may be established on a different media type. Additionally, the technique of the present invention enables the physical medium to be changed even though the physical connection was not disrupted. This change in medium may be based on a number of factors, such as quality of service or transmission speed, which can be monitored. A graphical user interface (“GUI”) is defined whereby the human user may observe a depiction of the available physical connections, their respective status information, and further information regarding the specific physical connection currently in use, etc. Further, this GUI will permit the human user to initiate a change in the physical connection being used, without disruption in the logical connection.


An object of the present invention is to provide a technique whereby a logical network connection can be maintained transparently in the presence of disruption or failure of the underlying physical network connection.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a technique whereby the subsequent physical connection can use a different physical medium, while still retaining the state and data of the application intact.

A further object of the present invention is to provide a technique whereby the physical medium underlying the logical connection may be changed even though the physical connection was not disrupted.

Additionally, it is an object of the present invention to provide a technique whereby this change in medium may be based on a number of factors, such as quality of service or transmission speed.

A further object of the present invention is to provide a graphical user interface whereby the human user may observe a depiction of the available physical connections and their status, information regarding the physical connection currently in use, etc., and may initiate changes to the physical connection (without disrupting the logical connection).

Other objects and advantages of the present invention will be set forth in part in the description and in the drawings which follow and, in part, will be obvious from the description or may be learned by practice of the invention.

To achieve the foregoing objects, and in accordance with the purpose of the invention as broadly described herein, the present invention provides a software-implemented technique for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections in a computing environment capable of having a connection to a network. This comprises: establishing a first connection using a first of at least one available connection media and a first of at least one available connection devices; establishing a second connection using a second of the connection media and a second of the connection devices, wherein at least one of the second medium and the second connection device is different from the first medium and the first connection device; and maintaining a logical connection between the client and the gateway, wherein the logical connection is supported by the first connection and the second connection. Preferably, this further comprises: sending a session key from the client to the gateway using the second connection, wherein the session key identifies the logical connection and was created when using the first connection; and receiving the session key in the gateway, and detecting the receipt as a request to continue the logical connection. A graphical user interface is preferably available, which depicts: a graphical representation of the client and the gateway, the available connection media, and the available connection devices; a status of each of the media and the devices; and an indication of which of the media and the devices is currently in use. The second connection may be established in response to a disruption or failure of the first connection, in response to detection of a better connection choice than the first connection, or in response to a request by a user, where this request is initiated by user input from the graphical user interface.

The present invention will now be described with reference to the following drawings, in which like reference numbers denote the same element throughout.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram of a computer workstation environment in which the present invention may be practiced;

FIG. 2

is a diagram of a networked computing environment in which the present invention may be practiced;

FIG. 3

depicts, at a high level, an existing (physical and logical) network connection between a client and a gateway;

FIG. 4

illustrates the availability of alternative physical network connections by which the gateway may be reached from this client;

FIG. 5

depicts the capability of dynamically changing the physical connection to the gateway, using a different underlying network which may involve use of different physical media;

FIG. 6

illustrates a flow chart which sets forth the logic with which a preferred embodiment of the present invention in a client machine maintains a virtual connection across changes in the underlying physical connection;

FIG. 7

illustrates a flow chart which sets forth the logic with which a preferred embodiment of the present invention in a gateway machine maintains a virtual connection across a subsequent physical connection; and


depict an example of the GUI that may be used with the present invention, enabling the user to observe the physical connection in use (as well as alternative physical connections that may be available), and initiate changes thereto.


FIG. 1

illustrates a representative workstation hardware environment in which the present invention may be practiced. The environment of

FIG. 1

comprises a representative single user computer workstation


, such as a personal computer, including related peripheral devices. the workstation


includes a microprocessor


and a bus


employed to connect and enable communication between the microprocessor


and the components of the workstation


in accordance with known techniques. The workstation


typically includes a user interface adapter


, which connects the microprocessor


via the bus


to one or more interface devices, such as a keyboard


, mouse


, and/or other interface devices


, which can be any user interface device, such as a touch sensitive screen, digitized entry pad, etc. The bus


also connects a display device


, such as an LCD screen or monitor, to the microprocessor


via a display adapter


. The bus


also connects the microprocessor


to memory


and long-term storage


which can include a hard drive, diskette drive, tape drive, etc.

The workstation


may communicate via a communications channel or modem


with other computers or networks of computers. Alternatively, the workstation


may communicate using a wireless interface at


, such as a CDPD (cellular digital packet data) card. The workstation


may be associated with such other computers in a LAN or a WAN, the workstation


can be a client in a client/server arrangement with another computer, etc. All of these configurations, as well as the appropriate communications hardware and software, are known in the art.

FIG. 2

illustrates a data processing network


in which the present invention may be practiced. The data processing network


may include a plurality of individual networks, such as wireless network


and network


, each of which may include a plurality of individual workstations



Still referring to

FIG. 2

, the networks




may also include mainframe computers or servers, such as a gateway computer


or application server


(which may access a data repository


). A gateway computer


serves as a point of entry into each network


. The gateway


may be preferably coupled to another network


by means of a communications link


. The gateway


may also be directly coupled to one or more workstations


using a communications link


. The gateway computer


may be implemented utilizing an Enterprise Systems Architecture/370, an Enterprise Systems Architecture/390 computer available from IBM, etc. Depending on the application, a midrange computer, such as an Application System/400 (also known as an AS/400) may be employed. “Enterprise Systems Architecture/370” is a trademark of IBM; “Enterprise Systems Architecture/390”, “Application System/400”, and “AS/400” are registered trademarks of IBM.

The gateway computer


may also be coupled


to a storage device (such as data repository


). Further, the gateway


may be directly or indirectly coupled to one or more workstations



Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the gateway computer


may be located a great geographic distance from the network


, and similarly, the workstations


may be located a substantial distance from the networks




. For example, the network


may be located in California, while the gateway


may be located in Texas, and one or more of the workstations


may be located in New York. The workstations


may connect to the wireless network


using the TCP/IP protocol over a number of alternative connection media, such as cellular phone, radio frequency networks, satellite networks, etc. The wireless network


preferably connects to the gateway


using a network connection



such as TCP or UDP over IP, X.25, Frame Relay, ISDN, PSTN, etc. The workstations


may alternatively connect directly to the gateway


using dial connections






Further, the wireless network


and network


may connect to one or more other networks (not shown), in an analogous manner to that depicted in FIG.



Software programming code which embodies the present invention is typically accessed by the microprocessor


of the workstation


and gateway


from long-term storage media


of some type, such as a CD-ROM drive or hard drive. The software programming code may be embodied on any of a variety of known media for use with a data processing system, such as a diskette, hard drive, or CD-ROM. The code may be distributed on such media, or may be distributed to users from the memory or storage of one computer system over a network of some type to other computer systems for use by users of such other systems. Alternatively, the programming code may be embodied in the memory


, and accessed by the microprocessor


using the bus


. The techniques and methods for embodying software programming code in memory, on physical media, and/or distributing software code via networks are well known and will not be further discussed herein.

The graphical user interface defined for the present invention may be displayed on any of the various display devices


. The user interacts with this displayed data using any type of interface device such as a keyboard


, mouse


, and/or other interface devices


(such as a touch sensitive screen, digitized entry pad, etc.).

The preferred embodiment of the present invention will now be discussed with reference to

FIGS. 3 through 8


In the preferred embodiment, the present invention is implemented as a computer software program. The implementation of the logic for the client (see

FIG. 6

) may be separate from the implementation of the logic for the gateway (see FIG.


), or the logic for both may be implemented together.

FIG. 3

depicts a client


connected to a gateway


, using a connection




through a network “A”


. This figure illustrates the prior art technique used by existing client and gateway software, whereby a single physical (wired or wireless) and logical network connection




through a specific network


between the client and the gateway is used for the duration of the logical connection. As previously described, the physical connection




through a network


may be reestablished in the prior art after a disruption, while still continuing the logical connection, although the same physical medium must be used. The present invention allows the physical connection




and/or the network


to change, as will be described in further detail below.

FIG. 3

also depicts the virtual connection


defined by the present invention, and an abstract representation


of the data stream format that enables the client and gateway to continue a logical connection across multiple physical connections. The virtual connection


extends from the client


to the gateway


, without regard to the type of network


or medium used for connections




. The data stream


is comprised of the application specific data


, which is encapsulated by a TCP/IP header


according to techniques which are known in the art. This data is further encapsulated in a Link control protocol (“LCP”) packet


, which is encapsulated within a network information packet


, also using well-known techniques. The present invention uses existing information in the LCP packet


, defining new semantics for that information to enable association of a new physical connection with an existing logical connection, as further described below with reference to

FIGS. 6 and 7

. In the prior art, the LCP information


and network information


go together—that is, the LCP information


is tightly coupled to the underlying physical network and its network information


. As different physical network connections are established using the present invention, however, the network information


varies according to the specific network connection while the information in LCP


enables maintaining the logical TCP/IP connection, as represented by the TCP/IP header



FIG. 4

illustrates the availability of alternative physical network connections




through networks “B” and “C”, respectively, by which the gateway


may be reached from this client


if the physical connection


through network “A” is unavailable. These alternative connections




may also be used if connection


is less desirable in view of factors such as line speed, bandwidth, cost of service, etc. In the prior art, the physical connection




, or


to be used must be selected in advance by client


. The present invention removes this restriction, enabling use of any of the available connections while transparently maintaining the virtual connection.

FIG. 5

depicts the capability of dynamically changing the physical connection


through network “A” from the client


to the gateway


, using a different underlying network “B”


which may involve use of different physical media. For example, connection


may be a wired connection through a PSTN network, using dial-up telephone medium, while connection


may be a different type of wired connection or a wireless connection. According to the virtual connection technique of the present invention, this dynamic change may be made transparently, without disruption to the logical TCP/IP connection between client


and gateway



FIG. 6

illustrates a flow chart which sets forth the logic with which a preferred embodiment of the present invention in a client machine maintains a virtual connection across changes in the underlying physical connection. The process of

FIG. 6

depicts the logic that will be invoked when (1) the client initially begins the connection establishment process for a new TCP/IP connection, or (2) the application on the client machine has sent a TCP/IP packet to the client, for sending to the gateway.

The process begins at Block


, where a test is made by the client software to determine if the client side of the TCP/IP connection is still active. The client will be considered “active” when a session had previously been established with the gateway, and the client implementation believes this session is still valid (e.g. the client has neither sent nor received a disconnect request). When this test has a positive response, Block


asks if the client is still connected. The client will be considered “connected” when it still has the ability to communicate with the gateway. For example, when cellular technology is being used, this includes being “in range” of the cellular service; if a dialed telephone connection is being used, this includes being able to get a dial tone on the phone line. When this test also has a positive response, both the physical and logical connections are intact, so Block


indicates that the client process operates normally according to the TCP/IP protocol (i.e. the TCP/IP packet will be sent to the gateway). The process of

FIG. 6

then ends.



is reached when the client is still active, but is no longer connected. In the prior art, the logical TCP/IP connection would also disconnect in this situation, ending this session between the client and gateway. Using the novel techniques of the present invention, a subsequent physical connection will be made, enabling the logical connection to be maintained intact. Further, the logical connection is maintained in a manner that is transparent to the user.



indicates that the client software will now make a determination of the technique to be used for this subsequent physical connection. A number of factors may be considered in this selection process. In one aspect of the preferred embodiment, a user profile may store one or more user preferences, which may be in descending order of preference. When stored in descending order, a “default” or “most preferable” technique is the first entry in the profile. When a user profile is available, each entry from this profile will be attempted in sequence, until a technique is located which enables a successful physical connection. As shown in Block


, the preferred embodiment scans for availability of the technique at this point. A looping mechanism may be implemented, whereby a technique is selected from the profile, a scan is performed to determine if this technique is available, and this process repeats until an available technique is found. This scanning process may comprise, for example, checking for the presence of a modem and availability of a dial tone if a telephone connection is to be attempted; checking to see if the client machine is in the coverage range of a wireless technique such as cellular; using different technologies based on the time of day, or the geographic location of the client machine; etc. Alternatively, when a user profile is not available or not used, the techniques which are to be attempted may be coded directly into the client implementation, or may be accessible from a configuration file. Techniques for implementing these alternatives are well known in the art.



sends the Configure Request message that is required to establish the subsequent physical connection using the medium selected at Block


. As stated previously, this may be a different medium than that previously used for this session, and may include changing from a wired connection to a wireless connection or vice versa. The session key (an identifier of the active PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) session, which was established according to the PPP protocol when the logical connection was originally established) will be transmitted to the gateway in the network information portion


of this Configure Request message (using data stream format


). This enables a gateway implementing the novel technique of the present invention to recognize that a request to resume communicating over a virtual connection after disruption of the underlying physical connection is being attempted. The process of

FIG. 6

then ends. (It will be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art that an acknowledgement message will be returned from the gateway in response to this Configure Request, and if this acknowledgement is positive, the application data which invoked the process of

FIG. 6

will be sent by the client at that time. This uses techniques which are known in the art, and does not form part of the present invention.)



is reached when the client is no longer active. At Block


, an identical determination process to that of Block


is performed, selecting the technique to be used to establish a subsequent physical connection to the gateway. Control then continues to Block


, where a new physical and logical connection will be set up. This process uses techniques which are known in the art, and comprises performing any authentication that is required, followed by any negotiation (which may include negotiating the use of encryption and compression techniques), as well as exchanging the IP address to be used for communicating. Once these processes have completed successfully, the connection is set up and communication over a new session can begin. The process of

FIG. 6

then ends.

In a further aspect of the preferred embodiment, the process of

FIG. 6

may be invoked on a user-configurable basis, even in the absence of disruption to the physical connection. This may be done in order to determine whether a “better” physical connection is available. What constitutes a better connection is also user-configurable, but may include searching for a higher bandwidth if more capacity is needed, or a lower bandwidth if excess capacity currently exists, etc. A timer-driven means may be used to periodically invoke this comparison process, for example using a time interval from a system or user profile. The profile may indicate that the comparison should be invoked every 15 minutes, or some shorter or longer time period, including the possibility of some alternative time units. Alternatively, specific criteria may be used such as exceeding a transmission threshhold value, passing from one time-of-day period where telephone transmission rates are high into another period where rates are lower, etc. When this aspect is implemented, the comparison process will be performed between Blocks




, when the test in Block


has a positive response. The comparison process will search for a better physical connection: if none is found, the existing connection will remain in use, and any data to be transmitted will be sent normally at Block


. Otherwise, when a better connection is found, control will transfer from this additional comparison process to the process of Block


to send a Configure Request for this better medium.

In yet another aspect of the preferred embodiment, the user may directly initiate a change to the underlying physical connection, causing the process of

FIG. 6

to be invoked.


(discussed in more detail below) illustrate an example GUI that may be used with the present invention. This GUI enables the human user to observe a depiction of the physical connection and alternatives, their respective status information, and further information regarding the specific physical connection currently in use. Further, this GUI will permit the human user to initiate the type of change that invokes the

FIG. 6

processing. Alternative methods of allowing the user to cause a change in the physical connection may be used, without deviating from the inventive concepts of the present invention. Such alternative methods include, but are not limited to, providing pop-up or pull-down menus (which may include context-sensitive information) with selectable functions to change connections, defining one or more function keys that may be pressed to change connections, etc. This aspect which supports a user request for a change to the physical connection may be implemented using the flow of

FIG. 6

, where an additional test is inserted between Blocks




. This test asks whether the user requested a change. When the response is negative, control continues to Block


. When the response is positive, control will transfer from this additional comparison process to the process of Block


to send a Configure Request for this changed connection.

FIG. 7

illustrates a flow chart which sets forth the logic with which a preferred embodiment of the present invention in a gateway machine maintains a virtual connection across a subsequent physical connection. The preferred embodiment of the present invention comprises sending control data from the client to the gateway when the client changes to a different subsequent physical connection (see Block


, above). Accordingly, the logic of

FIG. 7

is invoked whenever control data is received at the gateway. As stated previously, the present invention uses existing data, but changes the semantics of the control data so that this data is processed in a novel manner (as described with reference to FIGS.




), enabling the virtual connection to be supported by multiple physical connections—all in a manner that is transparent to the user. Other data is processed using techniques which are well known in the art, and which do not form part of the present invention.

The process begins at Block


, which checks to see whether the incoming message is a Configure Request. If not, then this data is not pertinent to the present invention: Block


indicates that the gateway process operates normally according to the PPP protocol and the application requirements, which may include discarding the incoming data. The process of

FIG. 7

then ends.



is reached when the incoming message is a Configure Request, and checks to see if the client sending the incoming message is considered “active” by the gateway. When this test has a negative response, Block


sets up a new physical and logical connection. This process uses techniques which are known in the art, and comprises performing any authentication that is required, followed by any negotiation (which may include negotiating the use of encryption and compression techniques), as well as exchanging the IP address to be used for communicating. The session key used by the present invention to identify the client to the gateway, which enables maintaining the virtual connection over a subsequent physical connection, is made known to both the client and gateway as part of the process of Block


. Once these processes have completed successfully, the connection is set up and communication over a new session can begin. The process of

FIG. 7

then ends.



checks the session key contained in the network information portion of the Configure Request message, to determine if this is the same key that was used for this client previously. When this test has a negative response, the client is using a different session than the one being “remembered” by the gateway. For example, the client may have logged out of the prior session, unknown to the gateway, and is now creating a new session. Block


indicates that the gateway's information for the client must therefore be reset. Control transfers to Block


to set up a new connection to the client.

At Block


, a recognized session key has been received. Block


asks whether this request is using the same device that was used in the prior communication with this client. If so, then communication continues normally, as shown by Block


. Otherwise, when a different device is being used, Block


remaps the prior logical connection to this subsequent device. An identifier, such as the unique serial number burned into a modem, is sent by the client to the gateway as part of the connection establishment process. This identifier is used to identify the particular client session (and the information the gateway stores about that session, such as its current protocol state) which is using the modem (and similarly for other connection devices). When the client changes to a different medium, a different identifier will be transmitted. The remapping process of Block


associates this new identifier with the client information maintained by the gateway, enabling the session to continue transparently even though the medium has changed. Further, this remapping process may include changing to use of a different network protocol if the current physical connection is not of the same type used previously. The process of

FIG. 7

then ends.


illustrate a GUI


that may be used with the present invention, as previously stated.


depicts an example scenario where a client workstation


is connected to a gateway


. As shown in these figures, Network A


, Network B


, and Network C


could be used to connect client


and gateway


. This capability is shown in the GUI by the presence of multiple interface devices


(which may be an infrared radio transceiver),


(which may be a cellular phone), and


(which may be a CDPD card) for the workstation


, and the links






from this workstation


to the respective networks






. The networks then connect to the gateway


using links




, and


, respectively. These figures also show a plurality of devices


attached to the gateway





are rendered in shades of black and white, other known techniques (such as use of color,


D affects, highlighting, shading, etc.) may be used in an actual implementation to differentiate connections based on their status. Preferably, existing GUI techniques (such as point-and-click selection capability with a mouse or other pointing device, drag-and-drop, etc.) will be fully integrated within the GUI


, and the interface


will facilitate use without regard to the user's national language. Techniques for determining the information to be displayed for a particular workstation, and creating the graphical depiction thereof, are well known in the art.


depicts Network A


and links




as being currently used, as represented by the dark outline of link


(as contrasted to alternative links




) and the darker line


(as contrasted to




). This tells the user the current physical connection and path, i.e. the workstation


is using device


to connect using link


to Network A, which then uses link


to connect to gateway


. Further, the user is reminded that alternative links




through Network B, using device


, and




through Network C, using device


, are available, by the presence of the corresponding graphical symbols. (Note that use of darker lines in these figures is for purposes of illustration only. Other visual indicators may be used equivalently.)


depicts the capability for the user to select a portion of the graphical display, causing an information window


to be displayed. The window


contains information pertinent to the selected item. This selection capability may be implemented using a point-and-click technique, where arrow


indicates that the user selects link


. Or, window


may automatically pop up in response to the user moving the pointing device over the corresponding object from the graphical display, etc. While


illustrates connection information being displayed for a selected link, any component (including nodes, physical connections, the virtual connection of the present invention, etc.) Defected in the GUI may be similarly selected for display of appropriate contextual information.


represents to the user that, while the physical connection through Network A is currently being used, the physical connection through Network B


is no longer available as an alternative. The cellular phone


may be out of range, for example, making it unusable as an interface device. The unavailability of the connection through Network B may be represented by placing an “X”


through the link


, or other similar indication that conveys this status. Network C remains shown as an available alternative.


shows how the user's request to change to an alternative available physical connection affects the display. By using any existing selection technique, the user may select link


, indicating that he wishes to change to the network connection through Network C


. (Optionally, the user may be requested to confirm this change before it is actually made, for example by presenting a pop-up window that reminds him that the physical connection will be changed, and asking him if he wishes to continue. Context-sensitive information may be provided to the user as well, such as suggesting whether a requested change seems advisable under existing conditions.) After making this change, the dark outline is now surrounding the graphical depiction of link


(instead of link


), and the darker line at


shows that this link is now being used instead of link


. Connections through Network A


and Network B


remain as available alternatives.


shows a technique that may be used to indicate to the user that the status of a connection is unknown, and that it therefore may or may not be available for use. A question mark


is placed on the link


to convey this information to the user. Alternatively, other equivalent techniques may be used. (Note also that the connection through Network B


is now shown as being in use, with connections through Networks A


and C


being shown as available.)

While the preferred embodiment of the present invention has been described, additional variations and modifications in that embodiment may occur to those skilled in the art once they learn of the basic inventive concepts. Therefore, it is intended that the appended claims shall be construed to include both the preferred embodiment and all such variations and modifications as fall within the spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. In a computing environment capable of having a connection to a network, computer readable code embodied on computer readable media and readable by a computer system in said environment, for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections, comprising:a subprocess for establishing a first physical connection from said client to said gateway using a first of at least one available connection media and a first of at least one available connection devices; a subprocess for establishing a second physical connection from said client to said gateway using a second of said connection media and a second of said connection devices, wherein at least one of said second medium and said second connection device is different from said first medium and said first connection device; and a subprocess for maintaining a logical connection between said client and said gateway, wherein said logical connection is initially supported by said first physical connection and then by said second physical connection.
  • 2. Computer readable code for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 1, wherein said subprocess for maintaining a logical connection further comprises:a subprocess in said client for sending a session key to said gateway using said second physical connection, wherein said session key identifies said logical connection and was created when using said first physical connection; and a subprocess in said gateway for receiving said session key, and detecting said receipt as a request to continue said logical connection.
  • 3. Computer readable code for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 1, further comprising a subprocess for displaying a graphical user interface which depicts: a graphical representation of said client and said gateway, said available connection media, and said available connection devices; a status of each of said media and said devices; and an indication of which of said media and said devices is currently in use.
  • 4. Computer readable code for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 2, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to a disruption or failure of said first physical connection.
  • 5. Computer readable code for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 2, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to detection of a better connection choice than said first physical connection.
  • 6. Computer readable code for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 3, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to a request by a user, said request being initiated by a subprocess responsive to user input from said graphical user interface.
  • 7. A system for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections in a computing environment capable of having a connection to a network, said system comprising:means for establishing a first physical connection from said client to said gateway using a first of at least one available connection media and a first of at least one available connection device; means for establishing a second physical connection from said client to said gateway using a second of said connection media and a second of said connection devices, wherein at least one of said second medium and said second connection device is different from said first medium and said first connection device; and means for maintaining a logical connection between said client and said gateway, wherein said logical connection is initially supported by said first physical connection and then by said second physical connection.
  • 8. The system for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 7, wherein said means for maintaining a logical connection further comprises:means in said client for sending a session key to said gateway using said second physical connection, wherein said session key identifies said logical connection and was created when using said first physical connection; and means in said gateway for receiving said session key, and detecting said receipt as a request to continue said logical connection.
  • 9. The system for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 7, further comprising means for displaying a graphical user interface which depicts: a graphical representation of said client and said gateway, said available connection media, and said available connection devices; a status of each of said media and said devices; and an indication of which of said media and said devices is currently in use.
  • 10. The system for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 8, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to a disruption or failure of said first physical connection.
  • 11. The system for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 8, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to detection of a better connection choice than said first physical connection.
  • 12. The system for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 9, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to a request by a user, said request being initiated by means responsive to user input from said graphical user interface.
  • 13. A method of maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections in a computing environment capable of having a connection to a network, said method comprising the steps of:establishing a first physical connection from said client to said gateway using a first of at least one available connection media and a first of at least one available connection device; establishing a second physical connection from said client to said gateway using a second of said connection media and a second of said connection devices, wherein at least one of said second medium and said second connection device is different from said first medium and said first connection device; and maintaining a logical connection between said client and said gateway, wherein said logical connection is initially supported by said first physical connection and then by said second physical connection.
  • 14. The method for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 13, wherein said maintaining a logical connection step further comprises:sending a session key from said client to said gateway using said second physical connection, wherein said session key identifies said logical connection and was created when using said first physical connection; and receiving said session key in said gateway, and detecting said receipt as a request to continue said logical connection.
  • 15. The method for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 13, further comprising a step for displaying a graphical user interface which depicts: a graphical representation of said client and said gateway, said available connection media, and said available connection devices; a status of each of said media and said devices; and an indication of which of said media and said devices is currently in use.
  • 16. The method for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 14, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to a disruption or failure of said first physical connection.
  • 17. The method for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 14, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to detection of a better connection choice than said first physical connection.
  • 18. The method for maintaining a virtual connection between a client and a gateway across multiple physical connections according to claim 15, wherein said second physical connection is established in response to a request by a user, said request being initiated by a step responsive to user input from said graphical user interface.
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