A water propelling device is invented to rescue a drowning person with more efficiency and less risks, which includes an adjustable clamp apparatus, a hydro-driving mechanism, a waterproof chamber and a control monitor. The adjustable clamp apparatus is able to fasten various type of life-saving buoy rings. Inside the waterproof chamber, electronic circuit boards, a power supply unit with batteries, a wireless signal communication module and antennas, various sensor modules and an electronic speed controller are wired together as a control unit. The hydro-driving mechanism is at the bottom of the adjustable clamp apparatus, which is connected with the control unit to actuate and control the movements. Wireless signals are transmitted and received between the control monitor and the control unit, allowing a rescuer to operate the water propelling device remotely to deliver a life-saving buoy ring over the surface of water toward the drowning person.
a) Field of the Invention

The invention is related to a life-saving device for propelling a buoy ring in the water. More particularly, the life-saving device is able to transport a floating object, such as a buoy ring or a foam noodle, rapidly over the surface of water to a drowning person who is waiting for helps. The advantages of the invention are to increase the efficiency of a rescue mission and to reduce the risks a rescuer or a lifeguard encountered.

b) Description of the Prior Art

When a drowning person in the water is calling for helps, the most important task for a lifeguard or a rescuer is to deliver a buoy ring or an object with buoyancy rapidly to the drowning person to grip and clamber about, and then to tow the drowning person out of the water as quickly as possible.

In general, a lifeguard will either swim, carrying a floating object, or throw out a buoy ring toward a drowning person. However, it consumes a lot of physical strength for the lifeguard to swim with a floating object against water resistance. In addition, it causes huge risks for the lifeguard to deal with the drowning person, such as to release grip and to free clutch of the drowning person. As to throwing out a buoy ring, there are limitations of accuracy in both the direction and the distance depending on different lifeguards and the circumstances of the rescue scene.

Accordingly, the abovementioned prior arts of rescuing a drowning person are rather unsafe, inconvenient and inefficient with many shortcomings to be improved.


The primary object of the invention is to provide a water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring. The presented device can be fastened to various types of objects with buoyancy such as a standard buoy ring, a swim board or a foam noodle. Therefore, the floating object is able to be transported rapidly over the surface of water toward a drowning person who is waiting for helps by the invented water propelling device. The invention thereby is able to increase efficiency of the rescue mission and to prevent a lifeguard or a rescuer from encountering risks.

In order to achieve the abovementioned object, the invention discloses a water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring which comprises three mechanical parts, an adjustable clamp apparatus, a waterproof chamber and a hydro-driving mechanism. A control monitor with a screen panel, or a mobile phone with control software installed, is used by a rescuer or a lifeguard to operate the water propelling device remotely. Three mechanical parts are connected together tightly to form a rigid structure.

The adjustable clamp apparatus is composed of an adjustable clamp holder, an upper clamp and a lower clamp. The main function of the adjustable clamp apparatus is to fasten firmly an object with buoyance between the upper and the lower clamps. The clearance between the upper and the lower clamps can be changed to suit various types of floating object such as a buoy ring, a swim board or a foam noodle by setting the opening of the adjustable clamp holder.

The waterproof chamber is mounted on the top of the adjustable clamp apparatus to ensure the waterproof chamber being above the surface of water at all times in a rescue mission. Inside the waterproof chamber, there are electronic circuit boards, a power supply unit and batteries, a wireless signal communication module and antennas, various sensor modules and an electronic speed controller wired together to actuate and control movements of the invented water propelling device with the fastened floating object in the water. The command and response signals are exchanged wirelessly between the remote operating rescuer through the control monitor or the mobile phone and the waterproof chamber.

The hydro-driving mechanism is fixed to the bottom of the adjustable clamp apparatus to ensure the hydro-driving mechanism being submerged in the water at all times in a rescue mission. In addition, the hydro-driving mechanism is connected to the electronic speed controller inside the waterproof chamber by electric cables to provide a propeller function, for moving forward and backward, and a rudder function, for turning directions. The propeller function and the rudder function work together harmoniously enabling the invented water propelling device with the fastened floating object to perform movements in the water.

As a result, to rescue a drowning person calling for helps, a rescuer or a lifeguard fastens an object with buoyance available in the rescue scene with the invented water propelling device first, and puts the device and the floating object together in the water. Then, the rescuer is able to deliver the floating object to the drowning person by operating the control monitor or the mobile phone which wirelessly connects with the invented water propelling device. The command signals from the control monitor are received by the wireless signal communication module and antennas, and are transmitted to the electronic boards for processing. The output signals for the propeller function and the rudder function are generated accordingly and sent to the electronic speed controller to actuate the hydro-driving mechanism. In the mean times, various sensor modules inside the waterproof chamber collect surrounding and status information during the rescue mission for the electronic boards to process. The output signals are sent to the electronic speed controller and the hydro-driving mechanism for feedback-control adjustment of movements, and to the wireless communication modules and antennas to transmit back to the control monitor or the mobile phone for the rescuer to supervise.

Therefore, to rescue a drowning person in the water by the invented water propelling device with a life-saving buoy ring is able to resolve the limitations of the distance and the direction of throwing out a buoy ring by different rescuers at different rescue scenes. In addition, the rescuer will be released from the risks of consuming physical strength and encountering resistance against the drowning person to accomplish a rescue mission safely and quickly.

To enable a further understanding of the said objectives and technical methods of the invention herein, the drawings below are followed by the detailed descriptions of the preferred embodiments.


FIG. 1 shows a three dimensional perspective view of the water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to present invention.

FIG. 2 shows an enlarged upper view of the water propelling device with the waterproof chamber and the fastened life-saving buoy ring, according to present invention.

FIG. 3 shows an enlarged lower view of the water propelling device with the adjustable clamp apparatus and the hydro-driving mechanism, according to present invention.

FIG. 4 shows a three-dimensional perspective view of the water propelling device with the waterproof chamber, the adjustable clamp apparatus and the hydro-driving mechanism, according to present invention.

FIG. 5 shows a functional circuit diagram of the water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to present invention.

FIG. 6 shows a schematic view of the water propelling device with a life-saving buoy ring working in the water, according to present invention.


Referring to FIGS. 1 to 5, a water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring is disclosed, comprising an adjustable clamp apparatus 10, a waterproof chamber 11, a hydro-driving mechanism 20 and a control monitor 30.

The adjustable clamp apparatus 10 fastened to a floating object 40 of various types, such as a buoy ring, a swimming board or a foam noodle, is fixed to the bottom of the waterproofed chamber 11. The waterproof chamber 11 is equipped with electronic circuit boards 12 connecting with a power supply unit and batteries 15, a wireless signal communication module and antennas 13, status sensors 16, a GPS (Global Positioning System) 17, a camera 18, a spotlight and a flashing light 19, a microphone 110, a speaker 111 as well as an electronic speed controller 14.

The hydro-driving mechanism 20 is fixed to the bottom of the adjustable clamp apparatus 10 to transport the fastened buoy ring 40 over the surface of water. The electronic speed controller 14 is wired with the hydro-driving mechanism 20, receiving signals generated by the electronic circuit boards 12 to actuate and control the rotating speeds of various propellers 21, 22 in the hydro-driving mechanism 20.

The control monitor 30 is used to transmit command signals wirelessly to the wireless signal communication module and antennas 13. The wireless command signals received by the wireless signal communication module and antennas 13 are sent to the control electronic circuit boards 12 for processing. The outputs are then used by the electronic speed controller 14 to actuate the speed and the direction of rotations of the propellers 21, 22 in the hydro-driving mechanism 20. As a result, the invented water propelling device with a fastened life-saving buoy ring 40 is able to perform movements of moving forward and backward and turning left and right in the water according to the operating commands of the rescuer sending by the control monitor 30. Various type of objects with buoyance can be used in a rescue mission by setting the adjustable clamp apparatus 10 of the invented water propelling device, as shown in FIG. 6.

When a drowning person is calling for helps, the rescuer can deliver a buoy ring 40 rapidly over the surface of water to the drowning person by operating the control monitor 30 and the invention. Therefore, there will be no limitation of accuracy in the distance and the direction of throwing out a life-saving buoy ring. In addition, the rescuer does not have to swim toward the drowning person with the buoy ring. The risks of consuming physical strength and the dangers caused by the resistance of the drowning person encountered by the rescuer are lessened.

Referring to FIGS. 1 to 4 again, the adjustable clamp apparatus 10 is provided with an L-shaped upper clamp 101 and a lower clamp 102. The waterproof chamber 11 is mounted on the top of the upper clamp 101, and the lower clamp 102 is fixed with the two propellers 21, 22 of the hydro-driving mechanism 20. The adjustable clamp holder is made up of two pins 1011, 1012 at one end of the upper clamp 101 and two pinholes 1021, 1022 at one end of the lower clamp 102. The two pins 1011, 1021 are put through the two pinholes 1021, 1022 to adjust the clearance between the upper clamp 101 and the lower clamp 102 to suit various types of floating objects 40. Furthermore, there are two slots 1013, 1023 provided at the other ends of the upper clamp 101 and the lower clamp 102 respectively. As a floating object 40 is set between the upper clamp 101 and the lower clamp 102, a fixing element, such as a rope, a belt, a touch fastener or a zip tie which is not shown in the drawings, is pulled through the two slots 1013, 1023 to lace the two clamps 101, 102. Therefore, the floating object 40 is fastened with the invented water propelling device for a rescue mission.

As shown in FIGS. 1 to 5, the waterproof chamber 11 is further equipped with a power supply unit and batteries 15 which is connected with the electronic circuit boards 12 to supply the required electricity to the invented device.

Referring to FIGS. 1 to 5 again, the waterproofed chamber 11 is further provided with motion and status sensors 16, a GPS (Global Positioning System) 17 and a camera 18 which are connected with the electronic circuit boards 12. The control monitor 30, or a mobile phone installed with a control software, is equipped with a display panel 31. The information collected by the motion and status sensors 16, the geographical data recorded by the GPS 17 and the images captured by the camera 18 are transmitted to the control monitor 30 and displayed on the display panel 31 in real time. According to the messages displayed, the rescuer is able to control remotely the movements of the water propelling device with a life-saving buoy ring 40 and supervise the rescue mission continuously.

As shown in FIGS. 1 to 5 again, the waterproof chamber 11 is equipped with a spotlight and a flashing light 19. The spotlight and the flashing light 19 are connected with the electronic circuit boards 12 to provide illumination for the rescue scene and the warning light to the rescuer and the drowning person.

As shown in FIGS. 1 to 5 again, the waterproof chamber 11 is further equipped with a microphone 110 and a speaker 111 which are connected with the electronic circuit boards 12. The control monitor 30 is equipped with a microphone 32 and a speaker 33. The rescuer, by the microphone 32 and the speaker 33, is able to carry out two-way wireless audio communications with the drowning person, by the microphone 110 and the speaker 111.

In comparison to the prior arts, the invented water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring is provided with the advantage that various types of floating objects, such as a ring buoy, a swimming board or a foam noodle, can be delivered rapidly over the surface of water to a drowning person waiting for helps, so as to decrease the risks a rescuer encountered and to increase the efficiency of a rescue mission.

It is of course to be understood that the embodiments described herein is merely illustrative of the principles of the invention and that a wide variety of modifications thereto may be effected by persons skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the following claims.

  • 1. A water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring comprises: an adjustable clamp apparatus, being able to fasten various types of objects with buoyance by setting the adjustable clamp holder and the clearance between the upper clamp and the lower clamp;a waterproof chamber, being mounted on the top of the adjustable clamp apparatus and equipped with electronic circuit boards, a power supply unit and batteries, a wireless signal communication module and antennas, various sensor modules and an electronic speed controller wired together to actuate and control the movements of the invention and to communicate with the rescuer;a hydro-driving mechanism, being fixed at a bottom of the adjustable clamp apparatus and connected with the electronic speed controller in the waterproof chamber to move a life-saving buoy ring over the surface of water with a propeller function and a rudder function; anda control monitor, being equipped with a display panel for the rescuer to operate the water propelling device with a life-saving buoy ring remotely and supervise the rescue mission;wherein the adjustable clamp apparatus, the waterproof chamber and the hydro-driving mechanism being fixed together tightly to form a rigid structure.
  • 2. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 1, wherein the various types of objects with buoyance are a buoy ring, a swim board or a foam noodle.
  • 3. The water propelling device for life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 1, wherein the adjustable clamp apparatus is provided with an L-shaped upper clamp, a lower clamp and an adjustable clamp holder made up of two pins at one end of the upper clam and two pinholes at one end of the lower clamp.
  • 4. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 3, wherein the other ends of the upper clamp and the lower clamp are provided with two corresponding slots respectively, and an object with buoyance of various types is fastened between the upper clamp and the lower clamp by adjusting the clearance of the adjustable clamp holder and pulling a fixing element through the two slots to lace the two clamps.
  • 5. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 4, wherein the fixing element is a cord, a rope, a belt, a touch fastener or a zip tie.
  • 6. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 1, wherein the various sensor modules in the waterproof chamber includes motion and status sensors, a GPS (Global Positioning System) and a camera connected with the electronic circuit boards, so that information collected by the motion and status sensors, the geographical data recorded by the GPS and the images captured by the camera being transmitted to the controller monitor wirelessly to display in real time for the rescuer to supervise the rescue mission.
  • 7. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 6, wherein the waterproof chamber further includes a spotlight and a flashing light connected with the electronic circuit boards to provide illumination for the rescue scene and the alerting light to the rescuer and the drowning person.
  • 8. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 6, wherein the waterproof chamber further includes a microphone and a speaker connected with the control electronic circuit boards, with the control monitor being equipped with a microphone and a speaker, two-way wireless audio communications being able to carry out between the rescuer and the drowning person.
  • 9. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 1, wherein the waterproof chamber includes an electronic speed controller connected with the electronic circuit boards and the hydro-driving mechanism to actuate and control the propeller function and the rudder function of the hydro-driving mechanism.
  • 10. The water propelling device for a life-saving buoy ring, according to claim 1, wherein the hydro-driving mechanism includes two propellers connected with the electronic speed controller to perform movements of moving forward and backward and turning left and right by controlling the speeds and the directions of rotation of the two propellers.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
107114212 Apr 2018 TW national