Water-soluble foliar nutritional fertilizer and method of using same

A method of promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines is shown. The method comprising applying an effective amount of a composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof. A composition for application to deciduous trees and vines is also shown. The composition comprises an enhancing effective amount of nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


1. Field of the Invention

The invention provides methods and compositions for promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines. The methods involve application of compositions comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc by spray or in tank mixes containing pesticides.

2. Description of the Prior Art

It is known in the art to provide methods and compositions for improving crop yield. U.S. Pat. No. 5,614,467 discloses a method that involves application of auxins such as indole-3-acetamide and/or tyrptamine to plants, either as a soil amendment or a foliar spray.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,614,203 discloses use of plant extract in a pesticide wherein a suitable plant extract is made from seaweed, such as hydrolyzed kelp.


The present invention provides a new, novel and unique method of promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines. The composition, in the preferred embodiment, is in the form of a composition for application to deciduous trees and vines and comprises about 8% nitrogen and about 5% soluble potash. The composition may comprise nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

A method is disclosed comprising the step of applying to deciduous trees and vines an effective amount of a composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof. The composition comprises an enhancing effective amount of nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

The composition may include a bio regulator such as plant extract preferably seaweed. The seaweed is mixed with the composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

None of the known prior art devices anticipate, disclose, suggest or teach a method of promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines wherein the method comprising applying an effective amount of a composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

None of the known prior art devices anticipate, disclose, suggest or teach a composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

Therefore, it is an advantage of the present invention to provide a method and composition in the form of a water-soluble nutritional fertilizer of macro-micronutrients. The water-soluble nutritional fertilizer is designed for application one (1) to three (3) weeks in advance of expected bud break and may be applied alone or in tank mixes containing pesticides.

Another advantage of the present invention is that the imprinting device of the present invention has an attachment element which can be fixedly attached or removeably attached to a surface of a substrate and the attachment element has an exterior surface defining an imprinting member having a predetermined image which is configured to be printed onto a surface, such as for example, a selective area on the skin of a person.

Another advantage of the present invention is that the water-soluble nutritional fertilizer is a nutritional supplement to a regular fertilizer program.

Another advantage of the present invention is that a solution of the composition can be formed comprising about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition of claim 14 per 100 gallons of water.

Another advantage of the present invention is that a solution of the composition can be formed comprising about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition of claim 14 per 100 gallons of water with up to up to 100 gallons of additional water.

Another advantage of the present invention is that the composition may be mixed with a plant extract, preferably seaweed wherein the seaweed functions as a bio regulator having nutritive qualities which further act to accelerate plant growth including bud break uniformity through foliar feeding.


The present invention will become more fully understood from the following detailed description of a preferred but non-limiting embodiment thereof, described in connection with the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing the method of using the composition in solution; and

FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the method of using the composition in solution using a plant extract such as seaweed as a bio regulator.


A specialized need has developed for a water-soluble foliar nutritional fertilizer to promote early shoot vigor, more uniform bloom and fruit set in grapes and deciduous trees. In the preferred use of the method and composition of the present invention, is based on application of the composition one (1) to three (3) weeks in advance of expected bud break.

The preferred method of application is by spraying alone. However, the composition may be used in mixing tank mixes containing pesticides.

The teachings of the present invention provide such a person as a grower with the ability to enhance production from crops such as grapes.

One important factor which effects the efficacy of using the novel and unique composition and method is that the minimum chill hours for the crops must be meet.

Water-Soluble Foliar Nutritional Composition and Method

The composition of FIG. 1 is a water-soluble foliar nutritional fertilizer of macro-and micronutrients for deciduous trees and vines, such as for example, grapes. It is designed for application one (1) to three (3) weeks in advance of expected bud break and may be applied alone or in tank mixes containing pesticides. When use of the composition is to be included in an unfamiliar mix, a compatibility test is usually recommended.

The water-soluble foliar nutritional fertilizer is a nutritional supplement to a regular fertilizer program and will not supply the total nutrients required by a crop.

In its preferred use, the composition is a nutritional supplement used to promote bud break uniformity and shoot vigor and deciduous trees and vines. The composition must be used in combination with a surfactant break-thru, which are well known in the art.

The composition of FIG. 1 is effectively used to promote early shoot vigor, more uniform bloom and fruit set in grapes and deciduous trees. The composition is used with a non-ionic surfactant/penetrant break thru at a preferred rate of 5 ounces to 6 ounces per 100 gallons of water.

When the composition is applied by the method of a directed spray, the volumes should not exceed 200 gallons per acre. Uniform spray coverage of bud material is required for good performance and should be applied one (1) to three (3) weeks in advance of expected bud break.

Since compressed bloom can occur with the use of the composition of FIG. 1, growers or users are advised to have hives in orchards prior to initiation of bloom to insure adequate pollination. Compressed bloom and fruit set can also exacerbate nutritional deficiencies. This can be overcome by use of a fertility-monitoring program.

Use of the composition and method of the present invention is not a substitute for chill hours required by the crop or plant. The desired uniformity in bloom and fruit set will not occur using the composition of the present invention unless minimum chill hours are met.

FIG. 2 is a blocked diagram showing the steps of the method for preparing and using the composition of the present invention. The required amount of composition described in FIG. 1 is added to a half-tank of water and is mixed well before adding the surfactant break-thru or a compatible chemical. If the composition is mixed with pesticides, the mixture should not be stored. Preferably, the composition is used immediately after mixing. Preferably, the composition should be sprayed as soon as possible after mixing onto the desired crops.

The composition illustrated in FIG. 1 has a net weight of 12.60 pounds per gallon (1.51 kilograms per litre).

A method of promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines is disclosed and taught by the present invention. The method comprises applying an effective amount of a composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof on the crop or plant material to be treated. The method of promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines comprises applying an effective amount of nitrogen selected from the group consisting of ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen and a combination thereof.

In its preferred use, the composition is applied at the one (1) to three (3) weeks in advance of expected bud break. The composition is applied at a concentration of between about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces per 100 gallons of water.

Preferably, the method of uses the composition in the step of spraying the plants, crops or deciduous trees to be treated. Alternatively, the method may use the composition in tank mixes. The composition may be applied by use of tank mixes containing pesticides. The method and composition can be used for plant comprising deciduous trees and vines.

In the preferred embodiment, the composition comprises nitrogen is 8%, potassium 0% and potash 5% by weight.

The composition for application to deciduous trees and vines may comprise a composition of about 8% nitrogen and about 5% soluble potash.

The composition comprising nitrogen may include ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

In the preferred embodiment, the composition for application to deciduous trees and vines comprises an enhancing effective amount of nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.

In FIG. 1, the block diagram shows a method of for using the composition in solution. A composition shown as 10 is prepared as discussed herein. The composition is hydrated with a fluid from a source of fluid 12, such as water, to form a solution. The solution may be mixed with non-ionic surfactant/penetrant shown as 18 that are well known in the art.

The solution is then used by sprayers shown as 20, e.g. sprayers, on by in-tank mixers for varying the concentration of the solution shown by 22. The concentration per acre can be controlled by the density of the solution in the in-tank mixers 22.

In FIG. 2, a block diagram shows an alternate method of using the composition in solution using a plant extract such as seaweed as a bio regulator.

A composition shown as 40 is prepared as discussed herein. A plant extract 42, such as seaweed, is added to the composition 40. The composition 40 and plant extract 42 are hydrated with a fluid from a source of fluid 46, such as water, to form a solution 50. The solution is then used for spraying or in-tank mixers as shown by box 52.

The plant extract may comprise a plant extract having nutritive qualities which further act to accelerate plant growth including bud break uniformity through foliar feeding. The preferred plant extract is seaweed. Examples of seaweed used for practicing this invention is such as hydrolyzed and macrocystis pyrifera. An acceptable seaweed extract is a CITROPLEX brand bio regular. In practicing this invention, about 12 ounces per acre to about 16 ounces per acre of CITROPLEX brand bio regular may be added to a solution of a selected concentration to increase the efficacy of the solution to improve the “bud break” of treated deciduous trees and vines.


The following is an example of the preferred composition for practicing this invention:

Example 1

Percentage by Weight

Total Nitrogen

0.42% ammoniacal

7.58% Nitrate Nitrogen

Soluble Potash (K2O)

Calcium (Ca)

Copper (Cu)

0.05% Chelated Copper

Iron (Fe)

0.10% Chelated Iron

Manganese (Mn)

Zinc (Zn)

0.30% Chelated Zinc

Derived from calcium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, boric acid, copper EDTA, iron EDTA manganese, Zinc EDTA and potassium nitrate.

The following are examples of methods for using the composition of the present invention.

Example 2

A composition is prepared using the elements set forth in Example 1 or variations thereof as is apparent to persons skilled in the art. The composition is hydrated with water in a ratio of about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water to form a concentrated solution. The solution having the composition is applied to deciduous trees and vines preferably at one to three weeks in advance of expected bud break with the maximum advanced application time being about 30 days.

The solution is hand applied to the plants at the rate of 1 gallon per acre. The effective rate is about 80%. The effective rate is determined by sampling at the time of bud break the number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was applied and comparing the same to the total number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was originally applied.

Example 3

A composition is prepared using the elements set forth in Example 1 or variations thereof as is apparent to persons skilled in the art. The composition is hydrated with water in a ratio of about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water to form a concentrated solution. The solution having the composition is applied to deciduous trees and vines preferably at one to three weeks in advance of expected bud break with the maximum advanced application time being about 30 days.

The solution is applied to the plants using conventionally spaying equipment at the rate of 5 gallons per acre. The effective rate is 20%. The effective rate is determined by sampling at the time of bud break the number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was applied and comparing the same to the total number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was originally applied.

Example 4

A composition is prepared using the elements set forth in Example 1 or variations thereof as is apparent to persons skilled in the art. The composition is hydrated with water in a ratio of about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water to form a concentrated solution. The solution having the composition is applied to deciduous trees and vines preferably at one to three weeks in advance of expected bud break with the maximum advanced application time being about 30 days.

The solution is applied to the plants using conventionally spraying equipment having special nozzle assemblies directing the solution directly onto the plants at the rate of 15 gallons per acre. The effective rate is 40%. The effective rate is determined by sampling at the time of bud break the number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was applied and comparing the same to the total number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was originally applied.

Example 5

A composition is prepared using the elements set forth in Example 1 or variations thereof as is apparent to persons skilled in the art. The composition is hydrated with water in a ratio of about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water to form a concentrated solution. The solution having the composition is applied to deciduous trees and vines preferably at one to three weeks in advance of expected bud break with the maximum advanced application time being about 30 days.

Seaweed comprising CITROPLEX brand bio regular was added to the solution at the rate of about 12 ounces per acre to be treated forming a bio enhanced solution. The bio enhanced solution was applied to deciduous trees and vines 30 days before bud break.

The solution was hand applied directly onto the plants at the rate of 15 gallons per acre. The effective rate is about 85%. The effective rate is determined by sampling at the time of bud break the number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was applied and comparing the same to the total number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was originally applied.

Example 6

A composition is prepared using the elements set forth in Example 1 or variations thereof as is apparent to persons skilled in the art. The composition is hydrated with water in a ratio of about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water to form a concentrated solution. The solution having the composition is applied to deciduous trees and vines preferably at one to three weeks in advance of expected bud break with the maximum advanced application time being about 30 days.

Seaweed comprising CITROPLEX brand bio regular was added to the solution at the rate of about 16 ounces per acre to be treated forming a bio enhanced solution. The bio enhanced solution was applied to deciduous trees and vines 30 days before bud break. The solution hand applied directly onto the plants at the rate of 15 gallons per acre. The effective rate is slightly greater than about 85%. The effective rate is determined by sampling at the time of bud break the number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was applied and comparing the same to the total number of deciduous trees and vines to which the solution was originally applied.

Application Methods

Generally, hand application of a solution comprising the composition and water, either with or without a bio regulator, is the most efficient method of application as a significant portion of the solution is applied directly onto the plants for foliar feeding.

In commercial operations, using standard spraying equipment, the effective rate is reduced primarily due to the fact that standard spraying equipment applies the solution to plants, weeds and soil and not enough of the solution is applied to the plants to obtain significant efficacy rates.

In large commercial operations, the standard spraying equipment is adapted with special nozzles for applying a greater portion of the solution onto the plants as opposed to the portion of the solution applied to weeds and soil. Depending on the nozzle designs, the density of solution per acre and the efficiency to which a larger portion of the solution can be applied to the plants, efficacy rates in the range of 50% to 60% or more can be achieved. The use of a bio regular in the solution helps increase the effective rate.

Preferably, the maximum volume of solution should not exceed 200 gallons per acre.

A solution of the composition of Example 1 for hand spraying can be formed comprising about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water.

A dilution of a solution of the composition of Example 1 for equipment spraying can be formed comprising about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces of composition per 100 gallons of water with up to up to 100 gallons of additional water.

The nozzles having specifically designed controlled flow patterns for plants and in-tank systems using higher concentrations of solutions per acre as additional techniques available for increasing efficacy.

It is envisioned that the method and composition may be used for applications other than deciduous trees and vines. However, use of the composition and method has proven to be effective for grapes.

This invention may be used in substantially the configuration of the preferred embodiment or of the disclosed alternate embodiments or variations thereof. It will be appreciated that various alterations and modifications may be made to imprinting device to enhance the functional characteristics thereof. All such variations and modifications should be considered to fall within the scope of the invention as broadly hereinbefore described and as claimed hereafter.

All such uses, variations, modifications and the like are anticipated to be within the scope of this invention.

  • 1. A method of promoting bud break uniformity and shoot vigor in deciduous trees and vines, the method comprising applying an effective amount of a composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the composition is applied at the one to three weeks in advance of expected bud break.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is applied at a concentration of between about 5 ounces to about 6 ounces per 100 gallons of water.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is applied by spraying to the plants.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is applied by in tank mixers.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition is applied by in tank mixers containing pesticides.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the composition of nitrogen is 8% by weight.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, wherein the plant is deciduous trees and vines.
  • 9. A composition comprising nitrogen including ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof.
  • 10. The composition of claim 9 wherein the composition comprises about 8% nitrogen and about 5% soluble potash, by weight.
  • 11. The composition of claim 10 wherein the composition further comprises about 5% Soluble Potash (K2O), by weight.
  • 12. The composition of claim 11 wherein the composition further comprises about 8% Calcium (Ca), by weight.
  • 13. The composition of claim 12 wherein the composition further comprises about 0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu), by weight.
  • 14. The composition of claim 13 wherein the composition further comprises about 0.10% Chelated Iron (Fe), by weight.
  • 15. The composition of claim 14 wherein the composition further comprises about 0.10% Manganese (Mn), by weight.
  • 16. The composition of claim 15 wherein the composition further comprises about 0.30% Chelated Zinc (Zn), by weight.
  • 17. In combination, a composition for application to deciduous trees and vines, the composition comprising a productivity enhancing effective amount of nitrogen, soluble potash, calcium, boron, copper and trace elements including iron, manganese and zinc and a combination thereof; and a plant extract bio regulator.
  • 18. The combination of claim 17 wherein the plant extract is seaweed.
  • 19. A method for treating plants to obtain uniform bud break comprising the steps of preparing a fertilizer of claim 9;preparing a solution using the fertilizer and water in a predetermined concentration for treating plants to control bud break; and spraying the plants with the solution at least thirty days prior to expected bud break to obtain substantially uniform bud break of the treated plants.
  • 20. The method of claim 19 wherein the step of spraying includes hand spraying of the plants.
  • 21. The method of claim 19 wherein the step of spraying includes equipment spraying of the plants.
  • 22. The method of claim 19 wherein the step of spraying includes equipment spraying include flow pattern control nozzles having designed controlled flow patterns for plants for concentrating spraying of the solution onto the plants.

This Application claims the benefit, under Title 35, United States Code §119(e), of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/638,890 filed Dec. 22, 2004.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60638890 Dec 2004 US