Water treatment system

A system for the treatment of water to remove metals and undesirable substances from well and groundwater so as to render the water potable is disclosed. The system employs microbubbles of oxygen, which remain suspended in water at a concentration above 100% of the calculated saturated concentration at a particular temperature and pressure. These microbubbles oxidize undesirable substances in the water, which substances include iron manganese, arsenic, antimony, chrome, aluminum, reduced sulfur compounds, pesticide residues, drug metabolites and/or bacteria. Microbubbles are produced by electrolysis or by sparging through a microorifice. A control system for the electrolytic system is disclosed.


FIG. 1 shows a simple water treatment system.

FIG. 2 shows a water treatment system with added safety devices and a bypass.

FIG. 3 is a diagram of the electric circuitry.

FIG. 4 is a representation of various emitters.

FIG. 5 shows an embodiment with two electrolysis chambers in series and a final filter.

FIG. 6 shows the preferred embodiment in a case with the electrolysis chambers arranged in parallel.

FIG. 7 shows the embodiment with oxygen bubbling or sparging.


In the following discussion, a water treatment system with three emitters in one chamber is used as an example. The voltages and flow rates below are suitable for this example, but it should be understood that more or fewer cells can be used, depending on the needs of the installation. It may be convenient to pass the water to be treated through a plurality of chambers to make a more compact system or to treat large volumes of water. The chambers may be arranged in series or in parallel. One of the pressing needs is the removal of ferrous hydroxide, which has an odor, stains and fouls plumbing. Oxidized iron is non-reactive and will not stain or foul plumbing, nor does it have an objectionable odor. The microbubbles evolved by the emitters are effective in rapid oxidation of contaminants both because of the high oxygen content achieved in the water and because of the large surface area for reaction. A final filter is preferred in order to remove fine precipitates of oxidized iron and other oxidized metals and to improve the clarity of the water. In the following examples, specific conditions of power supply, size and flow rates are provided for illustrative purposes only. Those skilled in the art can readily make adjustments in power supply, size and flow rates to provide the benefits of this invention.

Example 1
Experimental Model

Turning to FIG. 1, the intake 1 is attached to the water supply to be treated. Valve 2 is shut; valve 3 is open to allow water into the electrolysis chamber 4. When the flow switch 5 connected to the controller 6 senses the water flow, the power supply 7 supplies voltage to the plates 8a, 8b and 8c, causing oxygen to be evolved. The oxygenated water passes valve 9 to exit by the outlet 10. Water pressure relief valve 11 and gas relief valve 12 will relieve pressure in the system. When the temperature sensor 13 senses an increase in temperature, the controller 6 inactivates the plates 8a, 8b and 8c.

Turning to FIG. 2 the intake 1 is attached to the water supply to be treated. Valve 2 is shut; valve 3 is open to allow water into the electrolysis chamber 4. Valves 14 and 15 are closed. When the flow switch 5 connected to the controller 6 senses the water flow, the power supply 7 applies voltage to the plates 8a, 8b and 8c, causing oxygen to be evolved. The oxygenated water passes by valve 9 to exit by the outlet 10. Pressure relief valve 11 and gas relief valve 12 will relieve fluid pressure in the system when excess pressure is generated and detected by pressure gauge 16, a pressure switch 16a is activated. When the temperature sensor 13 or pressure switch 16a senses an increase in temperature or pressure, the controller 6 inactivates the plates 8a, 8b and 8c. Connector 17 is provided for ease of installation. Intake 18 is connected to the water supply. When valve 14 and 15 are open and valves 3 and 9 are closed, water may be sent in a backflush direction through the electrolysis chamber 4 and out outlet 19.

Either the embodiment in FIG. 1 or the embodiment in FIG. 2 may be operated in several modes:

  • 1. Bypassing the system: Valve 2 is open; valves 3 and 9 are closed. Water flows from intake 1 to outlet 10, bypassing the emitters.
  • 2. Through the system: Valves 3 and 9 are open; valves 2, 14 and 15 (FIG. 2 only) are closed. Water flows from intake 1 through electrolysis chamber 4. The flow switch 5 senses flow and controller 6 activates power source 7 to supply current to the emitters.
  • 3. Through the system with self-cleaning feature activated. Valves 3 and 9 are open; valves 2, 14 and 15 (FIG. 2 only) are shut. The flow switch 5 senses flow and controller 6 activates power source 7. Controller 6 switches polarity as programmed. For intermittent use, it may be convenient to program the controller to switch polarity each time water flow is started.
  • 4. Backflush cycle, the model of FIG. 2 only: Valves 14 and 15 are open, valves 3 and 9 are closed. Water is introduced to the electrolysis chamber through intake 18, flows in a retro direction through the chamber and out the outlet 19. The electric circuitry is bypassed and adjustments are not programmed, but are made manually.

Example 2
Description of Circuit Operation

This description is based on a example system with three emitters and the self cleaning polarity reversal on each initiation of water flow. Adjustments can be made for bigger or smaller systems. Circuit operation starts with applying line voltage, 120 V AC, to the power supply 26, which transforms the line voltage to 12 V DC. The controller circuit is in electrical communication with flow switch 23, temperature sensor 22 and push button switch 21 which activates the circuit, if the temperature sensor 22 indicates cool, thereby allowing 12 volts to be applied to the push button switch 21. When this push button switch is pushed, it energizes relay 24 K1A. The connections on this relay are such that it remains energized after the push button is released. The other contacts on this relay look at the flow switch to see if water is flowing. If so, the next relay 25 K1B is energized, applying 120 V AC to the second power supply 20 and relay 27 K2. K2 is a sequencing relay, the contacts of which will change state when energized and remain in an energized state when power is removed. The next time the relay is energized, the contacts change state and then stay in that position.

When 120 V AC power is supplied to the power supply 20, it sends DC voltage onto its output connections. Relays 28K3, 29K4, and 30K5 send the current through terminal boards 31, 32 and 33 to the emitters. If K2 is in one position, the voltage applied to the emitters is “forward” biased. The next water flow detection will change the state of K2 and the relays will change state, resulting in a reversal of polarity on the emitters. Oxygen will be produced during either state.

The action will continue indefinitely if the temperature sensor detects no increase in temperature. If the sensor sees an increase in temperature above its set point, it will open the circuit and remove the 12 V DC power to the relays, thereby shutting down the circuit. The circuit can be restarted only by activating the button switch again. When the spigot is turned off, there is a slight temperature rise until the flow switch turns off the controller. This rise is not enough to trigger the much higher set point on the temperature switch. Hence the system will turn on again once the flow switch detects flow. The temperature switch is a safety device and preferably, once the temperature switch inactivates the power system, manual intervention is required to reactivate the system.

Example 3
Emitter Configurations

Depending on the volume of fluid to be oxygenated, the emitter of this invention may be shaped as a circle, rectangle, cone or other model. One or more may be set in a substrate that may be metal, glass, plastic or other material. The substrate is not critical as long as the current is isolated to the electrodes by the nonconductor spacer material of a thickness from 0.005 to 0.140 inches, preferably 0.030 to 0.075 inches, most preferably 0.065 inches. Within this distance, micro- and nanobubbles of oxygen are evolved. These bubbles are so small that they cannot escape and build up into what may be termed a colloidal suspension of oxygen in an aqueous medium. Oxygen concentrations of 260% of calculated saturation at a particular temperature and pressure have been achieved in a stationary container. The oxygen suspension in a flow-through unit can be so concentrated with oxygen that the water appears milky. In addition to the high oxygen content achieved, the microbubbles have a larger surface area for reaction than ordinary-sized bubbles. While any configuration may be used in the water treatment system, a funnel or pyramidal shaped cell was constructed to treat larger volumes of fluid. FIG. 4 shows a simple flat emitter 4A; a cone-shaped emitter 4B; and a rod shaped emitter 4C. FIG. 4D depicts the most favored configuration, a triple set of emitters arranged in a pyramidal configuration in a conduit. This flow-through embodiment is suitable for treating large volumes of water rapidly and is selected as the best mode for use in water treatment. It should be understood that any configuration will be useful in the water treatment system and the system is not limited to the pyramidal configuration nor to three emitters nor to one chamber. In each of these configurations, the anode 34 and cathode 35 are separated by 0.040 to 0.75 inches.

Example 4
Operation of Experimental Systems

A. An experimental system, such as that in FIG. 1, was tested at a home drawing water from a well 220 feet deep. The dissolved oxygen was 28.9% and iron content was between 2 and 2.5 ppm. The water had an unpleasant smell and taste due to the iron and hydrogen sulfide content. The system was activated and oxygen content of the outlet water was near 100% saturation. Iron was reduced to less than 0.5 ppm and there was no unpleasant taste or smell.

Calculations of power expended and cost thereof were made. The current varied between 3.3 and 3.8 amps. At 12 volts, the power used was about 48 Watts for each emitter or about 144 watts. The system was activated for about two hours each day, at a daily cost (current electric company rates) of about 3.4 cents per day.

This experimental system did not feature the self-cleaning reverse polarity feature. The system was run for six days, during which time 1400 gallons of water was drawn. At this time, the electrodes began to show some mineral deposits.

B. The first polarity-reversing experimental system, with three emitters, was installed in a home provided with well water, containing 2 to 3 ppm iron. The flow rate in the system was 6 gallons/minute. Polarity of the emitters was reversed every time the flow was started, that is, when a faucet was opened, about 70 times per day. This unit was equipped with a Birm filter. Tests showed complete removal of iron, down to 0 detectable ppm.

C. The second polarity-reversing experimental system was installed at a site where the effluent was also used for irrigation. The water contained 12.75 ppm iron and operated at a 15 gallon/minute rate. Polarity was reversed every time the well pump was started, which varied between 14 and 18 times a day.

As for the prototype in Example B, the iron in the effluent was undetectable and the effluent was passed through a Birm filter and the results showed that iron levels were undetectable. These results were verified by an independent testing laboratory.

D. The third polarity-reversing experimental system was installed at a site where the water contained both 10 ppm iron and 2.25 ppm hydrogen sulfide. Flow rate was 7 gallons per minute, and the polarity was reversed each time the well pump was started, about 14 times per day. The effluent was passed through a greens and filter. Iron and hydrogen sulfide levels in the effluent were undetectable.

Example 5
Laboratory Testing of 4.0-5.0 ppm Iron

A. Seventy gallons of well water testing 4 to 5 ppm were passed through conduit equipped with a three plate, twelve-inch emitter at 12 Volts. The flow rates were varied and the iron content was measured after the effluent passed through a 9 by 48 inch Birm filter. The first flow rate tested was two gallons per minute. Iron content was below 0.5 ppm (the practical lower limit of measuring). When the flow rate was increased to 2.7 gallons per minute, the iron content was less than 0.5 ppm. The flow was increased to 4.87 gallons per minute and then to six gallons per minute. The iron content of the effluent was 0.5 ppm or below.

B. Trailer testing. A special 5 ft. by 8 ft. trailer was outfitted in order to conduct water testing at various sites and to verify results before units were installed. The trailer was equipped with two polarity-reversing oxygenator chambers, a power supply, and two Birm filters. A 14 inch by 65 inch Birm filter for lower flow rates and a 21 inch by 54 inch Birm filter for higher rates were used. The trailer had its own power generator and large flow pump so iron, hydrogen sulfide and manganese removal can be tested immediately on site.

With this trailer, the ability of the system to remove manganese was tested. At the City of Brooklyn Park, Minn., various wells tested between 1.3 ppm to 2.7 ppm manganese. With the two chambers, powered on the trailer, and at flow rates up to 10 gallons/minute, the manganese was oxidized and 100% removed by the 21 by 54 inch Birm filter.

Example 6
Compact Unit with Self-Cleaning Feature

New embodiments have been developed that are suitable for factory assembly into a compact unit within a case for convenient installation. The improved features include a self-cleaning feature. FIG. 5 shows a typical system for assembly on site. In this example, six sets of emitters are provided, three in each of two electrolytic chambers 36 A and 35B, with a 12 V DC power source. The chambers in this embodiment are arranged in series. In this embodiment, when raw or untreated water enters the chamber 36A at the water input 37, a flow switch connected to the control box 38 is activated. The control box is shown in detail in FIG. 3. The flow switch is calibrated to sense water flow at or above a preset flow, preferably 0.5 gallons per minute. When flow is sensed, the flow switch sends a signal to the power supply box in the control box 38, which in turn applies 12 V DC power to the emitters in the chambers 36A and 36B. The effluent leaves chamber 36A and enters chamber 36B. Following oxygenation, the effluent then passes by control and safety devices 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43 and thence into the filter 44. As water passes down to the bottom of the filter 44, it is drawn up through an internal conduit (not shown) and to the output 45.

FIG. 6 shows a compact system that can be factory-assembled. The system has two chambers 46A and 46B, arranged in parallel and fitted into a case 47. The case is a compact enclosure containing both plumbing and electrical components. The water enters at input 48 and then passes by the input side of a backflow preventer 49, splitting into parallel paths and through the electrolytic chambers 46A and 46B where it is oxygenated. The oxygenated water then recombines in the upper manifold 50 and is routed out of the output side 51 of the bypass valve 52. The effluent is finally passed out of the case into a final filter as in FIG. 5.

It should be noted that the details of the elements of the water treatment system are more fully described in examples 1 to 4. The embodiments described in this example 6 are equipped with a polarity reversing control. The process continues as long as the water flow exceeds the preset flow.

Example 7
Bubbling or Sparging with Oxygen

As mentioned above, it is well-known to attempt to improve the quality of water by aeration. Previous techniques of bubbling air or oxygen were not effective in reducing metals and sulfur compounds. While the embodiments described above produce the most improvement in quality of water, other means may produce an approximation of those results. Technology exists to bring pure oxygen to a site and inject it into the water in the form of microbubbles, which raises the oxygen content of the water and also presents a greater surface area for reaction with undesirable substances. A tank of oxygen may be used. The PSA methods passes air through a filter that removes the dinitrogen, leaving pure oxygen. FIG. 7 shows a diagram of a simple bubbling embodiment. Oxygen from tank 53 is sparged into a simple chamber 54 with a static mixer 55 through a microorifice 56 in order to produce microbubbles to raise the oxygen content above the content calculated to be 100% saturation at the pressure and temperature of the chamber. Metals and other contaminants are oxidized. Microbubbles, with increased surface area for reaction, can be produced by sparging air or oxygen through a microorifice. Oxygen is preferred. Such a microorifice is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,394,429, the teachings of which are incorporated by reference. The bubble chamber is preferably provided with a means to direct the bubbles throughout the chamber rather than rising in a stream to the outlet. The means can be inert particles or more preferably, a static mixer, such as that sold by Koflo Corporation (Cary, Ill.) or Chemineer (Dayton, Ohio). A static mixer is, generally, a series of vanes or paddles that disrupt the flow of bubbles to ensure mixing. In this schematic diagram, the outflow from the chamber 54 is shown entering through connection 57 to the top of filter 559. In practice, the effluent enters at the top of the filter tank and an internal conduit (not shown) draws it down through the filter. Water enters the system at inlet 59.

Example 8
Activation of Polarity Reversal

Various embodiments of emitter were tested. Round, flat or pyramid configuration emitters were tested in the laboratory for over 30 days. The emitters chosen were of titanium. The current was switched at varying intervals from five seconds to three hours. No buildup of mineral deposits was observed. Depending on the site and the user's preference, in the functioning water treatment system, the polarity can be set to reverse:

each time the well pump turns on and the water pressure increases;

when the water flow is initiated;

at timed intervals from 45 seconds to 24 hours or more;

or manually.

Each choice has its advantages with the purpose of minimizing the frequency of reversing polarity in order to prolong the useful life of the electrodes while maintaining the efficacy of water treatment. In general, if the water use is constant, the timing mode can be selective. When water use is intermittent, as is generally the case with home use, a mode based on pump or water flow is preferred.

Those skilled in the art may readily make insubstantial changes or additions. Such changes or additions are within the scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. A water treatment system comprising one or a plurality of emitters in one or a plurality of electrolysis chambers through which water flows, operably connected to a power source controlled by a controller comprising a flow switch which senses water flow and directs the controller to apply voltage to the emitters whereupon microbubbles of oxygen are evolved.
  • 2. The emitters of claim 1 wherein the emitters comprise cathodes and anodes in aqueous communication with each other and separated by a critical distance of 0.005 to 0.75 inches.
  • 3. The emitters of claim 2 wherein the cathodes and anodes are separated by a critical distance of 0.65 inches.
  • 4. The emitters of claim 1 wherein the cathodes and anodes are formed from the same material, the material being titanium, ruthenium, iridium, nickel, iron, rhodium, rhenium, cobalt, tungsten; manganese, tantalum, molybdenum, lead, platinum, palladium, osmium or oxides thereof.
  • 5. The water treatment system of claim 3 wherein the cathode and anode are formed from titanium coated with iridium oxide.
  • 6. A control system for the water treatment system of claim 1 comprising a flow switch capable of sensing water flow above a set point, with electrical communication to a power source causing alternating current to be transformed to direct current, the direct current thereafter passing through relays to activate the emitters to cause the evolution of microbubbles, which activation continues as long as water is flowing.
  • 7. The control system of claim 6 further comprising a pressure switch and/or a temperature switch operably connected to a control valve so that when the pressure and/or temperature rises above a set point, a control switch terminates the application of current to the emitters.
  • 8. The control system of claim 6 further comprising a means to reverse polarity of the direct current at a predetermined set signal.
  • 9. The set signal of claim 8 which is an increase of pressure from a well pump, initiation of water flow, a timed interval or manual.
  • 10. A water treatment system comprising a chamber with static mixer through which water flows, a source of oxygen, and a microorifice through which oxygen is sparged into the bottom of the chamber thereby forming microbubbles of oxygen.
  • 11. The source of oxygen which is a tank of oxygen or PSA technology.
  • 12. The water treatment systems of claims 1, 6 and 10 further comprising a final filter, through which the water treated in the chamber flows.
  • 13. The filter of claim 11 comprising Birm filter, Greensand, Pyrolux, Filtersand, Filter-Ag, activated carbon, anthracite and/or garnet.
  • 14. A water treatment system comprising a source of microbubbles of oxygen for oxidizing undesirable substances in water.
  • 15. The undesirable substances of claim 14 which are iron manganese, arsenic, antimony, chrome, aluminum, reduced sulfur compounds, pesticide residues, drug metabolites and/or bacteria.
  • 16. The undesirable substances of claim 14 which are iron, manganese and/or hydrogen sulfide.

This application claims priority of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/813,267, filed Jun. 13, 2006.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60813267 Jun 2006 US