This invention relates to grade-separated junctions for intersecting roads, and more particularly, to grade-separated junctions that provide for the continuous and weaving-free flow of traffic on intersecting roads, and that provide exterior exits and entrances only. For the purposes of this patent, the term ‘exterior exit’ refers to a right-side exit where the convention is for traffic to keep to the right, but refers to a left-side exit where the convention is for traffic to keep to the left, while the term ‘exterior entrance’ refers to a right-side entrance where the convention is for traffic to keep to the right, but refers to a left-side entrance where the convention is for traffic to keep to the left.
Grade-separated junctions are more commonly known as interchanges. There are many interchange configurations that permit free flow of traffic for traffic traveling directly through the interchange or turning left or right onto the intersecting road or roads. However, these existing configurations have disadvantages in one or more of the following aspects: safety, traffic capacity, construction costs, maintenance costs, modification costs, right-of-way costs, or environmental costs.
The ‘cloverleaf’ configuration (U.S. Pat. No. 1,173,505), because it requires as few as one bridge, has relatively low structure-related costs, but as is well-known, the weaving of traffic exiting from and entering onto the mainlines reduces the safety and capacity of the interchange. A common treatment of interchanges is the addition of separate collector-distributor roads. This removes weaving-related problems from the mainlines, but weaving still exists on the collector-distributor roads. In addition, the addition of collector-distributor roads increases structure-related costs and right-of-way requirements. Another disadvantage of the cloverleaf configuration is that the loop ramps of the cloverleaf result in large right-of-way requirements and/or low design speeds.
Several weaving-free interchange configurations have since been developed. The lour-level directional' or ‘stack’ configuration (see Exhibit 10-33 B and C from A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Fourth Edition, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) provides improved capacity and safety, but has high structure-related costs due to the length and height of structures required. In addition, because of the height of some of the structures, there can be problems with icing in cold conditions. Another problem is that the height of the structures can be problematic from an urban design and aesthetic perspective. Finally, future modifications of the configuration are expensive.
The semi-directional (see Exhibit 10-33 A of A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Fourth Edition, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) or ‘turbine’ configuration can have somewhat lower structure-related costs than the four-level directional. An uncommon modification of the ‘turbine’ (see Fig. VB6.11 from VicRoads Supplement to the Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 4C—Interchanges, Rev. 1.1), sometimes called the ‘windmill’, can have still lower structure-related costs, as it can be constructed using as few as five bridges.
Two lower-cost weaving-free modifications of the cloverleaf configuration also exist, each with two loop ramps. One, a ‘semidirect’ interchange (see Exhibit 10-33 of A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, Fourth Edition, by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), sometimes called a ‘clover-stack’, still has relatively high structure-related costs due to the height and length of two of the structures required. Another type of semidirect interchange (see FIG. 10 of “A model for calculating optimal vertical alignments of interchanges” by Lee and Cheng, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 423-445), sometimes called a ‘clover-turbine’, can have somewhat lower structure-related costs.
Nevertheless, the ‘turbine’, ‘windmill’, ‘clover-stack’, and ‘clover-turbine’ configurations are inappropriate for many applications because of excessively high structure-related costs.
Five other prior weaving-free modifications of the cloverleaf configuration exist. A rare such configuration, which has four loop ramps and requires as few as five bridges, is sometimes called a ‘braided’ cloverleaf. A built example of this configuration exists near Frankfurt, Germany, at the junction of the bundesautobahnen 3 and 5. Another configuration is shown in FIGS. 3h and 3i of International Patent Application Publication No. WO 2004/104301. This configuration has four loop ramps, requires as few as five bridges, and requires a very large right-of-way. The remaining three prior weaving-free modifications of the cloverleaf configuration each have two loop ramps and require as few as three bridges. The first is the ‘continuous flow cloverleaf-type interchange’, described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,861,184. The second is sometimes called the ‘partially-unrolled cloverleaf’. A built example of this configuration exists near Reading, UK, at the junction of the M4 and A329 motorways. The third, more common configuration is sometimes called the ‘clovermill’, because it uses two left-turn ramps with a form similar to those of the ‘windmill’. A built example of this configuration exists at the junction of Interstate 395 and King St. in Alexandria, Va., USA.
There are numerous existing interchange configurations where some or all of the exits or entrances are interior rather than exterior (i.e., where some exits or entrances are located at the left side of the road where the convention is for traffic to keep to the right, or where some exits or entrances are located at the right side of the road where the convention is for traffic to keep to the left). Some examples are found in French Pat. No. 2,442,915, and U.S. Pat. No. 1,689,161, U.S. Pat. No. 2,941,454, U.S. Pat. No. 3,107,590, U.S. Pat. No. 7,425,104, and some embodiments of U.S. Pat. No. 4,630,961. These configurations are generally deprecated for system interchange applications because interior exits, as defined here, have been recognized as causing safety and operational problems.
All prior existing weaving-free interchange configurations that provide for continuous flow of traffic and that provide exterior exits and entrances only require three or more bridges. All prior existing weaving-free interchange configurations that provide for continuous flow of traffic, have no loop ramps, and provide exterior exits and entrances only require five or more bridges. Because reducing the number of structures in an interchange tends to reduce structure-related costs—that is, construction, maintenance, and modification costs—as well as aesthetic impacts and other environmental costs, there is a need for a weaving-free interchange configuration that provides for continuous flow of traffic, provides exterior exits and entrances only, and can be constructed with fewer than three bridges. In addition, because loop ramps provide lower capacity and safety for a given amount of right-of-way, there is also a need for a weaving-free interchange configuration that provides for continuous flow of traffic, has no loop ramps, provides exterior exits and entrances only, and can be constructed with fewer than five bridges. Finally, because prior interchange configurations may not be appropriate for some sites with particular constraints of right-of-way, topography, and other factors, there is a general need for new interchange configurations to provide more design options to transportation planners and engineers.
The present invention is a traffic-weaving-free grade-separated road junction that provides for continuous flow of traffic and provides exterior exits and entrances only. Two of the embodiments have two loop ramps and require as few as two bridges. Two other embodiments have no loop ramps and require as few as three bridges. In addition, four other embodiments have one loop ramp and require as few as three bridges; two other embodiments have no loop ramps and require as few as four bridges; and two embodiments provide U-turn ramps, have no loop ramps, and require as few as three bridges. Compared to prior art junctions that also provide for continuous flow of traffic, avoid weaving, and provide exterior exits and entrances only, the present invention can be constructed with fewer bridges and/or fewer loop ramps. Therefore, the present invention provides reduced structure-related costs and/or increased safety and speed for drivers. In addition, because it can be constructed with fewer bridges than said prior art junctions, the present invention provides lower aesthetic impacts and other environmental costs. Finally, the embodiments of the present invention provide an additional set of design options for road engineers to choose from when designing within particular constraints of right-of-way, topography, and other factors.
The inventive matter of the present invention is the arrangement of road surfaces relative to one another. Specific geometric features such as the horizontal and vertical alignments are not claimed as the inventive matter in this invention. As with any interchange configuration, a practitioner with ordinary skill in the art of geometric design of roadways will determine the most appropriate geometry to apply to the various embodiments of this invention by considering relevant design standards and design criteria particular to a given site of interest.
It will be obvious to the practitioner of ordinary skill in the art of geometric design of roadways that, in any of the embodiments of this invention, one or more road surfaces may be omitted as desired by the practitioner utilizing the current invention; in addition, it will be obvious that one or more road surfaces may be added as desired by the practitioner utilizing the current invention. Such modifications are commonly made to standard interchange configurations, such as those mentioned in the accounting of prior art above.
Note that in the descriptions that follow, it is assumed that the invention is to be applied to roads where the convention is for traffic to keep to the right. It will be obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art how to modify the description when the invention is to be applied instead to roads where the convention is for traffic to keep to the left.
No right-turn ramps are drawn in the schematics of
In the following descriptions, three abbreviations are used: ‘RS’ stands for ‘road surface’, ‘RSs’ stands for ‘road surfaces’, while ‘GSC’ stands for ‘grade-separated crossing’.
RSs 5, 6, 7, and 8 are commonly called left-turn ramps. RS 5 is provided for through traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 37 to extremity of the junction 40. RS 6 is provided for through traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 38 to extremity of the junction 39. RS 7 is provided for through traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 39 to extremity of the junction 37. RS 8 is provided for through traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 40 to extremity of the junction 38.
At the extremity of the junction 37, RS 1 is disposed laterally between RS 2 and RS 5, and RS 2 is disposed laterally between RS 7 and RS 1. At the extremity of the junction 38, RS 1 is disposed laterally between RS 2 and RS 8, and RS 2 is disposed laterally between RS 6 and RS 1. At the extremity of the junction 39, RS 4 is disposed laterally between RS 6 and RS 3, and RS 3 is disposed laterally between RS 4 and RS 7. At the extremity of the junction 40, RS 3 is disposed laterally between RS 5 and RS 4, and RS 4 is disposed laterally between RS 3 and RS 8.
The above description of RSs 1 through 8 also applies to
Note again that specific geometric features such as horizontal and vertical alignments are not claimed as the inventive matter in this invention. The arrangements of road surfaces are defined by their positions relative to one another—for example, in the embodiment of
RS 1 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 9; RS 1 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 10; RS 2 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 11; RS 2 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 12; RS 5 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 13; RS 5 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 14; RS 6 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 15; RS 6 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 16; RS 1 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 17; RS 1 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 18; RS 2 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 19; and RS 2 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 20.
The above description of GSCs 9 through 20 also applies to
RS 1 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 21; RS 1 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 22; RS 2 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 23; RS 2 intersects with RS 8 GSC 24; RS 5 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 25; RS 5 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 26; RS 6 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 27; RS 6 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 28; RS 8 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 29, RS 8 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 30; RS 8 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 31; RS 8 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 32. RS 7 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 33; RS 7 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 34; RS 7 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 35; and RS 7 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 36.
In the following descriptions, the phrase ‘is disposed along’ stands for ‘is disposed intermediately along the length of’. For example, the sentence that follows means ‘GSC 21 is disposed intermediately along the length of RS 1 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 9’.
GSC 21 is disposed along RS 1 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 9. GSC 9 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 21 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 9 and GSC 22; GSC 22 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 10 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 17 and GSC 18. SC 19 is disposed along RS 2 between the extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 20; GSC 20 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 19 and GSC 23; GSC 23 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 23; GSC 11 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 23 and GSC 12; and GSC 12 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 24. GSC 25 is disposed along RS 5 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 13; GSC 13 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 25 and GSC 14; GSC 14 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 13 and GSC 26; GSC 26 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 14 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 26 and GSC 20. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 6 between the extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 18; GSC 17 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 19 and GSC 27; GSC 27 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 17 and GSC 15; GSC 15 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 27 and GSC 16; and GSC 16 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 15 and GSC 28. GSC 32 is disposed along RS 7 between the extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 27; GSC 27 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 32 and GSC 26; GSC 26 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 27 and GSC 22; GSC 22 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 26 and GSC 23; GSC 23 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 22 and GSC 33; GSC 33 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 23 and GSC 34; GSC 34 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 33 and GSC 35; and GSC 35 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 34 and GSC 36. GSC 36 is disposed along RS 8 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 24; GSC 24 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 36 and GSC 21; GSC 21 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 24 and GSC 25; GSC 25 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 21 and GSC 28; GSC 28 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 25 and GSC 29; GSC 29 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 28 and GSC 30; GSC 30 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 29 and GSC 31; and GSC 31 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 30 and GSC 32.
The above description of
RS 7 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 41; RS 7 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 42; RS 7 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 43; RS 7 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 44; RS 7 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 45; and RS 7 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 46. RS 8 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 47; RS 8 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 48; RS 8 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 49; RS 8 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 50; RS 8 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 51; and RS 8 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 52.
GSC 9 is disposed along RS 1 between extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 9 and GSC 43; GSC 43 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 10 and GSC 50; GSC 50 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 43 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 50 and GSC 18. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 2 between extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 20; GSC 20 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 19 and GSC 49; GSC 49 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 20 and GSC 44; GSC 44 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 44 and GSC 11; and GSC 11 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 44 and GSC 12. GSC 13 is disposed along RS 5 between extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 14; GSC 14 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 13 and GSC 42; GSC 42 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 14 and GSC 51; GSC 51 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 42 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 51 and GSC 20. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 6 between extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 18; GSC 18 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 19 and GSC 52; GSC 52 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 18 and GSC 41; GSC 41 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 52 and GSC 15; and GSC 15 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 41 and GSC 16. GSC 41 is disposed along RS 7 between extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 42; GSC 42 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 41 and GSC 43; GSC 43 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 42 and GSC 44; GSC 44 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 43 and GSC 45; and GSC 45 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 44 and GSC 46. GSC 47 is disposed along RS 8 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 48; GSC 48 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 47 and GSC 49; GSC 49 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 48 and GSC 50; GSC 50 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 49 and GSC 51; and GSC 51 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 50 and GSC 52.
The above description of
RS 7 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 41; RS 7 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 42; RS 7 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 43; RS 7 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 44; RS 7 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 45; and RS 7 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 46. RS 8 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 47; RS 8 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 48; RS 8 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 49, RS 8 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 50; RS 8 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 51; and RS 8 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 52.
RSs 53, 54, 55, and 56 are commonly called U-turn ramps. RS 53 is provided for U-turn traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 37 and returning to the extremity of the junction 37. RS 54 is provided for U-turn traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 38 and returning to the extremity of the junction 38. RS 55 is provided for U-turn traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 39 and returning to the extremity of the junction 39. RS 56 is provided for U-turn traffic traveling from the extremity of the junction 40 and returning to the extremity of the junction 40.
RS 53 intersects with RS 55 at GSC 57; RS 53 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 58; RS 53 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 59; RS 53 intersects with RS 55 at GSC 60; RS 53 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 61; RS 53 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 62; RS 53 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 63; RS 53 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 64; RS 53 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 65; RS 53 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 66; RS 53 intersects with RS 55 at GSC 67; RS 53 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 68; RS 53 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 69; and RS 53 intersects with RS 55 at GSC 70. RS 54 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 71; and RS 54 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 72. RS 55 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 73; RS 55 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 74; RS 55 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 75; RS 55 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 76; RS 55 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 77; RS 55 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 78; RS 55 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 79; RS 55 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 80; RS 55 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 81; and RS 55 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 82. RS 56 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 83; and RS 56 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 84.
GSC 80 is disposed along RS 1 between extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 9; GSC 9 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 80 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 9 and GSC 75; GSC 75 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 10 and GSC 62; GSC 62 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 75 and GSC 50; GSC 50 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 62 and GSC 63; GSC 63 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 50 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 63 and GSC 18. GSC 71 is disposed along RS 2 between extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 19; GSC 19 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 71 and GSC 20; GSC 20 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 19 and GSC 64; GSC 64 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 20 and GSC 49; GSC 49 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 64 and GSC 44; GSC 44 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 49 and GSC 76; GSC 76 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 44 and GSC 11; GSC 11 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 76 and GSC 12; and GSC 12 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 79. GSC 15 is disposed along RS 3 between extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 14; GSC 14 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 15 and GSC 59; GSC 59 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 14 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 59 and GSC 11; GSC 11 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 10 and GSC 68; GSC 68 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 11 and GSC 77; GSC 77 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 68 and GSC 45; GSC 45 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 77 and GSC 48; and GSC 48 is disposed along RS 3 between GSC 45 and GSC 84. GSC 83 is disposed along RS 4 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 47; GSC 47 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 83 and GSC 46; GSC 46 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 47 and GSC 78; GSC 78 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 46 and GSC 69; GSC 69 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 78 and GSC 12; GSC 12 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 69 and GSC 9; GSC 9 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 12 and GSC 58; GSC 58 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 9 and GSC 13; and GSC 13 is disposed along RS 4 between GSC 58 and GSC 16. GSC 41 is disposed along RS 7 between extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 42; GSC 42 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 41 and GSC 61; GSC 61 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 42 and GSC 43; GSC 43 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 61 and GSC 44; GSC 44 is disposed along RS 7 between
GSC 43 and GSC 66; GSC 66 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 44 and GSC 45; and GSC 45 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 66 and GSC 46. GSC 47 is disposed along RS 8 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 48; GSC 48 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 47 and GSC 65; GSC 65 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 48 and GSC 49; GSC 49 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 65 and GSC 50; GSC 50 is disposed along between GSC 49 and GSC 62; GSC 62 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 50 and GSC 51; and GSC 51 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 62 and GSC 52.
The above description of
RS 1 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 21; RS 1 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 22; RS 2 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 23; RS 2 intersects with RS 8 GSC 24; RS 5 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 25; RS 5 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 26; RS 6 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 27; RS 6 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 28; RS 8 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 29; RS 8 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 30; RS 8 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 31; RS 8 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 32; RS 7 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 94; RS 7 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 95; and RS 7 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 96.
GSC 21 is disposed along RS 1 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 9; GSC 9 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 21 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 9 and GSC 22; GSC 22 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 10 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 22 and GSC 18. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 2 between the extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 20; GSC 20 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 19 and GSC 23; GSC 23 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 20; GSC 11 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 23 and GSC 12; and GSC 12 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 24. GSC 25 is disposed along RS 5 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 13; GSC 13 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 25 and GSC 14; GSC 14 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 13 and GSC 26; GSC 26 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 14 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 26 and GSC 20. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 6 between the extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 18; GSC 17 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 19 and GSC 27; GSC 27 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 17 and GSC 15; GSC 15 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 27 and GSC 16; and GSC 16 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 15 and GSC 28. GSC 32 is disposed along RS 7 between the extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 27; GSC 27 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 32 and GSC 26; GSC 26 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 27 and GSC 22; GSC 22 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 26 and GSC 23; GSC 23 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 22 and GSC 85; GSC 85 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 23 and GSC 86; and GSC 86 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 85 and GSC 87. GSC 87 is disposed along RS 8 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 24; GSC 24 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 87 and GSC 21; GSC 21 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 24 and GSC 25; GSC 25 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 21 and GSC 28; GSC 28 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 25 and GSC 29; GSC 29 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 28 and GSC 30; GSC 30 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 29 and GSC 31; and GSC 31 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 30 and GSC 32.
The above description of
RS 1 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 21; RS 1 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 92; RS 2 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 92; RS 2 intersects with RS 8 GSC 24; RS 5 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 25; RS 5 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 90; RS 6 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 89; RS 6 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 97; RS 8 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 98; RS 8 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 99; RS 8 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 88; RS 7 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 94; RS 7 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 95; and RS 7 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 96.
GSC 21 is disposed along RS 1 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 9; GSC 9 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 21 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 9 and GSC 91; GSC 91 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 10 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 91 and GSC 18. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 2 between the extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 20; GSC 20 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 19 and GSC 92; GSC 92 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 20; GSC 11 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 92 and GSC 12; and GSC 12 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 24. GSC 25 is disposed along RS 5 between the extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 13; GSC 13 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 25 and GSC 14; GSC 14 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 13 and GSC 90; GSC 90 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 14 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 26 and GSC 20. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 6 between the extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 18; GSC 17 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 19 and GSC 89; GSC 89 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 17 and GSC 15; GSC 15 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 89 and GSC 16; and GSC 16 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 15 and GSC 97. GSC 88 is disposed along RS 7 between the extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 89; GSC 89 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 90 and GSC 89; GSC 90 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 89 and GSC 91; GSC 91 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 90 and GSC 92; GSC 92 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 91 and GSC 93; GSC 93 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 92 and GSC 94; GSC 94 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 93 and GSC 95; and GSC 95 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 94 and GSC 96. GSC 96 is disposed along RS 8 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 24; GSC 24 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 87 and GSC 21; GSC 21 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 24 and GSC 25; GSC 25 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 21 and GSC 97; GSC 97 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 25 and GSC 98; GSC 98 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 97 and GSC 99; and GSC 99 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 98 and GSC 88.
The above description of
RS 7 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 41; RS 7 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 42; RS 7 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 43; RS 7 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 44; RS 7 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 85; and RS 7 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 86; and RS 7 intersects with RS 8 at GSC 87. RS 8 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 97; RS 8 intersects with RS 2 at GSC 24; RS 8 intersects with RS 1 at GSC 21; RS 8 intersects with RS 5 at GSC 25; RS 8 intersects with RS 6 at GSC 97; RS 8 intersects with RS 4 at GSC 98; RS 8 intersects with RS 3 at GSC 99; and RS 8 intersects with RS 7 at GSC 88.
GSC 21 is disposed along RS 1 between extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 9; GSC 9 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 21 and GSC 10; GSC 10 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 9 and GSC 43; GSC 43 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 10 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 1 between GSC 50 and GSC 18. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 2 between extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 20; GSC 20 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 19 and GSC 49; GSC 49 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 20 and GSC 44; GSC 44 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 44 and GSC 11; GSC 11 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 44 and GSC 12; and GSC 12 is disposed along RS 2 between GSC 11 and GSC 24. GSC 25 is disposed along RS 5 between extremity of the junction 37 and GSC 13; GSC 13 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 25 and GSC 14; GSC 14 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 13 and GSC 42; GSC 42 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 14 and GSC 17; and GSC 17 is disposed along RS 5 between GSC 42 and GSC 20. GSC 19 is disposed along RS 6 between extremity of the junction 38 and GSC 18; GSC 18 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 19 and GSC 41; GSC 41 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 52 and GSC 15; GSC 15 is disposed along RS 6 between GSC 41 and GSC 16; and GSC 16 is disposed along RS 6 between
GSC 15 and GSC 97. GSC 88 is disposed along RS 7 between extremity of the junction 39 and GSC 41; GSC 41 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 88 and GSC 42; GSC 42 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 41 and GSC 43; GSC 43 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 42 and GSC 44; GSC 44 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 43 and GSC 85; GSC 85 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 44 and GSC 86; and GSC 86 is disposed along RS 7 between GSC 85 and GSC 87. GSC 87 is disposed along RS 8 between extremity of the junction 40 and GSC 24; GSC 24 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 87 and GSC 21; GSC 21 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 24 and GSC 25; GSC 25 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 21 and GSC 97; GSC 97 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 21 and GSC 98; GSC 98 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 97 and GSC 99; and GSC 99 is disposed along RS 8 between GSC 98 and GSC 88.
The above description of
Regarding all of the embodiments shown in
It will also be obvious to a practitioner with ordinary skill in the art of geometric design of roadways how to interpret
It will be obvious to those skilled in the art of geometric design of roadways how to modify the embodiments of this invention by replacing one or more of the left-turn ramps with one or more left-turn ramps of different arrangements. Such ramps are often called flyover ramps, and are often given forms similar to the left-turn ramps of the ‘turbine’ or four-level directional interchange configurations mentioned above. Such modifications are commonly made when it becomes necessary to increase the capacity of an interchange.
It will be obvious to those skilled in the art of transportation engineering that the configurations of road surfaces in the embodiments of this invention may also be applied to various kinds of traveled ways or lines of transportation. For example, the road surfaces of the embodiments described herein may be railroads, bicycle paths, footpaths, and so forth.
Those of ordinary skill will understand and appreciate the existence of other variations, combinations, and equivalents of the specific embodiments and examples herein. The invention should therefore not be limited by the above described embodiments and examples, but by all embodiments and methods within the scope and spirit of the invention.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2736686 | Apr 2011 | CA | national |
This application claims priority of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/413432, filed 13 Nov. 2010, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/CA2011/001233 | 11/14/2011 | WO | 00 | 5/8/2013 |
Number | Date | Country | |
61413432 | Nov 2010 | US |