The present invention is an addition to the patent request PCT/ES2010/000187 “Sistema paravientos”. This invention can be included in technical sector of building systems or materials
Patent request PCT/ES2010/000187 “Sistema paravientos” lists the most significant prior patents related to this request. This addition to patent request contains a set of independent panes that can be individually operated sliding them along a top and bottom track and a foldable door. Each pane and door has a pivot axis and a folding axis. Panes are operated manually and have no bearings, resting the weight of the panes over two self-lubricating polymer strips, inserted in two channels in the bottom track. The operation of the system is based in a set of elements that allow the panes to fold and slide along the tracks in order to achieve the best isolation and best durability.
The present addition comprises the following changes and enhancements comparing to the initial patent request:
First addition, wherein the new top profile has a flat base and side arms, with small protuberances up to 0.5 mm long on their inner faces, to improve the union between the glass and the aluminium profile. Both arms have a cavity on the top area to collect the excess of glue which could leak out of the profile during the glueing process. The terminations of these arms have two flat sides to hide the view of the bonding material that fixes the glass and aluminium from the outside. The bottom area of the profile has an inverted “U” shape hole to insert and fix the new top turning set and top guide set.
Second addition, wherein a new bottom profile also has a flat base and side arms with protuberances, teeth like, of a size up to 0.5 mm, on their interior face to improve the bonding between the glass and the aluminium profile. The bottom area of the profile has an inverted “U” shape hole to insert bolts that fix this profile to the bottom sliding profile base and allow a height regulation of this profile inside the other one to overcome the glass imperfections originated in the glass cutting process.
Third addition, wherein a new “U” shape levelling profile accommodates levelling sets, formed by an eccentric bolt and a flat head screw. The screw has a circular head with a diameter big enough to assure a stable support of the aluminium track, the height of the screw is design to level the track on uneven floor or ceiling surfaces. The eccentric bold has the precise dimensions to fit perfectly on the levelling profile base and avoid any undesired movement and also provide a stable support basement for the whole system. On top of the levelling sets is placed the bottom track. The arms of the levelling profile centre the track and hide the levelling sets and fixation screws. The levelling profile base has two corner holes to insert a cap to avoid indoor water leakage at the track ends.
Fourth addition, wherein a new top turning set has a metal body and a top guide bushing. The base of the metal body is a plate with three layers and a protuberance. First layer assures the right coupling in between the panes when they are being deployed. This layer has a reference mark to insert this set in the correct position in such a way that all the panes will have the sets fitted at the same distance in the top profile. On the second layer there are small, teeth like, protuberances up to 0.5 mm long, to fix tightly the set to the aluminium top profile. The width of the third layer assures a centred position of the set in relation to the pane, as it has the same width as the top profile opening. The protuberance has a wedge shape to support the set body and to assured a vertical position of the axis over the top aluminium profile, and removing a second screw present in the former version. The top guide bushing has a circular shape and two layers. It is made in one piece of polyamide or similar material. This bushing is inserted by pressure into the rounded metal head of the top turning axis. The outer diameter in the bushing assures the centred position of the pane in relation to the track and avoids noises when the panes are sliding.
Fifth addition, wherein a new bottom turning set has a metal part with two bodies and a bottom guide bushing. The metal part is form by two bodies assembled by an arrow locking joint, also known as click, that allows a part to enter into the other one but not to exit from the other one, it creates a rigid union that can't be disassembled. The base of the metal body is a plate with three layers and a protuberance. First layer assures the right coupling in between the panes when they are being deployed. This layer has a reference mark to insert this set in the correct position in such a way that all the panes will have the sets fitted at the same distance. On the second layer there are small, teeth like, protuberances up to 0.5 mm long, to fix totally the set to the aluminium bottom sliding profile. The width of the second layer assures a centred position of the set in relation to the bottom sliding profile, as it has the same width as the profile opening. The protuberance has a wedge shape to support the set body and to assured a vertical position of the axis in relation to the bottom aluminium sliding profile, and removing a second screw present in the former version of this set. The bottom guide bushing has a “T” shape, side faces are flat and the front and rear ones are rounded. The bushing width is smaller than the aluminium track opening, therefore the panes can be mounted and dismounted without the need of a hole in the track. The bottom guide bushing is centred in relation to the set axis, but is not fixed, making possible to keep the parallelism between the flat sides of the bushing and the aluminium track.
The bottom guide set solves a problematic situation present in the former version, as during the installation process it was necessary to insert a metal pin inside the plastic bushing, a delicate process that sometimes broke the plastic bushing. Also this breaking could happen if the operation of the panes was not correct or an object could fall inside the track and block the normal operation of the bushings. This breakage involved dismounting the whole system as the former bushing can't be introduced into the track from the top, it has to be done from one side of the track. So, there is no need to design a specific hole in the track as the new version allows the top-down insertion into the track. Therefore, the bushing width allows the panes to be mounted and dismounted without the need of a hole in the track to insert these new sets inside.
Sixth addition, wherein a new top guide set has a metal body and a top guide bushing. The base of the metal body is a plate with two layers, an axis, and a protuberance. On the first layer there are small, teeth like, protuberances up to 0.5 mm long, to fix tightly the set to the aluminium top profile. This layer has a downward slope at its front end to ease the movement of the set along the top profile longitudinal hole. The width of the second layer assures a centred position of the set in relation to the top profile, as it has the same width as the profile opening. The protuberance has a wedge shape to support the set body and to assured a vertical position of the axis over the top aluminium profile, and removing a second screw present in the former version. The top guide bushing has a circular shape and two layers. It is one piece made of polyamide or similar material. This bushing is inserted by pressure into the cylindrical metal head. The outer diameter in the bushing assures the centred position of the pane in relation to the track and avoids noises when the panes are sliding.
Seventh addition, wherein a cap is placed at both ends of the bottom track. The shape is the same as the track hole, so it can fit in perfectly. The bottom track outside face has small draining holes, therefore in case of water leakage from the panes joints, it can flow outdoors.
Eighth addition, wherein a new top locking block replaces the former locking mechanism described in the previous patent request. The block has a base with a protuberance aim to position it perpendicularly to the top aluminium profile, avoiding any possible movement of this block. In the front side there is another protuberance working as a stopper against the interior side of the top aluminium profile, positioning the door in relation to the top aluminium track. This way, the door is in line with the rest of the panes. Both protuberances position the block in relation to the top aluminium profile and the top track, avoiding accidental marks or scratches during the installation on the outer faces of these profiles.
Ninth addition, wherein a new pivot block and a turning mechanism set substitute former turning mechanism. This new set is formed by a pivot block and a turning mechanism that are assembled, giving as a result, one body. The new pivot block replaces the former pivot cubes, made of polyamide, on top and bottom, from the first patent request. The pivot block has a rectangular shape in all its sides, and a hole that is slightly not centred as the top and bottom axes must have a shift between them for the correct operation of the system. There are two sides with a protuberance and a hole each, on their bottom. These shapes, identical to all the pieces, are used to assemble the components in the new turning mechanism. The new turning mechanism has plates with two spoons, or half moons, each, all these plates have identical protuberances for the assembly between them and to the pivot block.
The new turning mechanism and pivot block set can be used on top and bottom of the windbreak system, and in any other possible opening configuration, without any mechanical operation in the components. To achieve this, the pivot block on the bottom must be assembled to the spoons plate using a different protuberance than the one used in the top pivot block, as the axis hole position is not symmetric in the longitudinal axis defined by the longest sides of the block. This way, the installation process is easier and more reliable than the one described in the former patent request.
Tenth addition, wherein two-part adjustable corner plate can couple different sections, it can happen when there is an angle and two tracks must be connected. Moreover, the two-part adjustable corner plate assures that both sections won't move once they are assembled during the operation of the system. The two-part adjustable corner plate has two identical plates connected by a joint in their rounded shape sides. These semicircular ends have a step so they can couple by means of the joint. This step is delimited by two straight edges forming an interior angle of 270°, this way, the set can be used to connect sections with an angle within a range of 45° to 315°. The other small side is straight. Along the central axis of the plates there is an oval hole, whose longer axis is parallel to the longer sides of the plate, and a circular hole, being the oval ones closer to the small straight side of the plate.
The oval hole is always used before the other one, as it allows a regulation on the connection process of the tracks. The second hole is used for the final fixing, once the tracks are connected properly.
Eleventh addition, wherein a new top turning set eliminates the need of using the guide-arm when folding the panes. The new set is formed by a metal axis and a blocking bushing. The metal axis has a cylindrical shape. The bottom area of the axis has a semicircular shape to be inserted in a fixing plate. Around the middle of the axis there are two wings connected, with a ramp shape. This ramp will allow the blocking bushing to go up the axis until it reaches the pivot position at the top turning mechanism height. At the top of the axis there is a head with a small ramp that will press the blocking bushing down the axis when the pane is going to be deployed, so it can leave the top turning mechanism. The front side of the head has a rounded shape and will block the pane when folded, as the axis rotates approximately 90° in relation to the blocking bushing.
The blocking bushing has two layers. The first one, the one with the bigger diameter, has a ramp that will elevate the bushing, when meeting the axis ramp, up to the top turning mechanism height. The second layer is symmetric to the central vertical axis and has an interior ramp in the inner hole and two rounded sides to block the metal axis head when it starts the rotation movement. When the pane is going to be deployed the central ramp in the blocking bushing will slide downward over the axis head ramp and will down the blocking bushing, therefore leaving the top turning mechanism.
Twelfth addition, wherein a new bottom guide, having a metal plate and a washer, made of polyamide or similar material, replaces the former one. The base of the metal body is a plate with two layers. On the first layer there are small, teeth like, protuberances up to 0.5 mm high, to fix totally the set to the aluminium bottom profile. The opposite side of the first layer base has a channel with a width equal to the width of the opening of the aluminium bottom profile, so they are both in line. The height of the second layer is the same as the thickness of the base of the bottom profile, so when this plate is fixed, this layer will be at the same level as the base of the bottom profile, making the base, at this point, a flat continuous surface. The plate is made in one piece by injection to assure that all the dimensions and symmetries are correct. This way, the set will work properly and will eliminate the minor differences in measurements among the plates in different production batches.
The washer, made of polyamide, has a round shape and a hole along its vertical axis, having two layers with different diameters. The bigger diameter layer is designed to keep the pane in line with the aluminium bottom track. The washer head has a smaller diameter than the former and is used to couple with the metal body, by an arrow locking or click system, and keep them together. Nevertheless, the washer can rotate freely as its cylindrical interior hole matches a cylindrical pin based on the first layer of the metal body and with a height equal to the second layer. This new bottom guide set eliminates the need of making a notch in one of the two sliding strips inserted in the bottom track, making this support area completely flat and continuous. This way the base of the bottom profile won't hit or get stuck in the sliding strips during the pivoting movement, making the operation of the system smoother. Another improvement is that the possibility of damaging the strips, while folding the panes, is removed.
Thirteenth addition, wherein a wedge has three layers with a rounded side. First layer is a base placed underneath the two-part adjustable corner plate. It has that rounded side to allow the plates to move while connecting two tracks, and at the same time, keep the wedge at a fix position when the panes pass along the corner. The second layer connects the first and third one and fills the gap in between the corner and the rounded plates when connecting two sections with angles. The third layer has a rounded shape to avoid the bottom turning bushing to get stuck in the corner and pass along the tracks smoothly from one section to another.
The following parts are made in one piece by injection to assure the right measurements for a perfect coupling among them and eliminate possible flaws in the fabrication batches:
The material used for these metal bodies can be aluminium, stainless steel or other metallic alloy.
Patent request PCT/ES2010/000187 describes the parts of the windbreak system following this numbering:
From the former set of elements, the present patent addition describes 13 modifications including new version and additional parts in order to improve the fitting process and the system performance.
First addition, wherein a new top profile (71) is described as depicted in
Second addition, wherein a new bottom profile (72), as shown in
Third addition, wherein a new “U” shaped levelling profile (73), as shown in
Fourth addition, wherein a new top turning set (75), depicted in
The base of the metal body (97) is a plate with three layers (100, 101, 102) and a protuberance (103):
Fifth addition, wherein a new bottom turning set (76) replaces the one included in former patent request. As shown in
The base of the metal body (107) is a plate with three layers (11,112,113) and a protuberance (116):
The bottom guide bushing (109) has a “T” shape, side faces are flat and the front and rear ones are rounded. The bushing width (109) is smaller than the aluminium track (7) opening (56), therefore the panes (1) can be mounted and dismounted without the need of a hole in the track (7). The bottom guide bushing (109) is centred in relation to the set axis, but is not fixed, making possible to keep the parallelism between the flat sides of the bushing (109) and the aluminium track (7). The bottom guide set (76) solves a problematic situation present in the former version, as during the installation process it was necessary to insert a metal pin inside the plastic bushing, a delicate process that sometimes broke the plastic bushing. Also this breaking could happen if the operation of the panes was not correct or an object could fall inside the track and block the normal operation of the bushings. This breakage involved dismounting the whole system as the former bushing can't be introduced into the track from the top, it has to be done from one side of the track. So, there is no need to design a specific hole in the track as new version allows the top-down insertion into the track. Therefore, the bushing (109) width allows the panes (1) to be mounted and dismounted without the need of a hole in the track to insert these new sets inside.
Sixth addition, wherein a new top guide (77) replaces former version made of a bushing (18) and a screw (30). As shown in
The metal body (118) is made in one piece by injection, this way is assured that parts measurements and symmetries, for a perfect operation and eliminating the possible differences in different production batches. The metal body is a plate (119) with two layers (120, 121), an axis (125) and a protuberance (124). On the first layer (120) there are small, teeth like, protuberances (122), to fix tightly the set to the aluminium top profile (72). This layer (120) has a downward slope (123) at its front end to ease the movement of the set (75) along the top profile (71) longitudinal hole. The width of the second layer (121) assures a centred position in relation to the pane (1), as it has the same width as the profile (71) opening. The protuberance (124) has a wedge shape to support the set body and to assured a vertical position of the axis (125) over the top aluminium profile (71), and removing a second screw present in the former version.
The top guide bushing (117) has a circular shape and two layers. It is one piece made of polyamide or similar material. This bushing (117) is inserted by pressure into the cylindrical axis (125) head of metal body (118). The outer diameter in the bushing (117) assures the centred position of the pane (1) in relation to the track (6) and avoids noises when the panes (1) are sliding.
Seventh addition, wherein a cap (78) is placed at the ends of the bottom track (7). As shown in
Else more, the bottom track (7) has small drills, not shown in the figures, in the outdoor side. So the any water coming into the track (7) from the panes (1) vertical joints can flow outdoor. So these caps (78) assure that water will flow through these small drills on the track (7) outdoor side instead of flowing through the track ends, normally in contact with the walls.
Eighth addition, wherein a new top locking block (79) replaces the former locking mechanism described in
Ninth addition, wherein a new pivot block (80) and a turning mechanism set (81) replace former turning mechanism (15). As shown in
The new turning mechanism (81) and pivot block (80) set can be used on bottom,
Tenth addition, wherein a two-part adjustable corner plate (145) can couple different sections, it can happen when there is an angle and two tracks must be connected. Moreover, the two-part adjustable corner plate assures that both sections won't move once they are assembled during the operation of the system.
The oval hole (153, 154) is always used before the other one when placing the plates (146, 147), as it allows a regulation on the track connection process. The second hole (155, 156) is used for the final fixing of the set (145), once the tracks are connected properly. The plates (146, 147) are made in one piece each by injection.
Eleventh addition, wherein a new top turning set eliminates the need of using the guide-arm (23) when folding the panes as described in the former patent request. The new set is formed by a metal axis (159) and a blocking bushing (160). The metal axis (159),
As depicted in
The metal axis (159) and the blocking bushing (160) are made in one piece by injection assuring the part measurements and symmetries are the right ones, for a perfect operation and eliminating the possible differences in different production batches. As both parts (159, 160) form a set, it is not necessary to leave any tolerance, this way, the pane (1) is perfectly blocked since the beginning of the folding movement, so the guide-arm (23) to hold the pane (1) during this movement is not necessary anymore.
Twelfth addition, wherein a new bottom guide (169), having a metal plate (170) and a washer (171), made of polyamide or similar material, as shown in
The washer (171), made of polyamide, has a round shape and a hole along its vertical axis, having two layers with different diameters. The bigger diameter layer (177) is designed to keep the pane (1) in line with the aluminium bottom track (7). The washer head (176) has a smaller diameter than the former and is used to couple with the metal body (170), by an arrow lock or click system, keeping these parts (170, 171) together. Nevertheless, the washer (171) can rotate freely as its cylindrical interior hole (178) matches a cylindrical pin, not numbered in the figure, based on the first layer (173) of the metal body (170) and with a height equal to the second layer (174).
This new bottom guide set (169) eliminates the need of making a notch in one of the two sliding strips inserted in the bottom track, making this support area completely flat and continuous. This way the base of the bottom profile (5) won't hit or get stuck in the sliding strips during the pivoting movement, making the operation of the system smoother. Another improvement is that the possibility of damaging the strips, while folding the panes, is removed.
Thirteenth addition, wherein a wedge (179) has three layers with a rounded side. As depicted in
The rounded side wedge (179) is made in one piece by injection to ensure having the right measurements for a perfect coupling with the two-part adjustable corner plate (145) and the bottom track (7) and eliminating possible differences in measurements in different production batches.
This invention has an industrial application in the technical sector of construction mobile structures.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/ES2011/000210 | 6/24/2011 | WO | 00 | 6/16/2014 |