Wireless remote control of systems for countering hostile activity aboard an airplane


  • Patent Grant
  • 6771186
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, October 22, 2001
    22 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, August 3, 2004
    20 years ago
A method of countering terrorism or hostile activity in an airplane by using a multitude of built-in systems within the aircraft. The built-in systems includes chemical sprays, laser guns, and pre-programmed sound alarm systems. The aerosol chemicals range from benign fogging agents to non-lethal incapacitating agents from the categories of inhalants, general anesthetics, and irritants. Any of the systems can be used singly or in any combination. These systems can be activated manually from the control panel in the cockpit, or via a remote wireless activation system by the flight crew from anywhere within the plane. Such activation being password and code protected.


This invention relates generally to anti-hijacking defense system, more specifically to method and systems for countering hijacking attempts by activating chemical spray systems, laser guns, and alarm systems incorporated within the airline, and wireless remote control of these systems.

This application is related to a co-pending application filed on Oct. 22, 2001, entitled METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR COUNTERING HOSTILE ACTIVITY ABOARD AN AIRPLANE.


Airline security measures have been applied to a large extent at the ground level. Some of the tools that have been used are to have the passengers pass through metal detectors, carry-on baggage being screened via x-ray equipment, and random checks on selected baggage for analysis of trace chemicals. The events which occurred in the United States, on Sep. 11, 2001 namely the hijackers taking control of the aircraft and purposely slamming the airliners into World Trade Towers and the Pentagon, obviate the need for more drastic security measures aboard the commercial airliners. This patent application is directed to system and method for countering/foiling hostile activity an airplane and is intended to be used in conjunction with other security methods already in use, such as having plain cloths security marshals aboard the airliners.

Prior art is generally directed to robbery deterrent systems or anti-carjacking devices. U.S. Pat. No. 5,655,461 (Gilbert) is directed to robbery deterrent system for convenience stores. In the system of the Gilbert patent, aerosol incapacitating agent is delivered immediately upon the detection of a firearm discharge, or in response to an employee activated trigger.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,062,303 (Fegely) is directed to anti-burglar booby trap device. In the Fegly patent, a pressurized container is moveably mounted in the anti-burglar device between an actuatable position and an inactuatable position. When the pressurized container is in the actuatable position, opening a door or a window will cause the device to discharge fluid from the pressurized container. In the inactuatable position, the anti-burglar device will permit the door or window to be opened without causing the device to discharge.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,803,359 (Vandoninck) is directed to a device for generating fog.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,841,752 (Fletcher) is directed to robbery deterrent apparatus. In the Fletcher patent, a plurality of nozzles dispense a disabling fluid chemical upon activation of a control valve by the foot pedal and cash register positioned switch.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,703,563 (Abe Jr.) is directed to an anti-hijack system for an automobile. In the Abe Jr. patent, spray nozzles are in the window well of the front windshield of a car in such a manner that the spray impinges upon a person outside the vehicle and in vicinity of the driver's door.

U.S. Pat. No. 5,182,541 (Bajorek) is directed to a remote controlled theft deterrent system.


The prior art directed to robbery deterrent systems, and anti car-jacking devices is not well adapted to anti-terrorist activities aboard an airplane. Accordingly, this invention is directed to method and system for countering hijacking attempts by activating chemical spray systems, fogging systems, laser guns, and alarm systems. More specifically, this patent application comprises remotely activating and remotely controlling the different anti-hijacking modalities, by use of a customized wireless transmitter sending encoded radio-frequency signals. It can also be used for communication.

In one aspect of the invention, the wireless remote can activate and control each of the modalities by pressing a code or sequences of codes.

In another aspect of the invention, the remote operation can be performed in combination or sequentially. For delayed onset of defense system a predetermined program sequence can be pre-programmed, if required.

In another aspect of the invention, the remote has communication capabilities between the cockpit and cabin crew, security personnel and ground operations.

In another aspect of the invention, laser guns which are strategically pointed behind the cockpit door (and other areas in the cabin), can be selectively used by the remote activation device, by appropriate personnel and under appropriate conditions.

In successfully defending against a terrorist attack it is imperative that multiple modalities are available to the defending team to choose from, and that these modalities can function selectively, or simultaneously, or sequentially. For example, fogging can be used with laser guns, or spraying aerosol chemicals and fogging can be used in combination. As each hostile situation is different in intensity and terrorist's abilities, an adequate defense system requires surprise element and flexibility of operation.


For the purpose of illustrating the invention, there are shown in the accompanying drawings forms which are presently preferred; it being understood that the invention is not intended to be limited to the precise arrangements and instrumentalities shown.

FIG. 1

is a schematic diagram showing fight crew in the cockpit and hijacker outside the cockpit door.


is a schematic diagram of an airplane showing spray nozzles and cylinders.


is a schematic diagram (top-view) of an airplane showing location of spray nozzles.

FIG. 3

is a schematic diagram showing the storage and delivery system of the chemicals.

FIG. 4

is a schematic diagram showing the storage and delivery system for smoke and fog.


is a schematic diagram showing the position of laser beams behind the cockpit door.


is a schematic side-view diagram showing the position of laser beams covering the aisle area in an airplane.


is a schematic top-view diagram showing the position of laser beams covering the aisle area in an airplane.

FIG. 6

, is a schematic diagram showing a flight attendant carrying a wireless activation device.

FIG. 7

is a diagram showing three-way communication with a wireless activation and communication device.

FIG. 8

is a schematic diagram showing close-up of wireless activation transmitter.

FIG. 9

is diagram showing wireless transmitter incorporated within a wristwatch.

FIG. 10

is a general schematic block diagram of the wireless transmitter.

FIG. 11

is a general schematic block diagram of the wireless receiver.


The current invention describes a method and system for foiling/countering hostile attempts with various modalities, ranging from simple alarm sounding systems to the more complex various types of chemical spray system built into the aircraft, and laser guns outside the cockpit door. Any of the modalities described in this patent application may be used by itself or in any combination. Any of these systems may also be activated in any combination, by a small, easy to carry, customized wireless activation transmitter system.

For practicing the method and system of this invention, under extremely serious situations such as hostile activity aboard the aircraft, an appropriate person from the flight crew is able to activate a system, where upon pressing an appropriate button from the cockpit is able to activate one of the anti-hijacking defense systems.

As shown schematically in

FIG. 1

, in one embodiment of practicing this invention, cameras


are located strategically outside the cockpit door (and other cameras


in the cabin) enable the cockpit crew


to have a view of the passenger cabin area


. Upon sensing danger, the pilot


or another member of the cockpit crew


, can quickly look into the cabin from the monitor


by zooming onto the appropriate camera from the control panel


, to get a look at the target individuals. If the captain senses danger, appropriate individuals from the flight crew are able to put on the gas masks and turn “on” the chemical spray from the spray nozzle(s)


strategically located outside the cabin door


. As shown in

FIGS. 2A and 2B

, the spray outlet nozzles are strategically located overhead behind the cockpit door area


and in the cabin


. For the purposes of dispensing the chemicals, the spray nozzles are broken down into sections, such that the chemicals can be dispensed to selected areas of the plane independently. Therefore with the aid of the cameras, a captain (or crew member) may activate only the area behind the cockpit door


, or one or multiple sections of the cabin


, without leaving the cockpit. Upon activation, the camera images can also be recorded on the airplane's flight recorder and/or the “black box”.

Since the aim is to temporarily render the hijackers non-functional or dysfunctional, various choices of aerosol chemicals spray, from very benign to very potent chemical are available. Four broad categories of aerosol chemicals can be used for practicing the methods of this invention. The most benign category is smoke or fogging agents, which work by visually blocking an area or sections of the airplane. Other more potent categories are inhalants, general anesthetics, and irritants.

Inhalants, which include a wide variety of breathable chemicals produce mind-altering results. Effects of inhalants varies from one substance to another. One advantage of inhalants is that their effects are felt virtually immediately. The duration of effects depends on the substance used. Effects can last from just a few seconds for some, and up to several hours for others. Persons under the influence of inhalants will get confused and disoriented, and their speech will get slurred.

Low doses of gaseous anesthetic agents may also be used singly, or in combination. The effects of these agents are well understood because of their use in medicine and surgery. Commonly used inhaled anesthetic agents are nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas), halothane, sevoflurane, desflurane, and isoflurane. Halothane and sevoflurane are the easiest to inhale. Nitrous oxide has the advantage that when used alone is not potent enough to be a complete general anesthetic. When the anesthetic gas is inhaled into the lungs, the blood that travels through the lungs carries the anesthetic gas to the central nervous system. The rate at which the bloodstream takes up the anesthetic is dependent on may factors including the concentration of the inspired gas, the rate of flow of the gas, the solubility of the gas in blood, the rate and depth of breathing, and the amount blood the heart pumps each minute.

Among the anesthetic agents, halothane (chemical name 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluroethane) is a colorless, mobile fluid, C




, and has chloroform odor and a sweet taste. Sevoflurane with chemical name fluromethyl-2,2,2-trifuluoro-1-(trifluromethyl) ethyl ether has the chemical formula of, C






O. Nitrous oxide (chemical formula N


O) for example, is a colorless gas, having a sweetish taste and a pleasant odor and is normally used as a general anesthetic or analgesic agent.

In the irritants category, a host of non-lethal chemicals such as mace, pepper sprays, and tear gases can be used. These agents have extensive experience from crime prevention and crowd control during civil disturbance.

The intent of any such aerosol chemical used would be to temporarily debilitate and render the individuals non-functional who come in contact with such chemicals, without causing permanent or long lasting damage. Therefore the concentration, dose, flow rate, and time of spray would have to factored.

An example of tear gas is a compound known as CS, chemical name Orthochlorobenzylidenemalononitrile ClC






. It is a blue colored synthetic agent which has the state of micro-particulate solid and is classified as irritant, lacrimator, sternutator. It produces irritation of the skin, tearing and lacrimation, sneezing, and irritation of the respiratory system. It takes effect in about 3 to 10 seconds, and recovery takes about 10 minutes. Since it is made of solid particles, it must be carried through the air by an agent or expelled in a fine dust. Its odor is rather pungent. CS is most irritating in a humid climate and on a moist skin surface. Anyone who has lost his sense of feeling because of the influence of narcotics or alcohol will not be affected by CS. Other pepper sprays with various concentration of Capasicin (the active ingredient) can also be used.

Yet another non-lethal agent being developed at the Sandia National Laboratory in Alburquerque, New Mexico, known as sticky foam can be used. This foam is so sticky that it can literally stop a suspect in his tracks.

The benign gaseous agents which mearly fog up vision, can be used alone or in conjunction with other deterrents such as burglar alarm type of modalities.

The aerosol content supply of chemicals are appropriately pressurized in cylinders and stored in convenient locations aboard the airplane. The control panel of such a system being located in an appropriate place within the cockpit. The pilot or a member of the flight crew is also able to engage the control panel from anywhere within the aircraft using a wireless transmitter as described later in this application.

As shown in


, cylinders






containing the aerosol chemicals are stored in appropriate location within the airplane. Upon activation from the control panel


or wireless transmitter


, regulator valves allow the gas, or combination of gases flow via tubes to the pumping system


and then to the spray nozzles









As shown in the


(top view) the spraying action in the airplane is divided into sections, for example front




, middle




, and back




. Further sections divided into aisle and standing areas like




, and


and bathrooms


. The purpose of sectional divisions is to be able to selectively spray only areas of hostile activity. However, if the whole airplane needs to be fogged or chemically sprayed, that can also be done. Each section can be activated alone, or with other sections simultaneously. Camera(s)


which are located outside the cockpit door area


and cabin cameras


are located in the passenger areas to view these areas on the monitor


for deciding which section to spray.

As shown in

FIG. 3

, the non-lethal incapacitating agents are stored in pressurized containers






and are prevented from discharging by solenoid valves






. Connected to the fluid output of solenoid valves






are distribution manifolds


, which is in communication with discharge manifolds


. Once solenoid valves






are opened, either from the control panel


in the cockpit


or from the wireless transmitter


, appropriate chemical agents fill discharge manifolds


via distribution manifolds


and are dispersed in a predetermined pattern through nozzles distributed within the plane, to effect the individuals standing inside the region defined by the predetermined pattern. The regulation of quantity (flow rate x time) is at the level of control valves






from the cylinders






. The pressure of flow is controlled via pump


Pressure monitoring devices






(comprising solid-state pressure sensor) monitor pressure in the containers






. In the event, the pressure in any of the containers






, goes out of range, appropriate indicators will be lighted on the control panel


in the cockpit.

In one embodiment of the invention, fog can be generated outside the cockpit door (and in the cabin). As shown in

FIG. 4

, a first vessel


is kept at a first temperature and filled with an alcohol mixture. An alcohol mixture comprising approximately 50% propylene, 30% triethylene glycol, and 20% water can be used. A second vessel


having a heat exchanger


for keeping the second vessel at a higher temperature than the first vessel. The pipe


connecting the two vessels has a valve


mounted for opening the connection between the first vessel


and the second vessel


. The oil bath


and heating element


can quickly generate fog, thus distributing the fog under pressure into the area behind the cockpit door, or other areas. The valve


can be activated from the control panel


in the cockpit


, or via a wireless transmitter


anywhere in the plane


. A backup battery


ensures continuous uninterrupted power supply.

In another line of defense, laser guns are used separately, or in conjunction with chemical sprays. As shown in


, laser guns


can be strategically pointed in the area


behind the cockpit door. Laser guns


can also be pointed in the aisle, and at a level higher than the seats, as is shown in FIG.


B. These could be used in the event that only the hijackers are standing in the aisle, and the passengers are seated. There are protective reinforced areas


placed in the line of the laser beam


, to prevent damage to the airplane. Of course, the level of control and password protection would be the highest. These laser guns




can be activated via the security control panel


or via wireless transmitter


. These laser guns


can also be used in conjunction with the above mentioned fog system or any other aerosol chemicals. The activation and use of the laser guns would be most appropriate for a plain cloth security marshal, if one is on-board during such an extreme event.

In all the above embodiments, a small wireless transmitter can also be used for activation of any modality or a combination of modalities. As shown in

FIG. 6

, a flight attendant is able to wirelessly either communicate with the crew in the cockpit


, or under severe conditions is able to activate certain anti-hijacking measures. As shown in

FIG. 7

, a two-way or three-way communication is possible with the wireless transmitter


. For example, as is schematically depicted, a flight attendant, through encoded messages, would simultaneously be able to alert a plain clothes air marshal


(if one is present), pilot


, and ground operations


in the event of a hijacking or a security threat.

A diagram of the wireless activation system is shown in FIG.


. The wireless transmitter


which looks like a tiny calculator in appearance, is a customized, sophisticated communication and remote activation system. Because of its small size, it can easily be concealed in the clothing pocket or in a handbag. The microprocessor based circuitry of the transmitter is adapted such that encoded messages activate appropriate responses. For example, by pressing a predetermined sequence of numbers an appropriate response is activated.

As one example by pressing a predetermined sequence of numbers, a message is activated at the control tower and ground operation that a serious situation (such as hijacking) is in progress. As another example by pressing another predetermined sequence of numbers, a message is activated to the crew in the cockpit that a serious situation (such as hijacking) is in progress. As another example by pressing another predetermined sequence of numbers, a sound alarm system can be activated much like a burglar alarm system in a car. The purpose of such a sound message or alarm would be to startle the hijackers or make their communication process more difficult. The length of the audio message or alarm can be pre-programmed to any length or loudness. Other security systems can also be operated from the wireless transmitter



The presently preferred embodiment, as shown in

FIG. 8

, has a small liquid crystal display (LCD) screen, where the encoded messages appear. An example of an encoded message may be








. Upon pressing the transmit (XMT)


key, an action or a series of actions are securely and reliably activated. Regular keys


and several special function keys








, are used for encoding messages and activation sequences.

The wireless capability and functionality of the transmitter


is also incorporated into a watch-size transmitter


, as shown in

FIG. 9. A

series of buttons located on the front and sides of the “watch”


are used for encoding the activation of various systems and events.

A simplified schematic diagram of the wireless transmitter


is shown in FIG.


. Input to the control circuitry


is provided by a keypad


. The output is coded high frequency signals, which are amplified


, and transmitted via a small antenna


. Clock signals are provided by crystal oscillator


and power to all components is provided by a battery



As shown in

FIG. 11

, an antenna


on the receiver side receives these encoded radiofrequency pulses, which are amplified


and decoded


. The main receiver and circuitry being located at the control panel


in the cockpit. Microprocessor circuitry


deciphers and routes the action of the pulses. For example, a higher level encoded security message would automatically be transmitted from the control panel


of the airplane to ground operations


, and simultaneously any other additional measures would also be activated.

The activation transmitter is password and code protected with software lockouts. For example a security marshal on the plane will have access to turn on laser guns, whereas a flight attendant will have a more limited access to security defense systems

Although certain preferred embodiments and methods have been disclosed herein, it will be apparent from the foregoing disclosure to those skilled in the art that variations and modifications of such embodiments and methods may be made without departing from the true spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, it is intended that the invention shall be limited only to the extent required by the appended claims and the rules and principles of applicable law.

  • 1. A system for wireless remote activation and control of anti-hijacking systems, wherein at least one person has complete access for activation and control, and at least one different person only has partial access for activation and control of said systems installed aboard an aircraft, comprising:a) anti-hijacking systems installed aboard said aircraft, wherein said anti-hijacking systems comprise at least one of system for releasing gases, releasing chemical sprays, releasing fog, releasing spray of sticky glue, firing laser guns or sounding at alarms different selective areas, with activation and control from any location in the aircraft; b) portable transmitter means, wherein said transmitter means sending encoded radiofrequency signals from within said aircraft; c) receiving means connected to each of said anti-hijacking system, wherein said receiving means adapted to communicate with said transmitter means; d) de-coding means for said encoded radiofrequency signals from said transmitter means; and e) control means adapted to said anti-hijacking systems, wherein said received decoded signals activate, control parameters of said anti-hijacking systems.
  • 2. The system of claim 1, wherein at least two of said anti-hijacking systems are adapted to be activated simultaneously by said wireless communication system.
  • 3. The system of claim 1, wherein at least two of said anti-hijacking systems are adapted to be activated sequentially by said wireless communication system.
  • 4. The system of claim 1, wherein said wireless remote activation and control system further comprises means for communication with operations on the ground.
  • 5. A method of wireless remote activation and control of anti-hijacking systems, wherein at least one person has complete access for activation and control, and at least one different person only has partial access for activation and control of said systems installed aboard an aircraft, comprising:a) providing said anti-hijacking systems installed aboard said aircraft, wherein said anti-hijacking systems comprise at least one of releasing gases, releasing chemical sprays, fogging , spraying sticky glue, firing laser guns or sounding alarms at different selective areas, with activation and control from any location in the aircraft; b) providing portable transmitter means, wherein said transmitter means sending encoded radiofrequency signals from within said aircraft; c) providing receiving means connected to each of said anti-hijacking systems; d) providing de-coding means for said encoded radiofrequency signals from said transmitter; and e) providing control means adapted for said anti-hijacking measures, wherein said received decoded signals activate, control parameters of said anti-hijacking system.
  • 6. The method of claim 5, wherein activation of said anti-hijacking system further alerts operation on the ground.
  • 7. The method of claim 5, wherein at least two of said anti-hijacking systems are activated simultaneously by said wireless remote system.
  • 8. The method of claim 5, wherein at least two of said anti-hijacking systems are operated remotely according to a program sequence.
  • 9. The method of claim 5, wherein said remote communication system has communication capabilities with ground operations.
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