The present invention relates to a wireless transmission system and a method of wirelessly transmitting digital information, in particular audio signals.
The demand for wireless high data rate communication in mobile applications is still increasing. To achieve high data rates, current communication systems use mobile radio channels which fulfil the broadband property, that means the duration Ts of the modulation symbol is significantly smaller than the maximum path delay Tmax. This behaviour has the advantage, that some frequency components of the transmit signal may be affected by destructive interference due to fast fading effects but not all of them. Compared to a narrowband channel the broadband channel introduces a kind of frequency diversity. The drawback of a broadband channel is the need for an equalization at the receiver side.
When a filter length of a time domain equalizer inside the receiver is greater than 20, its computational complexity outweighs the fast convolution (FC) in frequency domain. In a fast convolution the input signal is transferred into frequency domain using a discrete fourier transform (DFT), multiplied by the transfer function of the filter and converted back into time domain using the inverse DFT (IDFT). For a continuous data stream windowing functions and overlap and add techniques must be used, because the DFT operation assumes periodic input signals. Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing OFDM offers an alternative to cope with this DFT property by adding a cyclic prefix (CP) to the transmit signal. When transmit signal components arrive on a delaying propagation path at the receiver, parts of the cyclic prefix are moved into the DFT window. This timeshift results in a multiplication of the signal's spectrum with a complex exponential function only. It is a fundamental property of OFDM, that the length TG of the cyclic prefix must be equal or larger than Tmax.
It is therefore an object of the invention to provide an improved modulation system as well as an improved method for modulating digital information, in particular audio signals.
This object is solved by the modulation system according to claim 1.
Therefore, a transmission system having a transmitter and a receiver is provided. The transmitter comprises a modulating unit for performing a frequency shift keying modulation and a cyclic prefix adding unit for adding a cyclic prefix into the output of the modulation unit.
By introducing the cyclic prefix into the output of the FSK modulating unit, an equalization which needs to be performed in the receiver can be simplified and will demand less power consumption.
According to an aspect of the invention, each data frame of the output of the transmitter comprises a return to zero symbol as well as a cyclic prefix. The return to zero symbol ensures that the cyclic prefix remains cyclic even after a FM modulation.
The invention also relates to a method of wireless communication. For transmitting digital information, in particular audio signals, a frequency shift keying modulation is performed. The output of the modulation is bundled into data blocks. A cyclic prefix is added into each data block of the output of the modulation.
The invention is based on the idea that orthogonal frequency division multiplexing OFDM is well known for its efficient solution to the task of compensating the influence of a broadband channel with strong muitipath propagation using equalization in frequency domain. However the extremely high peak to average power ratio of OFDM modulated transmit signals and the demand of linearity inside the signal transmission chain results in a poor energy efficiency at the power amplifier.
According to the invention, a communication system for transmitting and receiving digital information, in particular audio signals, using FSK modulation and gaussian pulse shaping is applied to a broadband channel. Equalization at the receiver is done in frequency domain as known in OFDM. To simplify the equalization and according to the invention, a cyclic prefix and a return-to-zero symbol is added to the transmit signal also.
According to the invention, a novel transmission scheme is introduced. It will be shown, that according to the invention signals with constant envelope such as FSK modulated signals can also make use of an OFDM like equalization procedure with comparable BER performance.
According to the invention, digital information e.g. like audio signals, can be transmitted.
Further aspects of the invention are defined in the dependent claims.
Advantages and embodiments of the invention will now be described in more detail with reference to the figures.
In particular,
OFDM balances the computational complexity by modulating the transmit signal in frequency domain and performing the IFFT on transmitter side.
As shown in
In the following, the frequency shift keying FSK modulated communication system is described in detail. Furthermore the system parameters of the FSK modulation as well as the reference OFDM implementation are given.
As shown in
On receiver side the signal can be demodulated even after being transmitted over a multipath propagation channel as long as an equalization using fast convolution takes place. The equalization on the receiver side is similar to an OFDM receiver. Therefore a quadrature demodulator must be applied to the received signal to guarantee a linear signal processing. A nonlinear FM demodulator can be applied after the equalization in frequency domain and transformation back into time domain (see
The OFDM transmit signal is composed of N−1 subcarriers and a zero carrier at the DC position. Therefore both the OFDM system and the GFSK approach provide exactly the same data rate. For simplicity reasons N unloaded guard carriers are added in frequency domain and an 2N IFFT operation is performed at a doubled sampling clock to support the time domain interpolation process afterwards.
Simulations have been performed both for one and two bits per symbol. In case of OFDM, BPSK and QPSK modulation schemes have been applied. The GFSK modulation uses a 2-FSK and a 4-FSK modulator with gaussian pulse shaping applying a time bandwidth product of BT=0.3. The modulation index h (being defined as the product of the symbol duration T and the distance of the GFSK modulated tones Δf) varies between h=0.25 and h=0.5. To ensure, that the RTZ symbol itself is a member of the ASK modulation alphabet, a modulation index of h=0.25 can only be applied to the 4-GFSK scheme.
For the simulation results, the block length is N=256, that means that in both systems one block contains 255 information symbols. The maximum length of the time invariant WSSUS channel is 16 modulation symbols and four times oversampling is applied.
Both information streams are protected by a half rated convolutional code with a memory length of 6 and a random interleaver.
In the following, the power spectral density PSD of an OFDM modulated signal and the GFSK modulated signal are compared.
This technique is not applicable in purely frequency modulated systems. In this case the transmit pulse form is the only parameter to shape the spectrum.
In the following, the BER performance of OFDM and the GFSK modulated signal are compared. All results are gathered using Matlab performing the Monte Carlo method. For all tests an ideal synchronization and channel knowledge at the receiver side is assumed.
The BER performance of a coded data stream transmitted over a WSSUS channel is the most significant evaluation of the equalizers capabilities.
For the case of 2 BPS, the 4-GFSK with h=0.5 clearly outperforms the OFDM system (again: the spectral occupation is larger). In case of h=0.25 a performance drop of 4 dB in terms of required SNR compared to the OFDM system must be accepted. Then the constant envelope advantage of the transmit signal is achievable.
According to the invention, any signal can be transmitted over a mobile radio channel with multi-path propagation and successfully equalized with an OFDM like receiver structure, as long as a cyclic prefix is included to the transmit signal in regular distances. In case of a GFSK modulation a return to zero symbol was introduced which guarantees the periodicity of the cyclic prefix even in a continuously modulated partial response CPM system.
The lower complexity of the transmitter in terms of bill of material (BOM) is a big advantage of the GFSK system over the OFDM system. Furthermore the constant envelope property allows energy and cost efficient power amplifiers.
In case of one bit per symbol the spectral occupation of the GFSK system is only slightly worse than the OFDM system and the bit error rate performance is almost equal. But the energy consumption of the 2-GFSK modulation scheme will be significantly smaller compared to the OFDM system.
To transmit two bit per symbol the GFSK needs significantly more spectral resources to be able to outperform the OFDM system. To achieve a similar spectral occupation of the GFSK signal, a 4 dB higher SNR must be used. With energy as limiting factor in many applications this SNR gap can be easily filled by more efficient power amplifiers due to the constant envelope property of the GFSK modulation scheme. Table I summarizes these results briefly.