The present disclosure relates to kinematic sensing. More particularly, it relates to wireless vector kinematic sensing via weakly-coupled magnetic fields.
The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated into and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate one or more embodiments of the present disclosure and, together with the description of example embodiments, serve to explain the principles and implementations of the disclosure.
In a first aspect of the disclosure, a method is described, the method comprising: providing a transmitter configured to transmit quasistatic magnetic fields in one or more transmitter axes; providing a receiver configured to receive quasistatic magnetic fields in one or more receiver axes; transmitting, by the transmitter, the quasistatic magnetic fields in one or more frequency bands; detecting, by the receiver, one or more quasistatic magnetic field couplings between each axis of the one or more transmitter axes and each axis of the one or more receiver axes; calculating a sum function by adding power measurements of all of the one or more quasistatic magnetic field couplings; calculating a ratio function by taking a ratio between all of the power measurements of the one or more quasistatic magnetic field couplings; inverting the sum function and the ratio function by a direct linear inversion calculation; calculating, from the inverted sum function, a drift-free orientation-invariant range between the transmitter and the receiver; calculating, from the inverted ratio function, a drift-free range-invariant orientation between the transmitter and the receiver; calculating a drift-free position of the transmitter or of the receiver, based on the drift-free orientation-invariant range and on the drift-free range-invariant orientation; applying a filter to the drift-free orientation-invariant range, to the drift-free range-invariant orientation, and to the drift-free position, to reduce white noise, thereby obtaining a filtered drift-free range, a filtered drift-free orientation, and a filtered drift-free position; calculating a linear velocity by taking a derivative of the filtered drift-free position; calculating a linear acceleration by taking a derivative of the linear velocity; calculating an angular velocity by taking a derivative of the filtered drift-free orientation; and calculating an angular acceleration by taking a derivative of the angular velocity, wherein: a center frequency of each of the one or more frequency bands corresponds to a wavelength λ, and a range between the transmitter and the receiver r is: r<λ/2π.
The present disclosure describes drift-free wireless kinematic sensing of position, orientation, linear and angular velocity and acceleration via measurements of quasi-static magnetic fields.
The development of modern mobile electronic devices (e.g., cellphones, game devices, tablet computers) has placed ongoing demands on wireless kinematic and navigation sensors. These sensors can be used for several applications (e.g., search and rescue, kinesiology, virtual reality, surgery), which require different types of connectivity (e.g., local navigation, motion sensing). Modern kinematic sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetic tracking, infrared and optical sensors, acoustic sensors, and camera-based imaging still do not provide complete drift-free kinematics of a body or object in non-line-of-sight (NLoS) environments.
Accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetic tracking sensors do not require line-of-sight and have use in many applications. Modern accelerometers and gyroscopes based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) can be advantageously fused to enable gravity-removed acceleration and orientation. However, these sensors cannot provide drift-free measurements of vector velocity, position, or orientation. Magnetic tracking devices use very low frequencies to avoid ground effects, which limit their use to: a distance of only a few meters, low position and orientation update rates, and no measurements of vector linear or angular velocity and acceleration due to their low signal-to-noise (SNR) rate and update rate. Magnetoquasistatic (MQS) tracking techniques use frequencies of up to a few hundred kiloHertz, which still places them within the magnetoquasistatic regime. The MQS regime implies a distance between the sensor and the object to be sensed much smaller than the wavelength of the magnetoquasistatic field: r<<λ. MQS tracking techniques enable sensing at up to hundreds of meters away, with high update rates, by correcting for Eddy currents in nearby conductors or the ground, as described in Refs. [6, 7]. MQS tracking has been demonstrated to have a long range in through-the-wall indoor environments (Ref. [8]), highlighting its applicability in heavy multi-path NLoS environments.
By measuring position and orientation of an object with high SNR and update rates, MQS tracking systems can permit low noise derivates via an optimal filter, such as the Kalman filter (see Ref. [9]), additionally providing the drift-free vectors of linear and angular velocity and acceleration. As known to the person of ordinary skill in the art, Kalman filtering, also known as linear quadratic estimation, is an algorithm based on a series of measurements taken over time, containing statistical noise and other inaccuracies. A Kalman filter produces estimates of unknown variables that tend to be more accurate than those based on a single measurement alone, by estimating a joint probability distribution for the variables for each timeframe. The MQS field generation carried out by a digitally synthesized signal provides high a signal to noise ratio, so that the noise in the channel is limited to the receiver noise. MQS systems described in the present disclosure are operated in an interference-free narrow band, and at a frequency sufficiently high to neglect 1/f noise. The high frequency requirement is also derived by Faraday's law which imposes a signal-to-noise requirement, due to V=2πj×f0×B, where V is the voltage sensed, B is the magnetic field, and f0 is the frequency. For useful ranges greater than 3-5 m, given regulatory requirements (by the FCC) for transmitted power, the effective MQS lower frequency ranges are in the 5-10 kHz range.
The MQS system is derived by inductive coupling, with the two-sided bandwidth, B, defined as B=f0/Q, where the f0 is the center frequency, and Q is the quality factor of the inductive antenna element of the MQS system. MQS systems require quasistatic operation such as that range to device is r<λ0/2π, where r is the range, and λ0 is the center wavelength. Therefore, λ0>2πr. Using the speed of light conversion of wavelength to frequency, this expression relates to f0<c/2πr, where c is the speed of light in free space. For ranges of about 100 m, this corresponds to center frequencies less than 500 kHz. The quality factor of the inductive antenna system is given by Q=2πf0L/R, where L is the inductance and R is the resistance. For most systems with strong inductances in the >1 mH ranges, and low resistances in the <2Ω range, this corresponds to a quality factor Q>1500. Therefore, the bandwidth is B<400 Hz, and can be as low as 100 Hz. This is a very narrow bandwidth, and thus a center frequency f0 can be carefully selected such that this small bandwidth is not being interfered by external or other sources, i.e., giving an interference-free channel.
MQS systems are also operated with high gain receiver amplification—therefore Gaussian thermal noise dominates. Filters such as Kalman filters can be used to estimate the noise contributions in MQS systems since the noise and signal variances are Gaussian in nature. Filters can be used to remove noise contributions to obtain signaling void of noise. This process is key when computation of higher order derivate of position and orientation are needed to obtain error-free linear and angular, velocity and acceleration.
Multiple types of filters can be used for this purpose, which includes electronic filters (having passive or active components), mechanical filters (transducers or mechanical components), distributed element filters (discreet lumped elements), or digital filters (digital filters implemented using mathematical algorithms). The use of digital filters provides the most flexibility as these can tuned to the noise distribution of the data. Most digital filters are based on Fourier transforms, including low-pass filters, high-pass filters, and band-pass filters. These are useful when precise knowledge of the noise distribution is not known. Another form of a digital filter uses a state-space model. An established state-space filter is the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter is an optimal filter when: a) the model matches the real system, b) the entering noise is white (Gaussian, for example) and c) the co-variances of the noise are exactly known.
The present disclosure describes the kinematic sensing of a mobile transmitting MQS device relative to a fixed receiving MQS device in a lossy dielectric NLoS medium. The voltage sensed by a coil due to a MQS dipole field up to a few skin-depths away is given by V=−jω[{right arrow over (B)}·{circumflex over (n)}]α′ (see Ref. [8]):
where a′ is the coil's surface area, {circumflex over (n)} is the normal unit vector, {right arrow over (B)} the magnetic field, ω the radial frequency, {right arrow over (r)}=r{circumflex over (r)} the dipole range vector, {right arrow over (m)} the magnetic moment with |{right arrow over (m)}|=1 Am2, K=2/(δ(1−j)), δ the bulk depth of penetration, a the depth constant (see Ref. [8]), and S denotes the signal with no noise.
n2=|SV|(n2→m1)2+|SV|(n2→m2)2 (2)
where SFm1 and SFm2 are the transmit-centric equations for transmitter TX 1 and 2 (m1,m2), which describe the total field power measured at all receivers RX(s) due to each TX, and SFn1 and SFn2 are the receive-centric equations for receivers RX 1 and 2 (n1,n2), which describe the total power of all transmitters TX(s) measured at each receiver RX (see Ref [6]). The method to obtain Eqs. (2) is summarized in
The system for each channel is illustrated in
From Eqs. (2), assuming equal thermal noise in each channel to simplify the derivation, it is possible to obtain:
n1=SFn1+NP,Fn2=SFn2+NP, (4)
where NP is the thermal noise power. To obtain ranging that is orientation invariant, the contributions from both transmit centric equations are summed, as can been seen from Ref. [8] and (210) in
where c=−jωμ0α′/(4π). To obtain orientation sensing that is invariant of range, a ratio is applied instead, as shown (215) in
which gives the m orientation ratio due to ϕm, Fϕm as:
where Cm=(SFm2−SFm1)/SFm2. Similarly, it is possible to rewrite the noise-added Fϕn as:
where Cn=(SFn2−SFn1)/SFn2. Cm is an orientation-modulated constant, while Cn is direction-modulated. Equations (5), (7), and (8) show that the noise model is maintained as zero-mean additive Gaussian.
The MQS technique relies on the ability to invert Eqs. (5), (7), and (8) through a direct linear inversion method (see Ref. [6]). The noise-free SFϕm has the form and inversion given by Ref. [6] as:
The Taylor series of the inverse orientation functions in Eq. (9), with an arbitrary forward signal, F, which has the form of Eqs. (7) and (8) with added noise, NP, taken about NP˜0 is given by:
where Cf(SF)=5/[(SF−4)(4SF−1)(1+SF)]1/2 is an SF-modulated constant. Based on Eq. (10), it is possible to derive:
SFϕm=SFm2/SFm1, and Cϕm=(½)×Cf(SFϕm). Similarly, the direction angle to the device (see Ref [7]) is given by:
where SFϕn=SFn2/SFn1, and Cϕn=(½)×Cf(SFϕn).
The range function, Fr, given in Eq. (5) has not been directly inverted previously, but can be found using a Lambert W function (see Ref. [11]):
where W is the Lambert W function, the 2×NP factor and d=5c2 are obtained from Eq. (5), and Nr is the noise-influenced inverted range. As known to the person of ordinary skill in the art, the Lambert W function is a set of functions comprising the branches of the inverse relation of the function f(z)=zez, where ez is the exponential function, and z is any complex number. Taking the Taylor series expansion of Nr in Eq. (13) about NP˜0 gives:
+O(NP2), (14)
Cr=Sr/[2Fr×(3+Sr×ακ)] is a range-modulated constant, and Sr is the noise-free inverted range given by:
Equations (11), (12), and (14), noted in
x=r cos ϕn=[Sr cos Sϕn]+NP×Cx+O(NP2)
y=r sin ϕn=[Sr sin Sϕn]+NP×Cy+O(NP2)
ϕ=ϕm−ϕn=[Sϕm−Sϕn]+NP×Cϕ+O(NP2), (16)
where (x, y) gives the position of the device, ϕ gives the orientation of the device, the terms in square brackets denote the noise-free signaling, Cx=Cr cos Sϕn−CϕnSr sin Sϕn, Cy=CϕnS r cos Sϕn+Cr sin Sϕn, and Cϕ=Cϕm−Cϕn.
The technique described above is simplified to two dimensions (2D). The simplification is to show a proof-of-concept, and is enabled by use of 2-axis orthogonal transmitters and measurements by a 2-axis orthogonal receiver system. The position information noted as x, y locations in Eq. (16) are derived through the range vector (r) and direction angle (ϕn). The direction angle, ϕn, is derived through the ratio function given by Fϕn in Eq. (8), which is the ratio between all signal powers of the 2-axis orthogonal receivers. ϕn is therefore the direction angle along the x-y plane or about the z-axis, as defined through the spherical coordinate system typically as the azimuthal angle. To determine three-dimensional (3D) direction, an additional polar or zenith angle is needed which is the angle between the z-axis (or vertical axis) and the direction to the device. This angle can be found by taking the power ratio between the all components summed of the z-axis of the receiver to the combined sum of both horizontal components so that:
where Fn3 is the z-axis counterpart of the receiver-centric component in Eq. (2) for the 3D problem when the transmitter and receiver are both 3-axis devices. The inversion for θn follows the same form given in Eq. (12), which results in the polar or zenith direction angle. For range in 3D, the Fr formulation in Eq. (5) must also be updated to include the z-axis counterpart of Eq. (2) for the 3D problem when the transmitter and receiver are both 3-axis devices:
m3 (18)
where Fm3 is the z-axis counterpart of transmitter-centric component in Eq. (2) for the 3D problem when the transmitter and receiver are both 3-axis devices. The inversion for Fr follows the same form given in Eq. (15), which results in the 3D range. The 3D range to the device along with both azimuthal and polar or zenith direction angles can be used to find the 3D location using the normal Spherical coordinate conversions. 3D orientation of the device follows a similar approach to that given above for direction angles, however here ratios of Fm functions are used instead. The inversions for orientation of the device are identical to that in Eq. (11).
Accelerometers cannot provide drift-free velocity or position sensing due to single and double integration operations. This problem is eliminated if derivatives are used to obtain linear and angular velocity and acceleration from the position and orientation via MQS coupling. However, the signaling given by Eq. (16) is noisy. Differentiation of (16) will amplify noise, and this amplification would grow with the order of the derivatives (see Ref. [12]). Nevertheless, the inversions in Eq. (16) present Gaussian additive noise, thus an optimal Kalman filter (see Ref. [9]) can be used to reduce or remove noise, and estimate the drift-free and noise-free linear and angular velocity and acceleration.
The Kalman mechanics is defined by the predicted time-update and measurement-update equations at discreet step k. The state transition for the kinematic problem considered, usually denoted by F, is well known (see Ref [13]). The Kalman observation model, H, to indicate measurement of position and orientation only (no measurements of derivates), as well as measurement noise covariance, R, is derived from the MQS coupling in Eq. (16) for use in the Kalman mechanics:
where H reflects position/orientation. The measurement noise covariance, Rk is determined by measurement of the radio frequency (RF) systems noise variance, and updated based on Cx/Cy/Cϕ for x/y/ϕ at (k−1). The initial position and orientation are known, therefore the initial estimated covariance in the Kalman mechanics is a 3×3 array of zeros, while the process noise co-variance, usually denoted by Q, is found by numerical tuning (see Ref [14]).
The x/y/ϕ measurements in Eq. (16) have orthogonal basis, so the Kalman filter (KF) mechanics is applied to x, y, and ϕ at each discreet time step k, as illustrated in
The system used to measure the couplings consisted of a mobile transmitter (TX) and a wide-band receiver (RX) system with 3 orthogonal axes. Each channel of the TX and RX is configured as shown in the block diagram in
For the first experiment, the RX was fixed and the mobile TX was moved along the positive y axis (as in
The flat lines in
A tactical grade, 6 DOF, inertial measurement unit (IMU), as described in Ref [15], was also used in the mobile system as a comparison. The acceleration, velocity, and range shown in
To study the full 2D kinematics, the mobile sensor was translated and rotated in three separate experiments. The first experiment was a translation in the positive y axis between 3-5 m for x=0 m. In the second experiment, the device was moved along the x direction from 0-3 m for y=5 m. In the third experiment, the device was placed back on the positive y axis at (x, y)=(0,3) m, then rotated to ϕm=90°, and then back to ϕm=0°. To solve for the full 2D kinematics, the range solutions were determined using Eq. (15), and ϕm and ϕn were determined using Eqs. (11) and (12), where Fϕm, and Fϕn are found by taking the ratios of the TX-centric summed power measurements and RX-centric summed power measurements, respectively, as noted in Eqs. (7) and (8) (see
As described in the present disclosure, drift-free wireless kinematic sensing can be achieved using quasi-static magnetic fields. Since quasi-static magnetic fields are undisturbed by nearby dielectrics, the technique is effective in various non-line-of-sight applications. In some embodiments, the frequency of the quasistatic magnetic fields is less than 500 kHz.
The calculation of combined position, orientation, and linear (spatial) and angular (orientation) velocity and acceleration is described in the present disclosure. The Kalman filter optimally removes the noise so that higher order derivatives of the linear and angular components can be calculated. However, in some embodiments other filters can be used as well. Since MQS noise is largely a Gaussian process, and because the systems model and noise covariance are known, using a Kalman filter is optimal.
In some embodiments, the following steps are taken to calculate position, orientation, and linear (spatial) and angular (orientation) velocity and acceleration of an object. Magneto-quasistatic (MQS) fields are generated using a magnetic antenna (for example a coil antenna). The antenna or exciter is capable of generating tri-axial orthogonal MQS fields. Each orthogonal field can be uniquely identified by an observer (receiver) and does not interfere with other fields. Observation ranges are within the quasistatic range (distance<<wavelength). All unique MQS fields are detected using a magnetic antenna (for example, a coil antenna). A tri-axis detector can be used so that each component senses all three fields uniquely. In other words, the receiver detects 3×3=9 unique quantities.
It is then possible to solve for position and orientation, as described in the present disclosure with regard to the field couplings and inversions. The position and orientation will have additive Gaussian noise in MQS systems, due to interference-free operation that can be accomplished via very narrow-band MQS signaling. Narrow-band signaling is required by MQS signaling due to the size of structures relative to long wavelengths and the technique being used to measure MQS fields. A filter can be used to remove additive Gaussian noise. Different filters can be used, however the Kalman filter is the optimal filter. This is due to the noise being Gaussian additive, the system model is shown to be correct and matches measurements, and the noise covariances are known as shown in the present disclosure.
It is then possible to calculate derivatives and higher order derivatives either using Kalman mechanics directly (Kalman mechanics can be used to estimate higher order derivates) or by taking derivatives of the measured quantities after the filters are applied to remove noise. The estimated quantities are position and orientation in 3D space with noise removed, and linear (spatial, e.g. x,y,z) velocity and acceleration, and angular (orientation, e.g., theta and phi) velocity and acceleration. In some embodiments, each transmitter axis is composed of an arbitrarily shaped (circular, square, oval, etc.) single or multi-turn coil of wire, where the open ends of the wire are driven by a harmonic source where the excitation of the source varies sinusoidally in time with a single frequency, generating a quasistatic magnetic field for ranges, r, of r<λ/2π, from the transmitter. For two and three axes systems, each axis is configured orthogonally to each other so that the coil surface normal unit vector of each coil is perpendicular to the others. In some embodiments, a power measurement is taken for each magnetoquasistatic field coupling. The power measurement is calibrated to remove any unknown gain or losses in the measurement. Due to the fact that the coil or antenna is not perfect or ideal, there can be gains or losses in the measurement. These gains or losses are removed though calibration. As known to the person of ordinary skill in the art, taking derivatives to obtain the velocity and acceleration normally is not possible in this type of sensors because of the noise in the range, orientation and position. By the methods of the present disclosure, it is possible to obtain noise-free quantities, or at the very least with a greatly reduced noise. Taking the derivatives to calculate velocity and acceleration now becomes possible.
In some embodiments, taking a Cartesian frame of reference with the origin on one device, and the z axis parallel to the orientation of this device. A vector (with 3 Cartesian components) points towards the second device. The length of this vector is the range. The projected angles of this vector with respect to the Cartesian axes give the direction angles. Depending on whether one, two, or three quasistatic fields are used, the direction angles may be one, two or three angles. The second device has its own coil, two coils, or three orthogonal coils. The axis of the one coil for the 1D implementation may be at an angle with respect to the z axis of the Cartesian frame of reference. Similarly, for the 3 orthogonal coils, they also may be at an angle with respect to the frame of reference and to the first device. This orientation angle or angles give the orientation or attitude of the second device.
The examples set forth above are provided to those of ordinary skill in the art as a complete disclosure and description of how to make and use the embodiments of the disclosure, and are not intended to limit the scope of what the inventor/inventors regard as their disclosure.
Modifications of the above-described modes for carrying out the methods and systems herein disclosed that are obvious to persons of skill in the art are intended to be within the scope of the following claims. All patents and publications mentioned in the specification are indicative of the levels of skill of those skilled in the art to which the disclosure pertains. All references cited in this disclosure are incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each reference had been incorporated by reference in its entirety individually.
It is to be understood that the disclosure is not limited to particular methods or systems, which can, of course, vary. It is also to be understood that the terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only, and is not intended to be limiting. As used in this specification and the appended claims, the singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the” include plural referents unless the content clearly dictates otherwise. The term “plurality” includes two or more referents unless the content clearly dictates otherwise. Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to which the disclosure pertains.
The references in the present application, shown in the reference list below, are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/597,102, filed on Dec. 11, 2017, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
The invention described herein was made in the performance of work under a NASA contract NNN12AA01C, and is subject to the provisions of Public Law 96-517 (35 USC 202) in which the Contractor has elected to retain title.
Number | Date | Country | |
62597102 | Dec 2017 | US |