Museum of Modern Art Catalog, p. 10, Fall 1993, New York. |
The Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Trees, Eastern Region, one representative page, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1980, Elbert L. Little, Editor. |
The Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Trees, Western Region, one representative page, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1980, Elbert L. Little, Editor. |
The Encyclopedia of Wood, p. 68, Facts on File/Quarto Publishing, 1989, Aidan Walker, Editor. |
Hugh Johnson's Encyclopedia of Trees, p. 228, Portland House Publishers, 1990, Hugh Johnson, Editor. |
The International Book of Wood, p. 23, Simon & Schuster, 1979, Martyn Bramwell, Editor. |
Michigan Trees, pp. 192-193, Barnes & Wagner, The University of Michigan Press, 1981. |
Trees, pp. 100-101, Dorling Kindersley, Inc., 1992, Allen J. Coombes, Editor. |
Understanding Wood, p. 58, The Taunton Press, 1980, R. Bruce Hoadley, Editor. |
Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material, pp. 1.9-1.10, Agriculture Handbook 72, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, ForestService, Rev. 6-87. |
Reprint from Wood & Wood Products magazine, Nov. 1988, p. 36. |